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#51 2004-09-11 02:43:30

From: Australia
Registered: 2004-07-19
Posts: 329

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Mad Grad,

Like your attitude,  big_smile


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#52 2004-09-11 09:01:58

From: USA
Registered: 2004-04-28
Posts: 376

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Ditto Mars Grad Student. Except that Lunar tourism really IS a definate possibility. Most of the service positions can be performed with telerobotics. With most of the resources already there, you can simply ship just people.


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#53 2004-09-11 12:35:30

Vir Stellae
From: Cow Hampshire, USA
Registered: 2003-12-08
Posts: 83

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

"Oh, by the way I am from a little hick town in NH and have worked side by side many from Egypt to Ireland, Spain, Cambodian, and more. I call them all freind. Not the race and not there national but by Name.... "

boy it is a small world after all, another Granite-Stater right here wink


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#54 2004-09-13 12:15:07

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Is this the only way to get private industry involved in the vision though property rights.

Whether and how property rights are accomplished could be the difference between a settled Moon or an unsettled one.
This might even be the show stopper for Mars, do to the more expense infrastucture.


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#55 2004-09-13 19:59:49

From: Australia
Registered: 2004-07-19
Posts: 329

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

You will have problems with what government comes up with property rights - the American system, british system, australian system, chinese system, russian system, and any other property right system that could be a variation on those.

People won't agree on which system to use, until they all decide through a neutral process ( global working party and then come up with series of recommendations and then contain them into a revised Outer Space Treaty and get the countries to all sign.

If they can't agree,  then create your own, earth rules don't apply in space, lets go back to the wild west days, who can hold and control are the winners.


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#56 2004-09-13 22:18:32

From: Purdue University
Registered: 2004-04-04
Posts: 237

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

I totally agree with Cobra that the US should look at solar and hopfully extra solar expansion as a national affair much like manifest destiny. (prehaps with the inclusions of the Aussies, Brits and Canadians {not Qubec tongue})

Anyways I don't particularly want to get involved in that argument but I thought of a great name of a colinization agency

Space Industrialization Commercialization and Colinization Administration

What do you think?


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#57 2004-09-13 22:52:54

From: Australia
Registered: 2004-07-19
Posts: 329

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!


It would be better to remove the NASA name and replace it with the following name and it then illustrates the new commitment and exploration of space for a joyride but a real movement of humanity into space.

SICA - Space Industry and Colonization Administration


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#58 2004-09-13 22:54:36

From: Australia
Registered: 2004-07-19
Posts: 329

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!


SIACA , better if you use all letters.


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#59 2004-09-15 19:42:09

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Here is a thought, every one has heard of the peace corp, job corp and a few others why not create a space volunteer corp. Where all of us budding space enthusiast can get involved. I know Mars society is sort of that and you all may know of others.

I was sort of surprised by the recent published work force numbers for Florida that all had to stay home in the recent hurricane. I think it was 14,000, why have all the development in just that one state? Lets spread it around for all to get a crack at it.


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#60 2004-09-15 22:49:09

Mad Grad Student
From: Phoenix, Arizona, North Americ
Registered: 2003-11-09
Posts: 498

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Mad Grad,

Like your attitude,  big_smile

Oh, Mr. comstar, you do go on! big_smile

Mutual blandishments (two vocab words, score!) aside, IMHO lunar tourism could become a possibility, but it seems unlikely in the near future. For the next few decades it will be very risky to go to the Moon, and very expensive as well, so you'll be looking at a relatively small customer base. Extreme tourism companies like Adventure Consultants and Alpine Ascents have been able to make pretty decent business charging people $50,000 to be shepherded up Mt. Everest (it's the only way I'll ever get up there) even in the face of accidents like the 1996 Blizzard that killed more than ten people (can't remember the exact figure). However, the cost factor will jump at least two orders of magnitude for a trip to Hadley Rile and the risk factor by just about one order of magnitude, assuming Burt Rutan's in charge. I'm just not sure if you can have a viable business that way, especially when you factor in overhead, development, and infrastructure costs. It all brings up the question, how many Paul Allens (billionaires/high millionaires wanting to leave Earth) are there? ???

Then again, I'd love to be proven wrong.

A mind is like a parachute- it works best when open.


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#61 2004-09-16 00:58:08

From: Australia
Registered: 2004-07-19
Posts: 329

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Mad Grad Student you don't read it right. Its $50K per lb of weight for earth orbit tourism. example - a person 250lbs then its $50,000 x 250 = $ 12.5 Million - with six persons similar size and carryon baggage then that is $75 Million for that flight.

I think you need to work, depending on the shuttle cargo a passenger module could take up to 10 persons with funds upwards of 100+ million dollars. That would pay for the launch as well expand the space experience to wealth rich people to fund these activities. The excess funds are then redistributed into more project development and expanding space.


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#62 2004-09-16 06:12:40

From: USA
Registered: 2004-04-28
Posts: 376

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

comstar03, aren't those estimates based on US launch figures? I have heard that Soyuz launches are closer to 1,000 per pound to orbit.


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#63 2004-09-17 00:03:52

From: USA
Registered: 2004-04-28
Posts: 376

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Anyone know if it'd be possible to launch a single human being from SpaceShipOne via missle into ISS orbit?


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#64 2004-09-17 06:39:14

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

SpaceShipOne structurally was not designed to withstand the vacumm of space but maybe number two would or will be able.

I am sure if they are the currier for the X 37 for Darpa's drop mission that they will attent to take a seek peek at how best to do just that.


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#65 2004-09-17 12:24:06

From: Belgium
Registered: 2003-11-03
Posts: 3,669

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Anyone know if it'd be possible to launch a single human being from SpaceShipOne via missle into ISS orbit?


You make it sound like a suicide mission, imagine the headlines...

"Manned missile ploughs through ISS,"
"White elephant put out of its misery by community,"
"New space initiative gets the go-ahead at last, thanks to end of ISS"


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#66 2004-09-17 12:44:45

From: USA
Registered: 2004-04-28
Posts: 376

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

big_smile  No no no you guys misunderstand  big_smile

I was wondering if SS1 could be modified to carry a small 'missle-like' package that a human could get in and rocket to the ISS.


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#67 2004-09-17 13:04:06

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Sort of a single passenger express barely enough to get there with astronaut in a suit, with just enough air to get to safety.


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#68 2004-09-17 13:23:58

From: USA
Registered: 2004-04-28
Posts: 376

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Yes exactly! Makes me think of a STTNG episode when Worf's wife was shot thru space in a photon torpedo at warp nine to get her to the Enterprise in a hurry.

I'd heard our local techies talking about how SS1 couldn't put more than about 500 pounds into orbit and it got me thinking of disposable missle transport.  big_smile


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#69 2004-09-17 13:31:26

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Well if I am the payload you could get 4 of me in it plus food to go and still have room to turn around inside it.


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#70 2004-09-17 13:40:14

From: USA
Registered: 2004-04-28
Posts: 376

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Damn, you a biggun SpaceNut?


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#71 2004-09-17 17:59:20

Mad Grad Student
From: Phoenix, Arizona, North Americ
Registered: 2003-11-09
Posts: 498

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Mad Grad Student you don't read it right. Its $50K per lb of weight for earth orbit tourism. example - a person 250lbs then its $50,000 x 250 = $ 12.5 Million - with six persons similar size and carryon baggage then that is $75 Million for that flight.

I think you need to work, depending on the shuttle cargo a passenger module could take up to 10 persons with funds upwards of 100+ million dollars. That would pay for the launch as well expand the space experience to wealth rich people to fund these activities. The excess funds are then redistributed into more project development and expanding space.

I'm sorry, but I don't see how this seems to be a rebuttal to my argument. I said that I was dubious that Lunar tourism would work with today's technology, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to argue that any kind of space tourism would be a difficult sell. This appears to take my anti- argument to the extreme, not refute it.

Did I misinterpret your post?

A mind is like a parachute- it works best when open.


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#72 2004-09-21 04:43:13

From: USA
Registered: 2004-04-28
Posts: 376

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

Time to occupy!

Ok patriots! Time to saddle up your wagons and bake some apple pie! Thanks to Mars Express, we now have further evidence that Mars is in fact alive today!

We need an embassy to deal with these possible insurgents who are carelessly belching methane into the atmosphere of Mars without out a care for their neighbors!

It is well known that methane is a key ingredient in the production of Weapons of Mass Destruction! Why are we still here? Those bacteria are planning unamerican activities as we speak!

I call upon all of you to write your senators and demand that we send an occupational force to dela with this insurgency, before it is too late!


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#73 2004-09-21 05:11:35

Cobra Commander
From: The outskirts of Detroit.
Registered: 2002-04-09
Posts: 3,039

Re: NDSS National Department of Space Settlement - We've explored, now let's occupy!

It is well known that methane is a key ingredient in the production of Weapons of Mass Destruction! Why are we still here? Those bacteria are planning unamerican activities as we speak!

I already tried this angle a few months back, no go.  big_smile

Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.


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