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#51 2024-03-15 08:10:38

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re Earth Wind Map

Thank you for finding and showing this link!

Here is the text on the home page for the display:
earth wind map

tokyo wind map


Someone (or perhaps a group? ) put a lot of time and effort into that rendering!



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#52 2024-03-17 10:30:02

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re recent post about ocean deserts... … 81#p220481

I noticed an interesting statement in the post at the link above.

Your judgement that photons invested in the oceans might be "wasted" caught my eye.

My guess is that nothing the Sun provides is wasted.

Hopefully there are individual humans who have invested their lifetimes learning tiny bits about how the complex interlocking and interdependent systems of the Earth interact with each other.

With any luck, you may run across documentation of how the photons arriving at the surface of the "desert ocean" contribute to the global energy flows.



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#53 2024-03-17 11:16:47

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,944

Re: Void Postings

Lot's of what the sun provides is wasted. Life can't survive on light alone; if there's a paucity of everything else necessary, it can't make use of the sunlight.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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#54 2024-03-22 17:15:41

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re post about aluminum and oxygen propellant on the Moon ...

Please develop your ideas a bit more, if you have time, and if the subject interests you ...

I looked at the Wikipedia article you linked, and found this:

One potential issue with this approach is the production of dust. As the exhaust cools, particles of aluminum oxide would form, which could be an issue for heavy use. Proper design of the engine could mitigate this however. If the combustion was complete and all products were entirely vaporized upon ejection, the resulting dust should be quite small, perhaps microscopic in size, and traveling at sufficient speed to allow for wide dispersal. Current spacecraft are already designed to handle dust of this size, and its generation should not endanger their use. However, if the actual exhaust velocity is in the range of 1400 km/s, this is less than escape velocity and the exhaust will necessarily fall back onto the Moon.

The dust described as output from combustion would settle on the Moon, eventually, if it is projected back toward the moon during a rocket launch,

This would be convenient, if your rocket company has found a way to collect the exhaust.

It is this aspect of the concept that I am hoping you will develop.

If you can (somehow) find a way to capture all (or most) of the exhaust, then you have a readily available supply of propellant that you can re-use with just sunlight needed to restore usability.

Launching people and supplies from the Moon could thus be made into a recycle operation, with only sunlight needed to power the operations.



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#55 2024-03-28 11:03:04

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void about the hint ??? of an idea in a post today ... … 63#p220963

In this post you created a word picture that illuminated in my mind.  It may not have had a similar effect anywhere else.

You were talking about something mysterious (to me) called a "heliostat".   I have observed that you often introduce new concepts into the forum archive and then use terms to reference the new concept.  I often miss the starting point for a concept, and that appears to have happened here.

Apparently a "heliostat" is something similar to a mirror ... apparently it can be pointed during operation, and in your post you talked about directing the outflow from a heliostat away from a cloud that might be forming.

The purpose of ** this ** post is to (at least try to) alert you to a potential for one of your "heliostats"...

If you had one of these on the surface of a planet, and you wanted to increase the flow of photons to another location, you might direct the photons you receive to a reflector in the sky.  There doesn't appear to be much hope for balloons on Mars, much as some of our more enthusiastic members might wish, but perhaps there is a way to suspend a mirror well above the surface of Mars, and then direct the photons to a suitable target on the surface, such as Louis' Sagan City, which is the focus of the My Hacienda topic.

I leave the question of how to suspend a mirror above the surface of Mars without using a balloon to your creative imagination.



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#56 2024-04-03 11:05:04

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void about human launch from spinning devices ...

In the topic just restored to view from Spaniard's thinking about mass drivers, you have included an interesting idea... … 89#p221289

This forum has a productive mix of members who understand math and physics, and others who specialize on other areas of human knowledge.

Your post contains a speculative idea that humans might be accelerated by a spinning device.

There is an opportunity for one of our members who does math and engineering to explain the facts around this idea.

It should be possible for one of our members to present the facts in a way that brings our artists and writers along.

Void, you can help by finding a reference to how much G force humans can tolerate.  This is an important fact that designers of space craft and other vehicles and devices must take into account.

The dimensions of the SpinLaunch system are published, and the velocity attained at exit from the existing machine is published. It should be possible for someone to compute the G force on the payload pod at the end of the swing arm.

This forun has the opportunity to collect useful information, in addition to our primary goal which is to encourage imaginative thinking.



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#57 2024-04-07 07:09:38

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,454

Re: Void Postings

NewMarsMember wrote:

For Void re #1310

Thank you for this report!  I have seen the same thing. The failure seems to be limited to the level above the forums.

Hopefully our webmaster will be able to investigate to see what might have happened. has been running for 20+ years as an unprotected http site. We may be forced to upgrade to https.

The hacker/scammers who put 19000+ fake accounts in our database are still pounding on the door.

Another forum that has not shut off the registration option (as SpaceNut has done) has accumulated over 20,000 fake accounts, and more worrisome, at least one of the hackers has found a way to gain posting admission to the forum. That should not be possible, but obviously is ** is ** possible. There must be a bug in the 2012 era forum software.


Last edited by NewMarsMember (2024-04-07 07:10:31)

Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


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#58 2024-04-10 09:36:46

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re link to Telegraph article about Space Solar Power...

Thanks for providing the link to this article:

Solar power beamed to Earth from space could happen within decade
Story by Sarah Knapton • 5d • 3 min read

Ms. Knapton seems to have found the subject/announcement interesting, and she seems to have done her best to put the story into context.

The principles of the Belfast organization seem to have ambition, and that's good, but there is a bit of a leap from the LED demo to a satellite in GEO.

One part of the story that Ms. Knapton omitted was the many decades of history, starting with the vision of Arthur C Clarke and boosted by the work of Peter Glazer.  As far as I know, the furthest anyone has actually gone in developing the technology is Caltech with a from-orbit demo, and the US Air Force with some experiments.

A station in GEO would be vulnerable.

A robust defense capability would seem advisable.

When space based solar power was first imagined, the prospect of global space competitors was not yet clear.



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#59 2024-04-10 20:01:15

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re report of bing problem finding us ...

I do not doubt your report.  I would only note you were using bing ...

I asked Google to perform the same search, and I was startled/surprised to see the hack of our main page listed as the first entry...

If you look through the list below, you'll see plenty of citations for the forum, mixed in with other similar names... 美品 ナノユニバース カモフラ裏地 ブラック ...
Translate this page
美品✨ ナノユニバース カモフラ裏地 ブラックフォーマル 黒 M 1B |

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AISE objected to the post ... I invite anyone who is interested to run the Google search themselves



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#60 2024-04-11 08:29:38

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re sulfur in post about Venus ...

In your recent post (2024/04/11) you were considering Venus, and commented upon the abundance of sulfur there.

If the subject interests you at all, please consider a bit further what value sulfur may have in the Solar System economy.

Apparently Venus has an ample supply and probably wouldn't miss some if it were appropriated for use elsewhere.

I can't think of anything useful to do with sulfur, but I'm pretty sure there are posts in the forum archive where the authors describe uses.



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#61 2024-04-13 07:20:41

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re new phpBB3 test account ....

I understand that members of the forum do not have time to read every post, so you may not be aware of the test account that the Admins have set up for evaluation of newer forum software.

Please connect to the Azure test account using the information in the Azure topic.

If you encounter an SQL timeout message please just refresh the page.  Azure is a Virtual Machine that goes to sleep and has to be re-awakened.

I'd appreciate your feedback on the site.



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#62 2024-04-16 06:13:10

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re Borg Cube ...

Nice image!

it is a good fit for your new topic... it seems to me.

I'm hoping you'll pick up on the idea first generated by the Star Trek writers.

There might be more to the basic idea than just a neat image.



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#63 2024-04-24 10:11:25

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re Ice Volcano on Ceres … 86#p222286

I asked google to find the image you showed us, and it found a large number of citations.

Thanks for finding and posting the link!

I thought (at first) this might be an AI generated image, but I'm unsure now. 

If you have a bit of time, please find out a bit more about the history of the image.  It is (apparently) associated with the Dawn mission.



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#64 2024-04-24 11:31:41

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re suggestion of lighter weight Lunar lander for Starship ... … 93#p222293

This suggestion of yours seems quite reasonable.  Please keep watch for any news along those lines...

I ** think ** the NASA Apollo Lunar Landers were made as light as possible.

Perhaps ??? the Blue Origin proposal for a Lunar lander is similarly lightened?

In any case, there ** ought ** to be news on the Internet as Lunar Landings occur or are attempted.



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#65 2024-04-25 14:38:48

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re advances in robotics...

I am following your reports on advances in robotics with great interest, and look forward each of them.

In a possibly related side note ... The developers of ChatGPT4 are trying to improve it's capabilities, but I get the impression their work is like poking an injection of molecules into a working octopus.  In a recent announcement that appeared when I logged in to use ChatGPT4, it was indicated that ChatGPT4's memory would be improved.  However, ChatGPT4 adamantly declares that while it knows about the upgrade, it is not using it and furthermore, capabilities that it had recently have been curtailed  This is like the octopus recoiling in fright at the injection.  Fortunately, the features I depend upon to solve problems with FluxBB 1.5.11 seem to still be working.

This is a related observation ... in order for advances in robotics to benefit all of us, a way to insure that the power of these systems can be extended to everyone, or nearly everyone, is needed.  It is possible the capitalist system can achieve that lofty end point, but I think the temptation of some to gain authoritarian power is a strong current in the human psyche.



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#66 2024-04-26 15:28:32

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re video of advanced Chinese robot video... … 69#p222369
Thanks you for finding and showing that video.

I liked the tablecloth snatch ... few humans can match the coordination needed for ** that ** feat...

This post is to thank you, but also to offer a small item for your creative thinking...

Purely by coincidence, a YouTube video popped up this morning, randomly selected by YouTube.  It featured a story about a woman in China who started planting trees in a desert, and a couple of decades later the trees are doing well.  More importantly, others in China were apparently inspired to match her efforts, so that slowly but surely a significant area has been reclaimed. 

I tell you this because I see ** that ** as a useful activity for sufficiently advanced robots.  The labor involved, and the working conditions are awful. The fact that the Chinese woman faced that and persisted is a testimonial to her character, but that level of dedication by humans should (in my opinion) not be needed to reclaim deserts around the Earth, if humans can supervise robot tree planters who work 24*7*365.

In some of your writings, (if I recall correctly) you have imagined robot builders and agricultural workers on Mars and other places.



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#67 2024-04-27 07:33:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re latest post about shipment of materials around the Solar System ... … 88#p222388

Your drawings just keep getting better and better.

Your latest drawing showed solar panels (Photovoltaic panels) as the target of the mirror.

That configuration certainly makes sense and it would probably be the first choice for spacecraft designers seeking to implement your idea.

However, for what it might be worth, your drawing reminded me of the solar concentrating towers designed by residents of Spain, and implemented outside of Spain in such locations as California.  The advantage of that particular design is that the thermal energy collected can be carried into interior of the space vessel, if there is any value in doing that.  The technology does not require the sophistication of photovoltaic cells, and it might be an alternative if PV cells are in short supply.



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#68 2024-05-08 12:03:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re post showing interesting drawings ... … 64#p222864

The bottom drawing in this long post caught my eye ....

The concept deserves support ....

We have the potential to add a "Like" button as part of the work we are doing to upgrade FluxBB.

In the mean time, please consider adding a new drawing based upon the telescope mirror that feeds a greenhouse though the eyepiece.

The update I'm hoping you will consider adding is a docking port for human harvesters at the axis opposite the sunlight collection system.

Your concept of rotation of the farm allows for a wide range of gravity that might prove advantageous to various plants.

A concern that might inspire your creativity is how to deal with heat that arrives with the photons from the Sun.  Your initial drawing does not include radiators, but I'll bet that Calliban would advise you to add them, if you were to ask him.



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#69 2024-05-09 07:08:08

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re Climate Change.... … 75#p222875

It is good to see you bravely attempting to tackle climate change on an entire planet, the size of Earth.

It seems to me unlikely that any human being is capable of understanding the flows of energy and material of an entire planet, and the best we (NewMars) members can do is to study attempts by those who are able to find small bits of data to consider, without understanding the totality of a planetary system.

Your investigations of this important topic are helpful.

It seems to me this is an example of the blind men investigating an elephant and announcing what each has discovered by touch, magnified to the size of a planet the size of Earth.

I noticed that there were other videos in the section of YouTube where the video you showed us is located.  Some appear to be reporting on sea level changes at various locations.  It seems to me that since the seas are constantly moving due to the rotation of the Earth and the pull of the Moon, the Sun and other bodies, it will be difficult to measure the impact of flows of fresh water from melting glaciers and polar ice caps, let alone the expansion of sea water due to inflow of solar energy.

You've certainly taken on a challenging subject, and I am looking forward to your future reports.



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#70 2024-05-09 20:34:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re solar power at Jupiter or even further out.... … 17#p222917

In your post above, you provided what I took to be support for the practicality of nuclear power for a mission at Callisto.

However, I think your study of solar reflecting mirrors for deep space power is of potential interest to future planners for deep space missions, and perhaps even for settlements.

Oldfart1939 pointed out that the the power of the Sun's illumination decreases in a non-linear fashion with distance.

However, your drawings have shown (or appear to show) very large mirrors.

While I understand numbers are not your strong suit, perhaps you can enlist other NewMars members to help with sizing your mirrors.

If you want to provide an Earth equivalent solar illumination of a surface, at the distance of Callisto, it should be possible for a NewMars member with the needed skills to size your mirror.  With that information you would then be able to decide if the project is feasible.

You can start the ball rolling by specifying the surface area you wish to illuminate at Earth equivalent levels, and the location where you would like to deploy the mirror.



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#71 2024-05-10 10:04:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re large mirrors to collect Solar photons anywhere in the Solar system.

Oldfart1939 has pointed out that your ideas of huge mirrors are producing artwork that is first class, but there no numbers to support them.

I am hoping a NewMars member might be willing to lend/contribute the expertise needed to size huge mirrors correctly.

If you were to illuminate a habitat with a surface area of 10 square meters for the transparent roof, to the equivalent of sea level on Earth at the Equator, one of our members with the needed skills can compute the size of the mirror you need.

At the scale of the gigantic mirror your vision requires, the mirror can be made of a great number of flat plates.  This idea has indeed been explored by at least one science fiction writer.

The flat mirror sections can be free flying drones, programmed to hold position in a parabola of great size, and direct photons to a secondary mirror on the axis of the habitat you will be illuminating.

I would like to see your idea turn from artwork into something more substantial.

The mirror may turn out to be many kilometers across.

Let's try to encourage a NewMars member to perform the calculations, so you can add numbers to your imressive drawings.



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#72 2024-05-16 07:00:26

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re title of a topic ... … 73#p130673

Calliban recently reported on a new (nuclear) pulse rocket propulsion method...

At the time you created the topic on a Pulse-detonation rocket engine, chemical fuels were in discussion, which is why GW Johnson provided posts.

Now we have a new kind of pulse detonation to consider.... If you are willing, please add a word to the title of your topic...

For example, it might read: Pulse-detonation chemical rocket engine.

You can change a tile by editing Post #1 of the topic.



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#73 2024-06-13 14:29:19

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re heat shields...

You idea of making heat shields on the Moon, for use at Earth orbit, seems quite interesting and worth considering for a business.

You mentioned the question of whether we might have a topic for heat shields. I found three, but perhaps we need a new one to cover the idea you have suggested.

Heat Shield Design Manufacture Application Maintenance by tahanson43206 [ 1 2 ]
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    29    2024-03-23 10:51:57 by Void
Tutorial on the Nature of Heat as Applied to a Heat Shield by tahanson43206
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    5    2023-01-21 13:54:17 by tahanson43206
Companion: Tutorial on the Nature of Heat as Applied to a Heat Shield by tahanson43206
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    5    2021-04-30 17:20:18 by SpaceNut



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#74 2024-06-21 06:59:54

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re topic about air breathing orbital propulsion methods seems worth developing further.

I don't think Popes or Heretics have much to do with the subject.

You asked Dr. Johnson to prove something to you, when he offered a judgement based upon experience and study.

I offered you an opportunity to take the lead in learning how inlets work at high velocities.  it seems to me the subject would be of interest in all possible regimes.

It will take some work and time to assemble a useful collection of knowledge about the subject you have chosen.

You can buy Dr. Johnson's book about ramjets for $100, as a number of folks have done.

That would be a good place to start.

Or perhaps there are already free presentations on the subject that you might be able to access.

Your topic on Air Breathing propulsion by orbiting vehicles started when you found an article on the subject.



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#75 2024-06-22 11:23:29

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,249

Re: Void Postings

For Void re cactus ...

I'm hoping you will find additional reports about this remarkable plant, to share with the NewMars members and readers.



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