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#1226 2020-03-07 09:15:07

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

It took Nasa way to long to stitch all of the frames together as many frames have the dust in the sky showing the levels of opacness that is occuring.


#1227 2020-03-07 09:28:23

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

SpaceNut wrote:

It took Nasa way to long to stitch all of the frames together as many frames have the dust in the sky showing the levels of opacness that is occuring.

Yes, true, funny that it is a blue sky except Mount Sharp. Or l did notice some low lying clouds at its base, but didn't include that since it could also be dust, but most likely mist, and other clouds converging around this mountain, as it does on Earth.

All we can do is keep plugging away, and hope that some retiree, Photoshopping all of this at JPL, and fed up with lying to his friends, family and humanity will let something significant through.

Probably already done that with water drops on the rover, but that took me years to find those.


#1228 2020-03-09 03:23:35

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Ok, on the subject of photoshopping these, here is a classic example of JPL tampering.


Top rover, but the rest are more interesting.

Two on the left show these smudged things that look like plants photoshopped out, (these are not elsewhere so not an image anomaly.

The image below that shows an obvious smudge of blurring of something.

And the bottom, middle image shows what this is, plants!

The one in the distance is obvious, (rover does not have this) and after enhancing the right hand one, a tall prickle with a pink flower up top emerges.

So the rover drives past prickles and no front page news announcement and no image, apart from some fudged one.

And the CP shows a strong or grass green on the right hand one, (hard to find but it is there).

And NASA says, Mars may have life, lol, the rover is driving past and through it,..... bastards!



#1229 2020-03-09 03:43:27

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote:

Ok, on the subject of photoshopping these, here is a classic example of JPL tampering.

Top rover, but the rest are more interesting.

Two on the left show these smudged things that look like plants photoshopped out, (these are not elsewhere so not an image anomaly.

The image below that shows an obvious smudge of blurring of something.

And the bottom, middle image shows what this is, plants!

The one in the distance is obvious, (rover does not have this) and after enhancing the right hand one, a tall prickle with a pink flower up top emerges.

So the rover drives past prickles and no front page news announcement and no image, apart from some fudged one.

And the CP shows a strong or grass green on the right hand one, (hard to find but it is there).

And NASA says, Mars may have life, lol, the rover is driving past and through it,..... bastards!


Yes, TmCom... NASA will always lie... because making the world know that Mars was an habitable world would reveal that it was inhabited.. showing the images of statues, monolyths... animals,... on Mars's surface reveals that it was inhabited. If NASA tells that Mars was inhabited, the next question to them would be... and what happened to that ancient civilization? so they would have to acknowledge that there was some type of conflict,... what would reveal what John Branderburg and others have told and are right: that Mars suffered a nuclear war, they also would have to reveal that the asteroid belt was a planet.

So they will always keep silent. It will be us who will have to reveal all.


#1230 2020-03-09 03:46:07

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

jorgear wrote:
Tmcom wrote:

Ok, on the subject of photoshopping these, here is a classic example of JPL tampering.

Top rover, but the rest are more interesting.

Two on the left show these smudged things that look like plants photoshopped out, (these are not elsewhere so not an image anomaly.

The image below that shows an obvious smudge of blurring of something.

And the bottom, middle image shows what this is, plants!

The one in the distance is obvious, (rover does not have this) and after enhancing the right hand one, a tall prickle with a pink flower up top emerges.

So the rover drives past prickles and no front page news announcement and no image, apart from some fudged one.

And the CP shows a strong or grass green on the right hand one, (hard to find but it is there).

And NASA says, Mars may have life, lol, the rover is driving past and through it,..... bastards!


Yes, TmCom... NASA will always lie... because making the world know that Mars was an habitable world would reveal that it was inhabited.. showing the images of statues, monolyths... animals,... on Mars's surface reveals that it was inhabited. If NASA tells that Mars was inhabited, the next question to them would be... and what happened to that ancient civilization? so they would have to acknowledge that there was some type of conflict,... what would reveal what John Branderburg and others have told and are right: that Mars suffered a nuclear war, they also would have to reveal that the asteroid belt was a planet.

So they will always keep silent. It will be us who will have to reveal all.

DOn't worry they will reveal all, since the Galactic Federation has them in a half nelson, so they have to disclose the lot soon.

Well, 13 years!



#1231 2020-03-09 15:52:04

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote:
jorgear wrote:
Tmcom wrote:

Ok, on the subject of photoshopping these, here is a classic example of JPL tampering.

Top rover, but the rest are more interesting.

Two on the left show these smudged things that look like plants photoshopped out, (these are not elsewhere so not an image anomaly.

The image below that shows an obvious smudge of blurring of something.

And the bottom, middle image shows what this is, plants!

The one in the distance is obvious, (rover does not have this) and after enhancing the right hand one, a tall prickle with a pink flower up top emerges.

So the rover drives past prickles and no front page news announcement and no image, apart from some fudged one.

And the CP shows a strong or grass green on the right hand one, (hard to find but it is there).

And NASA says, Mars may have life, lol, the rover is driving past and through it,..... bastards!


Yes, TmCom... NASA will always lie... because making the world know that Mars was an habitable world would reveal that it was inhabited.. showing the images of statues, monolyths... animals,... on Mars's surface reveals that it was inhabited. If NASA tells that Mars was inhabited, the next question to them would be... and what happened to that ancient civilization? so they would have to acknowledge that there was some type of conflict,... what would reveal what John Branderburg and others have told and are right: that Mars suffered a nuclear war, they also would have to reveal that the asteroid belt was a planet.

So they will always keep silent. It will be us who will have to reveal all.

DOn't worry they will reveal all, since the Galactic Federation has them in a half nelson, so they have to disclose the lot soon.

Well, 13 years!


Even when they land on Mars, don't worry, they will choose the correct area where to land, where there is only desert. They are not silly. What they really are is a big theater and a big loss of millions of dollars in trying to discover life on Mars, something they know since the 1970s... or before.


#1232 2020-03-09 20:03:29

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Even when they land on Mars, don't worry, they will choose the correct area where to land, where there is only desert. They are not silly. What they really are is a big theater and a big loss of millions of dollars in trying to discover life on Mars, something they know since the 1970s... or before.

True, they were going to land Viking in the middle of Sedona, or we would have seen distant pyramids and maybe some obvious ruins, but changed that after seeing orbital Pioneer images of the area, to some dull desert area, which had a group of plants to one side.

Kept this BS magic act up ever since, eventhough serious flaws are present, but the herd, (as l have painfully learned) will go to any lengths to protect their NASA never lies routine.

NASA keeps showing Mars with no atmosphere or very little, (orbital, etc) while Hubble in virtually every mars image shows a blue atmosphere which is even thicker than ours. You can't have a blue atmosphere in one direct image and not in another, since that is insane, but the herd are already insane, so.

In the year 2033, NASA will circle Mars and land on the moon with the monolith, since it is low gravity and easy to land on, then the lid will be off the can of worms.

We go by evidence and they follow the herd which is risky.

This reminds me of the last episode of Avenue 5, where they were stepping into the airlock believing it was make believe, and after the deaths mounted up they stopped.

Yes space is freezing, but the room is warming up, lol, reminds me other something else, but that is getting off topic, but just as stupid.



#1233 2020-03-10 11:22:35

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Maybe in 2033, NASA will tell us that an astronaut arrived and landed on Mars and shows us this photo:

This photo is taken in the Devon Island in Canada, a landscape similar to Mars. Just what they want to cheat us. Curiously, there are some artefacts of NASA moving on the surface. They make fun of us as they wish

FluxBB bbcode test


#1234 2020-03-10 11:24:46

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

FluxBB bbcode test

You see the incredible similarity of Mars and that island, with the rovers of NASA on its surface. The  proof that NASA is a fake and cover up agency.

Last edited by jorgear (2020-03-10 11:25:36)


#1235 2020-03-10 12:35:40

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars, nothing like Mars.

jorgear wrote: … 4CUAx5rcCg

You see the incredible similarity of Mars and that island, with the rovers of NASA on its surface. The  proof that NASA is a fake and cover up agency.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#1236 2020-03-11 04:56:19

Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,262

Re: The Real Mars

Rubber tyres and a small watercourse. There are clues!


#1237 2020-03-12 03:17:25

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Ok, today we get a better look at the two plants or tall flowering prickles l spotted earlier, (NASA probably got depressed because of their rampant smothering and let something more substantial through).


Both plants are clearly visible against the mountain, and this is definitely not the rover!

The one on the right almost looks like a palm, but the left hand one has more of my interest, since it has pink flowers up top, or you can see the pink flowers or new growth up top, (well after enhancing the image to death).

The one below, probably a rock with a very shiny side, (it may even be some metallic material, but impossible to be sure going by this.



#1238 2020-03-16 03:52:58

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars


Found this today that looks like not sure but some are sure to be more plants.

The one in the middle looks like a dead tree, dead.


Last edited by Tmcom (2020-10-23 22:08:24)


#1239 2020-03-16 06:24:21

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Got this today,and eventhough he pushes this a bit, there is some great messages in this video, as well as great UFO footage. …

As Greer has said, NASA and the like give us breatcrumbs, and 1% of humanity need to push this through, which is a great message, but l also believe that the GF have our leaders in a half nelson, so they will have to tell the truth eventually.


#1240 2020-03-18 02:47:47

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars


Top, the rover foreground, sunset background, and some green on the right, that according to NASA doesn't exist.

Bottom a sunset that according to NASA also doesn't exist, at least the multicolored one?



#1241 2020-03-18 16:53:49

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

There is a grey standing behind the rock at the top bent over with arms out stretched on its left side above the red dot....


#1242 2020-03-18 20:41:40

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

SpaceNut wrote:

There is a grey standing behind the rock at the top bent over with arms out stretched on its left side above the red dot....

I do see what looks like a gray in the middle, looking up, and thinking, but it is more likely that is part of the rover.

130,000 Views, Sweet!



#1243 2020-03-20 03:42:37

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Today nothing much, Giant martian prickles as far as the eye can see, usual stuff.


Right one, shows what l thought was a sky with rain, but it is probably the rover, (middle) throwing up some dust.

And now for the cool one.


Bottom what mars sunsets really look like or high altitude with lower Earth type ones lower down.

Top, left a group of prickles, and right a closer look.

You can see the blue mountains and these things glowing some distance away from the camera, as well as the closer ones, with some looking unmistakably like California prickles.

Mars has prickles!



#1244 2020-03-20 10:45:28

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

Is this really a rock?

I've never seen a "rock" like that on Earth!

It's definitely one of the top ten anomalies from Mars.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#1245 2020-03-21 02:52:39

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars


What a real mars sunset looks like.


More plants, with the sun shining through some, which appear to be prickles with giant flowers up top.


Right a buildup of silt, from recent rainfall or runoff.

Left what appears to be a metallic plate, but this too is reflecting the sunset.



#1246 2020-03-21 04:59:35

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

NASA is destroying proofs of all that we can find on Mars surface. So really impossible that they tell the truth sometime in the future.

However, we have important documents that reveal the truth … 0001-9.pdf


#1247 2020-03-21 07:30:26

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

jorgear wrote:

NASA is destroying proofs of all that we can find on Mars surface. So really impossible that they tell the truth sometime in the future.

However, we have important documents that reveal the truth … 0001-9.pdf

CIA 1984, nice one Jordear, yes l have RV mars several times, usually to clarify or see in HD things l have found.

And l have also seen the current residents, or the humanoid ones, which also wear white silk closing with a square area for the neck, and with astec type gold patterns around the neck and arms.

All have a very dark tan, and pretty much look like us, possibly due to Mars having less of a magnetic field than we do.

Some of their roads are sealed, or look like ours, except that it looks like whitish pebble type sealant instead of tar, and they have iridescent triangles instead of white lines.

And yes, l have RV the green areas in the ESA image, which is virtually the same as Losamity National park, well very close.

Well, lors of pines.

And all of their communication is done with subspace, or the dimension we see when pushing particles past light speed, so signals can pass straight through their planet, so communication satellites are not needed.

We could probably do likewise, if we weren't in the tech, dark ages we are currently in.


#1248 2020-03-21 10:10:30

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

This FBI document is also interesting. We are visited by interdimensional beings. Document date: July 1947

Scroll down and you will see clearer pages


#1249 2020-03-22 07:44:16

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

jorgear wrote:

This FBI document is also interesting. We are visited by interdimensional beings. Document date: July 1947

Scroll down and you will see clearer pages

Thanks for sharing but phew, hard to read without the option of making it full screen. But with postdates all over it, pretty obvious that a flying disk was spotted and monotered, and it was legit.

The masses would dismiss this, as they do any credible evidence, since fear, and associated stupidity in dismissing the fearful thing always ensues.

The craft that followed the Apollo astronauts is the only solid video evidence to date of a legit UFO, or one that has no other explanation, and Buzz and NASA both give p...weak explanations for.

UFO's in our skys can be faked, the one following them in 1969 onwards, when the only things up there were Sputnik, and a Russian probe that crashed before the Apollo crew llfted off on the moon was all there was.

The US pushes fear around this subject, because it works, but as we have seen Mars is fear free.

It seems that in the year 2033, when some go nuts, we need to be there to do some slapping, (and sure we will enjoy it, but that can't be helped, lol).


#1250 2020-03-23 03:08:13

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Plants today, and NASA photoshopping obvious, beats me but it aint the rover.


Nothing on the rock, but the shadow shows plants.


Mars sunset left, and somethings sticking out of the rock. Middle, bottom more plants and some seriously weird ones, that are white with an apacture up top, (may be artificial).

And right, top, this thing growing or protruding out of the ground, with NASA blurring it in the middle.

The bottom one shows what NASA was probably hiding, which is a weird white thing sticking out of the ground with a tapered end, and a white grid with a pattern behind it.

Fefinately artificial and not the rover.

But it may be a plant, but, groan, who knows.



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