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#26 2023-11-25 22:20:24

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

I am inclined to agree Spacenut.  Any favorable trait should spread to other groups as it would be considered useful by others.

In Chimps and Bonobos, females around puberty migrate from a birth group and try to get adopted into another group to avoid inbreeding.
Humans seem to be similar.

So, it should not be that strange that various types of humans may have interchanged genes in such a way.

Also there seems to be a long history of bipedal apes around SE Europe a long time ago. … .%E2%80%9D

According to one study of the Danuvius guggenmosi bones, which the team Darwin-dated to nearly 12 million years ago, the findings “suggest that bipedalism might have evolved in a common ancestor of humans and other great apes living in Europe, and not in more-recent human ancestors in Africa as many researchers had assumed.”[

And instead of a very dark skin being the ancestorial state, it appears that very dark skin emerged from humans inhabiting the Savanah from the forests.  So, some advanced humans developed lighter skin and some developed darker skin, in response to the amount of sunshine on the skin.


Last edited by Void (2023-11-25 22:24:49)

End smile


#27 2023-12-02 20:33:53

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

It is my opinion that this is very big.  Not directly your genetics but the genetics of microbes are in some sense yours as well.

Bacteria Living Inside Our Guts Have Mindblowing Effects On Us

Anton Petrov
1.21M subscribers

#microbiome #gut #bacteria

Imagine if this could help health, youth, and mental illness.

Sadly, I now have a reason why aliens would want to probe our bottoms.  smile sad


Last edited by Void (2023-12-02 20:35:41)

End smile


#28 2023-12-02 21:05:12

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

So, continuing from the previous post, if people live in synthetic gravity habitats, can it be controlled what microbes are to be dominant in such a little world?

Where would this go over time.


Yah, we b a brewery?

Done smile

End smile


#29 2024-02-02 20:20:45

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

Genetic resurrection.

I think that the testing that got us here obviously seems so far to have provide the ability to analyze and manipulate reality.

However, I am going to assert that what of us has survived from our lost genetic heritage, may not be all that is of potential value.

Frankly I think that the application of Darwinist cruelty in the quest for perfection has left a lot behind that may be of value but before bringing anything back from the grave we will have to have developed a very high level of competence in our evaluations and projections of what it was good for.

I could impose a Darwinist Cruelty on the world, if I had the power, to find the very best version of a imposed evolution.  So, then we might have cockroaches as the highest life form.  A nice nuclear war might do it, if we worked well at it.  Who cares about capability.  Survival of the fittest is what makes for a nice insect ruler of the planet.

As a Baby Boomer, I feel that we did go through such a process.  After the cold war rivalry, it was allowed to suppose the cruelty could refine the best and the brightest.  I don't feel it worked very well.

But it does come down to a potential where perhaps with AI we may model the effects of the genetics of those who linger as genes that can on occasion be recovered from the ground.

It is also possible that we should consider preventing the loss of some types that are on the ropes just now.  A Darwinist cruelty is likely to shrink the gene pool.  It might come up with something that is a specialist for a moment in time that works well, but the human race has been better served by be general in capabilities.

And for the Elites that from time to time think that they are the golden ones, well maybe here and now, but maybe not later and somewhere else.

From my point of view, the issue of race, particularly skin color is really a problem.  It now appears that the average human over time was some shade of brown with some isolated populations responding to environment to become lighter and also darker in color.  The use of the word "Black" to indicate people who are not white (Whatever that is), is basically a lie.

As for various other features, it may be good if people may choose various features somehow for their blood lines, if they are to have a choice.  The more people in the world, the better it is to be able to tell the differences between them.

You don't have to agree but that is how I feel about it.


Last edited by Void (2024-02-02 20:36:11)

End smile


#30 2024-02-12 06:27:13

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Genetics

Wolves on a Mars zoo colony?

Chernobyl's Mutant Wolves Appear To Have Developed Resistance To Cancer … r#comments


#31 2024-02-14 08:38:47

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

I have seen more evidence of gene pool damage.

I read an article that said that in France a boy child Neanderthal shows evidence of being butchered like a deer by the type of humans that entered into that area.  I am not particularly surprised.

I blame the Verbal and Violent, once again.

People who worship domination worship Satan.

I am part Swede.  It seems that the people who entered Scandanavia killed off the Hunter Gatherers in a massive way.

It is possible and perhaps likely that the Hunter Gatherers also displaced a previous people, that could have been in Europe after the Neanderthals were killed off.

People get excited about alpha dominance, but in my opinion alpha dominance reduces the variations in the gene pool.
I guess it is fun to be a verbal and violent alpha, or to be a hypergamous princess, but I don't think that this leads to expanded capabilities.  It reduces variations, and so then potential skills.

It is possible that human intelligence has been going down because of alpha male dominance, and the hypergamous princesses.

It appears that those winners are the superior people, (They are likely to tell you so), but nature does not favor intelligence.  Nature favors winners, and winners can be the verbal and violent who eclipse out the retention of useful genes.

So, we may want to see if we could get back some of the genes that the verbal and violent have managed to trash can.  But that should be done with cautions though.


Last edited by Void (2024-02-14 08:48:35)

End smile


#32 2024-02-15 20:17:58

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

I am willing to entertain this article: … r-BB1ilwHl  Quote:

'Intellectually inferior' humans caused Neanderthals to go extinct, a new book claims
Story by (Jenny McGrath) • 3h

I don't know that it is true, but it could be.  It is possible that humans were idiot savants, good at killing and also perhaps more verbal, (which would also make them better at killing).

This sort of describes our management class. smile

We have to remember that the archeologists who first studied Neanderthals, were probably Darwinist in their notions.  Just the fact that the Neanderthals were extinct would-be evidence that they were inferior.  To a degree this is still the way people evaluate things.

The Neanderthals were probably not angels either, but they may have had many intellectual traits that we could have used.  We may have inherited some of it but may have also lost some of it.  They had very big brains.

The American Public School system was purposely set up to stifle creativity and to create lower management people and robot people who could work in factories.  Also, it was set up to humiliate boys, so that they would get used to being abused.

So, basically idiot savants knew how to organize society in a way that worked for that time and really benefited people materially, but I think we could do better by now.  And we probably will.


Last edited by Void (2024-02-15 20:26:58)

End smile


#33 2024-02-20 20:14:28

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

So here is some food for thought, it appears that ADHD may not be a flaw, rather an option: … r-BB1iC4TC


ADHD may have been an evolutionary advantage, research suggests
Story by Nicola Davis Science correspondent • 2h

Not so much a surprise to me, the education system was designed to glorify one type of mind, one that had the power at that time, and to render subservient other types of minds.

I am glad that the matter is at least being reconsidered.

The little schoolhouse that preceded, the NAZI public school system that was put into place to provide low level management people and meat robots for factories, probably worked better for ADHD people sometimes, I think.


Last edited by Void (2024-02-20 20:34:22)

End smile


#34 2024-02-21 04:26:22

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,887

Re: Genetics

I don't think such a highly polygenic trait as Autism/ADHD (two presentations with a similar genotype, both conditions of hyperfocus) would remain in the population for long if there wasn't some kind of balancing selection going on. With autism at least, a higher polygenic risk score is associated with higher IQ and greater educational attainment... right until you reach the point of actually having clinically significant autism, where it drops off a cliff.

Hyperfocus is useful quite often. Most people seem to take the surface appearence of things and move on, too distracted to attain more than the shallow understanding of a thing they need for their immediate purposes. I'm like a terrier, I keep at it until I've got it from all sides and know what I'm dealing with. Which has the downside that I end up spending so much time in the Observe-Orient part of the OODA loop things have often moved on before I get to the Decide-Act part. I don't process things *slower* than anyone else, I process them *deeper*, which means it takes a lot longer (but gives me a higher fidelity model of reality). I can't take an object in isolation, I need to understand how it relates to other things.

I *eventually* figured I should go and study Ecology. Something very obvious in hindsight. I spent the last decade trying to climb over a hill, only to get to the other side and notice that there's a road that goes around the bottom of it. Which I had glimpsed before I started the climb but disregarded. So yeah.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#35 2024-02-21 10:59:34

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

I am glad that you are aware of your own situation.

I am actually grateful for the amount of success school did for me.

But the industrial revolution and assembly line thinking probably did not work for these types you mentioned.

Where exposure to a bit of knowledge is better than not, in most cases, a rating system that only can work with one type of mind, is probably not as beneficial now as it once was.  But we have the internet.

There are some people who can fill a temporary memory buffer with keys to test out.  A memory good for some days or weeks perhaps.  And if they can work in a herd, that seems how school is easy for a teacher to apply.  But if they don't have long term interest, they probably toss a lot of it into the bit bucket when they are done with it.

But some people are geared to focus on what interests them, so the Internet is a teacher now.  So, the situation is improved.


End smile


#36 2024-02-24 09:21:11

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

More about Neanderthals: … c6e9&ei=27  Quote:

Thought Neanderthals were stupid? Time for a rethink
Story by Isobel Williams • 2d

One thing that I have found interesting is that they had bigger eyes than we do. … processing.  Quote:

Neanderthals' large eyes 'caused their demise'
13 March 2013

I think that our eyes would be about 70% the size of theirs.  And the large brow ridges probably helped allow such large eyes.

As for extinction, I think it highly probable that humans might have carried disease.  Being in larger groups humans would be more likely to incubate new pathogens, or may have brought some from where they came from.

And some of the humans were likely cannibals, and killed and ate the Neanderthals.  It only takes the mentality that these other people are not of our kind to allow groups of humans to butcher each other, even when they are similar in type.

The Unkinding process, is part of humans.  They are not our kind; therefore, we can be unkind.  It happens all the time, and it is not only so called white European rooted people who can behave in that manner.

Going back to the eyes, I don't know that the Neanderthals had blue eyes, but apparently it is suspected that blue eyes can see a little better in the dark, and a little less well in bright light.  So, the Neanderthals may have had good night vision by way of larger eyes at least if not blue eyes.

It is said that the Neanderthals had very high testosterone.  It is tempting to think that they would therefore be very violent.  They were certainly very strong.  But in human males age and declining testosterone, makes men crabby.  Testosterone actually makes men friendly, contrary to what popular notions may be.

If we want to meet humanoid aliens, we should think about reviving the Neanderthals.  Think about it.  They might not be able to handle the current germs that we have such as Covid 19, and all the others.  And maybe they would be jerks.  How can I know.


Last edited by Void (2024-02-24 09:35:28)

End smile


#37 2024-03-09 12:22:48

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics … a564&ei=14

'Intellectually inferior' humans caused Neanderthals to go extinct, a new book claims
Story by (Jenny McGrath)

I think that it is possible.

The motivation to take over a cave could cause a fight.  Or just to get rid of the competition for game animals.

It would only take one group of humans to develop a philosophy of extermination of those not so like them, the others.

As for cannibalism that could also be a motivation.

Nature does not seem to favor intelligence.  We do not know the character of the intelligence of Neanderthals and others, but the original presumption that the survival of the fittest will give you the most intelligent, is not necessarily true.

Racial hatreds are things that come rather easy to humans.


Last edited by Void (2024-03-09 12:28:16)

End smile


#38 2024-03-21 07:23:53

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

I have my opinions which are subject to further processing and consideration: … r-AA1ivosj

Most of us have a bit of Neanderthal DNA, with some more than others. Scientists think they've figured out why.
Story by (Marianne Guenot) • 5mo • 2 min read

I consider the notion of humans and human mimics.

An inventive type of human with low verbal skills, and perhaps a copycat type of human who can temporarily mimic an observed behavior in an inventive human.  These things do actually serve to get us here.

But the danger of mimics, is that as they don't have to invest energy in invention, they can invest energy in eugenics, that is to subjugate and exterminate the compitition.

The other danger is people who can talk about things but to not understand them deeply.  Such might temporarily adopt a mimic of a high skill but then lose it in an era of collective lapse in social functioning.

The ultimate shortcut is mimics that can speak and write, and also adopt killing weapons created by others.

As I have said I have this one in the oven, probably to be subject to further consideration as evidence shows itself.


Last edited by Void (2024-03-21 07:30:33)

End smile


#39 2024-04-01 11:38:04

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

I like this article.  It's not that surprising that the "Intellectuals" originally assigned superiority to their own kind.  Darwinism and love of being on the "Winning" side is human nature, to a degree. … 8870e&ei=4

Sadly, Darwinism does not have to select for intelligence, only pattern replications.  That is why plagues can kill off large populations and yet as far as we can tell it is not intelligent.

Induced Darwinism such as NAZI schemes was even worse, as how could they know what is intelligent?  They would have to have intelligence, and if intelligence is such a dominance, then you don't have to do more than being intelligent about survival.


End smile


#40 2024-04-09 11:21:32

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

This is not strongly related to the Genetics, but is of interest: … cf0d&ei=50  Quote:

Scientists stunned to discover which culture built the world's oldest defences
Story by Harriet Brewis • 3mo • 3 min read

So, it seems indeed that the farmers and the literate peoples could in fact have damaged the human race with their practices, even though farming and writing gave them great powers.

But I don't know have good or bad things could be in a hunter-gatherer society either.


Last edited by Void (2024-04-09 11:24:19)

End smile


#41 2024-04-14 10:12:27

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

This is interesting, I am particularly happy about the existence of Neanderthal and Denosovian genes in the gene pool. … i-BB1kKpMU

India is a curious matter for North Americans.  It is in a way our doppelganger twin.  I won't explain that too much more, but it is a great convenience to us to just be helpful for India to be India.  It keeps the rest of the world busy, so that they are not on our a** all the time.

I have a theory about the Greeks and Romans.  It is apparent that at times people from the north became present.  Not Yankees smile
Rather peoples from certain more northern parts of Asia, including Historical Iran.  I think that the Greeks and Romans functioned best when this was in balance with the more southern peoples.  I think that the degenerate phases occurred when this got out of balance.

In a similar fashion our Democrat party is trying to force America into a degenerate phase.  Things need to get back into balance.


North America<>India, would be mirrored images sort of a reflection of each other, but having some twinness.
I suppose that in humans, if one child took all the other genes that its sibling did not take, they would be a mirrored nor-Twin? smile

They would not be genetically alike at all but would still be siblings.
Of course, that is not exactly what India<>North America is like but it kind of gives a visual guidance, at least to me.


Last edited by Void (2024-04-14 10:17:59)

End smile


#42 2024-04-21 09:29:51

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

What drives evolution | Denis Noble | Reason with Science | Darwin | Selfish genes | Richard Dawkins

Reason with Science
22.1K subscribers

I listened to this yesterday. 

I don't think I absorbed all of it.  But it has notions in it that are very interesting.  Particularly how the biological system may permit a higher mutation rate at times in the immune system to find and select methods to react to a pathogen.

I will listen to it again.  I was driving last time so may have missed parts of it.


End smile


#43 2024-04-24 18:53:10

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

I thought this was worth a viewing:

How Viruses Created Human Intelligence and Turned Us Super Complex

Anton Petrov

Just yet another thing to understand about humans.  Also, our gut microbes and a connection from the gut to the brain.

It seems our "Junk DNA" is not junk after all.


Last edited by Void (2024-04-24 18:54:18)

End smile


#44 2024-05-03 09:12:09

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics … &FORM=VIRE

Haplogroup Map of the World: Your Genetic Surname (+Download Link)
Mar 31, 2022

I believe that this follows the distribution of the "Y" Chromosome.

I like maps like this.  It most likely only shows tendencies, where a variance of that gene just might influence how the individuals of that inheritance might behave.  It is probably not a major influence, but I think may be a minor influence.

I am actually being selfish as I pin it here as I want if for possible future referencing.


Last edited by Void (2024-05-03 09:15:58)

End smile


#45 2024-06-01 14:09:44

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

I may post something here that is a continuation of this: … 98#p223898

I don't intend or expect to be tripping the typical traps that are in use to cancel such a conversation, but who knows.  If I do it there will be those who don't like what I say, and that is OK.  That should not be an excuse for cruel retribution.

Pause..........For a while as I will think about it.  What's that!

Responding to myself elsewhere:

Intelligent Fetus in an egg, is quite strange, and if I decide to go into it, I may annoy some people as I would need to reveal things about humans, that they don't want to know or admit.  So, it is dangerous.

The basic idea would be a humanoid of a small size that is in a gestation configuration all the way but may be periodically conscious and "Wired" to a configuration of other intelligent entities, and perhaps also having the ability to interact with robots that periodically become active as may be useful.  Being in an "Egg", or "Womb", there then has to be a Parent/Mother, which does not have to be intelligent on its own but may have a computer intelligence running it.  So, an extended body with organs that can maintain itself and the Fetus biologically.
Not aging or being able to repair the effects of aging.  The Fetus when awake could live in a virtual world with other aware entities.

This would be to minimize life support needed, and so then facilitate the transfer of humanoid process to a distant location.

OK, I will be very careful and not do the more troublesome things.  A trigger phrase is Parent/Mother.  I guess that is not quite it.  Actually I see the "Host" as being of the same genetic materials of the "Fetus".  This would avoid some immune system issues.  So, for "Y" people then like a seahorse, a womb that is male.  For "X" people a womb that is females.

The purpose of the extra tissue would be to provide maintenance that an ordinary body does not currently do.  And some of it could be directed by AI.  AI if it could get down to the archaic brain might be able to diagnose what is going on that is wrong and simply logically correct for it by telling the "Host" to take an action.

This is conversation not an executive function.  So, I don't know if this is a good or a bad path.  That can be considered.

Now for the problem of Gluttony.  How big should space people be?  Do they need to be 6 foot 5 inches?  Do they need to have an extraordinary long male member?  Do they need to have extraordinarily large female bumps?

Well, those who are like that are ignoramuses.  And yet they set the trend for our culture.

A major peeve I have is the confusion of the words "Sex" and "Gender".  "Gender" is one of your attributes.  "Sex" is something that you do.  The tricksters have you all messed up on that.

But when you are milking the culture for wealth by running a house of ill repute, I guess you think that that is a proper and clever thing to do.

Anyway, I will not dig any deeper into the weeds.  Just remember, that the game is to find out what you want and need, and then to take it away from you, and then to sell it back to you for money or power.

And an even dirtier trick is to give you a false reality, and then false needs and desires, and to cripple you that way, and still then deny you what they have convinced you that you want and need, and still to charge you for attendance to your own life that they screwed you up in.

So, you are poorly adjusted and confused, and you have to buy things that are not any good for you and do not satisfy your needs.  That is called advertising and is the same thing as hypnosis.

I don't think that they are ready yet, but they seem to want to be able to do a boy slaughter in a war pretty soon.  They might slaughter some girls too, you never know.

But you know they love you.


Last edited by Void (2024-06-01 18:35:43)

End smile


#46 2024-06-01 18:14:26

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

Ok, maybe I will do some weeding.

First of all, Neoteny.

I did read one time that this is an outdated notion, but I don't agree.  Most likely that opinion was given by some of the sort of idiots that have cause our culture to take the turn it has.

There is a fine balance between the robust and the gracile.  In general, the female given the chance reproduces with robust and exploits the gracile.  This is a pathway back to the stone age.

In general, the male given the chance to reproduce selects for the gracile.  Which is likely more Juvenile, but properly also including secondary sexual features which allow reproductive success.  That means that they have to be old enough to not die from pregnancy or to be excluded from further pregnancy by a prior pregnancy gone wrong.  And this is a path to larger brains, and a ticket out of the stone age.

But there are limits, you have to have a population that is robust enough that it can carry the weight of existence without falling of its own weight or from an outside force.

Now as far as your sexuality goes you need to be aware that many people of a jealous nature will naturally try to interfere with you passing on your genes.  And they may very well posture as some sort of moral agents.  This can often be people no longer suited to breed.

Just so you might have a better look at what may be being done to you. 


Last edited by Void (2024-06-01 18:25:09)

End smile


#47 2024-06-18 14:08:36

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

I have a selfish reason to post this: … &FORM=VIRE  Quote:

Science Is Reconsidering Evolution
Variable Minds
4 days ago

I may want to review it again.  I admit that part of it is hard for me to grasp.  Those part has the feeling that eventually I may be able to find the means to gasp it at least somewhat better if I try it again.  I was half sleeping though much of it.

It does not mention Epigenetics which also goes a bit beyond normal DNA notions.

The following is my dribble:

It is my observation about how other ideas are processed is that a sort of a binary contest is very often used.  Sort a Pope and Heretic model.  Even very new ideas find Popes that quickly adopt these things as a dogma.  Then resistance sets in to further development.

I myself like the model of "Delta" and "Y" as geometric ways to model reality.  It is 3 and 6 but I have not gotten to 9.  Tesla was supposedly interested in 3, 6, and 9, which is a curiosity to me.  Binary conflicts allow you to keep one notion and drop another, but dealing with greater complexity, is a poor way to advance, in my opinion.  Binary is a way to testing that can tell you something.  But it is only test results.

For instance, if you questioned what a human was, if your test was simple binary, perhaps you would have to decide if a female or a male is a human.  Then you are no longer able to evaluate both genders.  (That is if you don't work a little harder to look deeper).  What I just said is sort of true.

Binary evaluations are not sufficient.


Last edited by Void (2024-06-18 14:22:32)

End smile


#48 2024-07-05 14:20:47

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

Scientists Reveal The Amazing Genetic Origins of Siberians And NorthEast European People

Evo Inception
7.11K subscribers

This helps confirm my notions about the nature of reality.

Without going into too much of a rant, I will say, that Siberian related peoples moved to the Americas some time ago, and were isolated.  They have some suggestion of Austronesian ancestry also.

The Nordics crossed over but did not seem to have enough interest to struggle with the Pseudo-Siberians.  The church tended to discourage contact wit then then non-Christians such as the Inuit.  Pressure for new things was not as prevalent as the later time when the Iberians bumped into the Pseudo-Siberians.  The desire for spices not controlled by the Middle East, prompted the expansion of the Iberians into the world.

And then the collision between Pseudo-Siberians with Iberians eventually drew in the other Europeans, so far in greater amounts to North America.

It was due to isolation of the Pseudo-Siberians, that they were not up to date on immunity to global diseases.

The concept of Hispanic and other such designations.  Seems a distortion of reality to me.  A game to do an assault on more Anglo assimilated people.  I see nothing wrong with the Spanish or Portuguese languages.

And even Mexico, is after all as it turns out closely similar to the span of Iberian to Siberia in the so called Old world.

The terminology of Black/White, and the phrase of "People of Color" are simply verbal gerrymandering, by enemies of our interests to cause us to behave in mistaken ways, that will allow the "Divide and Conquer" people to exploit us.

That is my current theory anyway.


Last edited by Void (2024-07-05 14:33:32)

End smile


#49 2024-07-07 08:11:07

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

I found this today: … stage.html

JULY 3, 2024

Editors' notes
A 4,500-year-old collective tomb in France reveals final stage in formation of the 'European genome'
by Eva-Maria Geigl, Oğuzhan Parasayan and Thierry Grange, The Conversation

I suppose I am to make some comments and hope to not propagate stupidity from me.

The article is at least interesting.

I anticipate further existence of the descendants of these people(s), so understanding may be useful as to know what a correct response to their continuing existence is.

I have also recently read an article about feminine selfishness.  This is sort of instinctual, and is about the truth that for a female it is usually obvious who her genetic descendants are.  So, what is considered "Love" is actually lovely, but it is to some large degree selfishness towards familiar heritage.  People who are past procreation, will anyway perhaps choose to be selfish towards their concept of familial heritage.  So, then the Grandmother thing, and yes to some degree the Grandfather thing.

The male historically has less certainty of what his genetic heritage is.  Particularly in a situation lacking racial distinctions.  I think that the male(s) have a tendency to form group nesting for this reason.  It is more likely that their genetics and culture will persist in a mutual nest.
This is likely to be more true if a binary marriage situation is not the normal.

It could even be considered partially true; I think that such nests are the equivalent of a male womb.  Which asks the question "If a woman is too inconvenient, can they be aborted out of that nest?".  The answer is probably yes, I think.

The above is not the only asymmetrical to symmetrical pattern in my opinion.

For Bonobos' and Chimpanzees, I believe the typical pattern for females emerging to breeding age, is that the female is ejected or ejects herself from the masculine nest with its adult females.  This is not unlike the make genetic signal though sperm.  The nest pollinates other nests with their females emerging from puberty.  So, then a genetic transfer.  Someone in my working life told me of guys who would put their daughters into paid apartments hoping that they would find a man, so that they could get her out of the house.  True/False?  I don't know.

But then there is violence.  So, we can guess what the violence from a nest or an individual male may do to promote a genetic greed.

But what use is violence to a female?  In general, on an individual basis females may induce males to compete.  The notion is to get a "Fit" man, and maybe even a man that can take things away from other people, and then she can get some of that.

I have read that females may tend to favor large biceps.  Also, they may have an interest in butts.  I had had a terrible time understanding that, as we know what emanates from a butt.  But both biceps and butts may signal a form of fitness.  So, I guess that could make sense.

Now, what about mass violence.  Let's consider WWI and WWII.  Violence can be a fitness test.  Even imposed sexual reproduction.  I don't' particularly like that notion but I think it can be true.  America did not get as much of a butchering of boys and men as did for instance the UK and New Zealand.  The survivors then inherit the wealth, if the nation wins.  Guess which gender is the most dominant in survival in that case.

Such wars have existed before Darwinism, but a perversion of Darwinism seems to promote a notion of a lazy path to superior people.  Cruelty is supposed by some of our "genius" people to be that path.  But I think that it is the path to the stone age.

I think that some Academics need repeated ass kicking for some of the things they have done.

There are various things, but one comes to mind that is a irritant to me.  It is a language issue.  The saying that when a cell divides the results are daughter cells.  As they are asexual in general, the output is better said to be child cells, or descendant cells.  This covers the formation of a male human better as well as why would you say that all of his cells are daughter cells?  You could cay "son" cells, but I think Child or descendant cells may do.

I think that part of the fall of the British Empire was the craving to use stupid cruelty to regulate society and also the craving for what war violence can do for those who survive.  A descent back into the stone age.

You may do better if you foster the more peaceful forms of collective masculine nesting process.


But then I am stupid am I not?  The jury has yet to decide.



Last edited by Void (2024-07-07 09:03:10)

End smile


#50 2024-07-14 07:00:05

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

It is seeming to be true that human types could be in a spectrum between "Blabber Sapiens" and "Visual Sapiens".

I am just having some fun with it.  But "A picture is worth a thousand words".  But still, a verbal hive mind composed of groups of humans of a verbal specialization, may outcompete a visual, even if they are not individually more capable.

You would be mistaken if you thought that this was a call to a war between the Mouth-Ears, and Hand-Eyes.  But the relative success of each against the other is interesting.  Of course, they could not either be totally one or the other, but might tilt in one direction or another.

It is starting to appear that the reason for the brow ridge and perhaps cheekbones, of Neanderthals were to support enlarged eyes, and presumably enhanced brain function for vision.  More recently it is thought by some that blue eyes may serve a similar function to enhance visual aspects of being.

Presuming that other humans had less vision but more blabber, and also considering that in the temperate zones above the deserts, south may generally support more food and more populations, then larger verbal blabber groups may have been promoted.

But this is only a partial notion of what may have resulted in the demise of the Neanderthals and other more Northern Sapiens.

Yes, I understand I don't use the anointed and approved terminology of blabber properly.  But It is possible that I see something here.

Where previously the masses did not read and write, now they might.  And the internet makes that more so, and also promotes the visual.

Prior to that you would go to a meeting of some kind as an illiterate and be blabbered to by a leader.  Not much visual communication except for perhaps propaganda pictures.

Reading and writing are associated with language, and yet involve the visual.  I note that certain written languages have some elements of picture in them.  Not so much the Latin or related, but others in history and some today.

The movie "A quiet place", explores some of this.

What would make these aliens far worse is if they could talk to each other.

I might be revealing too much, but oh well, you have to try something.

If they could talk, it might be possible to insult them with loudspeakers, and provoke them to jump into water to drown.

You would want drones to do that.

Also, you could squirt toxins into their ears when they open up to listen.  Chemical and biotoxins perhaps.

In humans though we should want to balance the visual with the audible.  I think that the universities have been verbal hives.  They may be outdated.  Sort of evil librarians, perhaps.  Priests of evil maybe?

Perhaps a menace to rational thinking on balance, at least today.


Last edited by Void (2024-07-14 07:27:42)

End smile


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