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#751 2019-05-05 05:58:12

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

louis wrote:

It's about half a mile away and no way does dusty ground reflect like that.

Tmcom wrote:
louis wrote:


Might have posted about this some time ago...

To my mind one of the most convincing demonstrations of life on Mars.

Two pics of the same location, 15 sols apart. 

In the later pic there appears to be something that looks like a dead creature on its back, a nearby mouse like "rodent" and possibly another creature moving towards the dead animal.

I would like to agree with you, but upon closer inspection it is the rover being ref, back to us, with one of its wheels on the right, so it changes since the rover changes position, sorry.

PS my previous image with the flowering plants may, well it probably is the rover being ref, back to us also, (the one with the circles) have to be really careful.

I have seen sand reflect the landscape back to us, so yes it can.


#752 2019-05-05 14:35:56

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

In that detail at that distance for a rover? No.

Tmcom wrote:
louis wrote:

It's about half a mile away and no way does dusty ground reflect like that.

Tmcom wrote:

I would like to agree with you, but upon closer inspection it is the rover being ref, back to us, with one of its wheels on the right, so it changes since the rover changes position, sorry.

PS my previous image with the flowering plants may, well it probably is the rover being ref, back to us also, (the one with the circles) have to be really careful.

I have seen sand reflect the landscape back to us, so yes it can.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#753 2019-05-08 03:35:14

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

There appears to be some Egyptian Hieroglyphs, here, but l can't make out much, flying machine depiction?


Either way too many shapes, that are separated by equal distances to dismiss as an anomaly.



#754 2019-05-09 17:41:27

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

Interesting video from Art Alien TV:

The rock does look very barnacled.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#755 2019-05-11 04:33:54

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Still at the 3D images with some more of the native plant life. or as you will see fluffy prickles.

Bottom image shows the one l am scouring, and l have marked the general location, using the rover as a reference point.

Ok, first, shows the rover and one of its legs, (left) but also shows these green things littering the landscape.

Next same thing, green, tall things.


Next we finally get a good look at them, and this is why we get the Truman show type sky, since showing furry, martian prickles might upset some, (the mars is a dead, rock, NASA loves me crowd).

The fur is to protect them from the cold, (as it does on Earth) and not the minus 200 crap, more like minus 2 at night.

And to top if off l found this, plants or tall prickles on the right, and l would like to say rain clouds up top, but they are reflecting the landscape so they are the rovers robotic arms, sniff.

But yep, orange clouds, and a landscape dominated by tall prickles, and prickles eventhough drought resistant still needs liquid water, and with a lanscape full of these things, rain, (groundwater springs at that scale is unlikely).



#756 2019-05-12 08:41:28

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Went to a big nursery today, (Mothers Day) and spotted these things in the desert, prickle area.


So these are tall and have a large amount of green up top, or flowers getting ready to open, which is very close to the ones above.

The top one has white furr, and enenthough NASA has probably blurred some of them in the second last image, in the previous post, (not this one) this don't fit with it being rover related, but strongly relates to martian, tall prickles.

We know Mars has rain, and air pressures similar to our own, (pure water droplets on the rover) and plant life, (green in Google/Mars and orbital images) or it does not go down to minus 200, (-200 is arctic blizzard conditions, or devoid of desert plant life) so there should be of no surprize that the rover is driving past tall prickles and photoshopping them out, to avoid spooking the herd, apart from what we see in the rocks.


Last edited by Tmcom (2019-05-12 08:47:47)


#757 2019-05-14 04:50:06

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Ok, back to the last images from Sol 595. And the first l know that l have mentioned rectangular rocks that look like mirrors held up, here is the back of one, and yep, it does look like a stand, which means the locals and NASA have already mapped out the general path the rover will take.



This is a good example of ref, sand. The rover is probably the left hand arrow, and this artificial thing on the right. Letterbox, abandoned machine? But whatever it is, it is not the rock, (found it again in another ref, rock).


Rover is in the middle, this thing on the right, and some plants on the left, (CP shows mainly green).


Last edited by Tmcom (2019-05-14 04:52:58)


#758 2019-05-15 03:56:14

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Had another look at the 3D ones, and found something pretty cool.

First possible sculpture on this rock, that looks like a house in the shape of a fish. The head on the left and fins, door on the right.

Next one is showing a pink house on the hill, (sun is still setting) surrounded by tall prickles, which are close to the ones, l saw before at the nursery.


The last one that may be drawn into the rock, but l like to think that this is a structure, with a rickety ladder in the middle, and something up top.

Considering the fan blades up top, this may be some ancient wind device, possibly to bring water up to the top or to generate electricity.

Australia has something similar to bring up boar water in desert areas for cattle.


Last edited by Tmcom (2019-05-15 03:59:29)


#759 2019-05-18 03:30:26

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

The usual today, sunsets and plants.


On the right a distant hill, or possibly pyramid, sun setting and some green here and there; CP shows plenty of green, so plant life, maybe prickles but definitely shrubs.

The left one is more interesting or there appears to be something on the left, that l ititially thought was the rover, but the CP shows strong green up the top, so the prickles l previously showed, (that do have big leaves) or spindely tree's.


This one shows the previous and also something new, l thought that this might be a raincloud or the rover, but strong green is showing, (CP) so a windblown prickle is my guess.

cool Sol 597

Last edited by Tmcom (2019-05-18 03:32:57)


#760 2019-05-20 04:41:20

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Martain plants and more plants or prickles.


Left, distant hills and clouds, and things sticking up inbetween.

Right - and below the real mars, or a landscape of green/blue on the ground, and distant things that the CP shows has strong green here and there. Below some plants on the left, and very hard to tell if they are ferns on a rock or prickles or both? Especially since they are alien to us.


Another one showing a landscape of plants, which unmistakably look like ferns, (right hand one).


Bottom is harder to make out but the green is visible. Top, right more tall prickes growing out of the nearby ground. Bottom, right green landscape and orange/yellow sun. And top, left, white sun, probably large rain bearing cloud, blue hills in the distance and a landscape of weird, African looking tree's and plants.

A long way from a dead rock, with no atmosphere.



#761 2019-05-22 03:33:53

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Ok, wall to wall plants today, and as usual l will save the best to last.


Top, left the rover, and a sky that is more earthlike than marslike.

Top, right the sun, pink/green clouds and green patchy landscape.

Bottom, a pretty good look at one of these plants, prickle things.


Top, right green landscape, and sky as before to show that this isn't a rock feature.

Bottom, one of these very tall plants, which l am assuming is a prickle.

And the right, could be a bird, (plants, rainfall, water there should be birds).


Another good look at one of these things, the CP shows amber up the trunk, but strong green on the leaves and most likely pods, or flowers.

And now for my fav, one... (:

Top, shows a possible rainbearing cloud, right shows recent water flows down this rock, (the sand below is wet).


And the bottom one shows a plant on the right, and these cool ones on the side of the hill, that, (l believe are ferns). The CP for the middle one shows an amber trunk but a strong green up top, and looks unmistankably like a earth like fern with a thick trunk and frons or something similar up top.

Sweet! cool


#762 2019-05-23 05:07:43

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Ok, a little different today or wall to wall aliens, or possibly one curious one.


First off sun setting, white sun blue sky, and a grays face, top, right.

More images of tristed plants and flowers, pods and could be a curious gray or a statue of one?


Top, left image shows him, which l have previously dismissed as the rover or rock crack, etc, but it keeps showing up, so clearly is not a rock, and unlikely to be the rovers camera mast.

Lower images give a better look at our little friend, or the bottom, left shows his face to be triangular, (the rovers cam, mast is a rectangle) and he appears to be curiously looking into one of the rovers cameras.

I am sure that our gov, has talked to theirs and make a rule to keep clear of the rover, but some obviously bend that rule, with taking a closer look and throwing rocks about.


More, possible plants.


Last edited by Tmcom (2019-05-23 05:20:44)


#763 2019-05-24 01:12:33

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Top ones, the rover in the middle, and plants about, and a large tree trunk with a gray type white plaque on it.


Our freind is in the second image down, an has a thin neck, so much so l am beginning to think that this is a depection.


More plants.


Left more weird plants about, and right a very shiny, or silver thing with legs? Door handle, toy?

Last edited by Tmcom (2019-05-24 01:16:27)


#764 2019-05-24 09:22:14

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Real Mars

1:33 leather bag (?). Whatever it is, it ain't a rock.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#765 2019-05-25 03:30:09

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Not much today,...


This rock is showing the blue sky and sun, and probably the distant mountains and maybe a raincloud, (might also be the rovers arm).

And also shows these green things that get taller the closer they get to the rover.

Definately plants, but hard to tell if they are tree's or shrub like tree's, but the one the arrow is pointing towards looks similar to a tree we would see in Africa.

The CP shows mainly coffee colors up the top, (fairly dead) but plenty of green the closer we get to the ground. So tree's are having trouble surviving and shrubs, etc are not.



#766 2019-05-31 04:13:05

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Went back to the panorama images, and found one in the dark... … sity-night

Well, the rover is really in the daylight but photoshopped onto this one, and yep plenty of clouds about in the rocks, but l won't bore you with that since there are far more exciting discoveries.


First off a slightly better look at the weird dead tree. bottom, left and more bottom right. But the left one is my favorite, since it has the sun shining behind some tall plants, or prickles, and the dead tree, no doubt we would be blown away if we got real images of this.

And if you are wondering the green stuff here and there shows a strong grass green with the CP, or yep, mars surface has green patches.

And now for the biggie, we know that Mars has rain, and the rover gets covered from time to time, but finding water droplets or puddles on the surface would clinch it, here you go...


Not puddles, but water droplets!

Lower images shows droplets on the rover again, but upper images show droplets on mars surface. So how can we have liquid water on this surface at night when the temp's are supposed to be minus 75 to -200, and the air pressures would boil any liquid pure water away,...answer you can't, and NASA is lying!

The last image is my favorite, showing a large blob on the mesh. and l cannot color correct the orange image, since it would show obvious green or algae or possibly moss areas.

Mars is awash with rain, and plant life, no doubts!



#767 2019-06-01 03:59:25

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Another cool find today...


First we have the landscape with blue hills, plants or sculptures or both dotting the landscape, overcast sky and what looks like a distant building, (middle, which looks like a giant mushroom).


Top, left overcast sky, top right dead tree again and a landscape dotted with tall plants.

Middle,  same thing, and these have not been broken up, or photoshopped over, since they can pass this off as the rock being fractured, although add then all up, and it shows that this isn't the case.

Lower we get a better look at this mushroom, and it appears to be a building billowing out dark smoke, and the occasional plant dotting the landscape on the right.

This may be a house, but it is more likely that this a factory or commercial building, making what? Flavored milk perhaps?

There also appears to be a curved path or road going up this thing to the top smoke stack, which would reinforce this being huge, and a factory.

This is probably the first time l have seen smoke coming from a factory on Mars, (well all of us) and it shows even with magnetic systems in place, (well, odds on) that is clean and lasts a long time, pollution still occurs.

cool Sol 601 images...

Last edited by Tmcom (2019-06-01 04:03:19)


#768 2019-06-01 10:30:21

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

It appears that this hill side had been under water as the rocks are sedimentary layered.
I also see that the lower you go the more silt there is which either means wind or water carried soils.


#769 2019-06-04 04:25:16

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

More plants today, but l couldn't find any more of the factory, smoke images, but only a matter of time.


First one, more plants and or sculptures.


Top, a better view of the broken wall, we saw part of previously with the factory, seeping out what looks like white sand?

Bottom, rover front and left, and this structure on the right. If l am right this is an industrial area on Mars, so offices perhaps?


And this one, l would like to say, a row of tree's, but the CP shows amber?

But this also shows a partially overcast sky, overcast, rain, pretty obvious!



#770 2019-06-05 05:12:59

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Cool, found some more factory, smoke ones, which makes the factory or industrial area a slam dunk, (yes Vikings first images where the legit ones, and the red/orange a load of bullocks).


This one shows black smoke billowing out over the landscape, (next image is better) from one point, and on the left this giant crane, type structure, similar to what we use.


Top image gives us a decent slam dunk view of two plumes of dark smoke, billowing out of the factory and something smaller on the right.

Normally this would confirm that Mars has active vents, or volcanic, but since it is coming from a chimney, which is white with a cream colored cap, (well darker cap) confirms an industrial area, an advanced civilization and most likely up to three different, intelligent races living on Mars as we speak, or write!

And NASA hides the lot!

Might be for the best, fanaticism from what l have experienced elsewhere, has no bounds, and presenting something solid like the rover, water droplets, will only make them angry or incredibility stupid, coming up with any reason why it isn't there.

Looks like when we get to Mars, we will have to share?



#771 2019-06-06 04:13:49

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Found some seriously cool stuff today, and because l am tired and Imgur is messing me about they will be random today.


First plant top, left, and probably one of the best images of martian plants or furry, tall prickles l have come across.

And lower image could be a side view of the factory, with a tall smokestack in the middle, best guess.


Top a real view of mars, with a tall plant, (arrow) and one further back, but both are getting hammered by strong winds, which are in the direction of the first and further images with the smoke. And yep there is a reason for the strong winds, which l am pretty stocked about.

Lower image, looks like a Teradactyl swooping the rover, and shedding a lot, but l have found traces of green, so more likely a sculpture, although it does raise some interesting questions.

And now for the cool one, which was inevitable with me finding rain drops everywhere.


First we have this arch in the distance with a ring on top, and lower down on the left what looks like a seriously overcast day on Mars.

And now right, take a good look at this one, notice anything odd?

Yep water droplets on the camera lenze! smile l counted two, (arrows) with another forther right, down, but there are probably more, just harder to see.

I have been trying to find water droplets from rain on the camera mast lenze for years, so pretty happy with myself. And l will repost the previous image with the overcast sky, since there is zero doubts as to whether Mars has rain, and NASA's dead rock story is wearing thin.


Top left is NASA usual fiddling with the plant life so it doesn't look like tall prickles, (the right hand one is what it should probably look like).

Then more plants and ref, of the rover, second last image shows it spitting up some dust, etc.

Last image rover on the right, shadow on the left and orange sunset under the arrow.


Mars having rain is no longer a theory, but a fact!


Last edited by Tmcom (2019-06-06 04:33:33)


#772 2019-06-07 06:02:17

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars


sunset and some weird tower.


Sky is still overcast.


The mars rover in the middle.


And this which is the Hascam one, 604 l believe, shows a light sun shower, (these water droplets, some on the surface are not present in other images).


#773 2019-06-08 04:01:27

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Not much today, went through decent and hazard and chemistry images around 604-35 Sols, trying to find more rain, but eventhough l did find an image of the mastcam lenz, no drops.


But this does show wet or damp dirt, around the same time as the sun shower.


And this shows soil clinging to the wheels, and may also show small insects buzzing around the mast cam, which is hard to tell with dust on the lenzes, but possible.



#774 2019-06-12 03:46:31

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

More cool stuff, but first...


This is Mars, overcast sky, and green, wispy plants everywhere, (l ran the CP tool, with primary lime green showing up) which may be ferns, but definitely plants.


And this, (this is also shown in other rocks, but this is the best one) what looks like a waterway or river, although it may be the sun setting, but it is the things in the distance that look like buildings or a city that is the coolest part.

Some of this may be the rover, but not all, and on second look are probably tall prickles, but either way they are all not the rover.



#775 2019-06-15 03:04:43

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Possible martian tree today...


Top, tree bottom plants



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