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#151 2024-06-06 10:05:31

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

The development of the horizontal organization.

JUNE 6, 2024

Editors' notes
The rise of horse power ~4,200 years ago

I tend to think of humans as having what we might call organized success, if they can domesticate Prostitution and Murder.  Either one out of control, leads to social failure, I currently think.  And of course, the one is associated with some aspects of the feminine, and the other some aspects of the masculine.

The Mongols of course were not so much known for trying to sell sex, as for organized murder.

The early Mediterranean societies have a reputation for degenerate sexuality, and the murder of children.  Basically, the demonic woman.

These could be regarded as the bounds of Europe, if you like, or don't like.  If you don't like then build your own analysis.

From my point of view, India and associates is to some degree a parallel reality, but I cannot see well into the internal particulars.  I do know that it is interposed between two major forces, and its face to China is Tibet, and not Mongolia.  A connection to Africa on one of its sea faces has existed, and does exist. 

This is quite similar to Europe with a face to North Africa.

But I choose not to analyze India any further, as I only see it in a distorted way.

It has become possible for humans to flow across the surface of the sphere of the globe and encounter each other.

There seems to have been some flow across the pacific though more than one event or at least one event, into North America, South America, and Australasia.

More lately what we currently might call Caucasian flows emerged first from North Asia, and later in association with Islam, and then the Latins, where eventually other Europeans joined in.

As I see it this was simply nature abhorring a vacuum.  A form of pattern replications.  And so, I don't think that the currently fading anti-colonial sentiment, that the communists and other competitive forces have exploited has as much moral force behind it as certain entities wish to maintain as a moral foundation.

For the future the problem remains how do you domesticate the feminine and the masculine?  This is needed to keep the human race on some sort of method that can sustain a progression of pattern that may be useful.

As I understand it, Bonobo's organize social interactions around exploitation or metering of sexuality, Chimpanzees organize around the violence of the masculine.  So, in my opinion I see this in humans also.  But both of these.  I am not the first one to notice this.

I have the opinion that America may have become too much in the direction of the feminine, so as to approach cultural failure.  Our distain for the Soviet Union and China, may have made us too vertical in power and less horizontal.  American is to be in a balance between these in my opinion.

As ethnographic shifts on the continent have occurred, I am afraid the situation in Washington DC has changed from a balanced poise to one too vertical.  This was OK as long as the executive was able to honor the Legislative and the Judicial branches, but we increasingly see a shift towards a dictatorship.  And that vertical poise will invite instability and a correction from the horizontal, if it is not corrected intentionally. 

That is my opinion, for what it is worth.


Last edited by Void (2024-06-06 10:34:34)

End smile


#152 2024-06-08 09:44:14

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

Found this:

Why The US South Is Insanely Religious


I see the materials as useful to hope to understand why things are as they are.

And it seems mostly to confirm some of what I have already thought.


Last edited by Void (2024-06-08 09:46:16)

End smile


#153 2024-06-10 10:33:09

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

Since I am not an intellectual, I guess I will listen to others who might be:  Quote: 

What Defeated the Military-Coinage-Slavery Complex? Axial Age Economic Transition | Debt by Graeber

The New Enlightenment with Ashley

The reason I do not run completely with Peter Zeihans thinking, is that he has quite a lot but not the whole picture, in my opinion.

It might be a bit like Einstein's work and Quantum Mechanics not being yet made compatible.

I think his work does fairly well in explaining social behaviors that descend from the Roman Empire, but not so well which some others.  I think he sees the workings of China, Russia, Iran and others less well than West Roman Descended Cultures.

So, I think it does not hurt to look a bit further, perhaps finding more ancient patterns that may play though to various cultures with various colorations.  (And I am not talking skin color, rather flavors, if you like).


Last edited by Void (2024-06-10 10:39:24)

End smile


#154 2024-06-12 13:26:31

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

I am inclined to think that Peter Zeihan can do fairly well with predictions for this one: Zeihan on Goepolitics, Utube, The Impending Callapse of Venezuela || Peter Zeihan
I think what he says is true, but also even our competitors, may by now think Venezuela, is a bad investment, even if they could help Venezuela.


Last edited by Void (2024-06-12 13:37:07)

End smile


#155 2024-06-13 19:58:20

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

I cannot say I am happy about this at all:

Ukraine's Collapse: What It Means for Global Food Security | Peter Zeihan

PN News
4.22K subscribers

Ukraine's Collapse: What It Means for Global Food Security | Peter Zeihan

The video explores the current state of global food and energy markets, heavily impacted by the  …

I guess we can count our blessings.  I guess we will see how correct P. Zeihan will be.


Last edited by Void (2024-06-13 20:00:07)

End smile


#156 2024-06-23 22:04:15

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

David P. Goldman is also sometimes "Spengler" at Asia Times I believe.

China Will CONTROL the Muslim World: David Goldman

The Jay Martin Show

I think that not everything that China may do in the so-called Global South, 3rd World, is against our long-term interest.


I like the idea expressed, that the US should deal with China by requiring them to build factories in the US, if they want to sell product here to our market.  Since over time I expect the bulk of labor to eventually be dominated by humanoid and other robots, this would be a national defiance issue.  As cold and undesirable as it may be humanoid robots that can change diapers, and build cars, not only would provide critical labor, but in truth could be used in a military action if necessary.  It would not be good if we simply give our market to China and others, and then they have all the robots.

I regard the democrats at this time to be dinosaurs, awaiting a dirt nap.  They will return some day, but they must leave now.

Americas Nativism comes not only from so called whites but also from so called blacks.  And there are likely some nativist natives that is people of descent from pre-Columbian times.  I am a mix of that older rooted structure and the newer structure that came in with immigrants during and after the Great Depression.  I believe in a flip-flop of the Fourth Turning, (For now, unless I discover errors in my thinking).  I believe that the Great Depression was the death throes of the North, and we have been living in the power of the South, a South joined by the newer immigrants.

For schematic purposes, I believe in 7 or 8 colors.  Let's just say 7.  (I bet you want me to fall into a trap, don't you?).


And I have a white, but it is not the white you think of, it is what lies between all the other colors.  A color wheel.

Anyway, I believe that the action against Russia is a subconscious effort by the dying Spaun of the Great Depression.  This reactive behavior had served them well for 85 or so years, and so now rather than adjusting to shifts in the color wheel, they decided to try to stop time by doubling down on what worked before.

I believe that in this time period we were supposed to be in some level of co-operation with the Russians, for the benefit of the USA and Russia.  Such an action would not have required the war in the Ukraine, and so many people who have died, would not have had to die.

In case you misunderstand me, I also have expected to see a prospering of the Nordics and Eastern Europe including Poland.
I feel that this whole move by our zombie-vampire living dead democrat party and its associates has been one of the biggest mistakes America has made.

And by the way.  I was raised Democrat, and don't feel deeply Republican, but really despise what the democrat party has been doing.  Not to say that the republicans did not also fumble the ball before this.


Last edited by Void (2024-06-23 23:10:22)

End smile


#157 2024-06-24 04:43:21

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:


The Chinese government is more fixated on preventing its overthrow than much of anything else.  Lots of empires thought they would "control" the muslims in their own lands.  I've yet to see that happen.  The British tried.  Russia tried.  America tried.  All failed.  China may as well learn that lesson the hard way, too.  Nobody else learned by example, so why would they be any different?  Unless China intends to go over there and nuke the place, then they're going to lose.

As to our own Democrats...  I don't know what planet they're living on these days, but it isn't Earth.  I want to know when they're going to wake up and start acting like they're still Americans again.


#158 2024-06-24 08:53:53

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

China and the Arabs have been dancing partners in the past.  The Arabs pushed China back away from Central Asia that time.

I think that both entities are wise to seek benefit from each other, but they are rather very much different.  They love pork it seems in China, not so much so in much of the Arab World.  It is said that it is much easier for a Muslim to turn Atheist than to turn Christian.  And the Communists are atheist by rumor, so there is some commonality there.  David P. Goldman has some interesting things to say, as I recall.

An interesting read is by guess who?

It discusses a certain world religion in parts of it.

Not now referring to that book, I will say that the people from the swamp, who are very reactive on the world stage, get our America in trouble by often leading with our chin.  Looking back at world history, it was, I believe the forces centered in the Middle East that give the Mongols a first major defeat. … C3&pc=U531

In my opinion the desire to fight with everyone on the planet in some way all the time, may feel good in a very stupid way, but only benefits some elites in some ways while gutting our wealth in others, the wealth of the common people. 

If you study history, just staying off of the dance floor, can be wise, as two forces or more may counter each other while we may at times stand aside, and cultivate our own benefits.

The whole idea of picking and choosing your battles is sensible if you can do it.  It is better than attacking everything that is not like us, everywhere all at once.  In some ways most things in the world are not like us.  We will wear ourselves out, trying to turn everyone into Wisconsin,

Well, I am getting ISE, so I will stop.


Last edited by Void (2024-06-24 09:16:17)

End smile


#159 2024-07-20 08:56:00

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers: … ORM=WRVORC  Quote:

The TRUTH About the Soviet Union's Collapse | Last Days Of The USSR | @DocoCentral
Documentary Central
3 weeks ago

Comment, Comment, Comment smile

I think I may have posted this somewhere else by mistake.


Last edited by Void (2024-07-20 09:00:40)

End smile


#160 2024-07-20 22:17:57

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,717

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

Thanks Void.  I watched the first of the videos.  I think history remembers Gorbachev as a great man and Yeltsin as a bit of a buffoon.  By the mid 1980s, it was clear that the Soviet Union was falling behind the west in technology and living standards.  Gorbachev wanted to reform communism into a system of market economies with democratic freedoms, which none the less maintained a high degree of socialism.  He appeared to be aiming at a Scandanavian model of mixed economy.  Unfortunately, it proved impossible to reform the Soviet Union without breaking it.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#161 2024-07-21 10:04:53

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

You are welcome.  It is good to at least have some data about the history of such things.

I color code regions in my analysis of global processes.  I assigned Orange to Moscow, and Green to Rome.  This was a very long time ago.

I feel that the age we have been suffering under is the out of control Greens.  Not those necessarily.  North America has it's own color code which is geometrically similar but flipped.  Brussels is working with the power of Green.  Washington has been put Green, but was white.  (Not that white, a color code white).

The stupid of this age is the Greens thinking that they represent the keystone of all reality, and that they can rule an Orange.  And I am not among those silly people.  I have my own stupid which may be on display now.

Segregation followed the Civil War, as groups were highly incompatible.  Before that the North fell, I think around 1929.

The words Black and White are now primary, and to a degree indicate people not of apparent African descent and people of apparent African descent.  This convivences our pseudo-Latins which I think emerged from some of the Old South and some of the New South.  So, then the set up to be the directors of all from a Green throne. Keeping the Pseudo-Africans under them.  And then they try to put the "Undesirables" under their servant classes.  This is pretty much what the North hated about the old South.

Unlike "Europe" (???), North America has all of the other colors of the code in it.  So, systematically these regions are assaulted by the Greens.  This is not how America worked before.

There is also a term created, "People of Color", which is supposed to indicate a sort of "Undesirables", that just might be allowed into the pander machine, since they do not quite fit into Black and White.

But People who are like Mexicans, are not as eager as might have been hoped to be at the bottom of that pyramid.

The NAZI acted like they were all about the Northern European, but appeared to adore the Roman Empire that was in their mind.  I believe that they were greens gone wild.

With such an attitude now, which fortunately includes some representative government it is apparent that they cannot integrate with the Maximal Soviet Empire remnants, because they are not willing to go beyond Green.  They do not have the color wheel.  And they don't want it apparently.  They are offending the Poles and the Hungarians, and I expect that the Nordics will have second thoughts, except that with Russian agitated, there is a greater danger.  This may well create a rupture in things down the line.  A Green dictatorship will not do, to run an entire color wheel.

Instead of working with the double green of NATO, the USA and North America, should have made a deal with Russia itself.  But that was not acceptable to our Greens who have occupied our capitol.

So, my observation about Russia is that it has a time constant that is very long.  It took some time after WWI for it to reassemble a power structure.  This whole region seems to have a long time constant.

In the aftermath of WWI the Greens made Germany desperate.  Then the NAZI were allowed to take the German nations to a gamble which was lost.  They lost very badly.

The Orange centered power structure emerged per the weakness of Germany, and the USA worked with the Green centered regions.  But this imbalance has played into the USA, where anybody "White" or not "Black" is worthless, unless they belong to the Green Elites.

That is part of my current diagnosis.

Had we an alliance with Russia, we would have protected ourselves from their Nukes, and it would be much harder for other powers to do a nuke strike on us.  The Russians had lots of mineral wealth which they seemed happy to sell to us.
But the Greens don't actually like "US"(A)".

I generally worry that I may cause more trouble than solve trouble.  And it may be so now.

I actually believe that there are natural forces that will correct this, but it is like weather on the Ocean, there are certain ways to sail where your ship may persist, and there are other behaviors that will cause damage to the ship, maybe even sink it.  I prefer to try better navigation.


Last edited by Void (2024-07-21 10:42:51)

End smile


#162 2024-07-21 11:28:06

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers: … &FORM=VIRE

I fear to be a Babylonian.

Sailing on the people.

Not exactly a favorite of God.

But I just showed up here.  Just tried to see what may be real.

Don't actually think I have it all correct yet, maybe ever.

I have my colors, but they are not Black or the White that is supposed, or are they "Of Color" in that way.

Color coding as in electrical work.

Electonics and geometry.  Maybe a large dab of insanity.


Last edited by Void (2024-07-21 11:29:59)

End smile


#163 2024-07-24 15:57:15

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

I want readers to understand that this is something I am interested in observing not something I want to promote or act for or against.  It seems to me that this could be important to the coming future. … &FORM=VIRE



Albania is Destroying Islam
Atheist Republic
1 week ago

This is very curious.  In my earlier life, our (Not say), used the promotion of Islam to act against the Soviet Union.  Then these forces became a concern for western nations.

This is a change in the tide if it is true.

This could open some important places to become officially Atheist, and maybe in sympathy of Global Communism/Socialism.

There have been some other interesting developments elsewhere,

Possibly this can be power centered on Warlords, Merchants, and Intellectuals, rather than Priests.

It may be that the Priests have used up all ow their power reserves as might be in a video game.

But I am interested, I do not claim to know.


Last edited by Void (2024-07-24 16:04:51)

End smile


#164 2024-07-26 10:13:59

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

Tony Seba: Greatest disruption in history is here, millions of jobs to disappear

The Electric Viking

We may see it if we live long enough.


Last edited by Void (2024-07-26 10:15:12)

End smile


#165 2024-09-29 13:45:48

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

These two have several video's out, where significant information or claims are made that I think may be true.  Things that standard history stories do not reveal. … 0as%20they

America's Lost Tribe: The Puritans & Greater Appalachia's Role In Their Disappearance
Based Camp with Simone & Malcolm Collins
1 month ago

They have some claims about intelligence that are interesting.

Ending Pending smile

Last edited by Void (2024-09-29 13:47:56)

End smile


#166 2024-09-29 15:02:50

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

I like some of their ideas, as they reveal things that are not commonly discussed, most likely because those who should have told us, do not want us to know those things.

I enjoyed one video they had about verbal and non-verbal intelligence.

These are things we should know so that we will be less likely to be cheated in a false realty that has been given to us by swindlers.

Ending Pending smile

End smile


#167 2024-09-30 09:02:28

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

This material is available, good chances it will not suit others: … %20process  Quote:

Based Camp with Simone & Malcolm Collins

24.5K subscribers

547 videos
Based Camp is a podcast focused on how humans process the world around them and the future of our species. That means we go into everything from human sexuality, to weird sub-cultures, dating markets, philosophy, and politics.
and 5 more links

They have some things that interest me, they seem to have understood things that I have been trying to realize.  But they are somewhat strange to me even so.  I like to study things sometimes, as if they were shiny objects.  It is later that I may understand what I was looking for.  In other words, the important questions emerge from such a study which can be manic in nature.

I have had a problem with Peter Zeihan as his materials have been interesting, but perhaps like only able to go so far.  This other method of understanding, has value in a different way.

One thing that struck me is that they seem to have evidence that the supposed intellectual superiority of many Jewish People and also Asians, (In two different ways), can be explained to some extent as illusions.  In the case of the Jewish People, it is claimed that they are very verbally and perhaps also in math proficient but may lack visual and reasoning skills.  As for the Asians, their remarkable abilities at achievement, it is possible that it is culture bases in that they simply put more time into the task.

While there could be some genetic factors, this looks more like nurture in both cases.  In the case of the Jewish People very bookish parents might even from infancy prompt brain neural connections that would cause a greater development of some parts of intellect rather than others.  Child brains are very plastic in that way.

As for Peter Zeihan, he has to work within permissions set by high government powers.  I think a great mistake made was to not understand the vast differences between the heritage of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires.  You cannot break down these barriers as easily as many simple-minded people think you can.  In the case of Nato Western Roman Empire heritage allows some commonality between large parts of Europe and much of North America.

But this has required some things even from America, that are very uncomfortable.  The lack of understanding of freedom of speech in Europe and perhaps even Canada for instance.

So, where we think that the Russians are being unreasonable, it may be a great deal that they cannot fit into the framework we offered to them.

And we also see that the Turks are wandering off in their own direction to some extent.

So, the calculations of Peter Zeihan are important, but I don't think they can explain the final fate of China or Russia.  They do not factor in alien concepts of these cultures that Americans probably have a very hard time comprehending or understanding.

Ending Pending smile

Last edited by Void (2024-09-30 09:19:27)

End smile


#168 2024-10-03 09:56:19

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Peter Zeihan again: and also other thinkers:

This is a long video, but interesting to me.

Legacy GOP vs. New Right: The Right Wing "Tech Elite" Changing American Politics

Based Camp with Simone & Malcolm Collins
24.7K subscribers

I do not seem myself as so much like them, rather I find them interesting.

A difference is I am a Senior Citizen, and so not having the same pathway.  I was exposed to a fair amount of technology, so I do fit with it somewhat.

I think where I find Peter Zeihans work insufficient is that to publish books, he has to be a cheerleader for anyone who might buy a book, and I really suspect that certain powers can also keep him on the path of view that they prefer.  So, his work is of interest to me but strangely rather anti-American, in that he attributes all of America's success as accidental, and he even shows a respect for German or other planed methods as always superior to Americas more "Muddy" process.

I feel that there are various reasons why America has had some success, and we are not entirely untalented in our bag of tricks.

The two persons Simone & Malcom are not like me, but I enjoy them laying out what they say they think.  Perhaps some time I will discover something major I do not like but it has not happened yet.

Ending Pending smile

Last edited by Void (2024-10-03 10:04:40)

End smile


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