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#1 Re: Human missions » Zero Point Energy - Have any of you heard of this? » 2003-09-07 09:27:34

i shall check it out, and seth... one advil is often enough

#3 Re: Human missions » Zero Point Energy - Have any of you heard of this? » 2003-09-02 20:56:41

I don't know if anyone has heard of this, but anyways, here's a link to the site about it:

It's interesting, but apossible source of power. I don't even know if it belongs in this board, but, post ur comments

#6 Re: Terraformation » no real reason to terraform - title say's it all » 2003-06-30 12:28:54

It's a concpiracy... to take our posts and use them to control the world! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo!!  tongue

#7 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » Cassini - Anyone heard of this? » 2003-06-29 19:46:13

In 2004, NASA will send up the Cassini probe in the Hyugens lander, to the largest moon of Saturn, Titan. Titan has a methane based atmosphere, ((so don't light a match)), along with liquids over the moon. It is the most possible location in our solar system to support life. It should reach there, at 2010, or something. I forget.

#9 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Micro-Atomic Life - This would be a drag... » 2003-06-29 18:31:49

I could see it now... Little tiny subatomic indians dancing around a fire, throwing their own in. Then waving spears, and dancing with bones thru there little tiny noses. tongue

#11 Re: Life support systems » Another Power System on Mars... - Bio-Generator » 2003-06-20 16:32:54

Not really for a link, i just searched the web for methane power. I found it on some small site... forget which. Sorry.

#12 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Micro-Atomic Life - This would be a drag... » 2003-06-20 16:30:49

I guess they live off subatomic happy meals! lol. I guess food for their size.

#13 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Micro-Atomic Life - This would be a drag... » 2003-06-19 16:33:40

I read that it is possible that life could exist on a neutron star. (for other people, its like a weak black hole) The gravity is so strong that a thimbleful of its matter weighs 20,000 tons on Earth. Atoms are shredded, the gravity is so dense. So, life may exist as subatomic particles. Unfortunately, they would be so small as to time passing, 7 generations of their kind pass in an eyeblink. They could visit us, but we would appear frozen in time to them, not to mention gargantuan. Maybe there are already.  :angry:

#14 Re: Life support systems » Another Power System on Mars... - Bio-Generator » 2003-06-19 16:06:52

No problem. I've been doing lots of research on that. Also, if we perfect it on Earth, we can get back to the 50's age of unlimited power. If you also check my other post on a rail gun in Interplanetary Transportation, it could be used to generate power for that. big_smile

#15 Re: Human missions » Containment - Containment » 2003-06-18 22:06:00

Don't tell me Ian. You read Dark they Were, And Golden Eyed, right? I highly doubt that could happen, let alone a disease on a planet which appears to have not have sustained life for millions of years.  tongue

#16 Re: Human missions » U.S. conspiracy to keep humanity from outer space - revealed » 2003-06-18 21:56:56

If the USA has a reason to keep space colonization from the rest of the world, you keep your head and your butt down, and say God Bless America. LOL!

#17 Re: Life support systems » Another Power System on Mars... - Bio-Generator » 2003-06-18 18:29:06

When we first land, we can live off other forms, but after colonization gets under way, we can build a methane farm. Feces from any lifeform, when heated to a near temperatur of 100 degrees Fahrenheit, gives off methane gas. This can be transported to a digester. Details are found in this small article:

Roger Decker, a rancher has recently been using biomass to generate power. A methane digester on his farm heats manure to 100 degrees F. This produces methane, which powers the turbine. The unit generates enough electricity for Decker's farm and 50 homes. Decker's project eliminates carbon and methane emissions, both of which contribute to global warming.

Do you think this is a possible alternative of power generation, and after all, it's an efficient use of waste, no?

#18 Re: Terraformation » Rapid Terraforming... - ...the most ambitious ideas? » 2003-06-18 18:13:40

Heres my theory for that. We either use electrolysis to separate the polar caps, and send some polluted air from our planet to create a light atmosphere. Then we send the organisms, in around 20 years (hopefully) theyll have assimilated the air, and a small atmosphere will be created. then we melt parts of the caps... etc. etc.

#19 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Magnetic Rifle? - Earth Based Rail Gun...? » 2003-06-18 18:09:35

i guess not anytime soon, duh. (jk) i was thinking about that self sustained vacuum before, but then again, thats thousands of feet. but once we get there, a  cost effective suggestion, no?

#20 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Magnetic Rifle? - Earth Based Rail Gun...? » 2003-06-16 23:01:11

Would it be possible for us to construct a massive tube reaching up through the atmosphere, have the air pumped out, and use a series of magnets to send the shuttle into space without the lost cost of fuel. The power could be used to send it at specific speeds to different spots. Do any of you think that this is a possible alternative to standard rockets?

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