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#1126 2020-01-16 19:57:10

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

jorgear wrote:

Speaking on Ceres in my previous post, here you can see an alien base on that planetoid …

Yes, there are some structures in the crater, but the gun,lol, no.


#1127 2020-01-18 03:57:03

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Ok, took a closer look, and found a lot more.


Or top, found what he found, then some more in other craters, one look like either runoff or an entrance.

But it is the middle, one that are cool, since it looks like a large building on supports.

And the lower one,which may be a depiction of a gray, surrounded by mushrooms, with a wooden fence on the left, and a few more grays here and there, (could be more, but l am getting over a flu).

Mining or cultivating martian mushrooms?



#1128 2020-01-18 16:10:34

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote:

Ok, took a closer look, and found a lot more.

Or top, found what he found, then some more in other craters, one look like either runoff or an entrance.

But it is the middle, one that are cool, since it looks like a large building on supports.

And the lower one,which may be a depiction of a gray, surrounded by mushrooms, with a wooden fence on the left, and a few more grays here and there, (could be more, but l am getting over a flu).

Mining or cultivating martian mushrooms?


Regrettably, photo in black and white and a little blurred. Everything you tell is possible.


#1129 2020-01-18 16:11:51

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars


#1130 2020-01-18 19:34:47

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

I was just going to post that Art Alien TV video - another fine find by Joe White.  Whatever it is, it deserves proper study and analysis - and also some comment from NASA. The "teeth" are in the right place.

A bear or not, doesn't really matter at this stage. We can accept I think that convergent evolution will produce similar physiological features on both Mars and Earth (and indeed any other similar planets). A snout is good for grubbing around in soil, or getting your mouth into prey if you are a predator/scavenger...

The possible "sculpture" behind the "bear" is also quite fascinating.

jorgear wrote:

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#1131 2020-01-18 19:38:11

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

jorgear wrote:
Tmcom wrote:

Ok, took a closer look, and found a lot more.

Or top, found what he found, then some more in other craters, one look like either runoff or an entrance.

But it is the middle, one that are cool, since it looks like a large building on supports.

And the lower one,which may be a depiction of a gray, surrounded by mushrooms, with a wooden fence on the left, and a few more grays here and there, (could be more, but l am getting over a flu).

Mining or cultivating martian mushrooms?


Regrettably, photo in black and white and a little blurred. Everything you tell is possible.

True, but l am standing by the building being legit, (light is bouncing off a curved shell surface, etc,).

jorgear wrote:

No, just a rock.

A pity these people put so much effort into a video with commentary, when if they methodically did a search throw the images, they would eventually find something which is a lot more interesting.


#1132 2020-01-18 20:16:23

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

Just a rock with an eye where an eye would be in relation to a snout and teeth which would be where you expect them in relation to a snout...and what looks like an arm.

An airy dismissal doesn't count. I think the least you could do is find a rock on Earth that looks like a bear.

I would say that is a very unusual arrangement for a rock, and very unusual surface appearance for a rock.

I don't say it's a "bear" or even a creature but I do say I've seen nothing like that on Earth - unless it's a petrified animal or a part-fossil.

Tmcom wrote:
jorgear wrote:

No, just a rock.

A pity these people put so much effort into a video with commentary, when if they methodically did a search throw the images, they would eventually find something which is a lot more interesting.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#1133 2020-01-19 00:54:48

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

louis wrote:

Just a rock with an eye where an eye would be in relation to a snout and teeth which would be where you expect them in relation to a snout...and what looks like an arm.

An airy dismissal doesn't count. I think the least you could do is find a rock on Earth that looks like a bear.

I would say that is a very unusual arrangement for a rock, and very unusual surface appearance for a rock.

I don't say it's a "bear" or even a creature but I do say I've seen nothing like that on Earth - unless it's a petrified animal or a part-fossil.

Tmcom wrote:
jorgear wrote:

No, just a rock.

A pity these people put so much effort into a video with commentary, when if they methodically did a search through the images, they would eventually find something which is a lot more interesting.



Red arrow, sky, green the line between the sky and ground, and bottom arrow, where the rover is reflecting its shadow, (l used the stamp tool on the second to more clearly show this).

As l previously said if this guy searched through the images for years on end, and was talking about a field of prickles, then l would be raving about him, but he doesn't!

Last edited by Tmcom (2020-01-19 00:57:19)


#1134 2020-01-19 10:24:55

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Many Youtube researchers on Mars recognize that NASA is going to reveal microbial life this year. Let's see.... this year four spacecrafts off to Mars.!

But they will never have courage to recognize 3 meter tall beings there...


#1135 2020-01-19 19:47:44

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

jorgear wrote:

Many Youtube researchers on Mars recognize that NASA is going to reveal microbial life this year. Let's see.... this year four spacecrafts off to Mars.!

But they will never have courage to recognize 3 meter tall beings there...

Don't count on it, best we will get is traces of Methane, while avoiding the grass and prickles, and rain and the occasional nosy local.


#1136 2020-01-20 03:09:15

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

More plants today! smile


Top, what looks like plants, but unfortunately the CP could not find any green?

But the middle ones are plants, or the rover does not have green on its self anywhere, (apart from the color chart, maybe).

And the lower ones, martian tree's; Right hand, tall prickle, left what looks like a pine tree.

Or in other words forests on Mars!



#1137 2020-01-20 03:52:39

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Yes! Forests on Mars... I did put in this thread photos of big masses of forests and lakes on Mars.

However, they attempt to put the images in black and white. In black and white the lake looks like a skating rink, or a desert, and the trees look like stones. But in color, the image shows the reality. Big lakes and big forests.

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Last edited by jorgear (2020-01-20 03:53:20)


#1138 2020-01-20 10:29:58

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

There must be a source of underground heat to allow for the area to still be able to sustain plant growth


#1139 2020-01-20 16:31:38

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

A forest near the polar cap? Really? We don't have that even on Earth! Seems unlikely to me.

jorgear wrote:

Yes! Forests on Mars... I did put in this thread photos of big masses of forests and lakes on Mars.

However, they attempt to put the images in black and white. In black and white the lake looks like a skating rink, or a desert, and the trees look like stones. But in color, the image shows the reality. Big lakes and big forests. … 1as-13.jpg … w0WEoxJ9&s … 901354.gif

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#1140 2020-01-20 17:35:33

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300


#1141 2020-01-20 19:10:06

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

That's the other end of the scale - pathetic journos take the worst and most insubstantial claims about what has been found on Mars and use that to rubbish all claims relating to artefact finds on Mars. That's not science - it's not even good journalism.

I'm in the middle. Many of the artefacts on Mars are completely unlike anything you might find on Earth (just take those weird "spoons" for instance - I showed those images to one of our top geologists...he was quite amazed)... so we need to investigate these finds and find out what they are.  Ultimately we have to get to Mars and visit these locations.

One thing I will say, though, when you consider what a short distance the various rovers have travelled (probably less than 100 kms collectively I would guess), it's just remarkable the huge variety of intriguing artefacts that have been found that don't look "natural" as we would understand that term on Earth.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#1142 2020-01-20 20:50:50

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

SpaceNut wrote:

There must be a source of underground heat to allow for the area to still be able to sustain plant growth

They look like scraggly bushes to me, (especially when no height is shown) and as such are probably similar to Iceland type plant life.

NASA is saying Mars is dead, and indirectly keeps showing that it isn't, (sometimes directly) which l find pretty funny.


#1143 2020-01-21 03:58:10

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

louis wrote:

That's the other end of the scale - pathetic journos take the worst and most insubstantial claims about what has been found on Mars and use that to rubbish all claims relating to artefact finds on Mars. That's not science - it's not even good journalism.

I'm in the middle. Many of the artefacts on Mars are completely unlike anything you might find on Earth (just take those weird "spoons" for instance - I showed those images to one of our top geologists...he was quite amazed)... so we need to investigate these finds and find out what they are.  Ultimately we have to get to Mars and visit these locations.

One thing I will say, though, when you consider what a short distance the various rovers have travelled (probably less than 100 kms collectively I would guess), it's just remarkable the huge variety of intriguing artefacts that have been found that don't look "natural" as we would understand that term on Earth.

If all the rovers of NASA have travelled 100 km and have found lots of objects, statues, pieces of monuments... imagine what there is in the rest of Mars not explored yet...


#1144 2020-01-21 08:09:41

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

Exactly - the whole place may be a treasure trove.

jorgear wrote:
louis wrote:

That's the other end of the scale - pathetic journos take the worst and most insubstantial claims about what has been found on Mars and use that to rubbish all claims relating to artefact finds on Mars. That's not science - it's not even good journalism.

I'm in the middle. Many of the artefacts on Mars are completely unlike anything you might find on Earth (just take those weird "spoons" for instance - I showed those images to one of our top geologists...he was quite amazed)... so we need to investigate these finds and find out what they are.  Ultimately we have to get to Mars and visit these locations.

One thing I will say, though, when you consider what a short distance the various rovers have travelled (probably less than 100 kms collectively I would guess), it's just remarkable the huge variety of intriguing artefacts that have been found that don't look "natural" as we would understand that term on Earth.

If all the rovers of NASA have travelled 100 km and have found lots of objects, statues, pieces of monuments... imagine what there is in the rest of Mars not explored yet...

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#1145 2020-01-21 09:26:49

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Unfortunately, the whole treasure is underground... beneath tons of sand. We would need thousands of bulldozers to remove thousands of kilos of sand.

According to what is seen on its surface today, Mars had to be an incredible planet in its glorious epoch.

Last edited by jorgear (2020-01-21 09:27:52)


#1146 2020-01-23 03:10:27

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Sorry more Martian plants today, but we get a pretty good look at the scraggly, bushes this time.


Top the sky, either a hill or cloud then some plants, with one bend over, but the CP shows grass green so, strong winds most likely.

The one below is more interesting or this rock, or tree stump, has these things growing out all over, almost like rampant moss; but either way you don't get strong growing moss, on a world without rain, or an atmosphere for that matter.


This one we get a half decent look at the ground or the bush type plants there, with dark areas the bush or shadows and plants growing out from that, (most likely smaller versions of the tall prickles we have seen).

Pretty much a sure thing that Mars has small rodents, insects and birds.



#1147 2020-01-23 03:47:55

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote:

Sorry more Martian plants today, but we get a pretty good look at the scraggly, bushes this time.

Top the sky, either a hill or cloud then some plants, with one bend over, but the CP shows grass green so, strong winds most likely.

The one below is more interesting or this rock, or tree stump, has these things growing out all over, almost like rampant moss; but either way you don't get strong growing moss, on a world without rain, or an atmosphere for that matter.

This one we get a half decent look at the ground or the bush type plants there, with dark areas the bush or shadows and plants growing out from that, (most likely smaller versions of the tall prickles we have seen).

Pretty much a sure thing that Mars has small rodents, insects and birds.


Yes, in some pictures appear birds in the sky. Insects, of course, even under the surface. And much more. And at least 5 races of humanoids living in the center of the planet underground. Those are the remains of that ancient civilization of the past.


#1148 2020-01-23 03:52:01

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Interesting article.. little by little they speak of alien life on Mars … 96996.html


#1149 2020-01-25 03:45:01

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Yes, in some pictures appear birds in the sky. Insects, of course, even under the surface. And much more. And at least 5 races of humanoids living in the center of the planet underground. Those are the remains of that ancient civilization of the past.

And some are living on the surface. But today it is another artifact and some sub-tropical plant life.


I cannot be sure this is showing a face with lacework, on the left, but the right is showing a steel square rod, with some pattern protruding out from it, most likely part of a building that got blown apart when the shockwave hit.

And lower more plants, but this is pretty poor, much better is to follow.


These things are not the rover and according to NASA are impossible! But you can see the sky, blue hills and a prickle on the right, and more of a plant on the left, (these are shown in other rocks, to a lesser quality, so are also not an anomaly on this rock).

Lower one, sun setting, clouds that could be rainbearing, and a landscape of green things, (plants).

And now my favorite.


Plants again, with what looks like a palm leaf on the right, (which is why l am leaning towards sub-tropical) a plant in the middle that is hard to make out, but it is tall, and also notice these things sticking up alone the hill-line, or the landscape is overrun with plant life.

The rover is probably driving around California desert type giant prickles on Mars, and then giving a press release bleating on about how the next billion dollar rover may find something, unbelievable!



#1150 2020-01-26 10:51:44

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote:

Yes, in some pictures appear birds in the sky. Insects, of course, even under the surface. And much more. And at least 5 races of humanoids living in the center of the planet underground. Those are the remains of that ancient civilization of the past.

And some are living on the surface. But today it is another artifact and some sub-tropical plant life.

I cannot be sure this is showing a face with lacework, on the left, but the right is showing a steel square rod, with some pattern protruding out from it, most likely part of a building that got blown apart when the shockwave hit.

And lower more plants, but this is pretty poor, much better is to follow.

These things are not the rover and according to NASA are impossible! But you can see the sky, blue hills and a prickle on the right, and more of a plant on the left, (these are shown in other rocks, to a lesser quality, so are also not an anomaly on this rock).

Lower one, sun setting, clouds that could be rainbearing, and a landscape of green things, (plants).

And now my favorite.

Plants again, with what looks like a palm leaf on the right, (which is why l am leaning towards sub-tropical) a plant in the middle that is hard to make out, but it is tall, and also notice these things sticking up alone the hill-line, or the landscape is overrun with plant life.

The rover is probably driving around California desert type giant prickles on Mars, and then giving a press release bleating on about how the next billion dollar rover may find something, unbelievable!


Yes, too much money spent on those rovers, especially if there are people living there already, as Alfred Webre says. They only try to leave time to pass. More and more years to tell the same. That they find nothing there.


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