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#2 Re: Not So Free Chat » Arthur C. Clark Dies Disapointed » 2008-03-27 06:16:32

"Clark Orbit" himself perished without Alien life ever being discovered...

But Black Holes are debris of change in possibility (a change that can only be achieved by life)... So life is out there (or was).

#3 Re: Space Policy » Chinese Space Program? - What if they get there first » 2008-03-24 02:49:31

i am a chinese, i know what china need. it is call a constitution. democracy is meaningless if it doesn't protect the people. what china needs to improve is it's laws. that is what is really protecting the people. if china became a democracy, and the leader are allow to play racial card to win majority vote, you think tibetan will be better off?

Democracy has become about Dispossession. The Majority (or rather the Largest most powerful Minority) are taking away everyone elses equal Share and using it for themselves even in the USA.

What you want for China is this:

"Every Act of Government, Law, Constitution, and Sovereign shall require the regular consensus of every Citizen."

Now when China Absorbed Hong Kong, it began using the Seditious Crimes Act (A Commonwealth Law on the HK Lawcode) against the Local Populace. That read:

"Sedition is any Act causing Government, Law, Constitution, and Sovereign to be held in hatred and contempt."

That means that any Act of Government, Law, Constitution, Sovereign causing Government, Law, Constitution, Sovereign to be held in hatred and contempt is a Seditious Act.

#4 Re: Not So Free Chat » The Flag that Barack Obama won't wear » 2008-03-02 06:10:09

But then family lived in America before Washington's family moved there. They fought the french in Quebec, they fought Washington in the Revolution. They moved to Canada because The USA was not what they wanted for their children. They moved to Canada because Washington and his ilk believed in a Democracy where people were not all equal, where a few made decisions for the many.

They moved to Canada because they were not prepared to shoot Washington for Treason even though that was what he was guilty of. Then they fought the USA when it attacked Canada.

My family contributed a lot for a Commonwealth that the USA should have been a part of.

Any act of Government, Law, Constitution, Sovereign causing Government, Law, Constitution, Sovereign to be held in hatred and contempt is a Seditious act. This means that every act of Government, Law, Constitution, and Sovereign must have the regular approval of every citizen to ensure the preservation of human rights.

#5 Re: Not So Free Chat » The Space Commonwealth is Back » 2008-02-28 16:21:03

So we declare the value of a Space Nation State to be the cost of Mars Colonization (20 billion-billion dollars). We spend a hundred years dumping coal into the Mars Atmosphere from orbit until its at least good enough to grow sugarcane and swampy jungle (considering there are not going to be fossil fuels). Then another hundred years sending ten million colonists one way with their own hab landers and a year of food - giving them a year to grow their own (and chop their own firewood).

But to build it Oil is going to have to be secured as exclusive property of the Space Commonwealth for two hundred years. That means Paying a price beyond anything else.
OIL is worth 200 dollars per gallon.
It is unacceptable to sell a resource that builds other things for anything less.

#6 Re: Not So Free Chat » Will Yahoo founders start a New.Space company? » 2008-02-28 16:07:38

I think the Yahoo guys will have to go underground for a while...they have some explainging to do for turning in dissidents to the chinese authorities.

#7 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » Scientists Propose Test Of String Theory Based On » 2008-02-28 05:29:10

ScienceDaily (Feb. 1, 2008) — Ancient light absorbed by neutral hydrogen atoms could be used to test certain predictions of string theory, say cosmologists at the University of Illinois. Making the measurements, however, would require a gigantic array of radio telescopes to be built on Earth, in space or on the moon.

String theory -- a theory whose fundamental building blocks are tiny one-dimensional filaments called strings -- is the leading contender for a "theory of everything." Such a theory would unify all four fundamental forces of nature (the strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity). But finding ways to test string theory has been difficult.

Now, cosmologists at the U. of I. say absorption features in the 21-centimeter spectrum of neutral hydrogen atoms could be used for such a test.

"High-redshift, 21-centimeter observations provide a rare observational window in which to test string theory, constrain its parameters and show whether or not it makes sense to embed a type of inflation -- called brane inflation -- into string theory," said Benjamin Wandelt, a professor of physics and of astronomy at the U. of I..... … 113207.htm

There are alternatives. In the formation of a black hole. A string unravels to reveal the event horizon of a possibility change. The string is visible as is the xray emission from its centre as it expands backward and forward through time. Debris of change begins to build up in change orbit and the black hole grows (both forward into the future and back into the past).

The problem with a string is that it represents change (like a black hole) in possibility that only life can create. If there was ever going to be proof that life exists, it is the understanding that Life is the only thing capable of manipulating possibility and thus creating a black hole (a change in its own possibility). Once we start down a road where we are playing with life, we become its enemies.

#8 Re: Martian Politics and Economy » How do you build a physical economy? » 2008-02-27 21:02:26

Martian Republic...How do you build a physical economy?

The reason that I ask the question of how do you build a physical economy, is there are many people that misunderstand how the process takes place.

Even the early American Colonies have what you need to know. In the lead up to colonization of Virginia, Raleigh had collected seeds from an earlier comlonization attempt that he saw the native peoples doing well with.

The Jamestown Colony of Virginia was established with the idea that one third of the colonists were to be employed in planting corn and other crops. Others would survey the James River for minerals, and there was total censorship on what colonists could say about it. You couldnt write home and tell them that the Aristocracy is alive and well and telling people to grow food for them...while people doing the work go hungry.

To the Detriment of the colony people were busy digging roots, cutting timber, and looking for minerals  to profit from. As a consequence It wasnt until the Tobacco breakthrough that the colonization of Virginia realy kicked off.

It was still in a crisis, so they started offering free land, land at a cheap rate, in 1616 you could get 50 acres if you purchased 12 pounds 10 shillings in shares. Then they sold it to people who would migrate with family.

1000 in 6000 had survived colonization to 1624 when it was declared a colony and an elected assembly was established which met once a year.

Well what do you learn from that? Every colonist is going to have to work. There can be no hierarchies of wealth or authority, or self pursuit that might put the colony survival at risk. Every body must produce their own food. every body must mine their own minerals, everyone must cut their own building timber and firewood.

Every one must put in an equal share of the responsibilities of Citizenship to get the equal share of benifits of citizenship.

PS CUBA already had short range ballistic nuclear weapons when the blockade went active. Those weapons probably put all of Florida in strike range while the Spyplanes were still circling.

#9 Re: Not So Free Chat » BBC, a tool of the UN? » 2008-02-24 07:02:04

it is certainly an alternate spin, the early Robin was more a dispossessed Saxon criticising the Norman occupation. He would have used the discovery of gunpowder to take out Nottingham Castle, then the Tower of London.

We would have a whole different legend if Robin "Madbomber" Hood had settled in for a terrorist campaign against the Norman Occupation.

Wah ha ha ha!

PS that revolution in space travel you are looking for: gravity on this planet is the result of a dominant twist in the strings that make up the "matter". Twist the strings in the other direction and you can create a gravity that repels our planet allowing cruiseships to lift off the planet.

#10 Re: Civilization and Culture » Protien Sources for First Colonies - An idea » 2008-02-24 06:52:58

On another forum (RedColony) the suggestion was to grow Shellfish. They only need a shallow tray of water to grow in and don't need much care.

All shellfish are sensative to the radiation you would be exposing them to on the trip, they require temperature and nutrient control - crays, yabbies (freswater shellfish) require a lot of attention once you remove them from an environmental range they can move around in when something changes to undesirable.

#11 Re: Interplanetary transportation » The TOPGEAR space shuttle » 2008-02-24 06:46:18

TOPGEAR got a small scale 2:1 launch and promptly crashed it in the British Country side when the Liquid fuel stage failed in its stability and went horizontal. The cost of the incident brings the prospect that a Private British Launch group could market the Liquid fuel stage/with 2 solid boosters and put a small secondstage pressurized toolshed on the Moon in a oneway trip for a portion of the cost of the NASA vehicle.

They carved the entire tank from sheet metal with a palsma cutter and assembled in record time. It didnt blow till it impacted so we know it was a simple guidance control issue.

Could the Brits go to the Moon before the Americans?

#13 Re: Not So Free Chat » 2 dead in Johnson Space Center shooting » 2007-04-24 07:23:16

What the world is going on with NASA? First a crazy Astronaut now a Contractor with Hostage? What happened to psych testing and security control areas?

#14 Re: Not So Free Chat » Does the psychotic conduct of Astronauts harm Nasa? » 2007-02-06 21:36:21

Recently it has surfaced that a female NASA Astronaut has gone stalker on a rival over the affections of a fellow Male Astronaut.

"Psychotic Female Astronaut proof that exposure of women to greater than two G's of force cause permanent brain damage"-news at eleven

Does this threaten the future of Women in the Astronaut program?

#15 Re: Human missions » Will India be the third Player a lunar landing 2020AD? » 2007-01-24 22:20:38 … 47F15DDDFE
India's capsule makes unmanned orbit, so will it be a three dog fight for lunar supremacy as the superpowers war over Space?

Or would you like to come out on the side of the Space Commonwealth? and chance being one of the ten million lunar colonists?

#16 Re: Human missions » Big Dumb Boosters revisited » 2006-12-19 22:00:09

Unfortunately the reason no one wanted to live on the surface was long term exposure. Sustainability, of Colony, where as it was easier to go underground and use existing resources to define the limits of habitation.
With the one way trip thinking ($20 Billion / Year / Colonist Mars or Moon) you have to provide continuous resupply.

Year One: 50 Lunar Colonist/Habitat=$1000 Billion per year.

Year Two: 50 Lunar Colonist/Mining and Construction specialists and work dome=$2000 Billion per year.

This provides the first year of assembly of the Surface Work Dome. A Low Pressure work area beneath which the Team of colonists can begin tunneling downward.
The Dome Is a Industrial Scale Airlock Providing surface access.
At fifty metres depth they can fan out from a central node- a multiple elevator shaft for the movement of colonists and dirt.

Year Three: The First Underground City industrial Suburb with a capacity of a Thousand People$20,000 Billion/year.

From these Suburbs where the colonists can be moved into, it  becomes necessary to construct a major agfarm to provide for water, food, resource processing.The Network of cities expands as further surface domes sink elevators to allow traffic access.
Increasing in cost over a hundred years until the Lunar colony is capable of supporting 10,000,000 people.

#17 Re: Space Policy » US public opposed to spending money on human Mars missions » 2006-10-06 21:55:02

Common kiddies, Say it with me:
Space Commonwealth
Citizenship Compulsory
Oneway trip to Mars Colony

The Private sector is quite capable of financing the move to space on the profits in the banking system alone. If the Banks of America alone were allowed to go to the Moon, they could construct an underground city for ten thousand people in less than thirty years. It would require one way human colonization.
banks spend all profit for next thirty years on colonization and sell city for twice the 30 year profits.
Had this conversation a few years back.

Tax any company that does not invest all profits in lunar colonization at 98% and declare the Moon a tax free haven for all IT and Subsurface Construction/mining  companies that colonize fifty percent of their employees and computer capacity off earth.

#18 Re: Terraformation » Terrform Venus » 2006-06-21 00:42:37

A black hole eats the elements and releases hydrogen. So we place a small blackhole in the Venusian atmosphere and let it eat the CO2 and SO2

#19 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » Nuclear Launch Technology » 2006-05-05 07:56:36

Interesting thread, unfortunately it is excessive, hidieously prone to scorch earth launches and probably will never be capable of anything greater than 50,000ton payloads before the rads start killing adjacent population centres.

#20 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » Nuclear Launch Technology » 2006-05-04 17:25:17

A Fusion detonation beneath the earth transfering an intense electromagnetic pulse to a huge coil which is duplicated above the surface. This pulse causes a ring magnet to launch to orbit.

Any takers?

#21 Re: Human missions » Reducing Costs - Changing the Human Centric Space Approach » 2006-05-04 04:17:56

Solution to getting it done: Any corporation not relocated to the Moon by 2020AD will be taxed at the income rate of 98%

#22 Re: Not So Free Chat » Terrorist Bombing in Melbourne, Australia-Sort of. » 2006-05-02 19:54:55

Explosion rips through wine bar in Melbourne, Specialists indicate presence of explosives and substantial volumes of Petroleum...Apparently the owner was killed because the bomb he was making to torch his business and blame it on terrorists detonated early, killing him and injuring patrons.

That broadens the definition of Terrorist to corrupt business owners too stupid to live.

#23 Re: Human missions » Is the 'VSE' getting dimmer ? » 2006-05-01 03:52:46

Once characterized as "Apollo on steroids" by NASA administrator Mike Griffin, the architecture surrounding the ESAS (Exploration Systems Architecture Study) has grown too heavy for its launch vehicles.

Looks bad...any time you want to go for that whole space Commonwealth thing we can have a thousand colonists on the Moon by 2020AD.

#24 Re: Human missions » Is the 'VSE' getting dimmer ? » 2006-05-01 03:39:30

The current plans are insufficient and very much like the automotive industry level of thinking... if it runs on Petrol it is at the peak of technological advancement and therefor safe for human consumption, if it runs on water it is experimental, and possibly hazardous in the long run...

Did you say something about running an automobile on water? Please don't tell me you're one of those. I've debunked car water systems before. The last one used the battery for electrolysis of water, then burned hydrogen. That would only last until the battery discharged. If you want to run a car on batteries an electric motor is more efficient. There are alternate means to run a car like batteries, hydrogen fuel cells, or biodiesel; but please don't claim you can fuel a car on water.

As for spacecraft, basic physics does apply. Costs is primarily to pay for manual labour so any means to reduce that labour will reduce cost. There are many ways to do that.

Management would like to renegotiate your wage...

#25 Re: Not So Free Chat » Mars Sample Return Competition » 2006-04-30 08:28:45

Announcing The 2006 MarsDrive MSR ISPP Design Competition

MarsDrive would like to introduce the Mars Sample Return and In-situ Propellant Production Design Competition, a year-long contest created for the purpose of stimulating creative minds to produce new and innovative alternatives to current Mars support mission architectures. The goal of this project is to produce a workable mission outline and increase public interest and support for space exploration initiatives.
Competition entries will include a detailed plan for the return of a Mars regolith sample to Earth for study and methods for the automated production of propellant on the Martian surface. Further details for entry requirements are available at Each entry will be thoroughly reviewed by an expert panel of judges and considered for award. To date, confirmed judges for the MarsDrive MSR IPP Design Competition include:

Dr. Robert Zubrin – President, The Mars Society.
Louis Friedman – Executive Director, The Planetary Society.
Dr. Chris McKay – Planetary Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center.
Grant Bonin – Aerospace engineer and “Mars for Less” author, MarsDrive.
In addition to a cash award, first prize will include an all expenses paid trip to the 26th Annual International Space Development Conference where the author may present the winning design. The first prize entry will also be submitted to the 2007 Mars Society Conference, NASA, and AIAA.
We at MarsDrive view the space community and the general public at large as a tremendous source of knowledge and ingenuity. Through this competition we seek to harness those traits for the advancement of not only MarsDrive, but of all individuals and groups who believe there is great benefit for mankind in the exploration and colonization of Mars.

Please visit to learn more about our organization and partners.

It is an interesting one...although it is simply a design comp rather than the more entertaining X-Prize Initiatives.

They might as well offer a competition: Build a Space Station, first prize, the Moon

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