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#1026 2019-12-02 04:31:50

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote:
louis wrote:

If you think NASA are lying about temperatures you have to also include ESA (and probably ISA) whose temperature record agrees with NASA essentially. It's a global conspiracy to lie about Mars temperatures?... hmmm... I don't buy that.

jorgear wrote:

I think there is much more oxygen on Mars than what NASA tells us. And more conditions of life, at least in the center of the planet. And I also think temperatures are not so low and more comfortable for human life. At least during the daytime.

Yeah, ESA, are lying also, they released the global image of Mars, (the one l distortion corrected) and now, no trace of it on their site!

All countries, have a pact, to keep a lid on Mars, since full disclosure leads to the three races living on Mars, which leads to free energy, which leads to oil being worthless, which leads to elite ....., having to give up their Dubai beach house and 10 lackies on standby lifestyle.

It also leads to eliminating poverty!

It only takes one person to blow the lid, NASA has Musk, almost on their leash, but they probably have their doubts about him! So they cannot keep a lid on it forever, especially when anyone can stick a $100 telescope at Mars, and see that it has a blue atmosphere and green patches.

I have seen the dodgy temp,s for Mars, and they basically moved the decimal place so, -179, (typical coldest temp, at night) is actually, -1.79, (typical coldest in desert areas on Earth).

-17, is Russia, blizzard temps, on Earth, or near impossible for plant life to grow or get a foothold, -179, forget it, nothing could cope with that, or that is way past Death Valley, licken barely survives levels.

Alfred Webre has privileged information on Mars. He says four humanoid races live now on the planet. (in the equatorial area), underground. In the center of the planet is where there is more oxygen. (I have put some photos of those humanoids in this forum, walking on Mars surface).

Of course, NASA has free energy spaceships, if they reveal this, the petrol business will have a very short future.

And yes, Tmcom, to me the temperature on Mars is maximum 15ºC, minimum around 150ºC. But this is also speculation. I suppose the minimum temperatures are during the night.


#1027 2019-12-02 08:55:16

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Alfred Webre has privileged information on Mars. He says four humanoid races live now on the planet. (in the equatorial area), underground. In the center of the planet is where there is more oxygen. (I have put some photos of those humanoids in this forum, walking on Mars surface).

Of course, NASA has free energy spaceships, if they reveal this, the petrol business will have a very short future.

And yes, Tmcom, to me the temperature on Mars is maximum 15ºC, minimum around 150ºC. But this is also speculation. I suppose the minimum temperatures are during the night.

Not sure about 4, unless you are including the small Earth contingent. Or the centre of the planet, since it is molten, (l know NASA said that but it makes sense with the magnetic field).

True, they are trying to develop the zero point crystal cube that a man can walk about with and can power a city, but do have the nuclear powered spacecraft that uses capacitors and generates a million volts around the craft. Effectively allowing it to travel at near light speed, by changing the fields strengths at each end, or a working warp drive. And changes space/time around the craft.

Since the top of Mars has rainforest areas, and near the equator, (where the rover is) has ferns, that wouldn't survive -200, or minus -20 for that matter, l tend to believe that Mars is -2, to +50, although overall, including the polar caps, -20+, (well, what our average polar temps are).

About the only thing we need to worry about in 2033, is how hysterical the ones that use fear and cannot accept that NASA has lied to them will take it?

I personally expect after years of dealing with these types, that all chat groups across the internet will go quiet!

And stay quiet for weeks, maybe months, although the ones that will accept facts and evidence without bias, will be telling these types, who they have had to endure for years on end, Exactly What NASA found!

Probably using colorful grammar and loving every minute of it!

But that is a long way off, getting up to speed, for us, so we can slap the indoctrinated about is more important!


Last edited by Tmcom (2019-12-04 03:39:48)


#1028 2019-12-03 16:04:44

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

This Youtube channel is impressive


#1029 2019-12-04 04:26:04

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

jorgear wrote:

This Youtube channel is impressive

Yees, l found that years ago, (pretty sure it is in my video, first post) and the second object is the rover ref, in a rock.

But enough of old relics, let's see some real martian tech,....


First though, a likely water drop, right, and the sun setting, arrow, (white sun, not blue).


And this, top/left what looks like transmission towers, (pretty sure NASA blurred this) and the rest of my images, more of the same, confirming that this isn't something on the rock itself.

And the bottom/right we get a good look at one of them, (the landscape behind this is just visible, as is the blue sky, with the fact that the rover doesn't have any silver spheres or spoon like antenna on it.

These appear to be placed across the landscape, and have no wires, so best guess since they are too close together to be communication based, they must be for transmission of electricity, probably using Tesla's idea, (well, Tesla claimed to have gotten a lot of his ideas from a self aware computer deep within the planet of Mars).

So quite ironically, when we have all out contact, all of Tesla's ideas, will be shown on a planet wide scale, which is a threat to oil.



#1030 2019-12-04 05:33:01

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

Yes, that's the site I often post links to. I think Joe White has one of the best eyes in the business for spotting anomalies. I don't agree with all his conclusions - he perhaps underestimates wind erosion producing oddly shaped ventrifacts - but he's found some very interesting stuff that needs thorough investigation.

jorgear wrote:

This Youtube channel is impressive

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#1031 2019-12-05 08:54:07

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars … ralia.html

NASA,s next mission probably costing another billion, to drill a few metres in the ground in order to find active microbes, worms, etc then botch it up and tell us it found nada.

Oh, and give us constant low grade images, that even a $150 dollar camera on Earth could exceed, for laughs.

It will keep the herd happy that is the main thing.



#1032 2019-12-05 10:00:15

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote: … ralia.html

NASA,s next mission probably costing another billion, to drill a few metres in the ground in order to find active microbes, worms, etc then botch it up and tell us it found nada.

Oh, and give us constant low grade images, that even a $150 dollar camera on Earth could exceed, for laughs.

It will keep the herd happy that is the main thing.


They want to tell the truth, but they can't. Just when they say that there are microbes, small animals... the option to think that very tall beings lived on Mars will be open. They are in a dead end. Either they will tell the truth, or they will be shut up for life.


#1033 2019-12-05 11:34:14

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

I agree about the images. The "orange filter" has never to my mind been adequately explained. I bet NASA don't study the images with that filter on! NASA also seem remarkably incurious about some of the weird images returned.

Tmcom wrote: … ralia.html

NASA,s next mission probably costing another billion, to drill a few metres in the ground in order to find active microbes, worms, etc then botch it up and tell us it found nada.

Oh, and give us constant low grade images, that even a $150 dollar camera on Earth could exceed, for laughs.

It will keep the herd happy that is the main thing.


Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#1034 2019-12-05 20:22:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

Here is how it would look on mars if it was still a water world...

RobertDyck wrote:
SpaceNut wrote:

When was the transition from single celled to multi as that is the path to complex life as we know it...sort of the chicken or the egg which came first

Stromatolite. A colony of single cell organisms. Held together, growing together. Predecessor to undersea plants?


#1035 2019-12-05 20:27:44

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

jorgear wrote:
Tmcom wrote: … ralia.html

NASA,s next mission probably costing another billion, to drill a few metres in the ground in order to find active microbes, worms, etc then botch it up and tell us it found nada.

Oh, and give us constant low grade images, that even a $150 dollar camera on Earth could exceed, for laughs.

It will keep the herd happy that is the main thing.


They want to tell the truth, but they can't. Just when they say that there are microbes, small animals... the option to think that very tall beings lived on Mars will be open. They are in a dead end. Either they will tell the truth, or they will be shut up for life.

True, maybe l should go to JPL, in California, and try to get a job there, then after signing the non-disclosure, would see lakes, rivers, puddles rain, probably thunder, houses, industrial complexes, plants and tree,s and the locals taking a closer look.

Then go home and try to live with it!

It will be disclosed within our lifetimes, otherwise this trickle disclosure we are currently getting wouldn't be happening, adding to the fact that some are messing about with magnetic systems that can give us mains power for a hundred years or more and antigravity. So one individual could effectively map out the moon and share that online, or mars.

I figure that would scare NASA more than Musk.



#1036 2019-12-07 04:04:47

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Mars and Earth commercialised with gold and technology … hem-312147


#1037 2019-12-07 04:15:17

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Typical martian landscape today.


First we have this tall green thing on the left, or a tree or prickle.


Then we see the sun setting, and some strange things on the landscape, which may be the rover, but the next one sure isn't!


The dark thing down the bottom is the rovers shadow, with strange, plant type things dottering the landscape?

But these are a group of plants, or l believe a landscape of martian prickles, (CP on the red arrow ones show strong green here and there).

And these plants as far as the eye can see, are growing on a lanscape with -179, below at night a few times a week, with 97% CO2, and virtually no atmosphere,...sure!


Last edited by Tmcom (2019-12-07 04:17:05)


#1038 2019-12-10 06:01:55

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

sarcophagus and eye of horus on Mars

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#1039 2019-12-10 06:07:01

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Humans working on the Curiosity rover on Mars??

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#1040 2019-12-10 06:12:43

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Herd of animals on Mars?

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#1041 2019-12-10 08:50:52

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

The eye one is probably legit, (cannot see how the rovers, ref, could be this) man working on the rover, no, covered that or it is part of the rovers robotic arm or assembly of tools attachment, but the herd on the move,, not 100% certain, but pretty close.

Or some could argue that it is rocks on sand or mud, (still have muddly salty water) but the patterns and indications of the water flows being interrupted make it so compelling.

We know that Mars is Earthlike so it is probably what it looks like, a herd of something on Mars, moving through some shallow rivers, but what,...deer, something in our distant past that survived on Mars, or somethng new.

I went to the Museum today, and spent some time at the meteorite part, wondering are the rocks l am seeing from the giant planet we used to have in our system, and since there were so many, and we know Mars shows strong signs of being tidalling locked with a bigger planet, most likely.

smile PS give us the link to the herd one, or the raw image, wouldn't mind taking a closer look at that one.

Last edited by Tmcom (2019-12-10 08:51:57)


#1042 2019-12-10 10:17:42

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Page where I found the herd https://civilizacionesantiguasyufologia … marte.html

There are several Youtube researchers saying that someone is cleaning the solar panels of the rover on Mars. Maybe I support this idea, it is impossible to think that the rover is always clean. Besides, there are lots of sandstorms that can dirty the solar panels. It is impossible that those panels have never been dirtied by sand due to that.

Even we many think that there is a colony of humans on Mars since long ago.


#1043 2019-12-10 20:45:48

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

jorgear wrote:

Page where I found the herd https://civilizacionesantiguasyufologia … marte.html

There are several Youtube researchers saying that someone is cleaning the solar panels of the rover on Mars. Maybe I support this idea, it is impossible to think that the rover is always clean. Besides, there are lots of sandstorms that can dirty the solar panels. It is impossible that those panels have never been dirtied by sand due to that.

Even we many think that there is a colony of humans on Mars since long ago.

Ok, thanks but l don't speak spanish, and there where no links, so most likely an orbital image from somewhere.

Yes, read about that years ago, Opp/Spirit, has a lot of baked on dust and the next day it was clean. Of course NASA makes up some crap about special anti static dust devils, (which if true would have affected the rovers instruments of electrical systems, but nothing there).

Or pretty obvious that those rovers went through a severe rainstorm!

As l have learned when l showed the UFO/Apollo one, people bought that a 11 ton curved panel being 11,000 km away was somehow moving alongside the Apollo module, and moving in the wrong diection, as well as changing direction or under intelligent control.

Some just cannot handle what is in front of them.


#1044 2019-12-11 03:53:46

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote:
jorgear wrote:

Page where I found the herd https://civilizacionesantiguasyufologia … marte.html

There are several Youtube researchers saying that someone is cleaning the solar panels of the rover on Mars. Maybe I support this idea, it is impossible to think that the rover is always clean. Besides, there are lots of sandstorms that can dirty the solar panels. It is impossible that those panels have never been dirtied by sand due to that.

Even we many think that there is a colony of humans on Mars since long ago.

Ok, thanks but l don't speak spanish, and there where no links, so most likely an orbital image from somewhere.

Yes, read about that years ago, Opp/Spirit, has a lot of baked on dust and the next day it was clean. Of course NASA makes up some crap about special anti static dust devils, (which if true would have affected the rovers instruments of electrical systems, but nothing there).

Or pretty obvious that those rovers went through a severe rainstorm!

As l have learned when l showed the UFO/Apollo one, people bought that a 11 ton curved panel being 11,000 km away was somehow moving alongside the Apollo module, and moving in the wrong diection, as well as changing direction or under intelligent control.

Some just cannot handle what is in front of them.

sorry Tmcom.. I found those pictures of the herds on that page. No more links to those pictures.. even they cannot be widened. Sure those pictures were taken from an orbiter.

Yes, ... it turns out that on Mars there are two types of winds... the wind that dirties the solar panels of the rover and a second wind that cleans them.. lol lol lol  that is really curious.. I don't know what to think about it lol lol lol


#1045 2019-12-11 04:46:05

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

sorry Tmcom.. I found those pictures of the herds on that page. No more links to those pictures.. even they cannot be widened. Sure those pictures were taken from an orbiter.

Yes, ... it turns out that on Mars there are two types of winds... the wind that dirties the solar panels of the rover and a second wind that cleans them.. lol lol lol  that is really curious.. I don't know what to think about it lol lol lol

Ok, managed to find it.


Top, left is from Earth, and right from Mars, that is compelling, but still not a sure thing.

Next the b/w ones, same thing right really looks like animals, but left it looks like natural formations.

I would like to say yes, but cannot for these examples, but..... … s-on-mars/

Scroll down a bit and it gets more feasible.



#1046 2019-12-12 04:10:51

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Yes, good pictures..  it is so risky to say they are animals. On the other hand, it is curious that I was watching a documentary about ancient Egypt and appear the same as this, some kind of huts

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#1047 2019-12-12 07:48:21

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

jorgear wrote:

Yes, good pictures..  it is so risky to say they are animals. On the other hand, it is curious that I was watching a documentary about ancient Egypt and appear the same as this, some kind of huts

True, too risky, but if l can find prickles as far as the eye can see, it should only be a matter of time before a wind animal comes up to take a closer look at the rover.

But with Mars being hammered twice, it is unlikely that anything prehistoric is there.

I have no doubt that small rodents are there, (saw plenty of rats, with some being so frickin good there has to be tipping over certainly) in the past.

But as l have learned with Google results, they can be biased, or the rubbish comes to the top, and legitimate is buried, regardless of what you are searching for.

This is occurring in chat rooms, where skeptics have given up and left, (or trying to show solid evidence to people who don't want to see) and the ones remaining are birds of a feather, in the true sense.

Facts don't matter even with an ever increasing list of crazy replys from NASA, etc.

But that is why popcorn was invented, lol.



#1048 2019-12-12 15:50:23

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Thanks for your in depth explanation Tmcom.

Is this a giant rat on Mars???

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#1049 2019-12-13 01:05:07

From: Malibu CA
Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 68

Re: The Real Mars

Spirit Rover Sol 87

    On Sol 87, the Spirit Rover sent back to earth some remarkable images. These raw image files were acquired from NASA … 3L0M1.HTML

    The raw image data appears to show a huge "Bear-like" animal in the distance.

    In some circles, it is claimed to be debunked as a large rock boulder, nothing more.

    As I scanned the NASA site and also images on the internet, I could not find one 3D image anywhere, and as the rover was equipped with a stereo camera for navigation, it was quite simple to produce some beautiful 3D images with good, not great, but decent resolution.

    The hi-mag clips show a revealing tale.

    Is this a huge animal mozying across the Martian plain, or could it be something else? Perhaps just a giant Martian scarecrow?

    Using the available two stereo files, I was able to forge this excellent 3D image for evaluation,

    Below is the 3D image from the raw stereo images gathered from the two Navcam cameras mounted up high. They are taken at roughly ground level.


Magnified to the "suspect" in question, we can now see so much greater depth of field than the 2D below



In an effort to try and get a better 3D effect for close up the magnification, in the image below, you may need to pull back and forth until you get a nice sense of the depth of field.

The lower is forged for viewing at close range.

So the question now is, what is it? One thing I did notice was that the "BLC" (Bear Like Creature) did not move in the frames as first suspected and will show the evidence a little later.

Upon close inspection in anaglyph, I noticed the BLC was sporting a sort of garment with a collar and even round buttons!

For all intents and purposes (literally), I believe the "statue" is intended to be a representation of a familiar earthlike creature although.....quite alien!



Last edited by M-Albion-3D (2019-12-13 01:24:50)


#1050 2019-12-13 03:55:30

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

jorgear wrote:

Thanks for your in depth explanation Tmcom.

Is this a giant rat on Mars??? … n-mars.jpg

No, (you can see the ref, landscape on the left) but my video, (first post here) shows some rats and one rabbit. The rabbit one is fascinating as it doesn't appear in some images and in others.

M-Albion-3D wrote:

Spirit Rover Sol 87

    On Sol 87, the Spirit Rover sent back to earth some remarkable images. These raw image files were acquired from NASA … 3L0M1.HTML

       Is this a huge animal mozying across the Martian plain, or could it be something else? Perhaps just a giant Martian scarecrow?

    Using the available two stereo files, I was able to forge this excellent 3D image for evaluation,

    Below is the 3D image from the raw stereo images gathered from the two Navcam cameras mounted up high. They are taken at roughly ground level.

In an effort to try and get a better 3D effect for close up the magnification, in the image below, you may need to pull back and forth until you get a nice sense of the depth of field.

The lower is forged for viewing at close range.

So the question now is, what is it? One thing I did notice was that the "BLC" (Bear Like Creature) did not move in the frames as first suspected and will show the evidence a little later.

Upon close inspection in anaglyph, I noticed the BLC was sporting a sort of garment with a collar and even round buttons!

For all intents and purposes (literally), I believe the "statue" is intended to be a representation of a familiar earthlike creature although.....quite alien!


Saw this years ago, it is a reflection, (shadow is the dark bit, etc).

PS don't post the rodent one, another one.



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