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#1 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2019-12-16 15:18:52

louis wrote:

Interesting but I don't trust anything that doesn't have a link to the raw image.

Yep agreed, always always link to the raw and a key would be nice.

#2 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2019-12-16 02:25:31

Tmcom wrote:
M-Albion-3D wrote:
Tmcom wrote:

No, (you can see the ref, landscape on the left) but my video, (first post here) shows some rats and one rabbit. The rabbit one is fascinating as it doesn't appear in some images and in others.

Saw this years ago, it is a reflection, (shadow is the dark bit, etc).

PS don't post the rodent one, another one.


Oh, I'm used to this kind of dismissal guy. No, it's not a shadow my friend but if you think it is....well... I would like to show you a cool bridge at a price $ you might like to take a look at? wink

That makes two of us, and l am the first to want to say that it is an animal, but it isn't, the dark part is the rovers shadow, it is as simple as that!

I have been scouring through Curiosity images for the last 6 years, (l have tried to put this thread on several other forums) and am a lot more critical than the YT crowd that find something flimsy and spend half an hour on it, or l am a lot more critical than l was 6 years ago, where anything was something.

I can break that animal illusion down if you want, but going by my years of experience it is an illusion.

I also spent a few years with Opp/Spirit before Curiosity, so l guess l have been at this for almost 10 years.

Have a nice day!


"I can break that animal illusion down if you want, but going by my years of experience it is an illusion."

hey TM, please do and btw, you know we are on the same side right?

ok before you do, you do have a pair of red/cyan glasses right?
I don't even waste my time in 2D anymore. if you want to REALLY  "see" Mars, one must "see" in depth of field otherwise you're only educating the brain with one eye closed!
the faux creature standing there is not a living being IMO but only a facsimile of one. And I too have now chalked up well over 15 years of image analysis.
trust me, brother, invest in a pair. Here ya go; … 216&sr=8-6

#3 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2019-12-15 01:21:10

Tmcom wrote:
jorgear wrote:

Thanks for your in depth explanation Tmcom.

Is this a giant rat on Mars??? … n-mars.jpg

No, (you can see the ref, landscape on the left) but my video, (first post here) shows some rats and one rabbit. The rabbit one is fascinating as it doesn't appear in some images and in others.

M-Albion-3D wrote:

Spirit Rover Sol 87

    On Sol 87, the Spirit Rover sent back to earth some remarkable images. These raw image files were acquired from NASA … 3L0M1.HTML

       Is this a huge animal mozying across the Martian plain, or could it be something else? Perhaps just a giant Martian scarecrow?

    Using the available two stereo files, I was able to forge this excellent 3D image for evaluation,

    Below is the 3D image from the raw stereo images gathered from the two Navcam cameras mounted up high. They are taken at roughly ground level.

In an effort to try and get a better 3D effect for close up the magnification, in the image below, you may need to pull back and forth until you get a nice sense of the depth of field.

The lower is forged for viewing at close range.

So the question now is, what is it? One thing I did notice was that the "BLC" (Bear Like Creature) did not move in the frames as first suspected and will show the evidence a little later.

Upon close inspection in anaglyph, I noticed the BLC was sporting a sort of garment with a collar and even round buttons!

For all intents and purposes (literally), I believe the "statue" is intended to be a representation of a familiar earthlike creature although.....quite alien!


Saw this years ago, it is a reflection, (shadow is the dark bit, etc).

PS don't post the rodent one, another one.


Oh, I'm used to this kind of dismissal guy. No, it's not a shadow my friend but if you think it is....well... I would like to show you a cool bridge at a price $ you might like to take a look at? wink

#4 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2019-12-13 01:05:07

Spirit Rover Sol 87

    On Sol 87, the Spirit Rover sent back to earth some remarkable images. These raw image files were acquired from NASA … 3L0M1.HTML

    The raw image data appears to show a huge "Bear-like" animal in the distance.

    In some circles, it is claimed to be debunked as a large rock boulder, nothing more.

    As I scanned the NASA site and also images on the internet, I could not find one 3D image anywhere, and as the rover was equipped with a stereo camera for navigation, it was quite simple to produce some beautiful 3D images with good, not great, but decent resolution.

    The hi-mag clips show a revealing tale.

    Is this a huge animal mozying across the Martian plain, or could it be something else? Perhaps just a giant Martian scarecrow?

    Using the available two stereo files, I was able to forge this excellent 3D image for evaluation,

    Below is the 3D image from the raw stereo images gathered from the two Navcam cameras mounted up high. They are taken at roughly ground level.


Magnified to the "suspect" in question, we can now see so much greater depth of field than the 2D below



In an effort to try and get a better 3D effect for close up the magnification, in the image below, you may need to pull back and forth until you get a nice sense of the depth of field.

The lower is forged for viewing at close range.

So the question now is, what is it? One thing I did notice was that the "BLC" (Bear Like Creature) did not move in the frames as first suspected and will show the evidence a little later.

Upon close inspection in anaglyph, I noticed the BLC was sporting a sort of garment with a collar and even round buttons!

For all intents and purposes (literally), I believe the "statue" is intended to be a representation of a familiar earthlike creature although.....quite alien!



#5 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2019-11-21 10:30:19

jorgear wrote:

Great video by Mike Bara explaining the Mars events

Several years back, Mike Bara and I met up (finally) at a conference here in Los Angeles. At the time, I discovered this tantalizing character at the bottom of a huge 1.5 gig image taken from the MRO of a region located in the vast plains to the south of Melas Chasma - ESP_011359_1695




Here's a link for Mike recorded in Manchester UK where he speaks about the find and the ensuing discussion with the audience and especially the surrounding artifacts of the central character. … o6Bkr8CKbX

#6 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2019-09-30 15:52:36

louis wrote:

Rainforests? You do knowthat there have been satellite pics of Mars that show the surface in pretty fine detail I presume ...there are no rainforests.

Tmcom wrote:
jorgear wrote:

I would like to know a thing about Mars. Question for all members: sandstorms only happen after the disappearance of the atmosphere and oceans of Mars or there were sandstorms when Mars was habitable and had those oceans and green life? What do you think?

No, Mars can and does have planet wide sandstorms that can last up to a year, and the centre of the planet, (more or less where the rover is) gets the worst of it, since there is little vegetation, and water available.

Best that l repost this ESA, high res, destortion corrected image of Mars, (don't go looking for it, ESA has pulled it).

This closeup shows the richest concentrations of plant life on Mars, or most likely rainforests. This area is also one of mars strongest magnetic field areas, (Mars MF are sporadic, and not uniform) so most likely humans could live in this area without getting burnt.

Most of the dark blue on the right is the seas or giant lakes, and the dark areas on the left, (CP showed green) are rainforest areas.

There are also patterns close to some of this, or possibly giant structures, (going by this, so big they go into the higher atmosphere or space) or l am getting ahead of myself and it is just part of a city or road system.

This area on Mars is probably the center of their world government.

Imagine sending a drone rover there, blow our minds, especially the ones that don't have that much to start with.


At present, the MRO has snapped just one-tenth of of 1% of the Martian surface and only discernable images are in grayscale, not color. Although they have MRO color, they are worthless for research. Thank you NASA!

#7 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-12-30 01:02:22

Tmcom wrote:
M-Albion-3D wrote:
louis wrote:

A large and very interesting collection of images from the surface of Mars:

One of the main reasons researchers of Martian images get stumped in finding new evidence, is the human propensity to search for familiar geometric constructs and then try to compare findings to that of structures on Earth. Good but not great.

We need to switch gears and look to alien constructs which are not necessarily geometric.

Finding remnants of an ancient civilization becomes productive when we choose to search for "the alien mind".

So, I will begin to post some images which I have personally located over five years of research.

I won't go into much detail of "where" accept for one or two, they will be either from the MRO or Mars Express. If you need more info, please let me know.   

Have out there is BIG!

Nice images Albion, l have been personally looking at the latest Bennu asteroid images, since it has been reported that alien structures lie on the surface.

Of course NASA says our mind see's something and makes the rest up, but this looks like a giant canopy, which could have been excavated by someone or something in our past.

And NASA is supposed to take closeup images of this asteroid that is not much bigger than the empire state building,....and Photoshop it to death, no doubt.


Here's a couple more of Bennu. That "canopy" could easily be tall enough tp fly a decent size craft underneath its lid.


#8 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-12-29 02:56:10

louis wrote:

A large and very interesting collection of images from the surface of Mars:

Rocks?  Rocks the like of which you'll never see on Earth, for sure!

One of the main reasons researchers of Martian images get stumped in finding new evidence, is the human propensity to search for familiar geometric constructs and then try to compare findings to that of structures on Earth. Good but not great.

We need to switch gears and look to alien constructs which are not necessarily geometric.

Finding remnants of an ancient civilization becomes productive when we choose to search for "the alien mind".

So, I will begin to post some images which I have personally located over five years of research.

I won't go into much detail of "where" accept for one or two, they will be either from the MRO or Mars Express. If you need more info, please let me know.   

Have out there is BIG!









#9 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-11-14 18:27:52

Tmcom wrote:
louis wrote:

Unusual artefact found in Mars images...

Rock or artificial mechanism?

Unfortunately a rock is my answer, but still interesting.


I watched the vid and do agree it's a rock.

I'm sure now that most all researchers have spent time on trying to find similarities in shapes which are familiar to Earth human designs and constructs.

In order to find the alien mind, we need to step away from "the familiar" and look for anything which is different to Human creations.

They are there but a mind warp is required and try to focus on "holographic creations". In that case, the mind will be "blown".

My challenge for this forum, will there be any platform for discussions in this arena?

#10 Re: Water on Mars » How Much Water Does Mars Have? » 2018-11-09 01:00:54

Nice examples of "Earth desert mirages"

No stranger to the western US deserts, I've clocked hundreds of miles, off road in the Mojave desert aboard my trustee two wheeled machines and have seen too many mirages to wave a stick at.

The difference is this. If you see a "inverted" reflection "in" the vision, it's more than likely water.

Still, a mirage requires less dense hot air at the surface both of which are supposedly not present on Mars. The possibility of "inferior" mirages I guess could occur but unlikely.

I have some 3D images showing vast water puddles from the Pathfinder lander but you will need anaglyph glasses. Do you have a pair?

#11 Re: Water on Mars » How Much Water Does Mars Have? » 2018-11-08 01:23:16

SpaceNut wrote:

Ship 500 gallons of water to mars and do salinity test for evaporation with each gallon testing for when it freezes when exposed to the mars atmosphere. Tag the water with a dry that can be traced from the orbiting satelites to watch where it goes. Repeat until you have liquid water that does not eveporate away.....

There's already much quantity of water on the surface derived from condensation and collected. Clue, look for the reflections in the pools?

#12 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-11-08 00:45:28

Always great to see your images Tmcom although I wish we could see better detail in these artifact ridden images from NASA.

I just can't get over the fact that we send a multi million dollar lander to the planet's surface and from a meager distance of only several meters, we receive these "blurry's"....really? Are we to believe such fibs?

Every now and then I like to forge a 3D from the mast cams. Here's a nice whopper! 0526ML0020710000203142E01_DXXX


#13 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-10-18 15:44:04

I hope you all will find my research on the Outpost Forum intriguing titled: "Life on Mars".

There will be images there which have never been shown before with focus on MRO and Mars Express images.

Let me state this if I may; there IS life on this planet and not just microbial. From my perspective gathered from well over 5 years of painstaking research and thousands of hours of in depth scrutiny, I have concluded that life there, is intelligent, complex, alien and quite humorous.

Read through and be prepared to doubt or believe, it is, for your own personal journey, over and through the Rubicon if you so wish! … fe-on-Mars

#14 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-10-15 15:46:05

louis wrote:

Yes that's post 523 above you're referencing I think. I looked at the original image on the NASA site and zoomed in several times. It definitely looks real, rather than an artefact or a case of pareidolia - although of course one can never be 100% sure owing to the orange filter NASA uses and the possibility of objects randomly creating an effect. It certainly is one of the most interesting and arresting images to come from Mars.

One of the most interesting aspects it that the sand or soil around the "thing", at the base,  appears to be disturbed regularly, in a sort of if this thing has risen up and broken the surface. 

We could be looking at the first identified plant on Mars. If so M Albion ought to take some credit! smile Where are they? I'd like to hear if they have any more observations.

One thing I would say is that if there were occasional water flows in this area, then you might expect water to collect at the point beneath a rock ledge  - the water would be concentrated at that precise point, most likely. So if an Earth-like plant were to survive on Mars, it might be at that sort of location. The plant might not use might be more like a fungus....this might just be the form it takes when propagating its seeds on the Martian wind...

Well plants can go dormant on Earth for decades in v dry desert areas. This might be the case here...most of the time the land might be featureless but when there is water, all sorts of things might pop up. 

kbd512 wrote:

That thing that really does look exactly like a tree is by far the strangest, yet most identifiable thing I've seen posted here.  They most definitely should figure out what the heck that is.  If it's really a biological, then we need a closer inspection ASAP.  Great find.

Yes an interesting find for sure  but I cannot take credit... just for the "3D" for what it's worth. The image appeared on the Giggapan site.

I've looked closely too and cannot make out where the depth of field is captured (or lack of it) in the anaglyph, which is a bit of a red flag. But still, a strange anomaly nevertheless. My gut tells me it's not vegetation but looks more like an odd antenna or aerial of sorts.

#16 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-09-26 12:54:42

I've created a few 3D anaglyph's of recent Curiosity landscapes from the left and right mast-cams. Sol 590 … ?slide=590

Not easy to do as the two Cameras capture different aspect ratios. But well worth the effort. If you haven't got 3D red/cyan glasses yet, you don't know what you're missing!






In the 2D image below, I used the Auto color corrector in Irfanview on both the top and lower half on this image file.

It does appear from the histogram, that there is many instances of green buried in the over saturated red image from NASA.

I am no stranger to the western US deserts and clocked up hundreds of hours on a powerful Enduro machine in ALL seasons. The upper half to me, shows not only green lichen but considerable plant growth.


Could humans (or anything else) survive on Lichen?


There are records of lichens being used as food by many different human cultures across the world. Lichens are eaten by people in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, and perhaps elsewhere. Often lichens are merely famine foods eaten in times of dire needs, but in some cultures lichens are a staple food or even a delicacy. Two problems often encountered with eating lichens is that they usually contain mildly toxic secondary compounds, and that lichen polysaccharides are generally indigestible to humans. Many human cultures have discovered preparation techniques to overcome these problems. Lichens are often thoroughly washed, boiled, or soaked in ash water to help remove secondary compounds.

In the past Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) was an important human food in northern Europe and Scandinavia, and was cooked in many different ways, such as bread, porridge, pudding, soup, or salad. Wila (Bryoria fremontii) was an important food in parts of North America, where it was usually pitcooked. It is even featured in a Secwepemc story. Reindeer lichen (Cladina spp.) is a staple food of reindeer and caribou in the Arctic. Northern peoples in North America and Siberia traditionally eat the partially digested lichen after they remove it from the rumen of caribou that have been killed. It is often called 'stomach icecream'. Rock tripe (Umbilicaria spp. and Lasalia spp.) is a lichen that has frequently been used as an emergency food in North America. One species of Umbilicaria, Iwa-take (U. esculenta), is used in a variety of traditional Korean and Japanese foods. It is quite expensive, and is collected off the sides of cliffs. In India, and other centers of curry powder production, garam masala sauce contains certain lichens used as bulking agents.

Very few lichens are poisonous. Poisonous lichens include those high in vulpinic acid[6] or usnic acid.[6] Most (but not all) lichens that contain vulpinic acid are yellow, so any yellow lichen should be considered to be potentially poisonous.

#17 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-09-25 17:21:08

Always good to see some intriguing hi magnifications of the surface - cheers

Quick question though, do you know what that pink dot is? Just curious.


#18 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-09-11 10:24:27

Tmcom wrote:
louis wrote:

Nice collection of Mars anomalies here on this video:

Would be great if we could get humans on the planet to investigate these in detail.

Nice video and some are certainly artificial, not the skull thought, (rover reflection).

What I am puzzled with is all the sedmentary layered rock that is broken and tossed about all over the place....

Best to read the YT comments Spacenut.


Yes, Layered sedimentary "compressed" is flat, it just looked odd there "wrapped" or "curved".

I don't think it's rock, my guess is a drifted dead plant shell of sort.

#19 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-09-06 10:29:16

Thanks again Tmcom for taking the time to upload the links below but I think your effort has not been in vain. It looks to me as though you may have landed on something very special here guy.

All I've done here is to pay focus on this most strange looking data point which appears to be "draped" over the supporting rock strata, although draped may not be the right word as the anomaly appears to be floating somewhat.

What I also find intriguing, is the defined "ring" over the back of the object. Just visible.

From my perspective, this object could one of several possibilities, the least of which, is the unlike result of geological process IMO.

This is where 3-D comes in handy. An "ornament" perhaps?

A selection of images in varying contrast levels for download:





#470 … DXXX&s=588 … DXXX&s=588 … DXXX&s=588


0588     MR0024610210400413E01_D
0588     MR0024610230400415E01_D
0588     MR0024610290400421E01_D
0588     MR0024610220400414E01_D
0588     MR0024610260400418E01_D
0588     MR0024610270400419E01_D

#20 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-09-04 23:43:37

Tmcom wrote:
louis wrote:

I don't think asking for specific pic links to raw images (rather than linking to a website) is unreasonable.

Ok, l just checked the search function, which doesn't work, and eventhough l cannot link to each one, as l load up a good 100, put then in a file and go through them when i can, so creating a file for each image and link would slow down the process too much, on special occasions, (like now) l can direct link them. … DXXX&s=588 … DXXX&s=588

But in all honesty these images are very easy to find, just click on bottom/right then on the first few numbers eg, Sol 0588,..... for example, then scroll down till they show up, for the rover closeups, there is usually only half a dozen at a time, and easy to find.


I get the workload here and can appreciate the time taken.

Can you post a direct link for the three images you posted above in #470?

Thanks again.

#21 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-09-04 09:39:25

Tmcom wrote:

Ok, more great evidence that Mars has plant life.

This reflective rock shows ferns and plants growing out of this rock.

Lower image, plants in the distance, top, a pretty good closeup look at a fern like fron. smile

Lower, sun is still setting over a landscape of distant blue mountains, blue/pinkish clouds and sky, waterways and plants.

A vastly different view than the blue sunset, rocks and virtually no atmosphere, NASA lies.



Hi Tmcom. thanks for the images.

I've tried both search engine and the NASA site to bring up the reference numbers quoted. As you can see below, no results found.

Again, please could you provide an active link for the images you show so we may examine the image data on local machines?

Many thanks.


#22 Re: Pictures of Mars » The Real Mars » 2018-08-13 10:32:55

louis wrote:

Nonsense! A wheel reflection that just happens to match a wheel-shaped rock!! A non-starter in my opinion.

Tmcom wrote:
louis wrote:

Interesting - whether or not you believe the speculation...

I think the object at 5:30 is particularly interesting.

Ah, no Louis, l have watched some of this guys video's and commented on some, but in this case l believe that this is one of the rovers wheels, being reflected back.

Looking at this "thing" I get the impression there is the very pointed head or face to the very left of the body.

If anyone knows the resource page for this image below, there maybe a stereo image which case should through light on it.


#23 Life on Mars » Martian Graffiti! » 2018-07-24 15:08:31

Replies: 0

One of the truly fascinating and perplexing discoveries I stumbled upon, was when I took a close look at image - catalog ESP_025310_1690

Located again along the magnificent undulating hills of the Melas Plains

Initially, I assumed the formations there which pepper the landscape were quite natural. But upon closer magnified inspection of the 600MB swath image, I notice that the shape of the structures were familiar somehow but needed "turning" in order to "level" the geometry of the triangular forms. Then, reversing the polarity the "internal" forms became apparent. Here we see one of the most unusual insignias embedded on the Martian surface and, found in abundance - "Martian Graffiti"!

Take your time to adjust your eyes in order to counteract the "blur" and you will see several recognizable characters - stunning!



In this 1080p HD video below, I slowly zoom down to the location imaged above. … sp=sharing

#24 Re: Life on Mars » It's hip on Mars... » 2018-07-19 22:47:34

louis wrote:

From 0:52...

I've always liked this one...I believe the Rover took a second view of this scene (some days ealier or after) which showed a different arrangement of artefacts, suggesting movement. Sadly not featured in this video...I'll keep looking. You really have to see the two pics together then it becomes much more convincing. If anyone has a link to the two pics, will be much appreciated.

I'll keep my eye out for those. Suggesting movement hmmm, well could be, but take a look at that vertebra close up once again and if I'm not mistaken, there does appear to be a small critter of sorts or maybe a snake, very cute!


#25 Re: Life on Mars » It's hip on Mars... » 2018-07-19 10:58:39

Using the "auto color feature" in Irfanview, the algorithm is well known in imaging analysis circles as being super effective and even more so, when used to reverse the NASA induced proverbial red hue which "blends in" all RGB to the degree that the true color is red washed.

In Irfanview, the color of the calcium (presumably) of the vertebrae is exposed.

These protrusions appear not to be wind blown sand or Mars mung!


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