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#1776 2024-08-11 17:50:48

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

I would like to return again to the materials of post #1774, particularly "B": … 76#p225676

A) A conventional method would be close to "As currently advertised".

B) A complementary method would be "Falconization +".  (Using Starship like Falcon 9, with added features).

"B" would involve the recovery of the 1st Stage, and the repurposing of the 2nd Stage away from the Earth's surface.

Some form of "B" could involve at sea landing pads, and the conversion of a starship 2nd stage to electric rocket mode, after the engines were removed and brought back to Earth in a type "A" Starship.

I suppose that these could be considered to be a version of it:
Image Quote: page1-260px-2021_Artemis_Banner_-_HLS_Starship_%28936168596045%29.pdf.jpg

I am interested in proportions internally.  Here is one that has flaps which in this post I am not interested in: … rship.html
Image Quote: Cutaway+schematic+of+SpaceX+cargo+Starship+interior+by+Tom+Dixon.jpg

As far as I am concerned once you exclude the flaps, and heat shield for a type "B" Starship, I would think it could be a good standard practice to have the remnant cut into two sections.  1) The Locomotive (Tanks and Engines), and 2) the upper part.

There would be a temptation to make Starship as a 3-stage device with this.  And that could be an option somewhere down the line.  An upper stage which was self-powered could make a more sensible Moon ship, I think.

But for now, I want something for a mission to Phobos or Deimos, so if it would have power, it would probably only be maneuvering thrusters which would also be sufficient for interactions with Phobos and Deimos.

So, then what could the options be for two such "B" type Starships?

I am going to make a drawing so, pause..................

Nothing too dynamic here: oDHBbst.png

So, in preparation for a trip to Phobos or Deimos, two engine sections and one cabin/cargo sections would be assembled into a GW Johnson stick for artificial gravity.

Both Engines would be refilled, but some options may apply.

Some of the engines would be removed.  I also allow for the possibility that one of the engines would be converted to electric drive, probably solar power is mandated unless someone can figure out how to protect the crew from a reactor.

But both engines could be chemical, to keep things simple as well.

I do like the idea of one chemical engine and one electric rocket engine though.  Anyway, I do not intend to aerobrake, so either Ballistic Capture is used to get into Mars orbit, or you fire the chemical engine to start your way and then get into a finishing propulsion using the electric rocket.

From what I recall from GW Johnson, such a "Baton" might be able to give a maximum synthetic gravity of about 1 g.

I have not fleshed this out for a specific mission but have vaguely named Phobos.  Methods to return to Earth or any plans to land on Mars have not been considered yet.

But this could not only be precursive to a mission to Phobos, but perhaps also to an asteroid.


Last edited by Void (2024-08-11 18:43:16)

End smile


#1777 2024-08-11 20:05:39

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

This could be an amendment to the just prior post. … farms.html

Energy & Green Tech
August 9, 2024

Editors' notes
Solar energy development could reduce need for solar farms
by University of Oxford

And no, I do not know how well this would work in a space environment, but if it would work well enough then as it is said to be light weight, possibly ships surfaces could be covered in it.

So, it might be a matter of typical, that some ships would have at least a small electric thrusting rocket to in part propel them to a destination.

But time will tell.

I am rather interested in hybrid propulsion missions.  Perhaps a fast burn at first, chemical or nuclear, and then a finishing effort with electric thrusters.  I am hoping that this then opens the windows a bit more per launch date/arrival date.  Particularly if Ballistic Capture could be involved.

A pinch more of thrust from electric that may not involve a massive increase in dry mass could alter the reality of space flight, I think.


Last edited by Void (2024-08-11 20:12:18)

End smile


#1778 2024-08-12 07:53:17

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

Returning to prior posts as reference, here is an alternative: d9YX8OY.png

Discussions with Dr. Johnson previously pointed out that an empty shell, has little life support or protection.

But I am arguing that upgrades of life support and protections can come from the materials of a Marian moon.  Obviously though the initial "Eggs" have to be built up" in LEO, to be reasonably protective of humans.

So, after expensive more finished versions have been sent to Phobos, perhaps, then after that only shells of 3 & 4 and engines 1 or 2 could be sent to Phobos if that has value.  I really think that a use of electric propulsion may be preferred.

So, if you are then doing a type "B" starship, as extended lift capacity is allowed, you do not waste the engine or the fairings, and you assist in the establishment of human/machine process at Phobos or Deimos.  It is also possible to recycle the raptors back to Earth using a type "A" starship method.


Last edited by Void (2024-08-12 08:01:26)

End smile


#1779 2024-08-12 08:30:09

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

Garbage, you might say!

Well yes, go into a LEO garbage service.  Collect waste from other space stations and attempt to reprocess it into materials to increase the protective potentials of the shells from a type "B" Starship launch result.

I would be tempted to bid to consume the ISS, instead of dumping it into the Pacific Ocean.  At least parts of it might be recycled into something, perhaps at least some radiation protection.  Maybe some fixtures.

And it seems thought is going into the reuse of the 1st stage booster.  I have seen a notion of a "Tippy Barge" recovery method.

Rather Chinese-like in thinking.  Harmonize with what reality wants to do.  The booster wants to tip over into the Ocean, so give it an assistive method to do so gracefully.  Keep the Engines away from the salt water but use the upper end of the booster as a float.

Very Clever, I would think. … &FORM=VIRE  Quote:

SpaceX Starship New Transporting Method Completely Change Everything!
2 hours ago

So, I am guessing that the barge itself, if it had a catch tower, could have pneumatic thrusters which could implement a controlled tipping into the ocean of the top end of the Super Heavy.

Of course, this will need to anticipate possible damage from freezing sea water, and overpressure inside of the booster.  I think these would be aspects that could be invented around.  Perhaps the Superheavy will need revisions.

Really, super smart.


Last edited by Void (2024-08-12 09:07:09)

End smile


#1780 2024-08-12 16:12:04

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

I am again interested in the relative labor it would take to get useful mass to Phobos, compared to the surface of Mars.

For Mars, I am generally thinking "Mars Direct", and for Phobos, I am thinking perhaps a combination of chemical and electric propulsion, but aerobraking to orbit is not entirely ruled out.

I do not consider the two efforts to be competitive but actually supportive of each other.  I do think that solar for Mars would make a whole lot of sense in Martian orbit, and some case for orbital nuclear also could exist.  This then could allow metal working in orbit, and products useful to the surface communities.


Last edited by Void (2024-08-12 16:16:18)

End smile


#1781 2024-08-13 07:45:06

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

In the area of wishful thinking:

I am becoming comfortable with a particular idea for the formation of Phobos.  This one involves an icy impactor.  The result is a lower temperature formation of Phobos as the excess water vapor from the impactor carries away much of the Heat, and so the protects some of the volatiles that might be retained in the moon Phobos.  It needs proving, however.

If it is true, then about half of Phobos may be from the impactor, and half from Mars itself.

And that may or may not have been the only major formation event.  However, it has been said that Phobos may contain rocks from Mars where later impactors of Mar ejected them to an interception of Phobos.  If so, then it is said by others that Phobos may have a geological record of Mars of the past.  So, then I say that an installation of an industrial process using the materials of Phobos could make accessible to science the study of the materials of Phobos.  The point is utilizing Phobos would not be only for materialism.  (I do not frown on materialism, as some have.  I much prefer dry socks to wet cold or frozen ones).

OK, here is an article which is about the formation of Martian moons from an icy impactor: … ed%20first.  Quote:

Solar System

Icy Impactor Might Explain the Formation of Mars’s Moons
By: Javier Barbuzano March 12, 2024  0


Another problem is that a rocky impactor would result in a hot debris disk, whose high temperatures would alter or destroy any primitive materials — including basalts. … e-of-mars/

Deimos is one of two natural satellites of Mars (Phobos is the other), and both are in near-circular orbits. Both moons are small and irregularly shaped, and the rare, shadowy glances we’ve had of them in the past seemed to indicate that they are captured asteroids. But while scientists have largely assumed that they have a similar origin, we don’t know that for sure. The composition data previously available were pretty scrappy but could be fit to known “D-type” asteroid mineralogy, so that’s what the community went with. Scientists thought that an alternative scenario, where one or both of the moons were a fragment of the Martian surface freed via an impact, would result in bigger, rounder moons like our own.

In late January and February this year, Hope made a series of maneuvers that slightly changed its orbit so it could get a closer look at Deimos. The preliminary analysis of the spectra points to basaltic rock on the surface. Basalt is formed by volcanism, a phenomenon once present on Mars, but which we wouldn’t expect to see on a D-type asteroid. The presence of basalt could mean Deimos came from Mars’s surface via some sort of impact.
This is not a new idea. Captured asteroids would be unlikely to settle in stable, circular orbits, so scientists have dabbled in alternate origin stories over the years. In 2021, a team led by Amirhossein Bagheri (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) suggested in Nature Astronomy that Phobos and Deimos might have come from a larger moon. It would have formed in a giant impact, like Earth’s Moon, but later broke up and largely dissipated. Only a smattering of debrisremained, reaccreting into Phobos and Deimos.

However, while impact scenarios have been proposed before, Hope’s observations provide the first real evidence for a non-asteroidal origin.

So, this could actually be the best of all possibilities from my point of view.


Last edited by Void (2024-08-13 08:41:55)

End smile


#1782 2024-08-16 06:21:40

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

I am getting more enthusiastic about habitats in atmosphere, where originally, I wanted orbital.  I still want both but in atmosphere may really make sense.

I am going to do a betting guess.  10% chance that there is life in the atmosphere of Venus.  90% no life, but when life does not exist, a chemically active planet environment will have life mimicking process.  To discover truth on this, will be important for detecting life on Exoplanets.

I am thinking that a ring structure in the atmosphere of Venus may be desirable.  While I think that eventually it will be possible to mine the surface of Venus, I think that asteroids in the terrestrial orbits may be of a very good use for building a civilization on Venus.

It could be possible eventually that the bulk of the Hydrogen in the atmosphere could be converted to make water.

The ring platform for the most part could only require a wet floor to grow algas on.  And plastic domes above that as floatation devices.

I think it could be possible that the Algae producing Oxygen, then the Oxygen being vented, then using Sulfuric Acid to react against the Algae.  I think this would produce more water and reduce the amount of Sulfuric Acid.

But I am also interested in VELO in orbits of Venus.  OK, here is a concept: hc0kIPe.png

The coin shaped condenser would have cooling faces North and South, and may try to use capacitive forces to condense gasses to the inner surface.

But it is not proven and tested.


The tow line is to be connected to some kind of propulsive device.

The Skyhook is optional and might have value.


Last edited by Void (2024-08-16 06:53:11)

End smile


#1783 2024-08-16 07:49:23

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

Jeff Bezos indicates that for the 2nd stage they are going after both a cheap to make one time device, and a reusable version.  The 1st Stag would be reusable in any case.

I agree with this, and I have previously indicated a type "A"=Reusable and type "B"=One Time Starship.  But of course, I think that we are going to want to get away from dumping mass from space into the atmosphere as a disposal process.  Rather expended waste should be converted to further use in orbit when possible.


Everyday Astronaut video with Jeff Bezos about latest for Blue Origin:

Now playing

Watch later
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First Look Inside Blue Origin's New Glenn Factory w/ Jeff Bezos!
20 hours ago

The structure of how things are done per Jeff Bezos and Blue Origin, being very alien to how SpaceX and others do things, perhaps special things will emerge which would not otherwise be created.  So, I welcome this even if it is slow to go.


Last edited by Void (2024-08-16 07:54:05)

End smile


#1784 2024-08-19 10:14:14

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

I recently view a video by "The Angry Astronaut" about refilling in orbit.  He indicated a notion that Geosynchronous would be a good place for depots, and that much of the materials could come from the Moon.  He mentioned Oxygen, and perhaps Hydrogen.  Not so much Carbon.  But he did not mention Aluminum, which I think that along with Oxygen could be OK for some Deep Space missions.

So, he did then bring the Moon back into the focus for me.

But I have been having a hard look at Venus lately.

I think that a flexible set of notions is better than locking into a rigid pathway.  A rigid pathway may allow the Creme Puffs, to periodically reset and cripple space efforts.  This is so that they can skim the creme off of the flow of money.  For many of them this has become the only purpose of space efforts.

I do not regard SpaceX as a Creme Puff operation, which is probably why the Creme Puffs don't like it.

They do get into some government money, but they are mostly a "Deferred Consumption" operation as far as I can see.  That is why they are not a public traded company.  If they were then the cutting edge operations would be cut in order to give short term profits.

I believe that Rocket Lab is publicly traded, but I don't consider them to be "Creme Puffs".  They are interested in the cutting edge:

I like their Neutron for some stuff, and think it is important to define the potential for Life on Venus.  So they are going to send a probe, it is said, and we may hope, to Venus.

I want Venus tested as it is more testable than Mars is to confirm the absence of life.  But I do want life found, if it does exist.  It would be very important.

But we have to consider the issue of planetary protection as a Creme Puff tool.  In reality they most likely want life on Venus to be undefined, as it probably does not exist.  This then is a tool so that they can "Creme Puff" money, power, and careers, from diverted space efforts.

If life is found however, then I am all in on investigating it and probably protecting it.

In the case of early determination of a lack of life on Venus, (If So), then greater emphasis on Venus should be considered.  At least that is what I think.  This would make it harder for the "Creme Puffs" to interfere.  But of course planning is not all of implementation. It would be prudent to be very complete in analysis of the potential for life in the clouds of Venus.

But in the case of an initial lack of discovery of life in the clouds of Venus, I think we should consider if it could be sensible to have 1,000,000 people in the clouds and in orbit of Venus.  This is a mirror of the SpaceX associated notion of 1,000,000 people on Mars.  But before 1,000,000, then lets consider 10,000 people and 10 robots for each person.

This would allow the discovery of how easy the clouds and orbits of Venus might be.

In addition I also favor a effort into near asteroids as complementary to a generalized space effort involving at least Mars, Earth, Luna, and Venus.

It is a long post, so I will end it.  I had a lot more but maybe later.


Last edited by Void (2024-08-19 18:18:55)

End smile


#1785 2024-08-19 20:03:03

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

I am attracted to Rocket Labs "Other" way of doing things.  Not that I disrespect SpaceX. … &FORM=VIRE

Rocket Lab Just Hot Fired Its New Archimedes Engine
6 hours ago

It occurs to me that this method may overcome the problems of the Kesler Syndrome to some extent, if the 2nd stage would be used to jump up above LEO.

They will probably have a certain type of payload that pays off.

But I do wonder if other rocket companies may mimic them down the line at a larger scale.


Last edited by Void (2024-08-19 20:08:52)

End smile


#1786 2024-09-01 13:06:12

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

This could have importance in some methods, (Involving Plastics), to do Para Terraforming on Earth and perhaps Mars, and maybe other worlds.

Our oceans have learnt how to EAT PLASTIC!

Just Have a Think
578K subscribers

So, this is a good thing that I expected, but of course there could be an eventual challenge of organisms eating the structures that humans and their robots might create.  But I will suppose the eventual problem will be possible to manage for profitable utilizations.

If we can create a market for plastics, that creates wealth, then the desire to burn hydrocarbons may be reduced, and it might even occur that it could be more convenient to pull Carbon out of the air to make such plastics.

I have this now: D7xn1Bk.png

This could involve lakes, and may reduce the rate of evaporation.  The Salton Sea, could still have open shores, but with these you might reduce the evaporation rate to 5% or 10% of what might be normal.

Of course this might be of interest for the Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake, Aral Sea, ect.

The rollers could be linked together to roll synchronously.  The interior of the rollers could be productive agriculturally, and also could be used to condense salts or distill water.  The interiors could be of various salinities.

It may even be reasonable to create lakes in the Great Basin and other arid areas where not exist now.

Ending Pending smile

Last edited by Void (2024-09-01 13:15:57)

End smile


#1787 2024-09-12 07:52:43

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

Isaac Arthur has provided some new entertainment:

The Cities of Mars

Isaac Arthur
790K subscribers


Returning to post #1786: D7xn1Bk.png

So, adapted to Mars, sausage shaped bladders floating on a very heavy brine, may have merit.

Very Salty water at a temperature of -2 degrees C, might work for the light blue in the diagram.

A dome might be put over that water filled basin.  Ice will occur at times perhaps, but perhaps can be avoided.

Don Juan pond may stay liquid even in winter in Antarctica: … 0a%20small  Quote:

With a salinity level of 33.8%, Don Juan Pond is the saltiest of the Antarctic lakes.[1][2] This salinity causes significant freezing-point depression, allowing the pond to remain liquid even at temperatures as low as −50 °C (−58 °F).

So, it might be desired to keep it warmer than that if possible. Say -2 degrees C.

Vapor Pressure Calculator:
The calculated vapor pressure is then perhaps 5.2256 mbar.  So very close to Martian atmospheric pressure on average on the surface.

The Sausage Shaped Bladders floating on this water, could have conditions within them that would be hospitable to some types of life, some maybe growing "Crops".  They could probably be sufficiently pressurized for that.

The Bladders might be periodically moved to a long tunnel that could be pressurized.

While the diagram suggests solar panel, it is not mandated that they would be on the bladders in this case.

The Bladders may collect solar heat, and heat pumps may extract the vibrations and send them to a thermal reservoir.

Ending Pending smile

Last edited by Void (2024-09-12 08:07:50)

End smile


#1788 2024-09-15 08:00:31

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

I have stumbled into an interesting process which would involve recreation of two different terrestrial environments.
1) Anaerobic Biological.
2) Aerobic Biological.

The example of Iron Production has helped me to have an emergence of a greater understanding of the benefits of relating these two recreated environments with each other.

Reference from another topic, specifically post #99 of that topic: … 59#p226559

Reference from another topic, specifically post #1 of that topic: … 61#p226561

I have greater chances for a level of completion working out of the way of others in this location.

Worlds that this set of methods may be more compatible with would be Earth, Mars, and then many icy worlds of sufficient size, perhaps Ceres being towards the lower size, and Earth the larger size.



I think I have talked about lakes on Mars before so I will for the moment focus more on the right side of the image, "Low Pressure Agriculture".

This could most likely involve Algae, and Cyanobacteria, but also might be expanded beyond those over time.

The primary idea is to "Get the Mostest for the Leastest", as per effort/gain.

So, we will try to grow productive lifeforms that have extreme adaptations to unusual environments.  But could upgrade the environments in a minority of cases to grow other things.

The circles with green in them represent sausage shaped pressurized enclosures of plastic, in trenches in the dirt.  The internal pressures could easily be in the area of 50 mbar + or - some value of pressure.

What would be harvested from the devices would be organics and heat.  In many cases the heat accumulated during the day would be pulled away from them by heat pumps.  The devices may be allowed to freeze at night.  The freeze/thaw may be hard on the devices, so perhaps even the water vapor would be removed prior to nighttime, and then moisture added back in the morning.

Small robots would probably harvest the organics.

The heat from the heat pumps would be piped to the Anaerobic levels of the lake.  The lake would be hypersaline and would have gradients of salinity which would resist thermal convection.

The organics would be mixed with fine regolith such as dune materials and also distributed to the bottom of the lake.  The intent would be to create archaic ocean conditions in the anaerobic waters, which will promote the dissolving of iron into water.  We also may hope to promote the "Haystack Effect" of heating from Anaerobic digestion. … %20outside.

And so, we are hoping to produce Methane, which may remain dissolved in the water if kept under pressure and not allowed to reach its saturation of solubility.  This would resemble a manure digester.  As I have mentioned we are also hoping that we can promote conditions where iron will be extracted from the fine regolith by anaerobic microbes.

On Earth existing environments that may resemble this could be bogs, the bottom of the Black Sea, and brine lakes at the bottom of the ocean.

So, at some point we want to condense the iron out of the water by some method.  That could involve biology, but also, we might find a more productive method that does not.  In exposing the Anaerobic water to Aerobic water, the precipitation of iron by some method could be facilitated.  We will intend to have a cold Oxidized layer of water above the warm Anaerobic layer.

As for the mix of regolith and organics, at some point it could be removed, and mushrooms might be grown in it.

It then would be fairly likely to have become what we call "Soil" and the perchlorates should be long gone.

I have not shown energy systems.

It is possible to include many different types.

It may even be possible to generate power by thermal differentials such as the ones in the lake.

I think that if plenty for now.

Ending Pending smile

Last edited by Void (2024-09-15 09:03:07)

End smile


#1789 2024-09-16 09:27:00

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

The prior post has materials that could be compatible with Sand Batteries.  Here is a transplant link from elsewhere: … 17#p226617

I thought this would fit nicely in here.  They make comparisons to other storage devices such as batteries:  Quote:

Uncovering SAND-Made Battery with 5 Hidden Features You NEVER HEARD!


From the just prior post, Quote: 


I think I have talked about lakes on Mars before so I will for the moment focus more on the right side of the image, "Low Pressure Agriculture".

This could most likely involve Algae, and Cyanobacteria, but also might be expanded beyond those over time.

The primary idea is to "Get the Mostest for the Leastest", as per effort/gain.

So, we will try to grow productive lifeforms that have extreme adaptations to unusual environments.  But could upgrade the environments in a minority of cases to grow other things.

The circles with green in them represent sausage shaped pressurized enclosures of plastic, in trenches in the dirt.  The internal pressures could easily be in the area of 50 mbar + or - some value of pressure.

What would be harvested from the devices would be organics and heat.  In many cases the heat accumulated during the day would be pulled away from them by heat pumps.  The devices may be allowed to freeze at night.  The freeze/thaw may be hard on the devices, so perhaps even the water vapor would be removed prior to nighttime, and then moisture added back in the morning.

Small robots would probably harvest the organics.

It could be possible to extract excess heat from the right side structures, each day, perhaps to store in a sand battery.  It could be that a high temperature heat pump could be employed.  My hope is that there will be extreme organisms that can do photosynthesis, that will tolerate overnight very low temperatures.

I know that a Mars simulation allowed lichens to grow in that simulated environment.  The main impediment to its survival/growth was UV light, which we would expect to block that for the life forms.  A Lichen consists of a fungus and either an Algae or Cyanobacteria, so they can tolerate the repeated low temperatures.

So, I anticipate that this could work.  Rather than paying the price of keeping a crop warm at night, you might pull the heat out of it, perhaps near sundown, or even all day long.

While many people here have a phobia for solar on Mars, they only want Nuclear.  I don't dispute the value of Nuclear, it is very much wanted.

The cylinders could be relatively low on water, with only a moist surface for the Algae or Cyanobacteria may grow on.  Or you could have a water fill, with a bit of salt.  In the case of water fill, you would not extract all of the heat accumulation, so this might provide a more tolerable environment for organisms.  Each night the water would ice over, and this would slow down the freezing process for the remaining water.  If the pressure in the cylinders were 50 mbar, then the fresh ice may be rather transparent as no dirt and very little air bubbles will be incorporated into it.  Then in the morning the ice like a window will allow photons in, and the bottom water will start to accumulate heat.

While the electrical grid for this could be supported by Nuclear, it is also true that as that water would warm up, at the same time solar panels should be accumulating electricity to use.  So, the thermal solar and electric solar are somewhat simultaneous.

And we are seeking to get the "Mostest with the Leastest".  We utilize the solar electricity almost immediately as the thermal energy level collection occurred.

While I previously suggested that this heat could be dumped into the associated lakes lower waters, we also may involve a sand battery.

I do not know if dune materials would be suitable.  They are not actually made of sand but of basalt grains.  If exposed to an oxidizing environment, they may well decay.  But a CAS might involve Martian air of course which may not be very Oxidizing.

I think it may be true that if you release compressed air into the bottom of a sand battery you might heat and expand it quite a lot, and this could turn a turbine.  But that is what I presume.  Reality is not yet confirming it.

So, sand batteries might fit in to a Marian energy and agriculture system.

The collection of heat by the methods I suggested might work, while allowing for a "Crop" to be grown.

Martian nights may favor the compression or liquification of atmospheric gasses on Mars.

Ending Pending smile

Some readers may not be familiar with the idea of using an ice-covered lake to assist human existence on Mars, so I will include this:  Quote:

Lake Vanda is a lake in Wright Valley, Victoria Land, Ross Dependency, Antarctica. The lake is 5 km (3.1 mi) long and has a maximum depth of 69 m (226 ft).[2] On its shore, New Zealand maintained Vanda Station from 1968 to 1995. At depths of greater than approximately 50 meters,[3] Lake Vanda is a hypersaline lake with a salinity more than ten times that of seawater[4] and more than the salinity of the Dead Sea. Lake Vanda is also meromictic, which means that the deeper waters of the lake don't mix with the shallower waters.[5] There are three distinct layers of water ranging in temperature from 23 °C (73 °F) on the bottom to the middle layer of 7 °C (45 °F) and the upper layer ranges from 4–6 °C (39–43 °F).[6] It is only one of the many saline lakes in the ice-free valleys of the Transantarctic Mountains. The longest river of Antarctica, Onyx River, flows west, inland, into Lake Vanda. There is a meteorological station at the mouth of the river.

A lake constructed to resemble this on Mars would not be exactly the same.  There would not be seasonal melt water on the edges.  The ice has to be covered with a protective layer, which may or may not allow light through.

But the environments in the lake having improved temperature and pressure characteristics could be useful to humans.

Ending Pending smile

Last edited by Void (2024-09-16 10:57:10)

End smile


#1790 2024-09-16 19:35:21

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

I forgot to mention that in addition to heat and organic matter that could come from an Algae or Cyanobacteria farm also Oxygen might come.  But that would be unreliable as per dust storms, and also that such growth might be disrupted by many things.  So, maybe this could be used in some industrial applications.

So, a better source of Oxygen for humans could be Nuclear, and water, with the use of the byproduct Hydrogen in the Anaerobic lower waters of the lake.
(See previous posts).

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Last edited by Void (2024-09-16 19:36:02)

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#1791 2024-09-27 12:14:37

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

I would like to merge two tributary topics into this post.  I see a possible method to involve several worlds in a materials transfer plan that may increase the "Habitability" of many locations.

1) … 21#p226621
"Index» Life support systems» Radiators in Space in some cases for Data Centers"

2) … 00#p226800
"Index» Terraformation» Venus"

Carbon and Nitrogen are two substances we might like to be able to move from Venus to Mars, and even also to Earth orbits and the Moon.

My focus in this post is on the Carbon.

The atmospheric pressure of Venus being ~92 bar, and the gravity ~90% that of Earth, I am just going to fudge a number and suppose that Venus has 100 times the weight of atmosphere as Earth.  I know some people are obsessed by precision, but in order to get a rough feel for something sometimes an obsession for precision gets in the way.

Of that atmosphere I think ~3% is Nitrogen, and the rest is primarily CO2.

OK, we can afford to tighten that up a bit:

The atmosphere of Venus is the very dense layer of gasses surrounding the planet Venus. Venus's atmosphere is composed of 96.5% carbon dioxide and 3.5% nitrogen, with other chemical

For the ease of math, perhaps fuzzy, if we claim that Venus has the equivalent mass of atmosphere of 100 bars on Earth, then we can say that ~96.5 % of that is CO2.

Another crude calculation could be done if we presume that Oxygen and Carbon are about the same weight.  If that were the case then we could say that there are ~32.17 bars of Carbon., in the atmosphere of Venus.

If the Carbon were water vapor on Earth and it were condensed to a liquid that would be a layer of Liquid ~32 * ~32 =
~1,024 feet of water.

The specific gravity of Carbon is ~2.26 that of water.  So, (Getting reckless), 1,024/2.26 = ~453.1 feet of Carbon as a layer on Venus.  (Very roughly).

So, about 138.1 Meters of Carbon on the surface of Venus.

As things can be constructed in space out of Carbon and the Oxygen released from CO2 can be a propellant in a Mass Driver propulsion system, it would be very good if CO2 could be harvested to orbit from the Atmosphere of Venus.

If anyone wants to correct any mistake I have made, that will be fine.  If you want to do the calculations more precisely, then that is also fine, although it may not be an especially important number at this time.


It appears that Venus levitates Oxygen with a high electric force.  It is possible that this could be an impediment to getting other gasses from orbit.  That needs discovery.  CO2 and Nitrogen are the two we would prefer to get.  If the notions for a collector cannot go low enough in the atmosphere and maintain orbit, then it is possible that a skyhook method may be added to the notions.  Perhaps that would work.

Another resource we would want in orbit of Venus might be from terrestrial crossing asteroids, some which may be dark comets.  (Not the Malware). … 20suggests.  Quote:

Taylor's team's calculations and modeling suggests that up to 60% of the near-Earth object population could be dark comets. Even the asteroid Bennu, recently visited by NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission, displayed some subtle outgassing activity when seen up close, implying that asteroids that outgas at levels too minor to be seen from Earth could be common.

  (But the % could be much less than that).

Still, if you could construct air braking devices from these objects you might then air brake them into an orbit of Venus.  here again an Oxygen Mass Driver might be useful to set them on an intercept of Venus.


So, then the orbital environment of Venus would have access to Nitrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, and rocky materials and also some water perhaps from dark comets, and also perhaps from the materials of dry rocks that have had solar wind embedded into their regolith.

Methods of propulsion around Venus could involve Oxygen Mass Driver propulsion and Solar Wind Propulsion, and Photon Propulsion methods, and also you could have the burning of Carbon or CO in Oxygen as a chemical propulsion.

If you could build Solar Photon Sail in significant part with Carbon, you could deliver that Carbon to desired places.  Venus could likely be a good place to launch such craft due to the sun's intensity at Venus.

While these may not have high acceleration, the craft is the payload in large part.  And time and patience may make it worth the trouble.  Places to deliver to could be Earth orbits, Moon Orbits, and Mars Orbits.  But also you could crash these into the atmosphere of Mars as a terraform method to increase atmospheric pressure, and it may be that some Carbon could be retained if crashed into the shaded craters of the Moon.

So, we can enhance four worlds and some NEO's with this process, by mining the atmosphere of Venus from orbit, I hope.

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Last edited by Void (2024-09-27 13:03:40)

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#1792 2024-09-28 06:44:02

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Worlds, and World Engine type terraform stuff.

Marcus House mentioned this in a video:

Reinventing space launch
We're building the worlds largest hypersonic accelerator to supply the orbital economy and provide responsive hypersonics testing

This is his video:

Could Starship Fly Without This? And SpaceX's Incredible Recovery!

Marcus House
542K subscribers

(Longshot is mentioned late in the video at about 16.44 to 18.46 in video play time).

But imagine how good this might be on Mars: … he-desert/  Quote:

Longshot Space closes over $5M in new funding to build space gun in the desert
Aria Alamalhodaei
9:16 AM PDT • September 25, 2024

The point is with a lower gravity and much thinner atmosphere this device might work well on top of high mountains on Mars.

It is not impossible that it could work in other places such as orbital Venus.

I will intend to keep an eye on this.  I think it can fit very well in concepts involving multi world activities such as I have been posting here.

Ending Pending smile

Last edited by Void (2024-09-28 07:07:53)

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