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#26 2021-07-12 00:06:51

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,970

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

The entire premise of this thread was responding to the blatant lies of the major media outlets.  My assertion is that "mainstream media" (both sides are guilty, but the left has taken this to the nth degree in recent years) uses gas-lighting to foment anger / outrage and violence, to pit brother against brother, in an attempt to herd the great unwashed masses into the cages they want to put them in.  They're basically instigators with evil intentions.  I quit watching "the news" years ago.  There's no point.  It's a cheerleading squad for one tribe or the other, but I'm not interested in tribalism or propaganda.  From straightforward observation, they're fundamentally dishonest people, no different than your garden variety ambulance chaser.  Most sociopaths aren't quite as manipulative as many of these media personalities are paid to be.  I can't even guess at what they actually value, but I do know that I would refuse any job that mandated that I lie to people, or resign on the spot if I was asked to do so.  Beyond that, a lie of omission is also a lie.

Apart from refusing to work with or for criminals (a criminal is a person who intentionally commits acts intended to cause harm to other people, my definition of "evil"), I'm thoroughly uninterested in any other forms of discrimination against other people, because I think it's pointless and is its own form of evil.  My only thoughts on all this uproar over gender identity is that it's merely another way to divide / confuse / conquer other people, generally for evil purposes.  You can come to me and claim to be a man or a woman, irrespective of biological sex, and I will respect your self-image, because it's you that I respect, not how you see yourself.  Who you find attractive is your business, not mine, and certainly not the government's business.  If you choose to identify as a space alien or a toaster oven, then I'm not going to indulge that claim without evidence.  Irrespective of what you think about a man dressing up like a woman or vice versa, it's been my experience that a little bit of kindness and respect goes a long way.  The corollary, is that kindness and respect must also be reciprocated.

Adoption is a good thing in my view, but as far as "buying children" is concerned, that shouldn't be legal anywhere, at any time.  Apart from being an extension of one's self, a child is also a responsibility of the utmost importance, as they are, quite literally, humanity's future.  A child is certainly not a theatrical prop.  If you want to make a fashion statement, then buy a purse or a watch.  In the same way that I would never allow my children to jump off the roof because they saw a Superman / Wonderwoman movie, I would never allow them to mutilate their body, either (using hormone drugs or by any other means), so long as I am obligated to care for them.  I have to wonder if parents who wouldn't prevent that from happening truly love their children or not.  It's worrisome because it makes me think these people who should be adults can't distinguish personal agendas from objective reality.  If they can't, then they shouldn't be permitted to have children.  Human children are not lab rats for medical experiments.  If you desperately need to experiment with someone's life, then experiment with your own.


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#27 2021-09-10 09:24:17

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Will Mars have tv news stations?

What if around the globe the drama theatre of left vs right and rightwing vs leftwing was just a big show that became one and the same production.

Left wing? Right wing? Mayoral frontrunners grapple with political labels … nd-debates

SpaceNut wrote:

All privately owned business have the right of denial of services...
He had his own privately owned blog and he pulled the plug on it so there is nothing to the law suit as he had his chioce to make use of his own mouth piece....

He wanted to ban TikTok but instead Facebook and Twitter and Youtube and other services knifed him in the back and banned him instead??

So now the Taliban and other terrorists now openly operate youtube, twitter and other social media accounts?

as for the stage show with actors parroting lines...
Sinclair's Media Empire, covering both left and right

Economic factors may take some spring out of the Easter Bunny's step this year!


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#28 2021-09-10 10:24:06

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,970

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


I would have an easier time buying into the validity of a 3 dollar bill than the constant stream of brain vomit that the media drug dealers are pushing, left or right.  All of it boils down to, "Let me share my ignorant opinion with you, that's not even my opinion in most cases, and try to get you to believe it, because I claim to believe it."  It's totally bonkers, but as he said, not a lot of critical thinking goes on in the media these days.

I especially like how the commentator brought President Trump into a problem that he stated was caused by the very type of organizations that he worked for (it's always someone else's fault, except that he wasn't a completely mindless drone, so eventually he quit, and good on him for that), instead of simply calling it out as the garbage that it truly is.  In case you're wondering, the technique being used is called "neuro-linguistic programming", or NLP.  It's used by our military as well.  Since my father was involved in its development and use when I was a child, I learned to recognize it from a very early age.  I turned the TV off years ago, because it was getting so blatant and over-the-top that there was nothing worth watching.  Both simpletons and empathetic people, especially women and children (and anyone else who is overly-sensitive to their feelings or the feelings of other people), are easily manipulated by using such techniques.  How else do you think they get so many people to buy all the useless crap that they do?  If it didn't work, do you think advertisers would keep paying them to advertise their junk?

Anyway, he totally failed to explain what's going on.  It was the normal incoherent rambling nonsense of someone who doesn't recognize psychological manipulation techniques, because he's mostly or totally unaware of them, even if he knows that something is clearly wrong.


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#29 2021-11-20 06:44:56

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

The Q-Anon thing is largely broken, mostly done but some of the cult or group or whatever you call it might still be around and exist in fringe areas.

QAnon has mostly been banned now from Facebook, Youtube, Twitter

I did watch wacky 'paranomal' UFO tv stuff for a while, used to tune into BigFoot Loch Ness Monster Coast to Coast type stuff from amusement. I guess I would go watch a UFO documentary sometimes for the comedy effect or I am aware of community such as 'Godlike Productions' the Q thing is mostly dead but not totally dead, I do see it survive on less mainstream sites

For example the dot win community although not a true Q page I do see 'Q' - ish type postings there

GW Johnson wrote:

People otherwise smart enough to know better spout this bullshit at me all the time!  They are not dissuaded from believing these lies by any facts,  because this is NOT a knowledge system,  it is a belief system,  almost a religious cult.  And a dangerous cult at that!
It would NOT in the least surprise me to learn that one of the multiple entities masquerading as "Q" on these "sources" turns out to be one or another of the Russian intelligence groups planting disinformation to divide us.  They've been all over the other social media giants for at least half a decade now. 
I've seen some of the same disinformation claims on the likes of Sputnik and RT ("Russia Today"),  which are known Russian propaganda organs operating legally in the US (something I'd like to see changed).  Their modus operandi is to mix big lies with some truth,  to make the lies seem more credible. Sound familiar?  Both the Nazis and the Russian communists used this propaganda tactic,  along with many other evildoers.
Operation Warp Speed is one of the very few really good things that Mr. Trump did while president.  By guaranteeing to buy the vaccines whether they were approved or not,  this program cut years off the usual development schedule.  With profit guaranteed,  the companies were well-motivated to expend the resources to do this job as fast as they have.

Was Q anon a bunch of people acting as one 'Q' or was it a robotic A.I posting, it seems to have been more than one person and posted these cryptic temple church type messages like a game trying to suck people in and examine what it was? I get there was that whole Epstein, PrinceAndrew wikileaks 'pizzagate' confusion thing while these global blackmail crimes got exposed, people started to be unsure fo what was real and what was not. I'm not sure how Q-Anons or QAnon got into the Anti-Global, Anti-Vax or Anti-Mask thing, it does seem to have attracted many paranoid Patriots, alternative Therapy Yoga mom types, the whole fringe AlexJones David Icke crowd I guess or whatever you call them.

Jake Angeli, known as 'QAnon shaman,' sentenced to 41 months for his role in Jan. 6 Capitol raid … 34846.html

Notorious Anti-Mask QAnon Supporter Caught the Corona virus and then Dies Of Covid … in-1628348

Geraldo Swipes at Tucker Over Jan. 6 ‘False Flag’ Documentary: ‘Inflammatory and Outrageous’ … ocumentary

Antifa and BLM Looting, Attacking, Burning cities never scared them
but Q-Anon put terror into them, I guess Q-Anon was not really part of their plan, or a rogue movement fringe cult that was out of control.

I don't know if you can blame the Riot on 'Q' itself it seems too much like the plot of a JamesBond Robocop Dystopia movie or something.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2021-11-20 06:58:11)


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#30 2021-11-28 15:41:47

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


'It is hard to find good sources of relatively objective news these days. Any suggestions?'


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#31 2022-01-04 18:27:17

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Perhaps the Rightwing Conservative Republican type is more Anti-Vaccine than your Leftwing, I can not give you a stat or number, its just my feeling that it is more from the Right. I'm not saying its not from the Left but there are also some Leftwing type Yoga Mom Spiritualist Homeopathy New-Age spritualist dillutions the Voodoo mystic medical stuff from the Democratic Left, I guess you might call them hippie people who are also into pseudoscience therapy stuff

People who are healthy with a good immune system will be able to fight off the virus regardless of them being a Leftwing person or a Rightwing person.

I think 'mainstream media' these days might be that Joe Rogan guy, a guy who has millions watching him, a guy who has a big online social media following, with odd interviews where he smokes pot, drinks whiskey or other guys come around and smoke some Cannabis Marijuana thing and have these long chats about history or politics or UFOs or yoga or science or movies or kick boxing wrestling or sometimes its more organized or sometimes whatever subject they happen to stumble upon that day. Elon Musk has also been interviewed by the 'Joe Rogan Experience'. Rogan has experience in entertainment, as tv producer, a martial artist, a sports commentator, a comedian he is also a resonably healthy guy but might be carrying some sporting injuries, I assume either his Hollwyood friends or his quest for pain medication is where his 'drug culture' thing comes from. Rogan has promoted some fringe ideas about how to fight the virus but also backed down his own statement, and called himself a "moron" and "not a respected source of information" of science or biology, during a show Rogan will typically call an assistant on headphone such as 'jamie assistant' to do an internet search to see if something is 'true' while a show or debate is ongoing.

This guy seems to promote 'the mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone' after the doctor was banned from Twitter … losing-the

The wiki entry says
'Robert Wallace Malone is an American virologist and immunologist. His work has focused on mRNA technology, pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he has been criticized for promoting misinformation about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.'

the truth seems to be that Robert Malone was once involved in some of the pioneering work that eventually led to the vaccine.

The Q-Anon thing might have also added to the anti-vaccine or anti-lockdown movement, the Q-Anon religion conspiracy theory movement? < I'm not even sure what to call Q-Anon if you have never seen it.
Most people classed it as a 'Cult' or alt-right although it had no Priest no meeting hall or Church or Temple it did have lots and lots of followers, celebrities started following Q-Anon and Rudy Giuliani, has also occasionally retweeted posts with the #QAnon hashtag, eventually Q-Anon accounts got banned from youtube, twitter and facebook. Q-Anon drops became the most popular paid app in Apple's online store's the "entertainment" section, it seems to have a religion element to it and they might believe Satanic people in the government were involved with the Trafficking of People. … rump-world

'QAnon' probably has or had more watchers or viewers than Joe Rogan or any online celebrity

Both Rational wiki and Conservapedia have different views as to what Q-Anon is but they both agree it was a 'conspiracy'

Some news link Q-Anon to the Riot at the Capitol … 427029002/ … -war-jan6/

The media news online seems to be shifting to an explosion of more alt-media or fringe media for example a site 'Truth Out' from Sacramento, California has grown popular calling itself a website that searches for 'truth and justice'.

On the Capitol Riot thing - The Guardian reports that people like Meadows counter suing? Pelosi about the committee on the riot at the Capitol Building
Some report that Steve Bannon has contempt of Congress others report that Bannon is suing them?

Some other news groups like Vanity Fair say Rudy Giuliani is next?

Rudy Giuliani May Be Next on the January 6 Committee’s Subpoena List … poena-list

Bannon himself seems to have a channel at Rumble … untry.html

This might be his Getr ?

Gettr seems to be a new social media platform or blogging site for Libertarian or Conservatives or Republicans after Trump got banned by youtube, twitter and facebook? Gettr has 3 million  +  users

wikipedia article on Bannon

Stephen Kevin Bannon (born November 27, 1953) is an American media executive, political strategist, and former investment banker, who served as the White House's chief strategist in the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump during the first seven months of Trump's term. He is a former executive chairman of Breitbart News, and previously served on the board of the now-defunct data-analytics firm Cambridge Analytica.

Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy for seven years in the late 1970s and early 1980s. After his military service, he worked for two years at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker. In 1993, he became acting director of the research project Biosphere 2. He became an executive producer in Hollywood, and produced 18 films between 1991 and 2016. In 2007, he co-founded Breitbart News, a far-right website which he described in 2016 as "the platform for the alt-right"

Jan. 6 committee wants to interview Fox News host Sean Hannity … nnity.html

Committee Requests That Jim Jordan Speak With Them … with-them/

Republicans will release their OWN Capitol riot report 'discrediting' the January 6 committee … ittee.html

U.S. Capitol riot panel faces difficult questions as anniversary approaches … pproaches/

Bernie Kerik plans to publicly release documents demanded by Jan. 6 committee … tee-526129

Panel seeks interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity … 749611.php

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-01-04 19:20:43)


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#32 2022-01-04 20:28:16

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,970

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

I never knew about the existence of "QAnon" until GW told me about it.  GW is a "fierce Independent who only ever votes for Democrats".  I'm not sure what influence QAnon actually has over the majority of Republicans and conservatives.  Since I was totally unaware of it before GW wouldn't stop going on and on about it, my guess is that it's probably close to zero.  Sure, we have our fair share of crazies.  The major difference is that we don't put them up on a pedestal whenever these people go completely off the reservation the way the Democrat Party does.  I think leftist media terrorizes their audiences with "the boogeyman that's coming to get them" if they don't follow party orthodoxy.

Trump was the boogeyman, then the Russians were the boogeyman, then Tiki torch holders were the boogeyman (I still don't understand the symbolism behind Hawaiian dress and cultural objects, or wherever the hell Tiki torches come from), then COVID was the boogeyman, then the anti-vaxxers were the boogeyman, and now anyone who has a difference of opinion is the boogeyman.  In short, their entire headspace is solely fixated on "the boogeyman".  Oh, and Trump is still the boogeyman in case you haven't heard.

Remember that scene from "The Aviator" where Leo DiCaprio / "Howard Hughes" is muttering "the way of the future" over and over again like a busted computer program?

This is all I can think about whenever I see our leftists and Democrats going on their latest rant about their night terrors over X / Y / Z:

The Aviator ending scene, the way of the future.

Everybody else but them knows that they have a serious mental issue.

At this point, I'm just like, "Gawd zooks!  How much crazier can this possibly get?  What's next?  Aliens landing?"

What little media I do see these days is almost universally a bunch of self-described leftists and progressives.  I keep a close eye on the leftists to figure out what the next wackadoodle thing happens to be, that's flying through their wind tunnels.  I've yet to hear a single Republican or conservative I know even mention the name of this QAnon group in passing, which makes me think that while there may be a website there and there may be a literal handful of Republicans or conservatives who think it's real, 99.99% of all other Republicans and conservatives have either never heard of it or could care less.  Be that as it may, leftist media will use anything and everything to paint Republicans and conservatives as negatively as they possibly can, especially as the number of people tuning in to watch their hysterics approaches zero.  That's what you do when you don't have any intellectual arguments to make and nothing worth reporting on.

Intellectual arguments to make for looting and rioting?  Zip.

Intellectual arguments to make for leaving our citizens behind in Afghanistan?  Zero.

Intellectual arguments to make for forcing 100% of all people to take a vaccine, even against the advice of their doctor?  Zilch.

Intellectual arguments to make for not sending kids to school or adults back to work?  Nada.

Intellectual arguments to make for spending ourselves into oblivion?  Nothing.

They got nothing to justify their behavior and desperately need to avert attention away from the insane / barbaric / criminal behavior their own ilk exhibit, so they're attacking their political enemies to try and distract the people who vote for them.  It's a never-ending crusade against the boogeyman.


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#33 2022-01-05 04:10:54

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,970

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

This just in:

Liberals regressive types on anti-social media are blaming Virginia's new Republican Governor-elect, Glenn Youngkin, who has yet to be sworn into office (that will happen on January 15th), for the winter pile-up on I-95.  Everyone is trapped in their cars behind semi-trucks that jack-knifed and blocked the highway.  I guess they are unaware that Democrat Governor Ralph Northam is still Governor of Virginia.  There's also a Senator from Virginia trapped in the mess.  These Democrat politicians are the goofballs who some people think are going to "save the planet", but they don't have the organizational skills to send a helicopter to come pick up one of their own Senators.

I live in Texas because I'm allergic to snow and ice and freezing my butt off, but as someone who was born in the "winter wonderland" of Nebraska, let me give y'all some free tips on winter survival.  This stuff used to be common sense, but since so many of the people in this country have gone haywire, I feel the need to relate this info to others, if only to save their lives from easily avoidable "bitter ends".

When you venture out into the elements during the winter using your motor vehicle, these are the items you need to have with you at all times:

Real Cold Weather Clothing
A. Parka - Synthetic material with down insulation or heavy wool construction
* an office sweater or wind breaker or "hoodie" is NOT an acceptable substitute for a car coat or parka
B. Winter boots and wool or wool synthetic blend socks
* dress / work / running shoes are NOT appropriate footwear
C. Synthetic or wool insulated gloves
* your hands don't work if they're frozen and frostbite is so painful that you never want to experience it
* mittens don't allow you to manipulate anything and when you're walking you need the use of your hands to grab things and prevent yourself from falling on slick ground
D. Beanie or other snug wool-based head covering
* your head is where you lose a lot of body heat, so it needs to be covered
* this is not an "optional extra"
* a hood on a parka is not an acceptable substitute for a separate head covering
E. Wool or synthetic pants or zip-up over-pants with insulating liner
* if you can't afford a separate parka and pants, outdoors stores like Academy sell heavily insulated one-piece zip-up coveralls that are an acceptable substitute for a more expensive setup that includes both parka and and insulated pants, but these can overheat if you're moving around and leave you damp / wet, which you definitely don't want- I've used them before and they work, but they're not ideal
F. I can't believe I have to say this, but your children also require all of these same articles of clothing
G. Sunglasses
* Not strictly necessary, but helps to prevent snow blindness during daylight hours
H. Chapstick
* Prevents your lips from cracking and bleeding in dry cold air

Portable Water Storage Container(s)
A. 1 gallon jugs of water with extra space at the top in case the water freezes
* If you plan to stay with your car until help arrives, then this is what you want to have with you (if your car or other vehicles become disabled, then remove these from the trunk of the car and put them inside the passenger compartment to warm them up)
* Individual water bottles are filled to the top and will explode if they freeze, so these are not appropriate
* If you have children with you, then you need 1 gallon of water per person
B. "Camelbak" portable water storage
* if you have to leave your vehicle and set out on foot, then this "water backpack" goes underneath your parka to keep it from freezing
* if you have to, you can refill your Camelbak with snow and use your body heat to melt it into liquid water
* do not drink alcohol, as this will hasten dehydration and dull your senses, greatly increasing the possibility of injury

Portable Pre-Packaged Food
A. protein / meal replacement bars
* best option for compact storage of calories and temporary nutrition
* you need some fat and sugar, because your body will burn calories like mad while it's trying to keep you from freezing to death
* this does not mean candy bars or chips or soda water
B. dried fruit and nut / "trail mix"
* if you and your family members eat this stuff as a snack on a regular basis, then this is an acceptable substitute
C. beef / chicken / deer jerky
* for hunters and fishers, this is a popular "keep ya going" option

Sanitation Supplies
A. Roll of paper towels or toilet paper for "when nature calls"
B. Small pack of wet wipes to clean hands / mouths / rear ends
C. Small bottle of hand sanitizer

Medical Supplies
* strips of sterilized gauze or cloth to dress a wound
* tourniquet
* any medications you normally take, especially if you have diabetes and are insulin-dependent (don't turn a major inconvenience into a life threatening emergency)
* medications for heart burn (Pepcid tablets), pain (Tylenol or Ibuprofen), and allergic reaction (Benadryl)

Hand Tools
A. Small fixed blade shovel
* Normally stored in the trunk of the car
* These can be had for $10 to $20 at your local hardware or outdoors stores
* As someone with personal experience using a military-issued entrenching tool, this is literally the very last type of "real tool" you would want to use whenever better options are available- they're merely more compact and therefore easier to carry with you on your person
* All-steel construction is great if you can find it, but these are normally more expensive, as in $50 to $100
* Any shovel with a hollow plastic handle is not a real shovel (it can have a plastic D-ring affixed to the handle, but the shaft must either be solid wood or solid plastic or tubular steel, never tubular plastic or tubular Aluminum)
* Any shovel with a blade made from plastic, Aluminum, or Titanium is not acceptable (this is a hard use tool, not a novelty item)
* A good model is either all-steel or steel bladed with a wooden or solid (never hollow) plastic handle, approximately 3 feet in length
* This tool will primarily be used to shovel snow or road debris to free a stuck vehicle
* If you have enough space for a full-sized shovel, that's the best kind of shovel you can possibly have (but it must stay in the car at all times)
B. Small fixed blade knife (check your local laws and the laws of any state you travel through to ensure legality)
* A folding pocket knife is never an acceptable substitute
* Commonly known as a "bushcraft" or "fieldcraft" knife, not a "survival knife"
* This is not a dagger, it has a "drop point" or "clipped point" single-edged blade from 3.5" to 4.5" in length, no shorter or longer
* The blade must feature "full tang" construction (the knife "blade" is a solid bar of steel that goes all the way to the end of the handle)
* Handle length is either similar to the length of the blade or slightly longer for positive control
* No hollow handles, even if the entire thing is made of steel
* Much like the shovel, you don't need to spend a lot of money to get a reasonably good quality fieldcraft knife
* Handle needs to be some kind of reinforced plastic or paracord wrap, not wood / leather / bone / rubber (especially if you don't take good care of the knife, and most people don't)
* You may see some knives that come without much in the way of a handle that can have paracord wrapped around the full tang / handle to provide a secure grip, and these are typically significantly cheaper but also quite acceptable and serviceable hard-use tools after some minor "user improvement" with the addition of a paracord wrap
* no super alloy steels (a tough high Carbon steel of moderate hardness is best), nor excessively hard blades (because these will break if you have to baton through wood)
* Sheath needs to be plastic / Kydex, not leather or nylon (you may have to buy a Kydex sheath separately or have it made for your knife)
C. Hand axe or tomahawk
* Forged steel head or all-steel construction like the Estwing series of hand axes that are a single piece of forged steel and very reasonably priced
* Hickory handle or reinforced plastic is also acceptable
* All axe handles can and do break, but the all-steel construction will have the fewest breaks, followed by reinforced plastic, with wood being the most prone to damage if you miss your mark and accidentally hit the handle (regardless, never allow the arc of your swing to come back at your body, as this is a very common and very serious outdoors injury; this may mean you have to bend your knees or adjust your body to remain clear of the arc of the swing, so that even if you miss, the blade of the axe / tomahawk does not cross your legs and feet)
* This is another hard-use tool, not a weapon, so choose something that you would willingly use to chop down a small tree if forced to do so
* A chain saw is not an acceptable substitute (these require fuel / bar oil / adjustment tools, are notoriously hard to start in the cold- and any BS you see / hear to the contrary is just that, and frequently fail or break; a power tool best used for construction or logging at a work site, not a survival tool)
* If you need to make a small fire to keep warm, then this tool also needs to be small / light enough for that purpose, and include a flat / square end on the blade for you to use in conjunction with your fieldcraft knife to baton through wood to make kindling for your fire (batoning through firewood can be every bit as dangerous as swinging an axe, so again pay attention to where your body parts are and keep them clear of the knife and axe or tomahawk blade)

Car Tools
A. Spare tire, jack, and lug nut tool
* Most modern vehicles come with these, but it doesn't hurt to read the manual ahead of time so you know how to change your tire
* You may need a small block of wood / solid and level base to put under the small jacks that come with most modern cars
B. Tested / good or fresh battery
* A pair of battery jumper cables is a good idea
C. If you own an electric car, then make sure your battery is kept topped up, because the cold greatly diminishes battery capacity
D. Check your tire pressure to make sure they're properly inflated, to avoid having to change a tire in the cold
* Proper tire inflation pressure info is printed on a sticker on the driver's side door of nearly every modern vehicle I've ever seen
* Sometimes I've had to adjust the tire pressure on rental cars that I have used in cold or winter weather
* All-season tires or tires with sufficient remaining tread depth are mandatory for winter driving (bald or otherwise damaged tires, under-inflated tires, or inappropriate tread can cost you your life; a set of used but good condition tires from the junk yard is still better than worn out or inappropriate tires)
* Abnormal or accelerated tire wear is closely associated with under-inflation or misalignment, so checking at least once per year prior to the start of winter conditions is a really good idea (the heavier the vehicle, the more critical this becomes)
E. Tire pressure gauge and foot-operated hand pump
* I do not pay money for air, I use my own el-cheapo hand pump carried in the car at all times
* These tools are mandatory for any vehicle that uses tires
F. Car insurance and vehicle registration paperwork
* Make sure your registration and state inspection is up-to-date, because the Police have remarkably little humor about such things
G. At least 1/2 tank of fuel if you own a gasoline or diesel powered car
* This seems like common sense, but apparently isn't
* A small empty gas can isn't a bad idea in case you forget (don't worry, you won't do this very often after walking a few miles to the nearest gas station in the heat or cold)
H. If you live any place that receives more than a light dusting of snow, then you need a set of tire chains
* Without these, there is no traction on ice and very little traction on snow
I. Windshield ice scraper
* Normally a small cheap plastic tool
J. Make sure your engine coolant is suitable for cold weather
* 50/50 water ethylene glycol mix, NOT pure water
K. Make sure your engine oil is reasonably fresh and change it if it's not
* Cold starts are hard on engines because they require proper oiling from the time they kick over, but dirty or old oil typically won't provide that as fast as it's required
L. Inspect all belts and hoses to make sure those are not dry rotted or nearing the end of their service life
* These should be inspected at least once per year
M. Inspect your brakes to make sure the pads and rotors are not excessively worn
* Again, check this at least once per year, more often if you have a high performance vehicle or drive like Mario Andretti

Short of electronics problems, which are not easily predictable or fixable, if you stay on top of those things you will have remarkably few roadside emergencies with most modern vehicles, even ones with high mileage.  In instances where someone else has not taken care of their car, some of those items can also be used to help your fellow motorists and prevent needless traffic accidents or roadside emergencies.


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#34 2022-02-21 08:02:58

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Global Corporate Entity Perhaps. Exxon profits up, BigPharama up, Starbucks up and yes there is inflation but a guy Dan Price
says 'Companies are doing a great job rebranding corporate greed as "inflation" end quote'...and so the spin continues

As for the Q-Anon thing

Voice experts name QAnon plot suspects … -wk8tpvfkd

QAnon was a cult and it did exist in big numbers

but I have not seen 'Q-Anon' for a while but maybe it can be The Latest perfect 'Political Boogeyman'

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-02-21 08:05:39)


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#35 2022-04-23 16:36:13

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

The name list that did conspired to overturn the election with Trump is getting longer as Marjorie Taylor Greene’s, Kevin McCarthy’s Trump audio leak, Reps. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan plotted with Trump to stop Biden from becoming president, House January 6 committee says with Trump says he'd rather be 'a dictator' in the most recent rallies... all of which is the usual back pedaling....


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#36 2022-05-12 07:51:05

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Another hit piece?

Opinion: The breathtaking cluelessness of Elon Musk … index.html

Elon Musk says Donald Trump’s Truth Social has ‘terrible name’ and ‘should be called Trumpet’ … -16548314/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-12 07:51:42)


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#37 2022-06-26 07:57:30

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

on the positive side you can say its not as bad as Saudi, DPRK, Iran or Moscow's Pravda.  While a ministry of truth is bad and any kind of German Stasi interweb police would be terrible American politics seem to be going back to division days and U.S. media is strongly polarized, with multiple outlets have strong liberal and conservative biases, depending on which station (or newspaper) is considered. At times a news group can be attacked by both sides, the BBC has been accused anti-Israel news or also of having a pro-Israel bias. Sometimes a bias can be pro-islamist making excuses for jihads, Christian groups accused BBC drama of inciting anti-Christian bias, would they do the same and publish mohammed toons? There are a number of national, some non-partisan and international watchdog groups that report on bias in the media, other groups have a pro-religion voodoo hoodoo astrology bias they follow mystic tantra cures and explanations for the real world a "pseudo-sci level", however 'fact check' sites might be criminal apologists and now have their own bias, Blue Lives Matter is rated with "right bias"

The media bubble is real: Study shows massive disconnect between journalists, public … ts-public/


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#38 2022-06-29 12:02:08

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

I don't know if the media is Left or Right, but its seems to be its own 'Club' the United States, Australia, Canada sometimes they rub elbows with the other same types in their media clubs.

Howard Stern May Run For President … 08521.html
Most say nation on wrong track, including Dems: AP-NORC poll … l-85940765
Biden approval rating holds near lowest level of his presidency … index.html


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#39 2022-07-29 06:36:19

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

The Deep Cathedral Media Message system wins again?

At one recent time across the media there was footage of Covington Catholic High School and some Native Guy Protesting banging a Drum,  a bunch of Black African American "Hebrew Israelites" spouting something but mostly left out of the news report. The interweb mobile cell phone film makes news they got that viral few seconds of film or that snapshot pic and pictured at the angle they wanted?

Some celebrity wanted the school destroyed, the same celebs like one Kathy Griffin. who held a bloody Trump-head as a joke, you had some shill male Hollywood type or Comedian make threats on the kids, then a Rachel Madcow type the people who were kind of ok and useful during the Bush jnr years now call the school kids 'Hitler Youth' or the Madonna types who also made threats to blow up the Whitehouse?
The crazy school kids felt the Death Threats come, then would later decide to sue and take it to court?

The photo looked bad, some framed the picture in a way that said mob of racist school kids in Trump hats harass and scare some poor old Native American man... no longer the enemy of the Western, a revisionist Hollywood and more modern piost-Bush, post-Obama news media wanted to go 'Social Justice' on these bad kids who sad bad things to an old Indian American the Aboriginal Native ...or was it all hysteria and spin?

Reza Aslan even joins in to that news debate, he's an Iranian-American scholar of religion and a jihadi apologist? Some have said Aslan is a Muslim who converted to Christianity and then converted back to Islam for the Trips to Drug land Bacha Bazi culture and Jihad friends, it was shortly before enrolling as a Blackmialed Frat Fraty student at Harvard University they say,  Aslan is a member of the American Academy of Religion like his pro Shaira Law parts of the Koran and is of the International Qur'anic Studies Association.  Aslan states that he follows a lesser extreme form of Jihad, perhaps the Freemasn Shriner Grotto rituals that happen with young men in College and Uni or the Sufi movement. Aslan began production for “spiritual travel series” named Believer the show led to controversy with accusations of sensationalism and anti-Hinduism when Aslan ate part of a human brain while meeting Aghori sadhus. Aslan would have an interfaith marriage of convenience to Jessica Erin Jackley? She an American entrepreneur known for co-founding Kiva and later ProFounder, two organizations that promote development through microloans, Jackley has helped move bags of cash through Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. It also seems Aslan has publicly mused on Twitter about wanting to "eradicate" conservative vote and news media commentator Kellyanne Conway?
and the money woman does she have a website?

The short videos of the Scool kid vs Native encounter that were uploaded to social media platforms received millions of views and were widely shared. At first, the anger focused on the students and the school, which, along with some of the students, received threats of violence. As more videos were released, diverging views about what had happened polarized Americans.

The incident was described by The New York Times as an "explosive convergence of race, religion and ideological beliefs" and a Vox editorial called it the "nation's biggest story"

Reza Aslan, a scholar and television pundit on CNN, tweeted that Sandmann had a "punchable" face. His CNN colleague Bakari Sellers agreed. BuzzFeed's Anne Petersen tweeted that Sandmann's face reminded her of Brett Kavanaugh's—and this wasn't intended as a compliment.Vulture writer Erik Abriss tweeted that he wanted the kids and their parents to die. Kathy Griffin said the high schoolers ought to be doxxed. As a USA Today retrospective noted, "comedian Patton Oswalt called the students in the video 'bland, frightened, forgettable kids who'll grow up to be bland, frightened, forgotten adult wastes.'…Writer Michael Green, referring to Sandmann's apparent smirking at the Native American man, wrote: 'A face like that never changes. This image will define his life. No one need ever forgive him.'…Huffington Post reporter Christopher Mathias explicitly compared the students to violent segregationists."

What Happened Next Was Even Worse. … -memorial/

Journalists and pundits who frantically doubled down on their initial bad takes deserve more criticism.

Judge Tosses Nick Sandmann’s Lawsuits Against 5 Major Media Outlets … a-outlets/

Viral MAGA-hat-wearing high schooler Nick Sandmann loses libel suits against media giants … 15059.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-29 07:02:18)


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#40 2022-08-07 17:12:52

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Jan. 6 Followed Years of Political Violence. The Committee Should Investigate Leftist Violence, Too | Opinion … oo-1727190

If Republicans didn’t throw Trump under the bus, why would Dems dump Biden? | Opinion … 05988.html


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#41 2022-08-17 03:52:21

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

People chatting about this Mocking Bird thing... KGB Media but different, its the other military industrial complex drug running team?

Left vs Right is the theater stage show

nothing about the deaths in Yemen and place of death and famine and genocide, nothing of the Tigray a Semitic language & culture of people wiped out or other war zones

Another media hit piece?

'Elon Musk Is Convinced He's the Future. We Need to Look Beyond Him' … e-visions/

There were stories of Blackmail Royals, the Vatican, a guy Epstein links to the Caribbean, people get trafficked Asia, Latin America, Europe, Africa, North America, some link to political groups in Arabia. One Blackmail guy had Paris property and maybe the British Mi6 or Israeli Mossad and the CIA and FBI knew what happened at those islands?

When some of the Left media and Right media now cheer for a Cheney warhawk singing praise for other Noe-Cons and his daughter, yet so out of touch with a voter?

Liz Cheney defeated in Wyoming GOP primary … op-primary

then across the web you sometimes come across a radical or a troll? a person who even claims to be a monarchist, maybe in a ways it sounds Anti-Democratic at times or is he a reformist?
“RAGE” – Retire All Government Employees – as a crucial step

Tim Dillon Podcast 310. … phe-in.htm

investing and betting

Gerald Durrell a British naturalist, writer, zookeeper, conservationist, and tv presenter.

changing the mission, collect virus?

Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story - A Review … rror-story
'The Darkness in Light Entertainment'

The Vision of the Anointed … asp?id=484
Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy Thomas Sowell

Washington Post: Historians Privately Warn Biden American Democracy Is In Peril … -in-peril/

Review Essay
The Irony of Democracy is a book that explores the American government in a light that not many people see it in. In this book, Thomas Dye sights many examples while proving the point that our government is not one that is run by the people. Dye states that the United States of America is a nation that is run by a handful of “elite” individuals.

LGBT rights movement a threat to Poland, says conservative party chief Jaroslaw Kaczynski

An antidemocratic philosophy called ‘neoreaction’ is creeping into GOP politics … -politics/

Blake Masters, Disaster for Democracy, Wins Republican Nomination for Senate in Arizona … ump-thiel/
The millennial millionaire won thanks to two anti-democratic billionaires.

Yes, you need the liberal arts … beral-arts

Liberal education and the liberal arts have fallen on hard times of late. And if we think there’s reason to resuscitate and revive them, and still a window in which to do so, we better not rely on the bromides of the past. The most damaging accusation against a liberal arts education is that it is practically useless, even if morally and spiritually valuable. But that is simply untrue — both for individuals and for society at large.

It’s easy to show how the study of medicine or business might be of use to individuals as well as to society. But when it comes to the liberal arts, and especially the humanities, showing the personal benefits or the societal benefits of Suzie learning Latin or Joey studying poetry seemed not all that obvious. In the domain of utility, the liberal arts do not bake bread, nor do they mend fractured bones; in the realm of moral virtue, they do not always work to soften a stony heart.

Now, let me turn this analysis away from how a liberal education might benefit us as individuals and consider what I’d most like us to see — how a liberal education is of value to our country.

The Lie Machine

Two strokes of state
"It describes some other government, which is not our own."

The Renewables Rush in Texas … -in-texas/

Many of the beneficiaries of the state’s program have parent companies with high carbon emissions and a history of fighting climate policies

Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and The Washington Post is an unauthorized biography of Katharine Graham, owner of The Washington Post, authored by journalist Deborah Davis and initially published in 1979. The book was first published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (HBJ), but they withdrew the book from circulation after a few weeks and returned the rights to Davis after citing that "certain facts and circumstances have arisen since publication."
a suit was settled out of court for $100,000
book received unfavorable reviews from the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The New York Times and others … 40687.html

Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate domestic American news media organizations for propaganda purposes. According to author Deborah Davis, Operation Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and influenced the operations of front groups. CIA support of front groups was exposed when an April 1967 Ramparts article reported that the National Student Association received funding from the CIA. In 1975, Church Committee Congressional investigations revealed Agency connections with journalists and civic groups.
In 1973, a document referred to as the "Family Jewels" was published by the CIA containing a reference to "Project Mockingbird", which was the name of an operation in 1963 wiretapping two journalists believed to be disseminating classified information. The document does not contain references to "Operation Mockingbird".

Rational wiki is sometimes a not very rational wiki and doesnt have an entry
Mainstream media is a catchall term referring to television networks (especially broadcast), newspapers, magazines, radio, music, and often the movie industry. It is so named because it is designed to appeal to as large an audience as possible, hence "mainstream."

'Operation Mockingbird is a CIA operation that entailed placing CIA agents in various news media.'

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-17 04:58:06)


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#42 2022-08-25 18:22:19

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

A website Funker530 is not mainstream but it reminds me off the old liveleak, it was a website which featured something live but maybe would later be cut down or edited, shootings, floods, car crashes, factory accidents, war zones, it was the real brutal part of life, it had no pornogprahy but it was the uncensored world without news commentary or censorship

If I have a criticism of Liveleak it showed the world in a grim, brutal way, Liveleak is gone but Funker530 and live news feeds from Twitter might have filled its place.

Putin's war might get exposed on a website, a Democrat or Republican might commit a crime and get exposed
and now

Pelosi's Husband Gets DUI After Crashing $100K Porsche … k-porsche/


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#43 2022-09-07 13:20:55

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Biden again attacks 'MAGA' GOP members of Congress, 'full of anger, violence and hate,' in Labor Day speech … 15705.html

Approval among Independents sinks to new low after controversial raid … sial-raid/

Why Biden’s speech on MAGA Republicans failed … ump-243697

Biden vilifying ‘MAGA Republicans’ crossed the line into dangerous territory, majority says in poll … aga-repub/


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#44 2022-10-03 21:46:18

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Japan gov't says North Korea apparently fired missile, flew around 3000 kilometers to the east of Japan. … ssile.html


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#45 2022-10-04 09:15:23

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

If we like it or not it seems Nationalism or Populism are back.

Some accused CNN, BBC and MSNBC of boradcasting some global left-wing bias with the whole Antifa, BLM riots and Trump era, Silvio Berlusconi a corrupt convict it seems he controlled Italy debate by becoming an Italian media tycoon while Brazil is another tv show and could be a clownish circus at the best of times, but at least its not Russia and you don't get arrested and gulaged for having a different opinion.

Newyork Times the headline only uses 'Far' for one candidate, no such thing as FAR Left vs FAR Right?

'Brazil Elections Live Updates: Brazil will choose a far-right incumbent or a leftist ex-president.' … -in-brazil

'The obscene manipulation of TVE on the presidential elections in Brazil' … in-brazil/

India's Hindu Global news called Republic tv?

'Brazil's Bolsonaro And The Right Outperform, Defying Polls' … eshow.html

Maybe things politically have got more polarized.

Fox was once noted as an apologist place for Neo-Con Republicans and the Invasion of Iraq, it once had Roger Ailes, the long-time boss of who  resigned after a number of female employees accused him of sexual harassment, iit was owned by Rupert Murdoch and family or Keith Rupert Murdoch an Australian-born American businessman. Fox doesn't like Tucker speaking his stuff but he's so high rated they can't really fire him, Tucker Carlson Tonight seems to have ratings that rank above the rest you do have other shows, Geraldo Rivera, Dan Bingino, Jesse Watters, Ingraham Show but I think Tucker would be a loss for Network ratings.

Tucker Carlson: Nuclear war means the end of the world … -end-world
Tucker voices his concerns over nuclear weapons in the Russia-Ukraine war

there has also been a growth of Alt-Tech and Altmedia like OANN and Newsmax and 'Truth Social'


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#46 2022-10-09 09:59:54

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,834

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

The EU are forcing Twitter to censor its users, including American users.  This means EU laws are being applied to Americans in contravention of their 1st ammendment rights. … nt-stop-it

The next Republican administration will need to deal with this.  The UK similarly called Musk before the British parliament to ensure that he observes their censorship laws.  The arrogance of these people is sickening.  The Democratic party are pro-censorship, so they will no doubt turn a blind eye to this.  But I cannot see any Republican president tolerating it.  Nor should he.  The British people have never been citizens, they are subjects.  They have no constitutional rights.  This makes it easy to impose this sort of oppression onto them.  But the idea of British and European governments imposing oppression onto Americans should be offensive to any US citizen.

Last edited by Calliban (2022-10-09 10:06:30)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


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#47 2022-10-09 14:54:26

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,970

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


You need to bring your political class to heel before you have a situation like Iran has right now, where most of the women have taken to the streets, burned their hijab, and cut their hair.  The authoritarian nonsense only works when the people are willing to submit to the demands of their captors.  When the people are not willing to submit, then the government ceases to have any authority, lawful or otherwise.  Americans found British taxation so intolerable that we were forced to bring the British Royal Army to heel.  I don't think we really wanted to be a separate country, so much as not taxed into oblivion.  Ironically, we're now doing to ourselves, that which he British Crown failed to do.

Maybe the religious morons who control Iran are willing to maim and murder all the women in their entire country, but one generation later Iran ceases to exist.  Their lands will still be there, but nobody who lived there will be.  After you use the power of government to attack the people who give life, that's the only possible outcome.  Basically, for all the Derpistanis of this world, your ideology has its limits.  Incidentally, that's why Gheghis Khan killed every man, woman, and child living within the places he conquered.  He recognized and accepted that you can't kill an idea, but you can kill everyone who believes in the idea.

Here in America, these regressive leftist idiots (yes, that was repetitively redundant), are sterilizing themselves and murdering their babies before they're even born.  One generation later, so long as we keep their ignorant screed away from our own children, they will cease to have any power in American society because their imbecilic ideas will die with them.  At least my children will only have to bear witness to their last feeble attempts to screw up America in the name of their morally bankrupt death cult ideology.

Maybe this should serve as a warning to the regressive leftist authoritarians destroying civilized society, though I doubt it will.


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#48 2022-10-11 13:07:23

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Vice Tabloid Journalism?

Musk Denies news

'Elon Musk Spoke to Putin Before Tweeting Ukraine Peace Plan: Report' … in-ukraine

Vice Media Group an American-Canadian digital media and broadcasting company  co-founded by Suroosh Alvi, Shane Smith, and Gavin McInnes.

another new mars thread

'The slanderous propaganda campaign to destroy Musk, Tesla and SpaceX'

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-10-11 13:08:29)


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#49 2022-10-11 15:11:45

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,970

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


Nancy Dubuc presently runs Vice Media.  Gavin McInnes founded Vice Magazine in 1994 and left in 2008.  Shane Smith might still be there or affiliated in some way.  I can't recall what Suroosh Alvi did, but I think he left at some point, too.


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#50 2022-10-11 15:58:29

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Some other interesting names linked to 'Vice' the James Murdoch Family, Soros Fund Management, Texas Pacific Group a big global banker media group with links to MGM Sony,  Hearst Communications, former chairman of Air France, former CFO of Lenovo,  Goldman Sachs Group, Mark Fields, former president and CEO of Ford Motor Co and a rival to Tesla Motors.


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