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#826 2019-08-15 10:10:50

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

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#827 2019-08-15 10:12:06

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

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#828 2019-08-15 10:13:49

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

The civilization massacred with nuclear bombs. What NASA does not want you to see.

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#829 2019-08-15 17:20:04

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

Welcome to Newmars jorgear plus such images of which we have discussed in this topic as well.
Some are to clear to be anything but what we see in them...


#830 2019-08-15 17:36:27

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

Yes thanks for that interesting collection of images Jorgear - some enhanced and some raw. (I've been collecting my own links on the Weirdness of Mars thread).

There can be no doubt that there are many hundreds of "anomalies" on Mars: we are seeing the sort of stuff that, back on Earth, would imply strongly either civilisation or life.  Many areas on Mars appear to be debris fields rather than simply rocky landscapes - debris is suggested by the high proportion of objects that appear cut, moulded or otherwise intelligently shaped (rather than rounded or jagged).

Sometimes people read too much into the images - mistaking interesting looking ventifacts for intelligently shaped ones - but equally there are just many, many artefacts which if observed on Earth would simply be assumed to be of human origin.

The lesson I draw is that we need to get humans to Mars to discover the truth of the matter as soon as possible as there can be no substitute for close-up human observation. We have only explored by rover a tiny, tiny area of Mars...I'm guessing...maybe 0.0001%.  If this is what we have found randomly to date, imagine how much more there must be to be found!

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#831 2019-08-15 21:39:25

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

SpaceNut wrote:

Welcome to Newmars jorgear plus such images of which we have discussed in this topic as well.
Some are to clear to be anything but what we see in them...

Yes, welcome Jorgear, nice images, with the statue in #829, being a, phew, likely depiction of a human, the silver thing on the hill, artificial, the cows head, most likely the rovers reflection, the bone/spoon phew probably legit, the carved faces on the hill, l would say legit, (natural anomalies create faces, but that many, unlikely); and the blue ball, could be ceramic.

#828, top and bottom reflections of the rover or stationary lander, (already analysed the bottom, left image and it is the landers reflection).

#827 top, rovers ref, pyramid could be legit, and the bottom one is probably genuine, or one of those gray, letterboxes l have found, showing the entrance to a residence.

The rest on thread #33 are most likely just fluke rocks, etc, have to be careful in this field, since what looks like something genuine can turn out to be a gooseegg.

louis wrote:

Yes thanks for that interesting collection of images Jorgear - some enhanced and some raw. (I've been collecting my own links on the Weirdness of Mars thread).

There can be no doubt that there are many hundreds of "anomalies" on Mars: we are seeing the sort of stuff that, back on Earth, would imply strongly either civilisation or life.  Many areas on Mars appear to be debris fields rather than simply rocky landscapes - debris is suggested by the high proportion of objects that appear cut, moulded or otherwise intelligently shaped (rather than rounded or jagged).

Sometimes people read too much into the images - mistaking interesting looking ventifacts for intelligently shaped ones - but equally there are just many, many artefacts which if observed on Earth would simply be assumed to be of human origin.

The lesson I draw is that we need to get humans to Mars to discover the truth of the matter as soon as possible as there can be no substitute for close-up human observation. We have only explored by rover a tiny, tiny area of Mars...I'm guessing...maybe 0.0001%.  If this is what we have found randomly to date, imagine how much more there must be to be found!

No, Louis, if NASA wanted to cut the crap, we would be seeing front page HD images of flowing water, rain, plants and most likely life, or it is obvious that Mars had an advanced civilization there not that long ago.

NASA wants to trickle feed this to individuals who aren't brainwashed enough not to be able to handle it, (plausible, deniability) but also realize that Mars being earthlike and very likely inhabited as we speak, knows that they cannot keep a lid on it indefinitely.

2033, when two or more atranauts circle Mars and land on one of its moons, then the world will know, and the ones that have turned brainwashing into a career will have no place left to hide.



#832 2019-08-16 03:12:44

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Hello everybody and thanks for your comments. What on Mars is seen looks like a civilization that perished due to a war or nuclear attack. Of course many of the constructions made by those beings are under the sand.

More and more it is said that Mars was satellite of a big planet named Phaeton, also Maldek or Tiamat, its pieces are in the asteroid belt, which exploded and of course Mars received millions of pieces of that planet that destroyed its atmosphere and its oceans, and of course, the life that existed on the planet.

After a research, maybe the civilization of Mars settled on that planet escaping from the Pleiades, which origin was the Orion Wars. I have brought together interesting links about this on

Still my research goes on..

Last edited by jorgear (2019-08-16 03:13:36)


#833 2019-08-16 17:18:35

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

I think war or nuclear attack is a hypothesis that should be entertained. But there are others:

- What about a very near pass by the sort of huge interstellar object that recently passed through the solar system at tremendous speed.

- Over-oxygenation of the atmosphere. What if the oxygen level of the planet reached a dangerously high level that resulted in a planet-wide conflagration...? I think that rather neatly fits what we see on Mars - a near vacuum atmopshere, debris fields and  Pompeii-like shrivelled figures.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#834 2019-08-16 17:31:28

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

at the bottom of post 828
One of the images of shattered pottery seem to be from blasted mars surface materials that struck it.
The one just above that seems to be the wood frame that has rotted away after being covered by mud.


#835 2019-08-16 21:33:55

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

louis wrote:

I think war or nuclear attack is a hypothesis that should be entertained. But there are others:

- What about a very near pass by the sort of huge interstellar object that recently passed through the solar system at tremendous speed.

- Over-oxygenation of the atmosphere. What if the oxygen level of the planet reached a dangerously high level that resulted in a planet-wide conflagration...? I think that rather neatly fits what we see on Mars - a near vacuum atmopshere, debris fields and  Pompeii-like shrivelled figures.

Mars doesn't have a near vacuum atmosphere, can't have rain in a vacuum or blue sky or clouds or plants, etc, or Mars present day is close to Earthlike conditions. The rest is a NASA lie.

jorgear wrote:

Hello everybody and thanks for your comments. What on Mars is seen looks like a civilization that perished due to a war or nuclear attack. Of course many of the constructions made by those beings are under the sand.

More and more it is said that Mars was satellite of a big planet named Phaeton, also Maldek or Tiamat, its pieces are in the asteroid belt, which exploded and of course Mars received millions of pieces of that planet that destroyed its atmosphere and its oceans, and of course, the life that existed on the planet.

After a research, maybe the civilization of Mars settled on that planet escaping from the Pleiades, which origin was the Orion Wars. I have brought together interesting links about this on

Still my research goes on..

Yes, interesting read, (your site, first heading) which fits where the asteriod belt came from and also explains why Mars civilization got hammered long ago, or debri destroyed their atmosphere for a time, and also hammered Mars surface, which would certainly destroy anything on its surface.

Nuclear is also a possibilty with the Atlantean and the other race going to war on Earth 12,000 years ago, or sanscript texts clearly show weapons which sound like nuclear were used.

Certainly some of the artifacts l have found couldn't be half a million or more years old, or fit a disaster 10, or 20,000 years ago.


Last edited by Tmcom (2019-08-16 21:34:23)


#836 2019-08-17 03:59:03

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote:
louis wrote:

I think war or nuclear attack is a hypothesis that should be entertained. But there are others:

- What about a very near pass by the sort of huge interstellar object that recently passed through the solar system at tremendous speed.

- Over-oxygenation of the atmosphere. What if the oxygen level of the planet reached a dangerously high level that resulted in a planet-wide conflagration...? I think that rather neatly fits what we see on Mars - a near vacuum atmopshere, debris fields and  Pompeii-like shrivelled figures.

Mars doesn't have a near vacuum atmosphere, can't have rain in a vacuum or blue sky or clouds or plants, etc, or Mars present day is close to Earthlike conditions. The rest is a NASA lie.

jorgear wrote:

Hello everybody and thanks for your comments. What on Mars is seen looks like a civilization that perished due to a war or nuclear attack. Of course many of the constructions made by those beings are under the sand.

More and more it is said that Mars was satellite of a big planet named Phaeton, also Maldek or Tiamat, its pieces are in the asteroid belt, which exploded and of course Mars received millions of pieces of that planet that destroyed its atmosphere and its oceans, and of course, the life that existed on the planet.

After a research, maybe the civilization of Mars settled on that planet escaping from the Pleiades, which origin was the Orion Wars. I have brought together interesting links about this on

Still my research goes on..

Yes, interesting read, (your site, first heading) which fits where the asteriod belt came from and also explains why Mars civilization got hammered long ago, or debri destroyed their atmosphere for a time, and also hammered Mars surface, which would certainly destroy anything on its surface.

Nuclear is also a possibilty with the Atlantean and the other race going to war on Earth 12,000 years ago, or sanscript texts clearly show weapons which sound like nuclear were used.

Certainly some of the artifacts l have found couldn't be half a million or more years old, or fit a disaster 10, or 20,000 years ago.


Thanks Tcom, what you say is very similar to what I think.

The most interesting of what really happened on Mars are on these two pages, where is told the story from the conquest of Mars by a civilization from the Pleiades and Sirius until the disaster on Mars and the escape of the Mars refugees to the Earth (to Atlantis or to the Antarctica):

The Lyran Expansion, The Orion Wars, and The Creation Of The Annunaki … 103b8b6e99

The War In Heaven, The Corruption Of Utopia, and The Maldek/Mars War … 6c2d084435


#837 2019-08-17 04:13:47

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Ok, plants and water today, and the best view yet of a martian plant with red flowers, but more of that later.


Next Mars real landscape of plants and tall prickles.

And now for my favorite one.

Top, right, water puddle, or this area had recent rainfall.


Bottom, streaks caused by rainfalls, pooling into streams.

And middle, left, a flowering, martian plant! smile

Or blue mountains, overcast sky, probably a giant cactus in the distance, and the stem of a red flower plant of some kind, probably a smaller version of the tall prickles we get on Earths deserts?

CP shows a clear red color, and some green on the stem; Definitely, Not from the rover or a reflection, (the rover has no red color or green for that matter, so not the rover).

And since this is pretty good evidence supporting flouring plants, then insects should also be there.


Last edited by Tmcom (2019-08-17 04:22:36)


#838 2019-08-17 04:35:40

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

jorgear wrote:
Tmcom wrote:
louis wrote:

I think war or nuclear attack is a hypothesis that should be entertained. But there are others:

- What about a very near pass by the sort of huge interstellar object that recently passed through the solar system at tremendous speed.

- Over-oxygenation of the atmosphere. What if the oxygen level of the planet reached a dangerously high level that resulted in a planet-wide conflagration...? I think that rather neatly fits what we see on Mars - a near vacuum atmopshere, debris fields and  Pompeii-like shrivelled figures.

Mars doesn't have a near vacuum atmosphere, can't have rain in a vacuum or blue sky or clouds or plants, etc, or Mars present day is close to Earthlike conditions. The rest is a NASA lie.

jorgear wrote:

Hello everybody and thanks for your comments. What on Mars is seen looks like a civilization that perished due to a war or nuclear attack. Of course many of the constructions made by those beings are under the sand.

More and more it is said that Mars was satellite of a big planet named Phaeton, also Maldek or Tiamat, its pieces are in the asteroid belt, which exploded and of course Mars received millions of pieces of that planet that destroyed its atmosphere and its oceans, and of course, the life that existed on the planet.

After a research, maybe the civilization of Mars settled on that planet escaping from the Pleiades, which origin was the Orion Wars. I have brought together interesting links about this on

Still my research goes on..

Yes, interesting read, (your site, first heading) which fits where the asteriod belt came from and also explains why Mars civilization got hammered long ago, or debri destroyed their atmosphere for a time, and also hammered Mars surface, which would certainly destroy anything on its surface.

Nuclear is also a possibilty with the Atlantean and the other race going to war on Earth 12,000 years ago, or sanscript texts clearly show weapons which sound like nuclear were used.

Certainly some of the artifacts l have found couldn't be half a million or more years old, or fit a disaster 10, or 20,000 years ago.


Thanks Tcom, what you say is very similar to what I think.

The most interesting of what really happened on Mars are on these two pages, where is told the story from the conquest of Mars by a civilization from the Pleiades and Sirius until the disaster on Mars and the escape of the Mars refugees to the Earth (to Atlantis or to the Antarctica):

The Lyran Expansion, The Orion Wars, and The Creation Of The Annunaki … 103b8b6e99

The War In Heaven, The Corruption Of Utopia, and The Maldek/Mars War … 6c2d084435

Thanks jorgear, yes read stuff like this over the years, but good to have it in one place. Also good how religion and science all get rolled up into one thing, instead of when you die, then that is it, (which is what we typically get on earth).

Advanced alien cultures know how our reality works, or everything; a pity some of humanity shows no interest.

I knew Bill and Tedd,s got it right, lol.


#839 2019-08-17 15:07:10

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

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Skull, wheels and broken column...

Did Martians invent the wheel??


#840 2019-08-17 15:09:53

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote:
jorgear wrote:
Tmcom wrote:

Mars doesn't have a near vacuum atmosphere, can't have rain in a vacuum or blue sky or clouds or plants, etc, or Mars present day is close to Earthlike conditions. The rest is a NASA lie.

Yes, interesting read, (your site, first heading) which fits where the asteriod belt came from and also explains why Mars civilization got hammered long ago, or debri destroyed their atmosphere for a time, and also hammered Mars surface, which would certainly destroy anything on its surface.

Nuclear is also a possibilty with the Atlantean and the other race going to war on Earth 12,000 years ago, or sanscript texts clearly show weapons which sound like nuclear were used.

Certainly some of the artifacts l have found couldn't be half a million or more years old, or fit a disaster 10, or 20,000 years ago.


Thanks Tcom, what you say is very similar to what I think.

The most interesting of what really happened on Mars are on these two pages, where is told the story from the conquest of Mars by a civilization from the Pleiades and Sirius until the disaster on Mars and the escape of the Mars refugees to the Earth (to Atlantis or to the Antarctica):

The Lyran Expansion, The Orion Wars, and The Creation Of The Annunaki … 103b8b6e99

The War In Heaven, The Corruption Of Utopia, and The Maldek/Mars War … 6c2d084435

Thanks jorgear, yes read stuff like this over the years, but good to have it in one place. Also good how religion and science all get rolled up into one thing, instead of when you die, then that is it, (which is what we typically get on earth).

Advanced alien cultures know how our reality works, or everything; a pity some of humanity shows no interest.

I knew Bill and Tedd,s got it right, lol.

You are right, TmCom,... somebody should go to Mars and know everything of that civilization. I am sure we come from them. Sooner or later, NASA will have to tell the truth.


#841 2019-08-17 16:45:56

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

The images seem to be from babylonian Ancient-Babylonian-Tablet.jpg


#842 2019-08-17 22:11:28

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

You are right, TmCom,... somebody should go to Mars and know everything of that civilization. I am sure we come from them. Sooner or later, NASA will have to tell the truth.

Yeees, but l am not really comfortable with the few million souls gravitating towards the earth, after their planet blew up, then having to go from a very advanced civilization with, a far better grasp of life and death than we presently do, to an ape like existance for thousands of years, because they were traumatized that the ground they were on, disappeared.

I get the barely self aware aspect, we are reasonably advanced, and have a fair chunk of our society, unable to see evidence and then believe or not believe in something.

Or the delusion that they are right, or that their delusion is real, not the evidence.

Arrrm, no, without analysing the skull it might be legit.

The wheel is the rovers reflection, (seen plenty of images like that over the years) and the rest, probably just rocks.

Thanks SpaceNut, but l don't think it is writing?


#843 2019-08-18 03:23:42

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

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Railway on Mars?


#844 2019-08-18 03:27:34

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

SpaceNut wrote:

The images seem to be from babylonian … Tablet.jpg

Sumeria is linked to Mars, see Alalu, Sumerian God buried on Mars (face of Mars). I suspect that Babilonia, Assyria and those civilizations of Mesopotamia, included Sumeria, are the same. They all were descendants from the Sumerians.


#845 2019-08-18 21:35:45

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Not really a railway, (can't have a train track over a crater) but more like a vacuum tube of some kind, or probably a take on Musks idea, suspended, above the surface.

And good evidence to show that Mars is currently inhabited.

I have found plenty of roads, freeways and bridges on Mars over the years, with blurrs on them that can only be cars or trucks.


#846 2019-08-18 22:30:12

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

The rail apparent image was from orbiting satelite with credit to ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, from Mars Express using its High Resolution Stereo Camera. … ns_to_Mars


#847 2019-08-19 04:15:37

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Nothing much today, flowering plants and footsteps. smile


The real sky or overcast with some likely rain on the right, (and l have noticed puddles here and there).


Another possible artifact on the left, or metallic, and the white squiggly thing it is reflecting on the side we cannot see certainly isn't natural.

Right, a footstep, but more of that later.


But first the plants, the thing on the left, (arrow) could be one of the flowers, and if so is alien to Earth species, and the right, looks like a white rose, but is probably a cotton type, prickle.


And now the footsteps!

The first step was pretty obvious, or the impression made by what looks like a leather shoe, second harder to see since it had a larger impact.

But l doubt that a gray did this, since they are likely small and of a light build, (going by abduction, eyewitness reports on Earth) the reptilian/alligator type race, is a possibility as is the humanoid race.

Us, probably not, since we probably only have a small, contingent or base on Mars at present, and it would likely show a military pattern on the base of the shoe.

So one of the locals, taking a closer look!



#848 2019-08-19 14:50:19

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

Remember to update the color of the photos. NASA always falsifies them by filtering them with red color.

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#849 2019-08-22 02:44:44

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Plants and possibly a lake today.


More artifacts.


And more plants, or, (top, left) some of the best prickle's l have found.

Right the rover in the middle and overcast sky.

Bottom what looks like a lake.


More lake images, (going by the reflections).



#850 2019-08-22 10:27:30

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 199

Re: The Real Mars

More pictures of broken columns and remains of buildings or structures.

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