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#2301 2022-06-30 19:24:22

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #2300

Thanks for the follow up on our mystery member!

Chandler, AZ
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2013-07-18 13:36:04

I confirmed that the name in the email is indeed "cra"  ...

Have you sent instructions to this gent?

SpaceNut wrote:

It will be interesting to see what will happen with login name "BeerMan" as the issue was the log in and not the password reset...

The username "Twin Beam" was at the end of the email and while it seems legit it's going to always be a question mark until that account logs in and posts when the user has updated the email that they use now but it's not the same as the old one on file.

If TwinBeam does not know the old email address, or use the old email, then there is no way that person could connect.

As you probably recall, FluxBB asks the user for the email address on file, before it sends a temporary password.

The best solution (it seems to me) is for any member wanting to resume with NewMars to simply write the NewMarsMember email, as described in the Recruiting topic.

Speaking of new members ... I wonder if BeerMan has connected?

As of 21:30 local time, the answer is no ... I'll check the NewMarsMember email now ...

Update at 21:39

I'm glad I checked .... BeerMan had written to say that no message arrived from FluxBB.

I had used the email service to send email to BeerMan from the Administration screen.

I double checked to be sure I had typed the email address in correctly.

I asked BeerMan to try logging in directly.  He'd apparently been waiting for the FluxBB email, but that may never arrive if there is a problem with the FluxBB email server. 

Did you have any luck studying the logs that Mr. Burk sent you?  The name to look for was FriendOfQuark1 (or perhaps for the email address associated with that account).



#2302 2022-07-01 10:47:24

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut and for all NewMars members ....

For the record .... the Mars Society web site was completely down at 8 AM this morning, Eastern time.

It came up gradually.  In the final stage of recovery, was up but the forum was not because of an MySQL error.

I would like the record to show that around Noon, I received a suggestion for a fix from kbd512. I forwarded the suggestion to the Society Webmaster.

Shortly afterward the NewMars forum was back up.

It could be a coincidence. We may never know.

Thanks to kbd512 for doing the research and forwarding the suggestion.



#2303 2022-07-01 11:33:01

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative...

63601-63900 That is today's range for Trailbreaker.

The new version of Trailbreaker, with the Clipboard Paste feature it should have had from the beginning, passed live test with 62889 doing the honors, once again.  There are numerous checks built into the sequence, so a failure should result is skipping the post without doing an update.  On the other hand, I watched several posts go through the edit and replace process and FluxBB seemed happy.  I'm planning to study the log of the run more closely than usual, and I always give it a good scrub.

*** we need to fix the email problem.  It showed up again for BeerMan.  If you have the logs but do not have equipment suitable for viewing them, perhaps there is something we can do.  One option is to raise funds by securing memberships.  We have several hundred former members who might be willing to join the Mars Society in the good cause of funding an Administrator's work station and high speed Internet for a year.

Update at 16:46 local time ... Trailbreaker (with Clipboard Paste) just finished...

It finished with a Green screen, which is good....

If finished post #63900 with a flourish as I watched, and everything looked good.

Now! comes analysis of the log.

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-01-2022 at 16:50:39
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:40
27 Skip Exceptions were recorded.
11 Potholes: 63898 63870 63865 63859 63854 63850 63845 63816 63803 63781 63773
Skip analysis for 27 skips:
  Lines containing String One 39 <<-- 27 skips less 21 >> 6
  Lines containing String Two 42 <<== 21 SpaceNut posts
    There were 11 potholes
OK ... there is a mystery to solve ... the log has changed due to use of the new Clipboard Paste
21 SpaceNut posts plus 11 potholes >> 32 skips but only 27 were recorded.
11 Potholes: 63898 63870 63865 63859 63854 63850 63845 63816 63803 63781 63773

Total time of Processing: 03:21:13

Update at 21:20 local time ... the log of the run of Trailbreaker with Clipboard paste revealed:
11 Potholes 17 SpaceNut posts (that i found) {21 were reported }
1 FluxBB reject was reported: 63817

I'll take a look at 63817
63817 turned out to be a pothole not reported earlier.

I'll run Inspector now ... the evidence seems to indicate the new Clipboard Paste (and all the checks and balances installed to verify it) seem(s) to have worked.

Update at 23:25 local time ... Inspector finished with a Green screen...

One post was found that was rejected by FluxBB with numerous issues (63810)

I'll attempt to correct it ...63810 appears to be acceptable to FluxBB.

The behavior of the new version of Trailbreaker will take some getting used to ...

Reporting of SpaceNut posts has changed. Reporting of potholes seems the same.

An edit was reported as needed, but I missed it. Fortunately Inspector found it.

Still, the ** big ** time savings is the benefit of having Extended ASCII delivered to FluxBB intact.

Tomorrow's Trailbreaker will try for 64200.  Based on today's success, I'll stay with the new version.



#2304 2022-07-01 14:14:53

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re BeerMan ...

My test login for the new member is recorded as:

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Registered: 2020-11-05 (
Last post: Today 12:34:03
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Admin note

I am hoping the ** real ** BeerMan will log in soon!

It is ** highly ** likely BeerMan has a full work day, and may not be able to check his email until this evening.



#2305 2022-07-01 20:50:47

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Housekeeping

I am still wondering what caused the Mysql data base to get messed up.


#2306 2022-07-01 20:56:07

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: Housekeeping

I was kinda hoping that "BeerMan" has lots of beer.


#2307 2022-07-01 21:08:02

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

for kbd512 re #2306 ,,,

That might be a stretch goal << grin >>

This gent is coming to us courtesy of Executive Director James Burk.  He is a writer interested in a declaration by Budweiser that it wanted to be the first brewery on Mars, in an announcement of some kind in 2017.  I am hoping the announcement was more than just a publicity stunt, but will have to wait to find out.

Budweiser could fund an expedition to Mars, or a water finding system such as proposed by GW Johnson.



#2308 2022-07-01 21:48:47

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Email password change subsystem ...

Thanks for sending a link to the logs ... my first attempt to look at one of the files was not a great success. The log was huge, but it seemed to only contain thousands of reports that IP such and such executed procedure abcd, which is deprecated.  I suppost that from some point of view, that might be considered an error, but the information is not helpful, since the procedure is being used.

However, I've only looked at one of the 8 or 9 files you sent.



#2309 2022-07-01 21:59:23

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Housekeeping

Ya they are large but did not see anything.

There could be a corrupt file on the server that performs the function.

We have seen what corruption can happen with data conversions for the posts we have been cleaning up. 

All of the posts on the flux forum were 2015 and earlier for the function failing in older version of code.


#2310 2022-07-02 00:05:34

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: Housekeeping


Well, we need something to entice prospective Martians to go, and a brewery sounds like a better-than-average plan.

RobertDyck makes his own gin and mead.  FriendOfQuark1 doesn't operate without wine.  However, I'm partial to beer.


#2311 2022-07-02 05:02:03

From: United States
Registered: 2020-11-05
Posts: 24

Re: Housekeeping

Hello everyone,

I'm finally up and running on the forum.  Thanks to everyone who patiently and diligently worked to get me here.

I'm the individual who is working on a writing project about beer on Mars.  Technically, "Beer" already exists on Mars--I believe it's a crater named after Willem Beer who mapped the surface of the planet in 1830(?).  But real, drinkable might be part of Mar's future.

I'd be happy to fill in more of the gaps with the abstract I submitted for the annual meeting in October, if that would help.

Thank you for including me in the forum.  I'm sure I'll learn a ton.  I hope my contribution will be beneficial to your community as well.



ps--yes, I do have lots of beer.  I co-own a craft brewery with a ten barrel brewing system (roughly 310 gallons) and we currently have seven beers on tap.  :-)


#2312 2022-07-02 05:06:12

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: Housekeeping


Welcome to the New Mars Forums!

Real drinakble beer sounds better than an impact crater, every day of the week.


#2313 2022-07-02 06:29:49

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,345

Re: Housekeeping

For BeerMan ... Congratulations on surviving the convoluted process you had to endure to become a contributing member of the forum. On top of all the other problems, we had a massive system failure that took down the entire Mars Society web site for several hours, and you have somehow arrived safely in the Registered User table!

Please take a look at My Hacienda, and specifically, please perform a search for the Plot Registry.  You will find that we do NOT have a brewery included, and I would like to add that category of private enterprise to the list we are building.

To perform the search, use the forum search tool as follows:
Keyword: SearchTerm: and :Registry
Author: tahanson43206
Search in: Leave as Message text
Select where: click on Martian Politics and Economy
Show Results as: Select Posts

You should get a long post with Recorder, PlotMaster and Registry in the banner

Please note that the Keywords have colons ... the purpose of the precision is to eliminate extraneous search results.

The normal pattern for an enterprise category is to set up three plots so we have the normal/traditional three competitors in every discipline.  I would hope that you might be interested in giving a name to one of the three plots.

If this concept proves interesting, you have an opportunity to become the first person to begin to build out the structure of a plot.

I hasten to add that other forum members (notably RobertDyck) have invested time, energy and thought in defining what their plot might look like.  I am grateful for those contributions, but we (forum) need 7790 ** more ** contributors to put this show on the road.


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


#2314 2022-07-02 06:55:55

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For BeerMan ...

We have no topics (at present) that contain the term Beer

A logical place for a topic about setting up a brewery on Mars would be Martian Politics and Economy

According to tradition, the American Revolution was organized in taverns.  Politics and taverns would seem to go together.

If you are interested, you can create a topic that includes the word "beer" in the Index level for Martian Politics and Economy.  Don't worry about exact wording. As the topic manager, you have the ability to go back to change the wording of the topic title at any time.

Also as topic manager, you have the opportunity to guide the flow of contributions to your topic.

NewMars members routinely branch off in a thousand different directions when they are inspired, as often happens.

The Admins can help you to keep your topic flowing along the lines you prefer, by moving off topic posts to topics where they are a better fit.

We have seen this process play out multiple times, with really interesting results.



#2315 2022-07-02 11:00:17

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Housekeeping

Maybe we can determine with some more details as to how the ability was achieved to enter a password. Whether it was from a password reset from internal done by mods in the profile, by my changing the profile to newly registered or what allowed for the email to be sent which may have been a combination of things.

we have many topics that have the word Beer within them but generically the closest to one is Booze which is an early plot within the My Hacienda topic at plot 37
Another was Vat food which sort of fits as well....


#2316 2022-07-02 12:15:13

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #2316 and Post Repair initiative

As soon as BeerMan is able to spare a bit of time to work on this, we might be able to learn more about the problem.

Regarding beer ... I'm hoping BeerMan will set up his own topic.  This is not a situation suitable for camping on another topic, such as the notable one by RobertDyck.  However, I'm willing to go with whatever the flow is here.

Trailbreaker finished with a Green screen while processing with the new Clipboard Paste procedure.

The number of Extended ASCII failures has dropped to Zero.

However, the number of failed updates has increased ... I have no way of knowing if there is a correlation, but will be on the watch for clues one way or the other.

The new situation seems to be that WBA downloads the post, shows it in the log, and then loses track of where it is, so the post ends up untouched and requiring manual edit.

At least the manual edits are more interesting to work with.

There may be a timing issue of some kind in play.  I have so many checks on progress built into the system that anything could stop work on a given post.

I completed today's edits, and will now ask Inspector to check the work.

We crossed over 64000, so I'll set up a ReScan this evening.

Update at 15:43 local time ... recent changes to the Trailmaker script are generating new patterns in the log file.  I just finished a new feature of the Extract program to pull your posts out of the skips list.  I'll test the new feature tomorrow.  It looks for "do not have permission" and reports the ID where that occurred, so that ID can be omitted from the candidates list.

As reported earlier, since introduction of the new script, Extended ASCII faults have dropped to zero, but posts still require manual attention, either when FluxBB rejects them because of unquote and other curiosities, or because of timing issues.

Update at 17:17 local time ... Inspector had a clean run ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 64200

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 63901

Last Number of Run: 64200

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-02-2022 at 17:14:34
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:22
6 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

6 potholes were expected and 6 were found.
Edit: Zero
Good Run!

Since we crossed 64000, ReScan will review 63001-64000

Update next day at 00:11 local time .... The ReScan found 22 potholes.

It reported Zero edits.  Good run.

The next Trailbreaker will try for 64500.



#2317 2022-07-02 12:32:17

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Housekeeping

Beerman will also have knowledge pertaining to water filtration processing as well for us in the product as well. Maybe reverse osmosis.


#2318 2022-07-02 13:42:53

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re #2317

Thanks for picking up on the opportunity we ** may ** have to develop a ** real ** business to be ported (more or less intact) to Mars.

Any (and all) specializations in the collection of 7800 will be interdependent ... It is in the identification of needs for a specific business that we (forum) will be able to identify the specializations we do not yet have defined.

I would NOT expect BeerMan to have any specific knowledge about ** how ** water is made pure enough for brewing of beer.  BeerMan would be (if all goes well) the customer of someone who chose of their own free will, so specialize in the production of potable water suitable for beer brewing.

That person (or team more likely) would be dependent upon other specializations, most definitely including power production, which we already have defined.

BeerMan is going to need glassware (or substitutes made of other materials), accommodation for facilities, and many other items and services we haven't thought of.



#2319 2022-07-03 11:25:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ....

In your leadership role, you often toss out ideas or suggestions that may or may not prove helpful.

Your suggestion of adding the Julian Date format to the daily Mars Business Calendar report was something I took on as a request, and that new feature has been a part of the daily report ever since.  It was a small addition of time each day, and I liked the sense of completeness if provides.

However, today, I was startled to realize that with a minor change, I could make each Mars Business Calendar report unique and easy to find if needed.

I simply changed the format from 0036497 to J0036497

With that simple change, FluxBB is suddenly able to find ** just ** one post in the Martian Politics and Economy topic.

So! ** this ** post is a belated thanks for a suggestion that turned out to be ** really ** useful.



#2320 2022-07-03 11:27:31

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative ...

Trailbreaker has been running all morning, and it should be finished.

I've made some adjustments to the Extract utility, to deal with changes in the log file caused by change to the Clipboard Paste procedure.

In a few minutes, if the changes worked, I'll be able to show you what the output looks like.

The problem is to (somehow) separate the SpaceNut posts and the potholes from the posts that need attention because FluxBB rejected them.

update at 13:49 local time ... the output from the updated Extract is encouraging but imprecise ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 64500

Total Command Lines found: 53
Total input Lines in script: 159

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 64201

Last Number of Run: 64500

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-03-2022 at 13:41:46
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:41
22 Skip Exceptions were recorded.
Search String One is: do not have permission 45
Search String Two is: completed sequence for 301
Search String Three is: bad request        Zero
Search String Four is: skipping to next        27

Total time of Processing: 03:25:03

The processing takes a bit longer now, but that is not a problem, with just 300 posts per day.

The "do not have permission" report ** might ** mean you had 45 posts in that series.
That's not unreasonable considering how active you were at the time.

The Completed count is one high, but that doesn't seem far enough to be worth worrying about.

The pothole count of zero is ** good **

What I'm puzzled about is the Skipping to Next report ... that ** should be higher than the SpaceNut posts ...

OK ... I think I know what happened there... there is a possibility that when one of your posts shows up, I count that and omit the item from the skip count.

Well, it appears to be time for a detailed study of the Extract ** and ** the log.

Update at 14:02 local time ....

After detailed review of the Extract and the Log, the answer pops out ....

Each SpaceNut post now generates ** three ** do not have permission messages.

The skip count was 22.  45 SpaceNut "do not" messages divided by 3 gives 15.

7 non-SpaceNut posts showed up.  7 + 15 >> 22 ... a match, since there were no potholes.

Boy! 7 edits is a ** big ** improvement over 30 or more.

Update at 14:24 local time after edit ...

The new post-run manual activity is less in quantity, but slightly greater in puzzles ...

*** top of completed posts Completed 14.4 18 minutes for 7 posts
1 Text received does not match sent for ID: 64341 Skipping to Next Item << manual edit
2 Text received does not match sent for ID: 64342 Skipping to Next Item manual edit
3 Text received does not match sent for ID: 64345 Skipping to Next Item manual edit
4 Text received does not match sent for ID: 64357 Skipping to Next Item manual edit
5 unknown
6 unknown SpaceNut post
7 Text received does not match sent for ID: 64494 Skipping to Next Item << manual edit
*** bottom of completed posts

All those posted marked "manual edit" never go a chance to "enjoy" automated editing. The downloads seem to have occurred, but something happened subsequently to prevent normal editing.

There was one SpaceNut post mixed in .. not sure how that happened.

Now I'll give the Inspector a chance to review the work.

Update at 18:25 local time ...

Completed Sequence for ID: 64500

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 64201

Last Number of Run: 64500

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-03-2022 at 18:13:48
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:22

Total time of Processing: 01:49:27

Potholes: zero
Edits: Zero
Good run

Tomorrow's Trailbreaker will try for 64800

For SpaceNut ... best wishes for the 4th of July!



#2321 2022-07-04 10:39:49

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative ...

WBA is queued up for more work on the Audit feature... That feature is close to working.  One more session should put it over the top.

Trailbreaker just finished a run to 64800 with a Green screen.

I'm looking forward to trying an updated version of Extract to see if is easier to separate the posts that need attention from all other others reported by Trailbreaker.

Potholes found: 64755 64512

Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 64501

Last Number of Run: 64800

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-04-2022 at 12:36:12
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:44
27 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:38:55

Potholes (2) 64755 64512
Analysis of 27 skips:
  Lines containing String One 69    permission
  Lines containing String Two 301    completed
Lines containing String Three 2        potholes
Lines containing String Four 29        skipping

69 / 3 >> 23 posts by SpaceNut
27 less 23 >> 4 posts not SpaceNut
4 less 2 potholes >> 2 posts to visit (Yay!) Not bad!

Update at 12:55 local time ... after removing SpaceNut posts and two Potholes, here is the work list:

1 Unknown
Time Out! Skip Requested! Skipping to Next from Post: 64569
2 Unknown
Time Out! Skip Requested! Skipping to Next from Post: 64691

Both of these are likely to be FluxBB rejects.  I'm looking forward to finding unquote or backwards slashes or any of the many creative ways our authors have of giving FluxBB a hard time.

OK ... both items had to do with missing slashes or slashes in the wrong place.

Inspector will now check the work.

Boy! What a difference ... 2 posts to visit instead of 30 or more !!!

Update at 15:15 local time

Completed Sequence for ID: 64800

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 64501

Last Number of Run: 64800

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-04-2022 at 15:08:35
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:22
2 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 01:49:05

Potholes: Expecting 2 Found 2
Edits: Zero
Good run!

Special to SpaceNut ... if you reach this point in the daily report, I'd enjoy hearing about your family celebration of the 4th, ** and ** about how your family dealt with the recent loss of your furry friend.



#2322 2022-07-04 13:47:31

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Housekeeping

We listened to all of the neighbors' fireworks going off. There will still be plenty more tonight.
Heard that yesterday stepfather had a mini stroke in one arm while out puttering around but seems to be much better today.
Moving company failed to get their things to them and they are still waiting to find out what has happened.


#2323 2022-07-05 10:41:31

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut ...

First, thanks for Post #2322, with news of your family observations of fireworks, and the mishap that put your stepfather at risk.

Plus, now that you have shown a mystery about household goods, please report when resolution happens. 

I have become interested in mental health of individuals at remote locations ... we've ** always ** had individuals separated from humanity by great distances, and in the past they were truly isolated.  However, since Marconi's invention, we have steadily improved our (human) capability to communicate effectively over great distances, including as far as the Moon.

In the modern age, the NewMars forum itself (like so many other forums) enables individuals to communicate from any point on Earth at practically any time.

In addition, the archives of the forum (again like so many others) provide a way to assess the mental health of the participants.

I am opening this line of discussion with the assumption that everyone participating in the forum is in excellent mental health.

However, the forum now has records of individual posts going back 20 years, so it is possible to see any changes that age may bring about.

I find that my energy levels are down from 30 years ago, and I would guess that other long-term members may be observing similar changes.

I asked FluxBB to show me any/all topics that contain the word "health"

Forum    Replies    Last post
Art and psychological good health on Mars... by louis
Human missions    6    2022-06-09 12:44:53 by tahanson43206

Good Health in Transit to and From Mars by tahanson43206
Human missions    15    2021-12-28 20:33:33 by SpaceNut

Physicians Support A Single-Payer Medicare-for-All Health Care Program by EdwardHeisler
Not So Free Chat    20    2019-02-28 21:43:57 by SpaceNut

Gut Health, How microbes are changing your mood. by Void
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    4    2018-04-30 13:12:28 by Void

Health Care Reform - Why Are People So Worked Up? by WilliamSop
Not So Free Chat    6    2017-11-11 08:41:13 by elderflower

The folks who settle Mars will be challenged with constant danger that is far more severe than is true on Earth.

I would ** think ** that planning for health care would seem like a reasonable investment of time and effort.

However, clearly not ** everyone ** is able/willing to focus on that particular issue.



#2324 2022-07-05 12:30:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative ...

Trailbreaker finished with a Green screen...

Completed Sequence for ID: 65100

Total Command Lines found: 53
Total input Lines in script: 159

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 64801

Last Number of Run: 65100

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-05-2022 at 14:23:41
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:43
24 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:37:39

Potholes: Zero
Skip analysis for 24 skips:
  Lines containing String One 69 <<== SpaceNut / 3 >> 23
  Lines containing String Two 301 posts
Lines containing String Three 24 <<== Implies one edit

If we are down to one edit, that is pretty amazing!

Update at 14:36 .... that was easy ... … 997#p64997
The post got garbled on the way down, so FluxBB rejected it (of course)
I edited color manually, and the post was accepted.

I'll run the ReScan because we crossed over 65000, but will run Inspector first.

Update at 13:46 local time

Completed Sequence for ID: 65100

Total Command Lines found: 31
Total input Lines in script: 160

  Number of ID's processed: 1100

Starting Number: 64001

Last Number of Run: 65100

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-05-2022 at 23:43:52
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:26
2 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 07:51:18

Two skips may have been potholes ...  confirmed
Edits:   Zero
Good run

Tomorrow's Trailbreaker will try for 65400



#2325 2022-07-06 10:48:58

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Housekeeping

For SpaceNut re Post Repair initiative

Trailbreaker finished a run to 65400 with a Green screen.

WBA ran a test with Post #2 to exercise the new Auditor feature.  A log was generated for study.

Preliminary results are encouraging but a byte by byte comparison of the Downloaded post with the Repaired candidate is the next step.  There is no hurry, since the only damage is substitution of a question mark for Extended ASCII, and not everyone was using Extended ASCII.  However, the repair procedure appears to be pulling original data from the Update logs from last year, and preparing a candidate update to replace the damaged post.

The procedure (as usual) includes multiple checks, and in any case, Auditor performs no updates.

Completed Sequence for ID: 65400

Total Command Lines found: 53
Total input Lines in script: 159

  Number of ID's processed: 300

Starting Number: 65101

Last Number of Run: 65400

Summary for Web Automation Report for 07-06-2022 at 12:42:23
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:43
23 Skip Exceptions were recorded.

Total time of Processing: 03:37:26

Potholes: Zero
Skip analysis for 23 skips:
All these were SpaceNut posts Yay! No edits needed!

There is no need to run the Inspector, but it doesn't hurt anything, so I'll run it as usual.

A new feature is in progress in the Extract utility.  It needs to be able to perform comparisons of strings on a byte by byte basis, so a new option to permit that is started.  It is needed to examine the output of the test log from the Auditor run.

Update at 15:15 local time ...

Inspector found a post that still contained the color parameter.  It was manually adjusted.

FluxBB rejected it anyway ... there was a problem with the URL configurations.

Those were removed and the post was accepted.

So ** now ** I need to go back to look more closely at this morning's Trailbreaker.

Since there were 23 skips, and there were 23 SpaceNut posts, I ** thought ** there were no edits needed.

OK ... The Trailbreaker log contained 65397, showing it had been rejected by FluxBB .

<< Surprise >> 65397 was the last post to be reported, and apparently it did not contribute to the skip count.

Update a few minutes later .... Well! This was subtle ... The very first post of the series was a SpaceNut post.

it was skipped, but because the first cycle is a test cycle, the skip was (apparently) not counted.

The skip count should have been 24.  That's a bug, but I'm not sure it rises to the level of creating the energy needed to find and correct it. 

Tomorrow's Trailbreaker will try for 65700.  Hopefully the first post will NOT be a SpaceNut post, and the skip report will be accurate.



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