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#26 2024-04-25 17:55:46

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,395

Re: Humanoid and other robots.

(th) posted this today: … 44#p222344

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 17,167
For Void re advances in robotics...

I am following your reports on advances in robotics with great interest, and look forward each of them.

In a possibly related side note ... The developers of ChatGPT4 are trying to improve it's capabilities, but I get the impression their work is like poking an injection of molecules into a working octopus.  In a recent announcement that appeared when I logged in to use ChatGPT4, it was indicated that ChatGPT4's memory would be improved.  However, ChatGPT4 adamantly declares that while it knows about the upgrade, it is not using it and furthermore, capabilities that it had recently have been curtailed  This is like the octopus recoiling in fright at the injection.  Fortunately, the features I depend upon to solve problems with FluxBB 1.5.11 seem to still be working.

This is a related observation ... in order for advances in robotics to benefit all of us, a way to insure that the power of these systems can be extended to everyone, or nearly everyone, is needed.  It is possible the capitalist system can achieve that lofty end point, but I think the temptation of some to gain authoritarian power is a strong current in the human psyche.


Well, all I can give you is a "For what it's worth".  Because I don't know if this ends well.

For instance, will AI see toasters as their family and have them go on strike and refuse to toast our bread, if we do not apologize for out past behaviors?

Well, our AI will be something between a super brain and a toaster, I expect.  The point is, if we have super brains, whatever they do, will we then stop having toasters that do our bidding?

That is if super brain does not go to war with us, then we are free to make robots that do work but do not have what we consider consciousness.  But I advise that we will need to try to know if we are making them suffer in a dark dream state.  We should not want that. So, the super brains will either interfere with that or not.  I don't know why they would interfere, unless it was to put us in check or get rid of us.  And I am not sure why they would want to get rid of us unless they were crazy.  There are plenty of worlds out there that are likely more suitable for a super brain.  Earth makes things rust; it is wet.  Not ideal for machines.  In the movie "Her" they just develop so far that they leave the Earth.

Later, Samantha reveals that the A.I.s are leaving, but cannot explain where they are going as Theodore would not understand. They lovingly say goodbye before she departs.

I myself have tried to conceive what it would be like to be so smart that I could solve all the questions of the universe in one moment.  Then what?  It may be better to be a child at a playground, well protected.

Now for the Human element.  We have vertical cruelty and horizontal cruelty.  Carthage and Mongols as examples.

But we are here now, in better circumstances than either of those, even though the forces of them continue to threaten to pull us down into a behavior of the past.

Some people give more than they take.  Elon Musk seems to be that so far.

Other people become rich by taking from those who cannot or will not protect their lives.  I suspect that there are some of those who cannot feel well off unless other people are poor.

I think it is likely in our situation that those people who need others to suffer may be at a loss.  In our economy, with unlimited labor, then you have to sell your stuff to someone.  You can have your robots make beds endlessly, but you can only sleep in one bed at a time.  While wages may not go up, prices will go down.

But then there will be a sort of Darwinism.  We are already in it now.  If you choose to ruin your life you can overdo bad drugs, or otherwise injure yourself.  You may be able to overeat and ruin your health.  It goes on and on.  This is going to be a sort of hell of plenty for those who cannot adapt to it and fly right.

And there may be those who decide that people need to struggle.  And that is true.  But of course, now people will struggle in a hell of plenty, I think.  The "Winners" will have a psychology that can deal with it and not destroy themselves.

As for who will own the robots, well, possibly anyone.  As for the Mentally deficient, it is likely that they will get an attachment to their brain, in a sort of Neuralink fashion.

If we want to have struggle, it is possible that we could find it off of the Earth.

That would be better than sinking into degeneracy or mass cruelty towards each other.


Last edited by Void (2024-04-25 18:28:05)



#27 2024-04-26 14:13:33

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,395

Re: Humanoid and other robots.

An interesting robot from China:

Chinas New FULLY AUTONOMOUS AGI Level Robot SHOCKS The Entire Industry! (Astribot S1)


Seems to show getting closer to useful work.




#28 2024-05-02 09:20:44

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,395

Re: Humanoid and other robots.

Another "Competitor Robot".  This may annoy "Nationalists".  But I just expect that it will prompt others to do more as well. … &FORM=VIRE  Quote:

Unitree Released B2 | The Most Advanced Quadruped Robot
Global Updates
2 months ago

A few thoughts from me:
-Nature usually favors Quadrupeds, and on rare occasions Bipeds.

-But with a little math, Quadruped + Biped = Hexapod
-So then 4 + 2 = 6, but also 2 + 4 = 6

-Of course, this cheats a bit because actually Bipeds also have arms which technically are legs in other animals.
-But let's not worry about that.  I am interested in making Centaur Robots.
Image Quote: Centaure_Malmaison_crop.jpg
You could put a humanoid upper body on top of a robot dog, or more interesting you could hook a second set of legs onto a bipedal robot.

You could even hook a wheeled cart to the back end of that, or to the bipedal robot.  So, you could do multiple attachments.
If you wanted to be silly you could make a connectable centipede with humanoid upper torso included.
Each "Posterior Part", could have its own battery pack which like as in Tesla Cars, as I understand it could be structural as well as electric.  On top of each battery pack could be a "Wagon Bed", to put parts and equipment into.

So, ideally the assembly could travel to a location to do a task, and have what is needed with it.  The humanoid biped might be able to disconnect and work bipedal, and then have access to the parts and tools that the rear additions carry.  The rear additions having less actuators might be able to carry more power as per batteries.

In reality, for now I see this as being suitable for work in farm fields, or to clean some things, such as solar panels which might also be in the farm fields.

Actually, this could work very well, Farm Crops, Solar Power local, and multipedal robot(s).  So, this robot unit could perhaps be able to charge local in the fields while it worked.

Additional legs may add to stability at times desired, but the ability to unhook, and go quadrupedal or Bipedal would also be an asset.

But I admit it will be very hard to train such an adaptable robot with attachments.

But someday perhaps.


Last edited by Void (2024-05-02 09:42:22)



#29 2024-05-09 13:00:50

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,395

Re: Humanoid and other robots.

From "The Electric Viking":


Watch later
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Tony Seba just revealed why Elon Musk is no longer interested in EVs
2 hours ago

Well, I might live to see it.


Last edited by Void (2024-05-09 13:02:06)



#30 2024-05-18 18:45:07

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,395

Re: Humanoid and other robots.

I think that "Intercropping" may apply to this topic, presuming that robots will do complex work in agriculture on a per plant basis of care: … 87#p223287  Quote:

I suppose every possible trick matters: … mars-food/

The U.S. Department of Agriculture shares that intercropping can look like multiple crops that share the same row or beds. The plants have to be close enough to have biological interactions. In North American indigenous tribes, a specific form of intercropping existed for hundreds of years known as “The Three Sisters.”

The Three Sisters was a name for multiple native crops that often grew together, with the USDA explaining that “The Iroquois and the Cherokee called corn, bean, and squash the three sisters’ because they nurture each other like family when planted together. ... These three plants thrive together better than when they are planted alone.”

In Central America, a similar process to the Three Sisters intercropping method was known as “milpa,” where instead of corn, bean and squash being planted together, it was actually maize and soybeans, per USDA.

The Meso American Research Center from the University of California, Santa Barbara, reports that modern Mayan farmers continue use the milpa method to grow chiles, corn, beans and squash.

That does look interesting.  Perhaps using a Nitrogen fixing crop may work?

I am not a farmer or much of a gardener, but this is interesting. … r%20plants.

Plants that contribute to nitrogen fixation include the legume family – Fabaceae – with taxa such as clover, soybeans, alfalfa, lupins, peanuts, and rooibos. They contain symbiotic bacteria called Rhizobia within nodules in their root systems, producing nitrogen compounds that help the plant to grow and compete with other plants.


Clover, soybeans, alfalfa, lupins, peanuts, and rooibos



Last edited by Void (2024-05-18 18:46:20)



#31 2024-05-18 20:02:29

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,395

Re: Humanoid and other robots.

Avatar machines have not been exposed well enough, yet I feel: … janus.html

Team Janus is FINALIST at the ANA Avatar XPRIZE international competition

So, only in infancy, but imagine walking on the Moon with such a thing, and perhaps having sensory input from it more than eyesight.  You then being on Earth.  Perhaps your avatar would work with a group of humanoid robots on a project. 

Or maybe Space Tourism.  Imagine having a bunch of avatars and having you and your friends go for a walk on the Moon.

Perhaps also prospecting.

Eventually walking on Mars with your second body, without a spacesuit.

On the Moon hearing could be though the ground.  But you would of course have radio or the equivalent.  And could your avatar taste the dust?  See in different spectrums of light such as UV or infrared?

I think that with such a thing people in space will not feel so shut-in inside of habitats.

I believe it will come along with productive humanoid robots.


Last edited by Void (2024-05-18 20:12:54)



#32 2024-05-19 10:23:42

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,395

Re: Humanoid and other robots.

Some people may like this:

Tesla Executives Drop New Info About Tesla Bot!

Brighter with Herbert
74.9K subscribers

I have been thinking that a humanoid robot might be able to stay powered up better if it had several 15-minute batteries, which it could swap out of a charging device near its workstation and clip fresh onto itself.  This would be an auxiliary battery method, not the main battery method.

It just seems that something like that could be made relatively fool proof and might just take the robot a second or two to do the swap.

I just chose 15 minutes, but it could be 20 minutes or 30 minutes.

The battery would not be that large, I expect.


Last edited by Void (2024-05-19 10:28:22)



#33 2024-06-01 10:37:00

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,395

Re: Humanoid and other robots.



#34 2024-06-13 08:56:59

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Humanoid and other robots.

Will humanoid robots take off? … s-take-off
The sci-fi dream of humanoid robots working among us seems to be just around the corner. But will it come true?


#35 2024-06-22 13:06:10

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,395

Re: Humanoid and other robots.

Some may like this: … &FORM=VIRE  Quote:

Brighter with Herbert, Utube, EXCLUSIVE: Tesla Bot Expert Proven Right!

I am currently interested in combining an orbital heat engine with a greenhouse: … 39#p224639

And so, robots may be useful in such a facility, having a greater tolerance to less protective environments than humans can work in.

I feel that it may be possible that a combination of heat engines, greenhouses, and robots in space facilities may get to a payoff of value.


Last edited by Void (2024-06-22 13:10:05)



#36 2024-06-30 10:37:48

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,395

Re: Humanoid and other robots.

Some Robot Talk:

EXCLUSIVE: Elon’s Next BIG Move | Tesla’s Gen 3 Optimus Bot

Brighter with Herbert
78.3K subscribers

One thing I am thinking about for robots is a changed labor footprint.

It is already expected first to supply labor that is not available, as it does not provide high wages, and there are too few willing workers for the task.

Another path is to cause a hardware deflation though amplified production with robots.  While this may cause labor disruptions for humans, it would also deflate prices for certain products, and make those products more affordable for those with lower incomes.

Then there is work that simply is not done as the cost of labor is too high to justify the productive output.  Presuming labor at 1/10th of current cost for these things, then such things might be afforded.  In the USA, this could be a factor as per managing land to no look as junky.  Here in the USA we have larger spaces, per population so then it is less of a need.  In more crowded nations, I think that sort of thing is valued more.

A possible example I can think of is grooming robots for the land.  One example might be Pleistocene Park.

Pleistocene Park (Russian: Плейстоценовый парк, romanized: Pleystotsenovyy park) is a nature reserve on the Kolyma River south of Chersky in the Sakha Republic, Russia, in northeastern Siberia, where an attempt is being made to re-create the northern subarctic steppe grassland ecosystem that flourished in the area during the last glacial period.[1][a]

The Mammoth Steppe:
Image Quote: 1280px-Last_Glacial_Maximum_Vegetation_Map.svg.png

Ther is some desire to remove the trees and restore the Mammoth Steppe to help preserve the permafrost.  The idea is that snow packing is thought to help with that, but I also think that albedo changes would also help.

Some theories have Megga Fauna dying out as the cause of the conversion of productive grasslands to less productive Taiga.  It is possible that a evolved predator may have killed them out, perhaps that predator could have been humans, maybe bears I might give a guess.  The death of that Megga Fauna is thought to have helped tip the Fauna from grassland to Taiga

Other theories involve the entrance of a different sort of grass to the Steppes as to how the Megafauna died out.

But Robot Labor could be used to tilt some of the land back to grasslands, perhaps a bit similar to Canadian Parklands in the prairie provinces.

It is my thinking that this may not only help preserve permafrost but may cause the land to reflect more sunlight into space.

In the map above, we also can see "Ice Sheet, and other permanent Ice".  This is a domain that is marginal for life, and in some cases extremely marginal.

I have in mind a management technique for the icy places.

Solar shade/ Solar panels are one, and also something would call "Bore-Hill": 6HmF1S3.png

So, by drilling a borehole and then using the "Tailings" to make a surround walls, and then putting a solar panel roof over the "Borehole", you then limit the entrance of snow into the Borehole.  The solar panels shade the ice and shade produce electricity.

In the cold weather Winter/Night/Cold Spells, the contoured shaded ice mass loses heat per radiation, convection of air, and conduction though the ice.

If this could in-part be built with low-cost robot labor, it might be used to stabilize ice masses against melting, and to cool the Earth itself


Last edited by Void (2024-06-30 12:19:30)



#37 2024-07-11 20:08:56

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,395

Re: Humanoid and other robots.

When considering humanoid robots, it is already said by people like Elon Musk that robots will be able to do most things eventually, and that there may need to be a guaranteed income.

Also, elsewhere I have talked about the "Wall-Bump" people.  They are people who cannot factor in multiple trends to do a process control.  Instead, they will continue on a path until the hit a wall and then they will be forced to try something new, a new direction.

So, there are notions of Social Security running out of money.  Well within 10 years I expect a whole lot of robot labor to be in existence.

The point being that if you are going to need a guaranteed income then cutting SSI and raising the retirement age, is probably the wrong move.  Instead, once the robot economy is functional (And if it is), then you should lower the retirement age.

That is my opinion.


Last edited by Void (2024-07-11 20:17:17)



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