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#51 2021-11-06 16:50:36

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

Indian Reorganization Act that abolished the Dawes Act of 1887—which had contributed to the loss of two-thirds of all Indian land—and promised better Indian education. The same law that had declared Indians as white in many states....and did not totally return lands taken from them.


#52 2021-11-06 17:24:35

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump


Petition Congress to change the law.  Congress is run by Democrats.  The President is a Democrat.  There will be no opposition anyway, because nobody cares except for the Native American tribes.  The 1934 law is the law that's applicable to the Wampanoag.  There's a legal process for changing the law, so use it.


#53 2021-11-06 18:14:47

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

It would have been better if the USA had resolved to fully integrate Native Americans into US Citizenship, which might have involved massive investment in Native American settlements.  I don't even see how you can have these autonomous regions operating outside of normal law under the US Constitution. Presumably the Supreme Court accepts it on some spurious grounds. Once again the "wisdom" of the Founding Fathers is found rather wanting.

kbd512 wrote:


Petition Congress to change the law.  Congress is run by Democrats.  The President is a Democrat.  There will be no opposition anyway, because nobody cares except for the Native American tribes.  The 1934 law is the law that's applicable to the Wampanoag.  There's a legal process for changing the law, so use it.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#54 2021-11-06 21:06:11

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump


If the Wampanoags were erroneously excluded from the 1934 act, then the appropriate response from our Congress would be to change the law, not for the President or the Justice Department to ignore the law or refuse to enforce the law because ignoring the law is convenient or inconvenient for some ill-defined political / social / religious / other purpose.  If the President thinks the law is unenforceable as written, then he or she is obligated to veto the law, rather than sign it into law, or to petition Congress or the Courts to change or strike down the law.  A Democrat President signed the 1934 law into law, and then President Trump's Justice Department was obligated to enforce the law.  That's how the law works, and that's always how the law has worked.

The system we have has been working fine for longer than I've been alive.  Native Americans are afforded the same protections as American citizens, but they want their own "separate and apart" governance system.  There is no negotiation with the US government on rape / robbery / murder.  Everything else is negotiable.  All laws are subject to change and subject to interpretation for constitutionality by the various courts.  That system has served us well, if only we are willing to stick to it.

For example, America didn't cease to exist because one downtown city area in the City of Seattle was overrun by a bunch of communists and anarchists that their local government temporarily refused to arrest.  We actually let them do it until it became blatantly obvious that they weren't going to protect basic human rights (no rape / robbery / murder), and then we sent in the Police back in to arrest them.

Governance is a word that represents a human brain construct that has tangible results.  If you want to govern, then you're actually obligated to do it.  Whenever two or more people are in close proximity, minimum behavioral standards are expected, and we express those standards as written law that's then subject to the interpretation of a trier of fact, better known as a court.

The current problem with the Democrat Party is that the elected Democrat politicians immediately decide after the election that they don't want to actually govern.  To them, it's a vehicle for them to exercise capricious authority over other people and to extort money from them, rather than to conduct the government's business, which is very clearly defined.  That's why we still don't have a federal budget, despite the fact that Democrats have control over both houses of Congress and the Presidency.  That's also why the people will take power away from them and give it right back to the Republican Party in 2022.  We're already seeing that in the handful of state and local elections.

The question has always been whether or not you want to be an American, or to be an "other".  If I wanted to be an "other", then I'd go live some place else besides America.  We have a document that defines what the intent of America is, why America was founded, and what the purpose of the American government is.


#55 2021-11-07 13:55:13

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

current model is sue in court to circumvent federal law or create state laws that force you into court and sue until you get your way


#56 2021-11-07 17:00:15

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump


The proper remedy for any law that is prejudicial or erroneous in nature, such as the land trust act that erroneously excluded the Wampanoags, is to amend the applicable law.  This could have and should have been done by Congress, but was not.


#57 2021-11-25 12:33:14

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

So a representative needs to give testimony for this and pen a reason for the law to be changed.

Thanksgiving has a starkly different meaning to many Native American people.

"The First Thanksgiving is often portrayed as a friendly harvest festival where Pilgrims and generic, nameless 'Indians' came together to eat and give thanks. In reality, the assembly of the Wampanoag Peoples and the English settlers in 1621 had much more to do with political alliances, diplomacy, and a pursuit of peace."

Giving thanks is a longstanding and central tradition among most Native groups that is still practiced today
"In our view, this is a lie to hide the genocide of Indigenous peoples,"

Its time to correct history and pay back what is owed in the process to all those that were wronged in the history of building America. We may in time fix more but we must want to be better than our fore fathers.


#58 2021-11-25 13:05:41

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,692

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

SpaceNut, whatever the right or wrong is with the colonisation of America, how exactly do you compensate people that have been dead for two centuries?  And which ones get compensated?  Would it be the ones that kidnapped white women and mutilated them?  Or the ones that died of smallpox?  Are you proposing that we somehow compensate people alive today for crimes committed against someone else that was wronged and died two centuries past?  Where is the logic in that?

America is a meritocracy and an egalitarian society as defined by constitution.  All men rise according to their merits.  That is the best you can ever hope to achieve and something quite different to what has existed in most of the world throughout history.  Handing out money or land to compensate people for some vague sense of injustice that their ancestors may have suffered is not justice at all.  All men must prosper by their own merits.  You cannot compensate or punish the dead.  To do otherwise is an injustice to everyone else.

Last edited by Calliban (2021-11-25 13:12:23)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#59 2021-11-25 14:47:37

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

The reality is different than to that in America as The erasure of Indigenous People’s history

The history of what was done...and is still happening..

Reparations call is a moral reckoning white Americans can no longer delay

seems that when the end was near and the riot of the 6th occurred more was happening

15 boxes: Inside the long, strange trip of Trump’s classified records; The journey underscores how defiantly and indiscriminately Trump violated the Presidential Records Act

Sure the Hilary chants come so quickly for emails but secret and top secret documents... crikets


#60 2022-08-30 19:32:23

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

GOP are ratcheting up the effort to get at Bidens son and with the depth of manufactured evidence its going to be hard to prove what is real from what is not.


#61 2022-08-30 20:40:24

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump


If Trump is his own worst enemy, then the same clearly applies to Hunter Biden.  He filmed himself committing crimes.  He admitted to crimes on video tape.  Nobody made him do that, Democrats are just "proud to be criminals", as well as being "proud to support criminality".  It's not the GOP's fault that Democrats so brazen about it.


#62 2022-08-31 19:47:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

I do not condone Hunter Biden any more than I do Trump they are both guilty of crimes and Feds Consider Charging Hunter Biden With Multiple Crimes, Including Gun-Related Crime

So do not say you are but do it....


#63 2022-08-31 20:20:06

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump


If you think the Democrats will ever charge someone from their own party with a crime, unless it involves not supporting turning girls into boys or vice versa, or refusing to murder babies, or some similarly senseless crap, then you're grossly delusional.

Nancy Pelosi could start shooting Republicans in the Senate and your clown world media would spin it as a "mostly peaceful murder spree".

The problem is that the people you vote for have zero accountability.  None.  If President Trump is being charged with a crime related to mishandling classified information, then Hillary Clinton needs to be charged with the same crime.  Democrats' notion of accountability is completely one-sided, their political enemies are accountable at all times while Democrats are never accountable, so they can say or do anything without consequence.  You might have once had a leg to stand on if you also agreed that Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information, but since that was too much to concede, why would you expect Republicans to concede anything about President Trump?

You wouldn't concede that the 2016 election results weren't at all related to "Russian misinformation", so why should President Trump not return the favor during the 2020 election?

Without a double standard, your Democrats wouldn't have any standard at all.  Democrats are bad-faith actors, plain and simple.  I can forgive people for trying things that don't work because they're too ignorant or inexperienced to know better.  I can't forgive people doing things that result in failure after failure, and then refusing to acknowledge the failure, because, you know, "Ford vs Chevy".  Team Ford vs Team Chevy.  Pure tribalism.  Well, as I said before, I will never be a Derpistani because I don't wish to live in Derpistan.


#64 2022-08-31 20:33:33

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

Which is a security violation



His' goose is cooked': Legal experts say new Trump bombshell is ‘aggravating factor’ that makes an indictment more likely

"A Trump employee has told federal agents about moving boxes of documents at Mar-a-Lago at the specific direction of the former president, according to people familiar with the investigation, who say the witness account — combined with security-camera footage — offers key evidence of Donald Trump’s behavior as investigators sought the return of classified material,"

National Archives confirms: Trump's lying about records (again)


#65 2022-10-08 09:34:53

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

Seems that FBI agents are convinced ample evidence exists to charge Biden’s son, Hunter, on gun- and tax-related charges. All for making false claims or statements on a gun registration form and on tax evasion well-established years ago. Hunter also apparently did not pay taxes on millions garnered from his foreign business dealings or alleged influence-peddling schemes, and a Hollywood lawyer reportedly paid off as much as $2 million in delinquent taxes on his behalf recently. The FBI has had Hunter’s infamous abandoned laptop since 2019, detailing payments from foreign sources and gifts or benefits, including a diamond.
Well the delaying maybe over and charges could be brought only to use more delay tactics.


#66 2022-10-08 12:02:33

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump


FBI agents are convinced of that because Hunter Biden recorded himself doing cocaine with prostitutes, while holding a stainless steel revolver in his hand.  Since you're clearly unaware, one of the requirements for purchasing and possessing a firearm, at least on paper (never followed by criminals, obviously), is that you not be addicted to or under the influence of drugs like alcohol, cocaine, crack, heroin, methamphetamines, or even prescription drugs that a medical doctor says are not to be taken while operating heavy machinery (guns, cars, power tools, aircraft, etc) while purchasing or possessing a firearm.

As someone who has told me that he "knows all about guns", I would think you should know at least that much.  For example, when, during any of your firearms purchasing or using activities, have you ever been under the influence of cocaine or crystal meth?

I'm guessing the answer to that question is "none" / "never".

In the real world, if a Police Officer finds that you're in possession of a firearm, combined with any of those drugs on your person or in your body, which they will determine through drug testing, then they're supposed to arrest you, by law.  You may later argue any number of possible defenses in court, but that's what the law says is supposed to happen.

My question about this is as follows:

Will Hunter Biden recognize the error of his ways, and refrain from carrying a firearm while under the influence of drugs, and preferably refrain from doing drugs altogether, or is he going to continue to do this, because he's a drug addict?

You know I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Second Amendment advocate, and think self-defense is a personal individual right that a legitimate government can only affirm, never take away, but all rights and all privileges come with personal responsibilities.  One reasonable restriction on that right, so that you do not infringe on the rights of others, is that you be of sound mind while using a firearm.

I would much rather that Hunter Biden kept his firearm and ditched his drug habit.  I think all or most of the messed up things he's recorded himself doing, would never have happened if he was not under the influence of drugs.  In point of fact, I know they wouldn't have happened, because in all of those videos he recorded of himself, he was drunk or high.  Pretty much anybody else would've already been arrested and prosecuted for doing what Hunter Biden recorded himself doing, and that's a fact.

As far as the rest of the stuff is concerned, I want to know how someone with zero experience in oil and gas, who can't understand a word of Ukrainian or Russian, managed to get appointed to an executive position in the Ukrainian oil and gas company, Burisma.  Of all possible things, Hunter Biden was hired as legal counsel for "Ethics and Accountability".  All the C-level positions in all oil and gas companies that I or my wife have worked in, require 20 to 30 years of experience in oil and gas, or similar equivalent experience (Hunter Biden is a lawyer, so 20+ years experience in corporate law with a focus on energy), in order to attain, so how did someone like Hunter Biden, with zero years of experience, manage to get one?

How does a known drug addict who was dishonorably discharged from the military, with zip/zero/zilch/nada relevant experience, get a position like that?

I'm asking for a friend who wants to know how he can become a drug addict / military service reject / multi-millionaire with no experience required.

Have my wife and I been "doing it wrong", all this time?

I just needed to be a crack addict who was booted from the Navy for illegal drug use- the service I received my honorable discharge from after successfully completing my 6 years of overseas service to the satisfaction of the officers appointed over me, and also a politician's son or daughter, and then "magic would happen" for me?

Since you and I both know that was a bunch of BS, even if you will never admit it publicly because it makes your village idiot look bad, I'll leave it there.


#67 2022-10-08 14:37:58

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

I would assume that the question is one of the background checks along with many others for records check and if you did not have any on your record you would pass. It does not say that you can never do so in the future and even if you did the cops are not taking your gun if you do not have it on you if arrested for one of these offenses as they are not checking to see if you have one only doing the arrest at the time for one of the offences that you are caught doing.
It would be better that things were cut and dry and said what is meant.


#68 2022-10-08 22:40:17

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump


The law says you can't be under the influence while using a firearm.  Go check if you don't believe me.  Every state has those sorts of laws, and then there's the federal laws which the state laws are modeled after.

If you insist on recording yourself waving a gun around while snorting coke off a hooker's rear end, then maybe you should make sure the cops never see that video?

You can do what you like, but if you want to stay out of jail, then I'd recommend refraining from engaging in, nevermind combining those activities.

Ultimately, this doesn't have anything to do with him buying a gun.  Anyone can do that, legally or otherwise.  Any of the rest of us would've already been thrown in prison for years for doing a fraction of what he's done.  He's yet to see the inside of a courtroom for what the FBI knows he did, that they'd hold anyone but a Democrat politician criminally liable for, because he recorded himself doing it.  If you're going to break the law over and over again, then recording yourself doing it is probably a bad idea.  It seems Hunter Biden couldn't follow that simple "rule for breaking the law and getting away with it", so guess what?  He's probably going to see the inside of a courtroom at some point in the future.

If Don Jr had done the same things Hunter Biden has done, you and every other Democrat in the entire country would be calling for his crucifixion without any trial, not even a mock-trial, but since it's a Democrat who did it, and a very prominent one at that, you've come up with some of the most creative excuses imaginable for breaking laws that you and I both know we'd go to prison for, for a very long time.

Since you can't come up with an explain "bucket" that holds water, stop trying to excuse away criminality.  If someone else doesn't stop him first, then he's eventually going to OD.  I sincerely doubt that will help President Biden run the country.  Minimally honest people admit when what they're doing is a mistake.  If you don't view what Hunter Biden is doing, and by various accounts continues to do, as a serious mistake, then you're not helping him, except into his own coffin.  Before all this insane tribalism and "anything goes" nonsense from the Democrat Party, someone from his own party, as well as his own father, would've said to him, "Okay, Hunter, this needs to stop.  You either shape-up or you face the music."  I recognize that our political class are not Saints, but there's a limit to everything.


#69 2022-10-09 10:21:43

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,692

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

Hunter Biden was dishonerably discharged from the US Navy after testing positive for cocaine.  He is a notorious cokehead.  When working for a Ukrainian gas company, he used his fathers position as vise president to get a man fired.  That man was unfortunate enough to get between him and his dirty money. … -explained

The Ukrainian government were informed by tge office of vice president, that unless the individual in question was fired, they would lose a big package of military aid.  Biden wanted him out of the way for personal reasons and used his fathers position to achieve that goal.  This is a clear case of extortion.  When a member of the FBI complained about Biden's clear confluct of interest, he was told not to pursue it because it might embarass the vice president.  This proves how selective the justice system is.  Whether or not you are allowed to get away with this sort of thing, depends upon who you are and how you lean politically.

Last edited by Calliban (2022-10-09 10:23:35)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#70 2022-10-09 14:25:11

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

Poor records check since that would be a registered crime for narcotics that if the military entered that data into a civilian data base would have kept him from even getting the gun...


#71 2022-10-09 15:02:26

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump


It's still amazing to me that you're still fixated on Hunter Biden owning a gun.

How about you address the fact that it's a minor miracle that the President's own son hasn't OD'ed on coke?

Is this not something you can exploit to further your political ideology?  Is that the real problem?

Hunter Biden is a real person with a real drug abuse problem.  Deal with that problem first.  He should be checked into the Betty Ford clinic, or wherever wealthy Democrats with drug abuse problems go these days.


#72 2022-10-09 16:14:54

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

The real issue is the military did discharge him without jailing him is the issue as a civilian I would have been jailed and marked as such never to be able to get a gun as the registration process would have it contained in its records.


#73 2022-10-09 16:53:06

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump


The military doesn't normally put officers in prison, except for capital offenses like killing the enemy in combat (the way that Navy SEAL medic did in Afghanistan by his own admission, rather than the Master Chief Gallagher who was blamed for it and then imprisoned because some of his men were non-hackers who refused to do their jobs, which NCIS exploited to "nab a SEAL" who was by numerous other accounts doing exactly what he was supposed to do, in order to prevent the Taliban from torturing their fellow Taliban fighter during whatever little time he had left) or refusing to take experimental vaccines (some of the officers I served with were none too happy about their Anthrax vaccine).

Imagine that you show more respect for the enemy than the enemy shows towards his fellow fighters, and you give a soldier a soldier's death while he's bleeding out anyway and there's nothing you can do to save him.  In my world, this would be seen as an honorable death, not murder.  Abandoning someone who had the balls to go toe-to-toe with some of the finest fighting men on the planet so that his fellow Taliban will torture and possibly rape him is seen as "a crime" by our own brass.  Instead of the person who performed the execution (the medic, because he said he killed the fighter under oath at Master Chief Gallagher's trial) being imprisoned, for whatever good that would do, they imprison the senior enlisted man, not the Officer In Charge.

Was Chief Gallagher "just following orders"?

Not strictly speaking, but he wasn't disobeying any orders, either, nor were any of his men.  They fought the enemy, hey won, one of the fighters was mortally wounded but still alive, the medic couldn't save him and they couldn't get a helo fast enough, so they killed him instead of abandoning him to the barbaric treatment he would receive from his own men (our enemy).

Would you abandon a fallen soldier to the enemy so they can rape and torture him just before he dies (for failing to kill a squad of SEALs)?

After you see those animals do what they do the first few times, you don't then ask yourself, "Gee, I wonder what they'll do this time around."  In fact, you (safely) assume they'll behave like unhinged fanatics, because that's what they are.  It doesn't have to make sense to you or me.  It makes sense to them.  They're there, and you're not.  Be thankful you're not there.  Sometimes all of your so-called "options" suck, and some are only slightly "less bad" than all the others.

So, why was that entire affair used as an example of "abuse" by American troops?

We live in leftist looney toon world, where up is down, left is right, and right is wrong.

Most (not all) of these so-called journalist try to apply their Ivory Tower morality to something as ugly as close combat.  From personal experience with gang members, they don't give a damn about your tower, because they never knew it existed to begin with.

This is exactly like the total falsehood perpetrated by the Biden Administration about USBP "whipping migrants".

1. That never happened, and video footage later released, because everyone has a camera these days, showed that nothing of the sort ever happened.

2. After being caught in their own lie, which was made-up for who knows what reason, they doubled-down on their BS instead of admitting that they were clearly wrong.

3. You people never question the line of BS they sell to you, so long as it agrees with your ideology.

Well, some of the rest of us are tired of their BS.  Stop making things up when you can't get what you want, whatever that is.

Last but not least, since you're fixated on the "gun thing", if Uncle Sam fails to properly document the offenses his own personnel have been found guilty of, what makes you think they care or have the resources to document what everyone else does?  You think another law will change something?  There's already a law for this.  The government didn't follow their own laws (again and again and again).  When will you truly "get it"?  More government isn't going to change anything.


#74 2022-10-09 17:07:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

So, Uncle Sam the military is guilty of shielding those that it found guilty such that it does not let it be known to the nonmilitary side of criminal records. That is a problem. Would the military want someone to join them if there were no civilian record of such an occurrence? I think not....


#75 2022-10-11 14:48:14

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Claimed wrong doings of previous administration not Trump

Tulsi Gabbard announces she's leaving the modern Democrat party

Tulsi Gabbard was elected to the Hawaii House of Representatives at the age of 21, she  is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She ran a 2020 presidential campaign now she is quitting the Democrat party. During her time in Congress, she frequently appeared on Fox News to criticize the Barack Obama administration for "refusing" to say that the "real enemy" of the United States is "radical Islam" or "Islamic extremism". CNN described her foreign policy platform as anti-interventionist and her economic platform as populist.

an old what if 2007 article

Where the candidates stand on space

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-10-11 14:52:40)


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