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#1 2020-12-26 17:00:12

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,026

"mainstream media", Left or Right wing

GW Johnson wrote:

Given the supplies and production rates,  North America and Western Europe,  plus China and Japan,  and maybe Russia if their vaccine really works,  could reach 70% late in 2021, if politics,  fear,  and disinformation do not stand in the way.  And they do stand in the way in North America and Western Europe,  thanks to the spread of the Qanon B.S. among the political right and far-right.  So that beneficial outcome will NOT happen in 2021!


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the far left, also known as "the mainstream media", have been the ones pushing the BS that the vaccine was "not safe" because President Trump was President during the time it was developed.  They've spent the past four years waging a disinformation campaign against one man, specifically due to their far-left politics.  If anything, the major media corporations have pushed lie after lie, conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, because the establishment politicians and their unintelligentsia in academia and pop culture are freaking out over the fact that populists are taking over, because they represent the interests of the people who elected them, not the ivory tower elitists and petty crooks who have infested our government.


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#2 2020-12-27 11:57:30

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,885

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

The "far left" is NOT the "mainstream media",  despite the false claims coming off the internet (or what Kbd512 claimed in post 714 just above).  Here is an observation of mine about the "mainstream media":

There are 5 national networks that offer news.  Each has a cadre of professional journalists,  and each has an overt or covert editorial slant,  imposed from above in the case of the 4 commercially-owned networks.  My own evaluations of these features follow:

NBC News,  good quality journalism,  openly left-wing editorial slant,  but not really far-left.

CBS News,  good quality journalism,  rather centrist editorially.

ABC News,  good quality journalism,  centrist editorial slant,  entertainment news overprioritized by ownership (unsurprising since that ownership is first and foremost an entertainment company).

Fox News,  good quality journalism,  openly right-wing editorial slant,  with rather far-right opinions mixed in with news.

PBS Newshour,  excellent journalism,  mostly centrist in editorial slant (NPR radio is more left-wing).

As for the cable news services,  I don't often see them anymore,  not having cable TV out here.  But when I do,  I am NOT impressed!  Dilute content repeated endlessly,  for the most part.  Some (most egregiously the cable outlet for Fox News) freely intermix opinion with news as if the opinion were fact,  when it is not.  I do NOT consider these "mainstream" despite their prevalence.

Now,  these "mainstream media" (meaning only the 5 broadcast networks offering news !!!) all repeatedly point out that a big fraction of the public are reluctant (or worse) to take the Covid-19 vaccines.  They repeatedly ask proper health industry or government sources why this is so,  and if the vaccine is safe.  They repeatedly publicize the answers (uniformly that no corners were cut,  they really are safe). 

NONE of these news networks make any claim that it is unsafe!  NOT ONE!!!  Any such claims are therefore (by my own direct observation) NOT (I repeat NOT!!!) coming from the "mainstream media" (as defined just above).

Most of the disinformation about these new vaccines being unsafe (or the disease not being the threat that it is) come from the social media sources that I personally despise as propaganda liars-for-profit,  and ultimately it traces (if you bother to trace it) to the far-right extremists running the Qanon (and closely-related) sources.  These extremists and the neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups are what the FBI recently classified as likely sources of domestic terrorism.

The Qanon sources were the message boards 4chan,  8chan,  then 8kun,  in turn feeding disinformation content to a variety of blogs and youtube channels,  such as "the X-22 report".  People otherwise smart enough to know better spout this bullshit at me all the time!  They are not dissuaded from believing these lies by any facts,  because this is NOT a knowledge system,  it is a belief system,  almost a religious cult.  And a dangerous cult at that!

It would NOT in the least surprise me to learn that one of the multiple entities masquerading as "Q" on these "sources" turns out to be one or another of the Russian intelligence groups planting disinformation to divide us.  They've been all over the other social media giants for at least half a decade now. 

I've seen some of the same disinformation claims on the likes of Sputnik and RT ("Russia Today"),  which are known Russian propaganda organs operating legally in the US (something I'd like to see changed).  Their modus operandi is to mix big lies with some truth,  to make the lies seem more credible. Sound familiar?  Both the Nazis and the Russian communists used this propaganda tactic,  along with many other evildoers.

Operation Warp Speed is one of the very few really good things that Mr. Trump did while president.  By guaranteeing to buy the vaccines whether they were approved or not,  this program cut years off the usual development schedule.  With profit guaranteed,  the companies were well-motivated to expend the resources to do this job as fast as they have. 

No corners were cut,  not by the companies,  not by the regulators,  and not by the advisory groups to those regulators.  The two vaccines so far are indeed safe enough,  and more effective than most of the ordinary flu vaccines.  That is remarkable.  And more are coming.  There were half a dozen or more still in development.

So say the reports coming from the "mainstream media",  as I defined them here for this discussion. 


Last edited by GW Johnson (2020-12-27 12:07:00)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#3 2020-12-27 17:28:50

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,026

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


Well, maybe you believe that anyone holding ideas to the right of Carl Marx doesn't count as "left wing" or "radical left wing", but to someone on the right, people promoting "defunding the Police" is definitely NOT "mainstream" thinking.  You had "journalists" (corporate shills paid to propagandize to people) on all of those stations that you just named off as producing "good quality journalism" on people burning down grocery stores, looting, shooting people, calling those activities "protests" that were "mostly peaceful".  Except, you know, for the billions of dollars worth of damage those rioters caused.  You even had leftists writing books claiming that stealing was a good thing to do.  The racists on the left are still telling white people that they're "guilty of something" and need to pay "reparations" for crimes they weren't alive to commit.  That's because the leftist body politic has always been based in racism, with the only change being who they directed their racism towards.

BTW, how does one "peacefully" burn down their neighbor's restaurant or grocery store or gas station to "protest" Police brutality?  How were all those radical leftist street thugs not being every bit as brutal as the Police, if not more so?  Who were they actually "protesting against"?  It certainly wasn't the Police, unless you're one of the people who thinks burning down a grocery store is "protesting".

I don't even know what the hell "Qanon" is supposed to be, but that's because I have better things to do with my time than chasing after radicals trying to spread their fanaticism.  Apart from leftist media, I've never heard of or met any of these "4chan" / "8chan" / "8kun" people you speak of.  They sound like communist Chinese to me, not Russians.  I have heard of this "X-22 report", but only because one of our far-right wackaloons, who also threatened me with violence several times for saying I thought his information was drivel, said that whatever was being printed there was "the truth".  Naturally, as someone on the right, I gave it all the due consideration of the brain diarrhea of the far left "mainstream media", which is to say I farted, and then moved on.

Speaking of Russia, why are radical leftists so afraid of an oligarchy with the economic power of Italy?  Aren't the Russians fellow communists, or at least socialists?  Doesn't their government steal from poor to further enrich the rich, so that all is "as it should be" with the world.  Speaking of brain diarrhea, Putin sure seems to think so.  Wasn't he a card-carrying communist?  He said that he had favorable opinions of Biden because he was a fellow socialist, if not a communist?  If not for "mainstream media", tell me how it is that you think a country with the GDP of Italy could ever be a threat to America?  How many aircraft carriers do they have?  How many combat-coded 5th generation stealth fighters and bombers do they own?  Seriously though, some of this stuff is so ridiculous that it's hard for me to fathom how anyone was ever able to get someone with your level of intelligence to buy into it.

Here's what I think?  Just like the far right, the far left is merely passing gas.  You can stick your nose up their rear orifices if you wish, but I prefer fresh clean air.  These people on the far left and far right are what the cool kids call "gas lighters".  They say and do ridiculous things for attention because they want attention, and people like you give it to them.  Well, guess what, GW?  In modern America, as in historical America, it is the radical far left extremists who typically do things through extra-judicial means.

Anyway, back on topic here, the far left are the ones who constantly questioned the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine and also said that a vaccine could never be developed in the timeframe that President Trump said it could.  They were wrong on both counts and President Trump, as usual, was completely correct.

BTW, the only "dangerous cult members" I've seen or heard of lately are the ones rioting in the streets- all of them anarchists / socialists / communists, while they receive cover from the far leftists in the media, from far left politicians and justice department officials, as well as Hollyweird wackaloons.  They're rioting against the far left people they elected for not being complete anarchists, mostly because they don't want people arrested and prosecuted for committing violent felonies.  There are no Republicans or right wing people in charge in any of the cities that the radical left targeted for economic destruction.

Those politicians are, of course, complete nutbags, but people like you voted for them, and you'll do it again, because your ego or ideology or both won't permit you to admit when you're wrong.  Your President-elect Biden will start at least one new war, not that you'll ever notice unless it appears on "mainstream media", he'll implement policies that further hurt our economy, more people will lose their jobs and become dependent on an ever-more-powerful centralized government, and still, you'll blame it on someone or something else, because of ego and ideology.  Your own far-left people are rioting because the policies of the people they voted for don't work, it's plain as day, but you'll never admit that, because that would require introspection and assignment of blame, and that's something that far leftists only ever do to other people, never to themselves.  That's the only reliable measure I've ever found for who is truly on the left versus the right.  The leftists will go to their graves believing they can do no wrong, but the rightists will both know and believe that their decision making was flawed at various times throughout their lives.


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#4 2020-12-27 17:50:20

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

That said take all news sources with a grain of salt and find what is being said by both as the real truth to the story....
If you fear a vaccine as do many of the anti vax then no vaccine is ever seen as safe to take...

In this day and age of all forms of medicines and care we all need to look back at what we call natural and understand that we are just doing the same thing via synthetic means.

Here's what labels get you … Right_Wing


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#5 2020-12-28 15:00:03

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,885

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Spacenut and Kbd512:

I really don't think this discussion is deserving of its own thread.  I learned some ago not to respond to false political claims on these forums,  as a rather pointless waste of time. 

It was just that the "far-left mainstream media" claimed as propagating the lie that "the vaccines are unsafe" was so egregiously and obviously wrong,  I felt compelled to call it out for the easily-disproved falsehood that it was.  And I proceeded to disprove it.  Damned sitting duck target.  Too tempting.

I knew I would strike a nerve and take "return fire" for doing so,  but I really didn't expect to be blamed for being a part of every problem facing America! That really seems to be a bit over the top.

As well as totally wrong.  I am actually probably closer to being a true (traditional) conservative than Kbd512 himself. 

Trumpism is NOT traditional conservatism!  Traditional conservatism is more associated with the likes of John McCain,  and Mitt Romney,  and many others most of y'all are too young to remember.  Few are left today.  Very few.

I am a traditional conservative,  but I am NOT a Republican!  Neither am I a Democrat!  I am an independent!  Period!  End of issue!  I have nearly always split my tickets to vote for those whom I thought might best do the greatest job serving ALL of us!  I do NOT vote for simple party hacks,  as a matter of principle! 

I consider prioritizing party good over the good of the country to be treason!  THAT is how f***ing CONSERVATIVE (!!!) I truly am!  Sorry about the implied profanity,  but there is simply no other way to accurately express that sentiment.

Unlike the party types,  I know when to apply my conservative principles,  and when not to (you do NOT limit government spending during economic depressions,  but you DO bank the surpluses during good times).  I also know that capitalism,  the greatest engine of creation yet devised by man,  is NOT self-regulating for fair play!  You have to regulate it to prevent its devolution into the piracy-and-slavery we have seen countless times through history.  "You have to fence-off the seed corn,  or the cows WILL eat it!"  Simple as that. 

Kbd512 says he does not know anything about Qanon,  the sites where that cult begaan,  or the many outlets for its lies ("X-22 Report" is but one of many) that are putting that stuff all over (unpoliced-for-truth !!!) social media,  and which lies I hear out of the mouths of Trumpist "Republicans" every day. 

It seems unlikely in the extreme that Kbd512 would take the advice of others about this topic.  So all I can do,  as his on-line friend and colleague,  is to strongly encourage him to research these things for himself.  The Wikipedia article about Qanon is a good place to start.

Compare what they claim to what you claim.  Look at why they claim these things,  what it is they want to do.  I think you will be apalled by what they want to do.  Accordingly,  you may (or may not,  your choice) wish to modify what you claim.

As I already said,  this thread is probably pointless,  so I probably won't post about this anymore.


Last edited by GW Johnson (2020-12-28 15:00:20)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#6 2020-12-28 15:10:18

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

The only topic area for this discusion is in the "NOT SO FREE CHAT" and no others since we are trying to keep politics out of the real truthful content...that will effect Mars Society and going to Mars....


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#7 2020-12-28 17:01:50

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,026

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


You don't respond to false political claims, but take no issue with making them yourself.

I've seen dozens of mainstream news journalists and politicians asking the question, "Is the vaccine safe?", as if somehow, all of the dozens of pharmaceutical companies with their hundreds of medical doctors and scientists thought that they could skip making that determination this time around...  because... reasons?  In the past, we had such questions asked and answered in a public forum, one and only one time.  Why?  Because the media involved was only interested in delivering factual information, rather than continuing on with a counter-productive psychological approach that nearly always backfires.  Repeating something over and over again doesn't change what most people believe, when it comes to what they fear.  In other words, blathering on about it doesn't make them less fearful.  In fact, it seems to become one of those self-reinforcing circular logic loops.  If the vaccine does little to no harm and has the potential for tremendous benefit, as I believe it will based upon everything I've read about it, then why are there so many dozens of TV interviews from mainstream journalists repetitively questioning whether or not the vaccine is safe?  Are you really so absurdly intelligent that you can't figure out how the minds of lesser men and women actually work?  Here's a tiny hint: Talking about radiation effects didn't make my wife less fearful of undergoing radiation therapy. It didn't help when her doctors did it, nor when I did it.

Is it safe? - CNN
Is it safe? - FOX
Is it safe? - NBC
Is it safe? - CBS

Gee whiz, fellow rocket scientist.  Is it?  Tell me what you think it is that someone with a 100 or sub-100 IQ level is thinking after dozens of "upstanding and trustworthy journalists and medical doctors" are all on TV talking about the safety of a vaccine over a period of weeks or months?  If it's not an issue, then why would they be talking about it so much? <-- Can you understand how the mind of an average thinker works yet, or do I need to break it down even further?  In the interest of saving time, I guess I will.  Unlike you, I've actually asked that type of question of average people of average intelligence, and not just about vaccines.  Whenever they hear a bunch of commotion about something, they think there's a possible issue there that someone's not talking about.  These people are suspicious of everything and everyone because, subconsciously and sometimes consciously, they think people are trying to pull one over on them- because many of them know they're not that bright.  They're also routinely told by people like you that they're stupid.  However, when you go on further and tell them that you don't care about them or wish that they were dead, as so many liberals love to do, then they start to get the idea that maybe people really are "out to get them", so they quickly devolve into questioning everything, to the point of absurdity.  See how that works?  Mother.

John McCain and Mitt Romney were Democrat-lite, nothing more, nothing less.  They're every bit as conservative as I am the Queen of England.  There is no "conservative principle" that says the government should force you to buy anything at all.  None.  Period.

You think I blamed you for every problem in America?  You have a mighty high opinion of yourself, if that's what you took away from what I said.  Perhaps self-examination is impossible for some people.

Yes, President Trump is NOT a traditional conservative.  He was a Democrat up until the Democrats quit being Democrats.  More to the point, his policies are very populist in nature, meaning they're genuinely popular with a large percentage of Americans, quite possibly because they see his policies as being in their best interest, and more likely because nobody has come up with a decent explanation for why we don't want jobs, why we don't want regulations so onerous that they destroy small businesses, why we don't want control over our own borders, why we don't want trade deals that are good for American workers, why we don't want allies to pay for their own national defense, or why we don't want endless wars.  Whether or not he fails to make "proper use" of flowery speeches, glittering generalities, and promises he never intends to keep, that you or people with your ideology find most palatable is of little concern to me or the other people who voted for him.  That's why he garnered even more votes during the 2020 election than the 2016 election.  He was "so bad" that more people voted for him the second time around- a LOT more.  75 million people in this country are all too stupid to know what's in their best interest- and if you truly believe that, then you're NOT a conservative and never have been.

You're an independent, but now you're a traditional conservative, but somehow I'm not?  That's a knee-slapper.  You said you've never voted for a Republican and somehow always end up voting for Democrats, but you think putting party over country is treason.  Does that mean you think there are no traditional conservatives, except for yourself, or that Democrats are traditional conservatives and Republicans are liberals?  Good grief, man.  The mental gymnastics required to follow that line of reasoning are Olympic Gold Medal quality.  If you still can't figure it out, and apparently you never will, voting for President Trump twice was intended to be a gigantic and unmistakeable F-YOU to the establishment Republican Party for failing to hold any actual conservative principles regarding what they've failed to do anything about.  We effectively have a single-party system and a lot of over-the-top theatrics to make gullible people think we don't.  That's how sick I am of what the Republican Party was and is doing.  I expect everything we get from the Democrat Party.  They believe in racism and every other form of societal division, so long as it translates into more votes for them and more government dependency.  If that's not what they believe in, then they certainly could've fooled me, because it's all they ever talk about.  So far as I can tell, the only people remotely interested in oppressing Democrat voters are themselves.

What's unlikely in the extreme is that you ever convince me that you have any conservative principles, nor any inkling of what any actual conservatives really think, after spending your entire life voting for people whose ultimate aim is socialism or communism or corporatist oligarchy (the aftermath of socialism and communism), whether they have the guts to plainly state it in public like Senator Sanders or Congresswoman Ocassio-Cortez, or not.

Yeah, I don't know a single thing about "Qanon" and probably never will.  Unless "Qanon" recently won a political seat, I could care less what he/she/they/it thinks.  Is this guy a recent David Koresh type?  Unless he's rioting, fomenting rioting, or handing out "get out of jail free" cards like the Democrats are doing in the cities they've run into the ground, then I just don't care about your internet conspiracy theories, their internet conspiracy theories, or anyone else's internet conspiracy theories.  This is one of three message boards I post anything on or read anything about.  I don't use social media and probably never will, unless I get a job at Twitter or something like that.  If it doesn't involve the technology required to go to Mars, guns, or aircraft, I just don't care about it and never will.  I'm a simple man with a simple plan.  Unless "Qanon" has more firepower than the federal government, I think we can take care of him/her/them/it relatively easily if they ever try to start something.

Peace out, cowboy.


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#8 2020-12-28 17:14:47

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Agreed although I would characterise it as an alliance of CCP, Globalists, Islamic interests Mainstream/PC Left and Far Left.

One of the most interesting things about the recent US election was how it emerged that Fox News was firmly in the Globalist MSM camp. 

There is now a constitutional crisis taking place in the USA and the MSM are not even reporting it!  It's quite incredible. 

kbd512 wrote:
GW Johnson wrote:

Given the supplies and production rates,  North America and Western Europe,  plus China and Japan,  and maybe Russia if their vaccine really works,  could reach 70% late in 2021, if politics,  fear,  and disinformation do not stand in the way.  And they do stand in the way in North America and Western Europe,  thanks to the spread of the Qanon B.S. among the political right and far-right.  So that beneficial outcome will NOT happen in 2021!


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the far left, also known as "the mainstream media", have been the ones pushing the BS that the vaccine was "not safe" because President Trump was President during the time it was developed.  They've spent the past four years waging a disinformation campaign against one man, specifically due to their far-left politics.  If anything, the major media corporations have pushed lie after lie, conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, because the establishment politicians and their unintelligentsia in academia and pop culture are freaking out over the fact that populists are taking over, because they represent the interests of the people who elected them, not the ivory tower elitists and petty crooks who have infested our government.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


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#9 2020-12-28 18:47:11

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,026

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


Since GW likes internet conspiracy theories so much, here's a good one for him to follow-up on.  The parent company that owns Dominion Voting Systems, Staple Street Capital, was purchased by UBS Securities Ltd, and as far as we know, UBS Securities Ltd is 75% owned by the communist Chinese government.  That happened on October 8th, 2020, according to their SEC filings.  I'm sure it was all a giant coincidence.  There's actual US-government approved paperwork behind that one.  NBC and others say that claim is false, but I went to the SEC's website and their Form D says otherwise.

And here it is below, in black-and-white, as-filed with the US SEC:


GW was the one who wanted us to "follow the money", so I did.  It leads back to Beijing Biden's buddies in communist utopia.  Although I could go deeper and literally connect all the dots, it's more fun (for me) to watch the gears turn as people gradually come to the realization that they screwed themselves over, royally.  Both the Republicans and the Democrats are involved, though, hence the vote for President Trump.  Then again, I'm having an internet argument with someone who believes that socialists and communists represent conservative interests.

There's no Constitutional crisis here, though.  The "blue no matter who" / neo-liberals and anarchist / socialist / communist factions within the Democrat Party are having a civil war with each other.  It's already spilled over into the streets, which is why there are "mostly peaceful protests" involving billions of dollars worth of property damage in every major Democrat-run city in America.  They're not protesting conservatives or Republicans because there aren't any of those in positions of power in those cities.

GW is a classic never-Trumper who thinks he can please himself by pretending he's not supporting the ideologically-motivated excesses of the other side.  He says he votes AGAINST people and I guess that somehow makes it all better in his mind.  In contrast, I vote FOR candidates that I can tolerate.  That's what most actual conservatives do.  We find a candidate with values we actually agree with and then we support that person, so long as their actions are consistent with what they claim to believe in.  Anyway, I guess that would be fine if Democrats weren't such fanatical ideologues, but I still think he's in for a rude surprise.  If President-elect Biden started WWIII, GW would still be rambling on about how President Trump was worse, or that he made the best decision he could at the time, or basically grasping at any justification that would excuse what was otherwise a blatantly obvious and extraordinarily serious judgement error.

To be frank, in another 10 year or so, if the uni-party keeps doing what they've been doing, then I don't think there's going to be much left of America that anyone who was around before then would actually recognize.  Time will tell.


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#10 2020-12-28 20:33:01

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing … 282157002/

Government, experts agree: There were no deleted or changed votes, including by Dominion … SKBN27S2Z9

The Dominion Voting website shows that the company has customers in 28 states ( ) … g-machine/


Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, & Wisconsin.This also includes Puerto Rico that isn't a state

Since these machines were in use for 2016 and hillary lost they must have been rigged the other way.right wink wink..not these machinces did what they are expected to do and that is all...

These machines were bought and installed in Red and Blue states....


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#11 2020-12-28 21:39:09

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,026

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


If there's no problem with the voting machines or the software they're running, then the results of 100 votes for Candidate A and 100 votes for Candidate B should appear as follows:

Candidate A Vote Tally: 100
Candidate B Vote Tally: 100

Upon testing multiple Dominion Voting Systems machines used in a state where the vote tallies were contested, that is not the result that the machines produced.  NBC, Bloomberg, and other media sources all stated early in 2020 that there were serious questions about the reliability of the voting machines themselves, the software they're running, and the processes used to test them.

Last time, it was a grand "Russian collusion" conspiracy when you didn't get the result you were after.  Now that you achieved the result you wanted, there's nothing to see here.  I'm merely pointing out your stunning hypocrisy.  That's all.  Nothing more, nothing less.

You probably don't know who Ron Rivest is, but I'm willing to bet many here have heard of RSA cryptography:

3 Questions: Ron Rivest on trusting electronic voting systems

‘I hacked an election. So can the Russians.’

The Market for Voting Machines Is Broken. This Company Has Thrived in It.

Threats obvious, but electronic voting systems remain insecure

It took a professional hacker less then 2 minutes to hack every single voting machine used in our elections and start changing vote tallies.  It took high schoolers 8 minutes.  The hackathon this year focused on voting machine hacking.  You should probably check out the results.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD - Exposes how the 2020 election was rigged

As the good professor explains, the Dominion Voting Systems machines store vote tallies not as integer numbers, which is what they are, but as decimal numbers.  I don't know about you, but I've never cast ".7" of a vote or "1.3" of vote for any candidate, at all or ever.  If you can think of any legitimate reason to store an integer number, which is what a vote tally is, as a decimal or floating point value, you let me know.  I'll be waiting.


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#12 2020-12-28 21:50:53

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Sure electronic machines can be hacked and software changed and even altered but if its the same software unchanged as the last time it was used then all you have are the names that change in what position on the ballots.
The count also means that Hillary did win also with that same machine that counts in partial digits....
Oh and where are the tamper seals to make sure that they have not been altered....


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#13 2020-12-29 04:42:51

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,026

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


Can you think of any valid reason to store votes for singular people as decimal values?  Have you ever voted 0.7 times, or 1.3 times, for example?  I can't.  If I wanted to increment a counter, then it's not terribly hard to do (there are plenty of more sophisticated ways to do this, but this is simple enough to illustrate the point):

public class countVotes() {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String candidate_A = "John Doe";
    String candidate_B = "Jane Doe";
    int candidate_A_Counter = 0;
    int candidate_B_Counter = 0;
    switch (args[0]) {
      case: candidate_A
      case: candidate_B
        System.out.println("Vote for candidate named \"" + candidateName + "\" was not recognized.  Please request assistance from the election management staff.");

C:\countVotes "John Doe" <- should produce 1 vote for candidate "John Doe"
C:\countVotes "Jane Doe" <- should produce 1 vote for candidate "Jane Doe"

This is what Dominion Voting Systems actually did:

public class countVotes() {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String candidate_A = "John Doe";
    String candidate_B = "Jane Doe";
    BigDecimal candidate_A_Counter = new BigDecimal(0.0);
    candidate_A_Counter.setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
    BigDecimal candidate_B_Counter = new BigDecimal(0.0);
    candidate_B_Counter.setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
    switch (args[0]) {
      case: candidate_A
        candidate_A_Counter += 1.3;
      case: candidate_B
        candidate_B_Counter += 0.7;
        System.out.println("Vote for candidate named \"" + candidateName + "\" was not recognized.  Please request assistance from the election management staff.");

C:\countVotes "Jane Doe" <- should produce 1 vote for candidate "John Doe", but Dominion's voting machines produced 1.3 votes instead
C:\countVotes "John Doe" <- should produce 1 vote for candidate "Jane Doe", but Dominion's voting machines produced 0.7 votes instead

That was the only way that Dr. Ayyadurai was able to get the mathematical model of the voting results to align with what we actually observed.  I guess that works if you think 0.7 == 1.3, but in all other cases, that logic wouldn't be accepted.  This was subsequently mathematically modeled and then it was actually tested using Dominion's voting machines.  Strangely enough, it produced the result we all witnessed, but only if you operate under the assumption that some votes count more than others.  Anyway, one of Dominion Voting System's own programmers said that President Trump would never win, "because he made f**king sure of that".  President-elect Biden said, "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."  I'll simply have to take him at his word.  The mainstream media says it was "deceptive", yet they played the entire question and response, from start to finish.  Maybe he was simply proving how demented he is.

Anyway, I'm just here to point out the hypocrisy.  I get a kick out of it.  Somehow we couldn't maintain the integrity of the vote in 2016 when former President Obama was in charge because "muh Russian collusion", but then in 2020, after even more phony claims of Russian collusion when President Trump was in charge, there were no voting irregularities that were even possible.  Hmm...  So, Putin was recorded on TV waxing poetic about what a great guy he thought Biden was, a fellow "democratic socialist".  Does that mean the Russians colluded to help President-elect Biden win this time around?

I seriously wish I could perform mental gymnastics at the level GW has achieved, but that would require me to ignore videotapes of people counting the same stack of ballots multiple times for hours on end after faking water main breaks and telling poll watchers to go home, people on videotape detailing how they encouraged elderly people to change their votes in exchange for gifts, mathematical modeling by PhDs who know more about mathematics and statistical anomalies than you or I or even GW ever will, magical assignments of votes to candidates that never received them, dead people and their pets voting, people no longer living in states voting in those states, illegal aliens voting, and on and on.  There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 600+ people who witnessed things they couldn't square with what was supposed to happen, but the mainstream media says there's nothing to see here.  Yeah, I'm gonna call BS on that.  There's definitely "something to see here", which explains the over-the-top media protests and the total lack of investigations after we investigated President Trump for 4 years straight.

But, hey, people like Jaime Dimon said that he was willing to do "absolutely anything" to gain access to the markets in China.  While you whine about all those poor people, you voted for the party that received billions of dollars from people who were willing to do "absolutely anything" to gain access to the markets in China, in their own words.  Maybe you were born in the dark, but I don't think it was yesterday.  I look forward to your lament about the lack of jobs that pay a living wage.  When you can't find any, you only need to look at the person staring back at you in the mirror.  That'll be the person to blame for what's coming.  Whether you realize it or not, that's what you voted for.  While this people screw you over worse than they ever have, they're going to be taking your money to the bank while you fight in the streets for whatever scraps are left.  You can blame President Trump for anything and everything until you go to your grave, but know that those of us who voted for him grew tired of the incessant lying and stealing, so we decided to try voting for someone who wasn't a career politician.

Oh, and by the way, President Trump, Tulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocassio-Cortez are now, collectively, trying to get people like you a $2000 stimulus check out of this absurd spending spree, instead of gender studies for people living in Pakistan, so that all those poor people you claim to care about so much can have food on their table.  I'm pretty sure you'll never be able to figure out why those people are demanding that your future tax money go to you, rather than multi-billion dollar corporations or foreign countries, but that might be a better than average indicator that people like you and GW don't know the difference between a populist and Democrat or Republican, or neo-liberal or neo-conservative for that matter, and probably never will.


The second code blurb shows what the Dominion Voting Systems software actually does.  It's called the "weighted race" feature.  You'll have to ask them why it exists.  I always thought votes were supposed to be integer numbers, but maybe Democrats are reverting back to the 3/5ths compromise in order to win elections.

Last edited by kbd512 (2020-12-29 04:55:57)


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#14 2020-12-29 10:04:26

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

If only 1 ballot was inserted into the machine and its display started with 0.0 then the information is junk if you get a 0.7 to display....
The previous election did say that there was an issue and Republicans brushed it under the rug....
Seems we need a vetting process for all election equipment...oh that got voted down.....


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#15 2020-12-29 13:46:02

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,026

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


So, I take it that you still have no explanation or idea as to why any voting machine software would count votes as decimal numbers.  That figures.  I initialized the Integer / Decimal variables with zero values so I could then increment those values as I did in the examples.  So far as I'm aware, you can't increment or decrement undefined values, because the result is still "undefined".  It was intended as an incredibly simplistic example to accurately illustrate what their software actually does, since "weighted race" is a documented "feature" of the Dominion Voting Systems software.  Again, I've no idea why since I was not aware that people could ever cast fractional votes.  The first example uses Integer values, because votes are Integer values, presuming nobody ever casts "fractional votes".  I thought we were done with that after my fellow Republicans took the Democrats' slaves away from them.  The second example uses Decimal values, because the Dominion Voting Systems software stores its vote tallies as Decimal values.

Your party of choice never made the claim that the voting systems were manipulated during the last election cycle.  In fact, former President Obama said such a thing was impossible before the election took place.  They did make the claim that the Russians somehow influenced how people voted, yet you can't find a single Republican who would've ever voted for Hillary Clinton, irrespective of whether or not the Russians endorsed or despised Hillary Clinton.  We Republicans generally don't vote for candidates who approve the sale of Uranium to a nation with nuclear weapons pointed back at us, although you Democrats can be convinced to vote for anyone, it seems.  President Trump did make that claim, but your party and their media said that was impossible, all while running news stories claiming that it was possible to do it and that hackers had done it.

Again, I'm only here to point out the stunning hypocrisy.


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#16 2020-12-29 15:10:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Show me an untampered machine where a reset displays 0 with no decimal and then you can show the ballot going in and the tallied digit on the display....

They did complain about all of the machines that changed a ballots selection upon submitting and many other things that the company in question did.

Defining code for a display on a decimal does not mean its not correct as you are only seeing some of what it a digit on a display does not equal an integer under coding that is not a count but a function that indicates it worked....since a ballot contains many votes the number could be for all of the boxes that were not checked on a completed ballot where a ballot counter can be a decimal for each box that was checked...

Each ballot is organized by the state for how its marked, how its organized ect and so its the states problem if the machine did not tally correctly for how its laid out....


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#17 2020-12-29 15:25:18

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,026

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


No voting machine needs to use Decimal numbers to represent vote tallies.  There's no such thing as a "weighted election" in real life, unless its fraudulent in nature or treats certain people as "less than one whole human being".  Whatever that software was intended to do, it wasn't intended to count actual votes in an actual election.  Votes are Integer numbers, forever and always, and the vote tallying software is an over-glorified adding machine.  One person gets one vote.  No fractions of votes required, period.  See how simple that is?

Edit: I can tell that you have no argument here, because no part of what you've stated thus far has addressed why you would ever represent someone's vote as a fractional number.  Vote counting involves simple addition of two Integers.  If you ever produced a vote tally result that wasn't an Integer number, then your math is wrong.  Here in America, one American citizen gets one vote for whichever candidates they wish to vote for, per election cycle.

Last edited by kbd512 (2020-12-29 15:31:30)


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#18 2020-12-29 16:17:30

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Maine does have a weighted vote. … 053c294248 … 8-midterms … -response/ … ting.html/ … 5_442.html … ed-voting/

Weighted voting allows a voter’s vote to have more of an influence on the outcome of an election than another voter’s. By default, all votes are weighted as 1. Meaning each vote counts once. With weighted voting enabled voters can have. How to Enable Weighted Voting. Click on “Settings” on the election …

Since the same machines were use in these same states as this time Trump as to the last win does not change his lose this time as no software was altered.


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#19 2020-12-29 16:38:23

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,026

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


There's no such thing as a "weighted vote".  A weighting factor of 1 is entirely superfluous.  If one person gets one vote, then you don't need any fancier math than that, in order to tally votes.  Perhaps, the "same microchips" were used, except that they weren't because the states continually replace older machines, but most machines receive software updates between election cycles.  If they didn't, then Hillary Clinton's name would still appear as the Democrat Party candidate for President.  The software is doing the vote tallying.  New software can run on the same old microchip.  I'm sure you're aware of how this works, given your trials and tribulations with Microsoft software updates.  You're trying to be really obtuse about this.  You don't need floating point numbers or weighting factors to tally votes when simple integer arithmetic will suffice.  Try to prove me wrong if you think you can, but I already know you can't.  Prior to using computers, we tabulated vote counts and "stored" the results on paper as integers.  Computers can do the exact same thing in memory registers.  No floating point operations or weighting factors are required, nor should they ever be present in the vote tallying software.


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#20 2020-12-29 19:41:52

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

As far as no single state that only does just a presidential choices of write in, democratic and republican for president as thats all that is done on the ballot as that would be to easy to solve the issue... Instead the states all make different styles of ballots with all sort of other stuff on them for the machines to read for the purpose of counting.

Over looked is the fact that the electors are a weighed system for how many votes are counted for each states population.

Here is what I am finding about the election machines.

electronic voting machines had "switched" or "deleted" votes cast for the president.

Here's What Was Discovered About Dominion Machines Used in a Swing State

Fact check: Dominion voting machines didn't delete votes from Trump, switch them to Biden

In letter to Dominion investor, Klobuchar said issues with voting machines ‘threaten integrity of elections’

Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting System and Hart InterCivic — three election technology companies that “facilitate voting for over 90% of all eligible voters in the United States.

Texas rejected the use of the Dominion technology on three different occasions because officials discovered “multiple hardware and software issues.”

More than 30 states use Dominion’s voting machines, which reached an estimated 71 million voters in the 2016 election.

But Texas did still use them....

Of course during that same period of jan of 2020 windows stop the support of windows 7 and we all got to learn how to live with windows 10 not by choice....So we can blame it on the OS as its been hacked as well with the update game.....

All  electors have cast the ballots back in December and all that awaits is the final counting which is to happen on the Jan 6th of 2021.
With some senate GOP wanting to not do what is expected with the final tally in that they want to object. A small number of Republican senators have left open the possibility of objecting to the electoral vote count when Congress meets on January 6, even after 'More Republican Senators should follow his lead,' Trump urged. 'We had a landslide victory, and then it was swindled away from the Republican Party - but we caught them. Do something!'

Gop Senator to object to electoral college results forcing congress to vote on overturning Biden's win


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#21 2021-07-11 11:10:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

Why would they dislike both the left and right, they don't want a Jim Webb , a Rand Paul a Tulsi Gabbard Influence...when guys go for election they are often screened, they are casted and examined before they get on the big stage, Trump was probably something of a mix of Jimmy Carter and Nixons crazy rants, he was one of those dolls they didn't controll and slipped under their radar. As for Trump's promise to 'drain the swamp' probably not true, if it was why did he surround himself with so many swamp creatures???
Is a bad media worse than a bad dictator?
One might ask a question which is better Communism or Fascism when the answer is both of them are terrible, if you go by numbers Communism is also a big killer and Mao did a terrible job by killing thousands upon thousands of his own Chinese people, putting millions into famine. If the Western mainstream media was infiltrated and subverted then don't think of it as a JoeStalin or Reich, its not as easy to see as 'PravdaReport' maybe The Media machine is more flashy and clever, maybe the machine serves itself, it is neither right nor left.

I thought Trump was silly at times, other occasions he would seem a bit patriotic but he did not have nice respectful diplomacy, he often posted crap that seemed trollish or offensive....but should his voice have been silenced?
Obama and Bush were never silenced or fact checked or warnings put across their statements even when they told lies. The guys at Twitter and Facebook and Youtube and other websites said  Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States went too far, a sitting President censored and unable to speak, Trump beat the old dinosaur media to get his first election by moving his fanbase online, the online thing became a bigger machine and eventually it turned on Trump and banned him, Tik-tok wasn't the threat as promised to be, intead Trump was silenced by his own BigTech people in America, the funded all seeing eye and technocracy is now here.
These big Corps now control the message, they are inside mobile cell phones, maybe they are too big too fail or maybe they need to go down.
People blame Trump for not responding enough to Corona, at the time the media also ignored corona and was almost totally focused on Brexit and Trumps offensive tweets and constant back and forth political war in noisy news media, then media blame him for the economic crash which will follow a virus, Biden plans to print his way out of recession...just like the 2007-2010 Financial Crisis during Bush Obama. Finally Left media tried to blame Trump for the riot on January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., was stormed during a riot...a weird mix of America-firsty people, Trump supporters, there was a riot and it was an odd mix of the nationalists, patriots milita people, dont thread-on-me Tea Party people, Yoga Moms, the leftist Antifa, Anti-Vaccine people, the q-anon crazies...Trump caused all this they said, he made them riot and then made them die!?
but ignore how heated political stuff has gone since Bush v. Gore ... heated with Antifa and BLM riots looting and burning cities across America and maybe all those American votes can not be counted in one day. Maybe the system is broke and they will have to hand count and it will take 3 or 4 days to fully count everything....doubt is in public minds, America divided by an agenda and no centrist moderate party?
and now Blame Trump for the Covid death toll

For me there is something to that conspiracy, its like a Lord of the Rings book - 'One Ring to Rule Them All' its not the islamist Saudis, its not the Zionist Jews, its not Russian Orthdox gang, its not Communists from Russia, North Korea and Vietnam, its not the Italian Mafia in Rome not the Queen's personal wealth...but as we discussed in another thread there is possibly some kind of coalition of almost random nasties who love control across the world, some kind of an elite circle, it could be possible that they do not follow some mainstream religion, maybe their religion is unique and old from babylon or maybe it is just nihilistic, self serving dynasties and greed. Now if these elites exist, if there is some elite circle then perhaps they have been talked about for sometime, perhaps they were part of a club, a series of underground clubs to discuss world affairs secret un-elected and their handshakes... its like the discussion we had in another thread about old European bloodlines and wars across Europe and Asia and other places and the military industrial complex and media and news and banks funding these invasions.
Most people would think a person crazy if they talked of elites or an 'illuminati club'. At one time the conspiracy would only be printed in some weird news letter, a David Icke crazy conspiracy website, the Alt-media and tinfoil headed ufo bigfoot talk sites. A strange book that mixed truth and fiction, that would be a conspiracy story but a lot of stuff is exposed now, I think the pedophile stuff with the Smallville tv show and music rapper guy R Kelly and Maxwell and Epstein and Prince Andrew made it all go public. The elites are so weird and creepy that sometimes they set each other up with underage at drink and drug parties and then Blackmail others, the French, the CIA, the FBI, KGB, Mossad and the MI6 all play this weird game, sometimes swapping into, outsourcing the blackmail to another agency when they can not do it directly, the even use connections within the media to cover up crimes by elite, let's say elite Royalty. I guess with the internet things started to move faster, stories behind the scenes in Hollywood came out faster than they could cover up, wars got exposed as 'Fake News'...a term Trump used which might have some truth to it afterall. Neo-Cons were exposed as warmongers and the Neo-Left at times are equally as bad, possibly even more crazy. We do have good guys with money, rich who are willing to put money back into America and put jobs out there help the US economy grow again. Musk and others might seem rich on paper but they do not compare to elites with undiscolsed wealth, those who had riches of the Habsburg Dynasty, would it not be possible that News media both Left and Right would become infiltrated over time by those elite who push the Big Lies?

GW Johnson wrote:

The Qanon sources were the message boards 4chan,  8chan,  then 8kun,  in turn feeding disinformation content to a variety of blogs and youtube channels,  such as "the X-22 report".  People otherwise smart enough to know better spout this bullshit at me all the time!  They are not dissuaded from believing these lies by any facts,  because this is NOT a knowledge system,  it is a belief system,  almost a religious cult.  And a dangerous cult at that!

It would NOT in the least surprise me to learn that one of the multiple entities masquerading as "Q" on these "sources" turns out to be one or another of the Russian intelligence groups planting disinformation to divide us.  They've been all over the other social media giants for at least half a decade now.

I seen a good documentary on this Q-Anon thing, I'm normally not a big fan of ViceMedia but they have done a good doc on it
QAnon: The Search for Q

'A comprehensive investigation into the who, what, and why of the viral movement.'

I agree it is a cult and the weird thing is they have no church, temple there is no David Koresh no Order of the Solar Temple place no Heaven's Gate religious group meeting, there is no Hindu guru or Rabbi or “Mad Mullah” nor physical human Peacher in front of them, its all online.
I guess Q-Anon might have grown out of the AlexJones movement but the weird thing is it started to mix in Leftwing Yoga-Mom types that were starting to go crazy during the Lockdowns.
At the end of the documentary they did not answer 'Who is Q-Anon?' but they did have 'suspects' and it may have been more than one person.

As crazy as this sounds there may be Tens of Millions of Americans who agree with QAnon beliefs

Trump sues Facebook, Twitter, and Google … ensorship/

Facebook, youtubes and twitter bannings are too much for some on the left? … el-culture

Trump can’t beat Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in court – but the fight might be worth more than a win … han-a-win/

Bernie Sanders Admits He's 'Uncomfortable' with Trumps Banning from the Interwebs … ald-trump/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2021-07-11 13:17:13)


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#22 2021-07-11 11:42:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

All privately owned business have the right of denial of services...
He had his own privately owned blog and he pulled the plug on it so there is nothing to the law suit as he had his chioce to make use of his own mouth piece....


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#23 2021-07-11 12:45:04

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

The mainstream is a peverted orwellian machine that will serve itself or eat itself?

The Sinclair machine this one makes Dozens upon Dozens of News Anchors both Left and Rightwing Recite the EXACT Same Script...
Economic factors may take some spring out of the Easter Bunny's step this year!
Newscasters All Agree they All share the VERY SAME Thoughts like an Invasion of the Body Snatchers Movie or a Widwick Cuckoos John Carpenter Village of the Damned Movie?

Read a few conspiracy sites in my time I guess for my own ammusment on Bigfoot and crazy UFO talk, and I was once told that some of these perverts in the media worship a Transexual God.... a Baphomet of Sorts...
...I thought the idea too ridiculous to be serious

A Woman from the Left then asked take Lesson from History, look at Transgender Mania, when people get obsessed with the perverted it is Sign of Cultural Collapse, just before their Civilisations Dies they get this weird obesssion with Transexuals, it happens again and again through time or so said - Camille Paglia
...should she be allowed make such a statement
or should facebook or youtube or twitter censor her for her offensive comment? … charge-now
What happens when the Feminists and the Left and the Islamists and the Antifa and the SJWs start to turn on themself ... will the left eat itself?

Google sued by 36 states, DC for alleged antitrust violations in app store
CNET … app-store/

The technocracy is no longer scifi it has become a real thing

SpaceNut wrote:

All privately owned business have the right of denial of services...

Once the bannings come it starts a slippery slope anyone can be banned by any new mob that finds anything offensive, suddenly Islamics Alt-Rights and Marxists and radical Christians and Communists and all sorts of fringe groups that normally don't work together will join forces to attack the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution, even simple Writers, Artists, Musicians and Comedians will be banned ...there are plenty of voices who have crossed the line on social media for gore and war mongering and degeneracy and smut and violence and none of these people and sites are banned. I did not vote for Trump, I often thought of him as a hothead but Banning Trump seems to be poltically motivated and agenda driven.
I'm not an American but I do wonder why these American companies don't follow thier own set standard on posts and media. I wonder then why they do not follow their own standards have not banned those Iranian and Saudi accounts screaming violent chants like Death to Israel or Death to America ...maybe they like having these accounts screaming out their controlled terror, all part of the larger war machine game. In Hollywood these days you get crazy actress and actors pushing their abusive Transexual LGBT agendas, people like 'Madonna' wanting to 'Blow Up the WhiteHouse' and Charlize Theron buying children, adopting people from Asia, S.America, parts of Africa, making them go through hormone therapy and force a kid to change sex?


Do you trust that perverted hollyweird blackmailed tinsel town machine to moderate itself with fairness and honesty?
This topic has been covered by books, art, music and other media, Do you think criminals linked to tech media, friends in the news media should be covering up the crimes of their pedophile Hollyweirdo friends? … ew-1469893
ABC Host Amy Robach Responds to Leaked Footage About Epstein
The weird blackmail and abuse seems to be everywhere, many business, many boyscout groups, many temples and Roman Catholic Churches, all over Hollywood...but how weird could it get?
Are a lot of Transexual Shemale Gay Dyke Transgender kids former victims of Abuse or is there something in the water, it was found a Pesticide atrazine got into the human water supply in the United States, it can turn male frogs into females....Cynthia Nixon goes online shares her tranny son / daughter, Ellen Page she / he / it changed sex is now some dude called Elliot, Cher was already weird her daughter became a son, R&B music hip hop rapper star R. Kelly has three kids with ex-wife Drea Kelly, a dancer-turned-reality TV star fans know from "Hollywood Exes." In a series of 2014 posts on the 13-year-old middle child revealed he'd changed his name from Jaya to turns out R Kelly was one of Hollyweirds biggest pedophiles, Surviving R. Kelly is a Lifetime documentary detailing sexual abuse allegations against American singer Robert "R." Kelly.
How dare you criticize the LGBT movement the criminal hollyweirdo media freakshow says!!!

Media machines and Thought-Cops

We have seen this topic covered many times in science fiction, the technocracy, a new Orwellian 1984 thought police style rule, a comicbook covering a topic 'Who watches the Watchmen?' – by Alan Moore a movie 'Enemy of the State' a film talking about watchmen cover up their own crimes, the topic a subject of an anti-McCarthyism song by Harold Rome: "Who's gonna investigate the man who investigates the man who investigates me?" It was also StarTrek episode once looked at a Machine it concluded they were seen as Gods, by a more primitive machine underneath Starfleet, the higher personnel are gods looking down on a smaller inferior world.  Who watches the watchers - from the Latin Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2021-07-11 13:47:09)


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#24 2021-07-11 17:26:09

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing

That's nonsense. You can't bring in racial segregation in a public mall with separate toilets for blacks and whites. It's unconstitutional. It's nothing to do with specific laws.

Likewise, you can't (or shouldn't, under the American constitution, assuming you didn't have a corrupted Supreme Court led by a corrupt Chief Justice) be able to deny free speech to people in the equivalent of a public mall. That I believe is Trump's case and it seems eminently reasonable to me. Or are you saying Bell or its successors should have the right to listen to your telephone calls and stop them when it feels what you say is offensive?

SpaceNut wrote:

All privately owned business have the right of denial of services...
He had his own privately owned blog and he pulled the plug on it so there is nothing to the law suit as he had his chioce to make use of his own mouth piece....

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


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#25 2021-07-11 19:40:17

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: "mainstream media", Left or Right wing


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