New Mars Forums

Official discussion forum of The Mars Society and

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#1 Re: Not So Free Chat » Relaunched » 2004-03-15 15:37:04

We got a few emails about this problem but have never been able to reproduce it; for some, it cleared up after a reload.  Can you email me a screenshot if this is still happening for you, and also tell me the details of your browser, OS, etc.


#2 Re: Not So Free Chat » Relaunched » 2004-03-05 21:52:39

Thanks to everybody who has visited the site and forwarded your comments.  It means a lot, and it's good to know the Mars Society is solidly behind our efforts to bring the latest Mars information to the mainstream!

#3 Re: Not So Free Chat » Relaunched » 2004-03-05 04:52:47

Five years ago on March 5th, 1999, was begun by myself and Dustin Green to provide the latest news and information about the planet Mars.  It started out as a project of the Mars Society's Puget Sound chapter.  Later that year, I was given an "outstanding volunteer" award by Robert & Maggie Zubrin for my efforts to increase the visibility of the Mars Society by maintaining

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of, we have re-launched the website with lots of new information and special features.  Among the new improvements for are the Mission Status Center, a one-stop location for information about current missions; the NewsWire Database, boasting links to news articles about Mars going all the way back to 1996; the Mars Weather Center, providing daily updates on the atmospheric conditions of Mars; the Mars Event Calendar with several types of Mars-related happenings, and much more. also includes complete overviews of all previous, current, and planned Mars missions, such as the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity, Mars Express, Mars Pathfinder, Mars Global Surveyor, Viking, and Mariner.

We even have descriptions of failed missions like the Mars Polar Lander, Mars Observer, and Russia's Phobos 2.

For all this and much more, you can visit the website at:

Best wishes,

James Burk
Founder and Editor

#4 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » Space Shuttle replacement? » 2004-02-07 21:13:14

You might want to take a look at the article I just wrote, which is posted to the homepage.  The current plans to replace the shuttle involve the building of a new "Crew Exploration Vehicle". 

Also to answer your question about Venturestar / X-33, the project was cancelled in 2001 shortly after Bush came into office.  My article also discusses this & why it was cancelled.

#5 Re: New Mars Articles » "Project Constellation" » 2004-02-03 23:35:47

I have emailed my article on the CEV and its past efforts to Adrian!  If you'd like a preview, I've posted a small portion of it on my []Project Constellation weblog.  The full article should appear on this site within the next few days

#6 Re: New Mars Articles » "Project Constellation" » 2004-02-02 20:29:02

I am working on an article which will discuss the background & details of the new Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV), which is being developed as "Project Constellation" by NASA.  It represents the most significant new research into manned spacecraft since the mid-1960s. 

This program is more than about developing a new capsule.  NASA is working in parallel on capabilities to launch manned spacecraft to LEO, lunar orbit, lunar landings, extended duration habitats, and interplanetary spacecraft (read: Humans to Mars)

The article will put the CEV in context with the previous efforts such as the Orbital Space Plane, X-33, and a little known program called TransHab that was designing inflatable habitats for ISS and future Mars missions, but was cancelled at the request of angry congressmen a few years ago.

The article will appear in Ares Express Issue #4, and on a new weblog I have started at []

I hope you enjoy it!

#7 Re: Unmanned probes » Mars Express (MEX) - ESA orbiter » 2004-01-30 20:33:40

ESA's Mars Express orbiter captured an image of Spirit's landing site about a week ago.  The image shows the exact location of Spirit is awash in a shade of green.  Don't believe me?  Look at the image for yourself.
[ … ctid=34531] … ctid=34531

The same area was acquired by Odyssey in this false color image:

Don Davis is an independent space artist / researcher who has processed
color images for Malin in the past.  Here is his processing of the Gusev
landing site into "true color" from Odyssey data

What are your comments on this?

#8 Re: New Mars Articles » Ares Express Issue 3 - For Sunday, February 1st » 2004-01-29 22:37:58

Just emailed Adrian about this...

I would be happy to write an article for New Mars (or Ares Express).  It's about time that I returned to being involved in the Mars Society.  As you may remember, I was the president of the []Puget Sound chapter of the Mars Society and editor of the []Ares CD-Rom, the Mars Society's only official publication from 1998-2001.  I founded [] in 1999 and have been doing that ever since.

I am currently working on a new project; a blog that will track status & provide background for the new Crew Exploration Vehicle (Project Constellation) and its effect on Moon/Mars exploration.  I hope you have also enjoyed our coverage of the Spirit/Opportunity missions on

At any rate, I would love to write an article for you, or help out in any way I can.  Please let me know; my email address is


#9 Re: Human missions » Mars Society Responds to Bush Initiative » 2004-01-24 14:31:34

With the news of Spirit's recovery, that has become our top story, but we will keep the Mars Society paper on the main page throughout today.

Currently, we seem to be the only outlet on the web running the policy paper; even the Mars Society website doesn't have it yet. smile

#10 Re: Human missions » Mars Society Responds to Bush Initiative » 2004-01-24 13:43:14

Just wanted to let you guys know that we are running the new Mars Society policy paper as the lead story on (although as we get closer to Opportunity landing, that will likely change to 2rd or 3rd story on main page).  I'd love to hear your comments on the policy paper, either in this thread on in the Forums.

"January 24th: The Mars Society releases a major policy paper responding to the new space exploration initiative announced on January 14th by President George W. Bush. The Society embraces the initiative, but notes that a major decision to proceed with Moon/Mars exploration won't occur until 2009. "


#11 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity 2 - Continued from original thread » 2004-01-23 22:40:52

Why does the computer keep rebooting? If it's only a software failure, a reboot should fix it (anybody who uses Windows understands that)  If it's a hardware failure, why would it cause the computer to reboot? Also the computer is rebooting at different intervals, as if there are multiple things wrong. Two of the three data returns today came back without any prompting, and contained random "fill data" along with real telemetry. What's up with that??

Did anybody hear if they got back the Mossbauer and APXS measurements from the rock Adirondack? That rock is pretty peculiar... look at the left side, seems like it's covering up another rock. Look at the right side, are those horizonal holes or just shadows? There's also a patch on the right side that has a weird rough texture.

How about the last panorama of the lander... the colors (like almost every other panorama) are totally skewed red. The colors of the lander wiring, NASA logo, etc don't look anything like the pre-launch photos. Also take a look at the plastic ramps.. they seem to have reflections in them that are bluish-white! Could it be the blue sky reflecting off them? smile

I hope we get answers to these questions soon...

#12 Re: Not So Free Chat » Radio Free Mars - Rocky Persaud - Mars Society's Analog Research Program » 2003-04-16 19:33:03

Tuesday, April 15th
Rocky Persaud

Part 2 of our Radio Free Mars series on the Mars Society is now available for download. Jim Burk and Dustin Green report on the Mars Society's program of simulated Mars bases and Mars analog research. We talked to Rocky Persaud.  He is the President of the Mars Society of Canada and commanded the first expedition this season to the Society's Mars Desert Research Station. Persaud also was a crew member on the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station on Devon Island in the Canadian arctic.

Radio Free Mars is a weekly hour-long program hosted by James Burk, Editor-in-chief of, and provides a news segment by Dustin Green, our news editor. The programs are available for download and for purchase on CD-Rom and cassette.

#13 Re: Not So Free Chat » Radio Free Mars - Harold Miller / Mars Direct - Part 1 of 2 on the Mars Society » 2003-04-01 19:10:38

Part 1 is now up, focusing on Mars Direct and featuring guest Harold Miller, the lead Webmaster for the Mars Society.

Also hope you enjoyed our April Fools prank wink

#14 Re: Not So Free Chat » Bill Gates To Lead New Private Mars Effort » 2003-04-01 03:54:43

Bill Gates to Lead New Private Mars Effort


April 1st - In a stunning announcement made today, many of the world's leading financial barons will fund a new program of human Mars exploration and will launch a piloted mission by 2010. The group also hopes to claim the entire planet using existing laws.

#15 Re: Not So Free Chat » Radio Free Mars - Harold Miller / Mars Direct - Part 1 of 2 on the Mars Society » 2003-03-30 01:51:44 has begun a weekly radio program called "Radio Free Mars" with the blessing of the Mars Society's Radio Free Mars task force.

We're producing a two-part series focusing on the Mars Society.  Part one will be out this Tuesday, April 1st and our guest will be Harold Miller, lead webmaster of the Mars Society (no april fools here).  We'll also have an in-depth look at the Mars Direct mission plan popularized by Dr. Robert Zubrin.

For part two, due out Tuesday, April 8th, our guest will be Rocky Persaud, President of Mars Society Canada and commander of the first expedition to the Mars Desert Research Station.  He also visited the Flashline Arctic Research Station, and therefore the focus will be on the Mars Society's analogue research program.

We will most likely have additional guests from the Mars Society in the future... maybe even the big kahuna Dr. Zubrin (although I haven't asked him yet and only want to approach him when the show is ready)

All our weekly hour-long programs are archived as MP3 files available for downloading & streaming on our website.


Jim Burk
& Host, Radio Free Mars

#16 Re: Mars Society International » Radio Free Mars - Volunteers wanted » 2003-03-30 01:49:00

I'm not exactly sure what, if anything the RFM task force is up to these days, but has begun a weekly radio program called "Radio Free Mars" with the blessing of the task force.

We have recorded four programs already and are beginning a two-part series focusing on the Mars Society.  Part one will be out this Tuesday, April 1st and our guest will be Harold Miller, lead webmaster of the Mars Society (no april fools here).  We'll also have an in-depth look at the Mars Direct mission plan popularized by Dr. Robert Zubrin.

For part two, due out Tuesday, April 8th, our guest will be Rocky Persaud, President of Mars Society Canada and commander of the first expedition to the Mars Desert Research Station.  He also visited the Flashline Arctic Research Station, and therefore the focus will be on the Mars Society's analogue research program.

We will most likely have additional guests from the Mars Society in the future... maybe even the big kahuna Dr. Zubrin (although I haven't asked him yet and only want to approach him when the show is ready)

All our weekly hour-long programs are archived as MP3 files available for downloading & streaming on our website.


Jim Burk
& Host, Radio Free Mars

#17 Re: Not So Free Chat » Radio Free Mars - Harold Miller, MS Webmaster - Weekly radio program exploring Mars news » 2003-03-25 23:31:22

Tuesday, April 1st
Harold Miller

Part 1 of 2 in our series exploring the Mars Society

This program will feature a comprehensive look at the Mars Direct mission plan, popularized by Mars visionary Dr. Robert Zubrin, author of "The Case for Mars". Our guest will be Harold Miller who is Dr. Zubrin's longtime colleague and the webmaster for the Mars Society, a grassroots organization founded by Dr. Zubrin. In addition, Miller has maintained a separate website covering Mars Direct prior to the founding of the Mars Society in 1998.

#18 Re: Not So Free Chat » Radio Free Mars - Richard Hoagland - Weekly radio program exploring Mars news » 2003-03-25 23:29:51

The long-awaited Radio Free Mars interview with Richard C Hoagland is now available and ready for listening. The controversial Mars researcher & lecturer is the world's leading advocate of The "Face on Mars", author of The Monuments of Mars, and founder of The Enterprise Mission.

Also available is last week's interview with Francis Knize, a television producer who filed a "Data Quality Act" request with NASA. Next week we'll cover the Mars Direct mission plan popularized by Mars visionary Dr. Robert Zubrin. Our guest will be Harold Miller, webmaster for the Mars Society & a longtime colleague of Dr. Zubrin.

Radio Free Mars is a weekly hour-long program hosted by James Burk, Editor-in-chief of  [Note that this is different than the Radio Free Mars programs produced by MS Canada, although we are in communication with each other.]

#19 Re: Not So Free Chat » Radio Free Mars - Francis Knise (March 18th) - Weekly radio broadcast on Mars topics » 2003-03-19 23:31:06

Radio Free Mars is a weekly Internet radio broadcast covering all aspects of Mars and features interviews with newsmakers and special guests in the field of Mars Exploration.

Here is information about this week's program:

Tuesday, March 18 - Francis Knize
Francis Knize filed a "Correction of Data Request" to NASA using the Data Quality Act to attempt to get better data from the Mars Odyssey mission.  Knize has been a longtime television producer and has created documentary programs on topics from ancient civilizations to paranormal & ufo phenomenon.

Our guest for next week's program will be Richard C Hoagland, the Principal Investigator of The Enterprise Mission and author of the best-selling book The Monuments of Mars, now in its 5th edition.


James Burk
& Host, Radio Free Mars

#20 Re: Not So Free Chat » Mars Data Project » 2003-01-29 12:47:23

I apologize for the duplicate post, I have removed it from the other forum.  Hello again to many of you (including Adrian Hon) who helped when I was volunteering my time to work on the Ares CD-Rom for the Mars Society.

One of the reasons I posted this here was to offer this special discount for bulk rate to the Mars Society.  It's a big margin ($4-5 a copy) of profit for a chapter to make, and I know how hard it is to attempt chapter fundraising.  At this rate, you are making more than is on the CD.

I dont have a dvd burner but we may do a dvd-rom in the future.

The data on the CDs for MOC & THEMIS is raw data including a thumbnail image -- for the 1st CD we've got most of the images from MOC & THEMIS for the various regions we're focusing on - Olympus Mons, Vallis Marineris, Phobos, Cydonia, and the south-polar "Inca City" terrain.  Certainly you could download this, but its going to be hundreds of megabytes.  The CD is also designed to give you software tools & articles along with the data.  That is the value-add over just the raw data, which is otherwise free & public domain.


Jim Burk
& formerly of the Puget Sound chapter

#21 Re: Other space advocacy organizations » Mars Data Project » 2003-01-28 20:45:49

I would like to let you know about the Mars Data Project. It's a new community effort to analyze raw data from Mars missions and advance the public's understanding of the planet Mars. To assist with this task, is producing a series of low-cost CD-ROMs containing real raw data from NASA Mars missions along with software tools and "how to" articles to process the data into high-quality images.

Volume One of the Mars Data Project was released on December 20th and is now shipping. Volume Two will be ready in March. Both volumes are ISO9660 compatible and will work on Windows, Mac, and Unix computers. For more information, visit the project's website at:

You can purchase the CD-Roms for $9.99 plus shipping. Credit card orders can be placed on the website with a Paypal account or by check/money order to: Mars Data Project, 1020 212th Ave NE, Sammamish, WA, 98074.

Bulk orders are also available -- at $6 per CD for orders of 5 or more, and $5 per CD for orders of 20 or more. Contact me for details at:  It's an ideal way for chapters to raise funds, by selling the CDs at the retail price of $9.99.

Thanks for your support of and enjoy your personal exploration of the Red Planet.


Jim Burk

#22 Re: Unmanned probes » Mars Data Project » 2003-01-28 20:44:56

I would like to let you know about the Mars Data Project. It's a new community effort to analyze raw data from Mars missions and advance the public's understanding of the planet Mars. To assist with this task, is producing a series of low-cost CD-ROMs containing real raw data from NASA Mars missions along with software tools and "how to" articles to process the data into high-quality images.

Volume One of the Mars Data Project was released on December 20th and is now shipping. Volume Two will be ready in March. Both volumes are ISO9660 compatible and will work on Windows, Mac, and Unix computers. For more information, visit the project's website at:

You can purchase the CD-Roms for $9.99 plus shipping. Credit card orders can be placed on the website with a Paypal account or by check/money order to: Mars Data Project, 1020 212th Ave NE, Sammamish, WA, 98074.

Bulk orders are also available -- at $6 per CD for orders of 5 or more, and $5 per CD for orders of 20 or more. Contact me for details at:  It's an ideal way for chapters to raise funds, by selling the CDs at the retail price of $9.99.

Thanks for your support of and enjoy your personal exploration of the Red Planet.


Jim Burk

#23 Re: Not So Free Chat » Mars Data Project » 2003-01-28 20:43:35

I would like to let you know about the Mars Data Project. It's a new community effort to analyze raw data from Mars missions and advance the public's understanding of the planet Mars. To assist with this task, is producing a series of low-cost CD-ROMs containing real raw data from NASA Mars missions along with software tools and "how to" articles to process the data into high-quality images.

Volume One of the Mars Data Project was released on December 20th and is now shipping. Volume Two will be ready in March. Both volumes are ISO9660 compatible and will work on Windows, Mac, and Unix computers. For more information, visit the project's website at:

You can purchase the CD-Roms for $9.99 plus shipping. Credit card orders can be placed on the website with a Paypal account or by check/money order to: Mars Data Project, 1020 212th Ave NE, Sammamish, WA, 98074.

Bulk orders are also available -- at $6 per CD for orders of 5 or more, and $5 per CD for orders of 20 or more. Contact me for details at:  It's an ideal way for chapters to raise funds, by selling the CDs at the retail price of $9.99.

Thanks for your support of and enjoy your personal exploration of the Red Planet.


Jim Burk

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