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#1 2023-08-03 20:50:05

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644


I suppose I am courting danger in this.  If the high powers are uncomfortable with it, I will be happy to delete all of the portions that I can delete.

I am rather against the concept of a human superman.  I am aware of two types.  One is to find and recover a supposed super people to be the masters.  I think we know one example of that.  They appear to have fooled some people into going to the slaughter by telling them that they were the best and the brightest.

The other one is American, "The Golden Man".  "The Golden Man" is about mixing genetics together and somehow this is going to produce golden dandies for you.

I consider both paths to Superman to be stupid.  In the one case, you suppose that you can find the super people and produce more of them.  In the other case you suppose that you can get all the best features from every race, and I suppose then you try to produce more of them.  But is there a "Perfect Genome"?  I would say no.  And why would you want everyone to have the same face?  How could you tell individuals apart?

Another thing that annoys me is the term diversity.  I am quite if favor of it's true meaning, but in my country, it seems to mean "Get rid of white people".  Which is sort of NAZI like.

It appears that Neanderthals are being upgraded over time in the opinion of what they were capable of.  Someone indicated to me that a possible difference between modern people and people thousands of years ago is that a human now may be able to distinguish more individuals in a group.  This may allow for larger groups.  But we don't know for sure.

The process that has caused some genomes to be more greatly represented now and others to be less represented in populations helped us to get to this point, but I am not assured that the best possible outcome occurred.

One population which may still have a minority representation would be European Hunter Gatherers:
Image Quote: 338px-Cheddar_Man%2C_National_History_Museum%2C_London.jpg
My understanding is that their skin was brown to yellow, their eyes were always blue for some reason.

Fitness is a notion.  If something went extinct, the presumption is that it was inferior.  I don't know what the minds of these people were like.  Good chances that they were more violent than what we call civilized.  Our own ancestors 5000 years ago would likely easily kill us if they were here now.  (Maybe).

There is some survival of the genome in Europeans.  Not a lot but some.  It might turn out that they have some traits that might be valuable, especially as we may go into the wilderness of space.

Here is a bit more of it: … urope.html

Keep in mind that I am also interested in the surviving Neanderthal and Devonian genomes that do still exist in humans now.

Even genomes that are in fossils may eventually be considered.

My concern is this.  It is apparent that it was materially useful for the American system to adopt the Prussian school system.  It appears that it was adopted to turn common humans into "Meat Robots" to work in the emerging factories.  I will allow that it did prosper America.  But it also may have damaged our genomic representation, to favor those who were suited to take learning materials when the presenter was ready to present it.

Now, with the internet, we are more towards a different method.  Those who seek information may gain it when they are ready to process it.

The human genome is rather narrow.  I do not think we should thin it out further trying to get to our dandy boys and girls.  If they are all uniform, then they are much less likely to solve as many problems as possible.  They would just each solve the same problems over and over.

And yes, I think that we should consider amplifying genes that are dying off, but of course not so much if they cause disabilities.  This could be done voluntarily, as some people may be willing to do so.  Some women, some families.

As for genes dead in the ground, I think that requires more investigation before doing so.  Perhaps advanced computer technology could give predictions on results.

I don't want to meddle with other people's happiness, but an example of a society that favors sameness could be Japan.  I don't want to change them or bother them about it, but America is just not the same as that.  In my view, it could be very useful, in our country, to insert alternate features, particularly facial and hair features.  Eyes, Hair, many other things.  This would perhaps help those with face blindness to distinguish individuals.  Maybe it would result in different socialization.  Maybe it would be a favorable result.  I cannot prove that it would be, not yet.

There are hints that the Devonians may have been rather advanced in some cases.  A bracelet suggests it.  It may be that the so-called advanced people that replaced them were just more violent, maybe even cannibals.

Here is something about the bracelet:

Something to think about.


Last edited by Void (2023-08-04 08:59:07)

End smile


#2 2023-08-04 15:10:00

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Genetics

Void, we are already in the era of genetically engineering it is discussed in our threads on newmars and it is very interesting to look back at the genetic history of man Australopithecus africanus, the Neandertal group of archaic human sub species and Denisovans an extinct species or subspecies of archaic human some of their DNA surviving in modern European and Asians. Every time someone uses a dating site unknown to them they might engage in a unique form of breeding selection that could not have been done in past times. I am unsure about the future of nations, ethnicity and cultures, we seen an especially large change in the post-Trump era Biden era border policy and the destruction 2011 military intervention in Libya, and War in Syria seen a massive pouring of islamic immigration into Europe, for a period Trump had closed immigration from certain nations he considered hostile. I do not think the mixing of all Race, all Languages and all Cultures is a good thing, it can lead to a culture-less place of mass confusion, Japan you mentioned an example of a nation that controls its borders, it is a low crime high trust society but it is also a nation in economic 'stagnation'. When restrictions were put on embryonic stem cell a lot of science began to move to places like South Korea and other parts of Asia allowing them to catch up to the science of the USA and maybe even get ahead. Culturally the Asian nations seem more closed to immigration when compared with Western Nations. I personally do not understand why Western media has become regressive, the strange thing is although media likes to classify islam as a race it is not, it is a jihad culture and any idiot from any race, Black, White, Yellow or Brown can become a dumb islamist. Today we have political activists and artists pushing for rights of the Cyborg Genetically Modified Transhuman one guy Neil Harbisson  a Catalan-born British-Irish-American cyborg artist and activist for transpecies rights whatever that means...he seems a bit weird but he is creating something, he does art stuff with light shows and music.

Culturally the world I grew up and you and others grew up in changed, other countries and culture change. Birds and Animals also change, their song or mating dance ritual might change, through evolution an animals stunning exotic colors might also change as each generation tries to attract a member of the opposite sex. Today we can be in a world where an AI robotic Anime artificial character tells you what is cool and gives advice on what cool 'fashionable' people to invest your future genetics, the AI even looks back and makes 'reaction videos' to guys who long ago once submitted their VHS dating videos, I'm guessing the women would have had that final say in choosing the date or 'mate' while the men where going on a blind date...I'm not sure why the cartoon looks like a girl but the voice sounds like a weird guy in a type of anime However we now live in a world where an artificial video game character or AI cartoon can influence people of Gen-Z of what is 'hip' and 'cool' this is not exactly new. The fake image of people have been in our cultures, people admired statues and dress up like character from paintings, Iconography is part of human art history, the artificial people have existed in puppet shows and it has happened before Gen-Z decades ago 'the Archies' a fictional American rock band. People did have obsessions with fake characters but never before has it been on this level, AI been able to influence social interaction and dating and pop culture is massive on its current level. The software machine disgused as human can almost mimic a real person on social media almost take minds and put thoughts in them almost program teens to what is 'Hip', trendy, groovy and cool.

Back in those ancient days, chucking spears, drawing on a stone cave wall, the people were probably engaged in gene competition even if they had no idea about bloodlines, genetics, biology and ancestry. Their gene line would compete for resources, food, ones that could see better perhaps shot arrows or painted picture on a stone wall, one's that could hear better perhaps got good at language they could mimic animal sounds to catch an animal and they had an ability for language. There were others who had physical condition to swim in the sea, catch fish swim in the Lake, others more suited to running away fast from the Big Cat and Wild Dog and they could chase down their food with a spear. Others learn ways of survival in the Winters, survive high up in Mountains the North Pole and Tundra. Each time the stronger or smarter was rewarded with survival, ancient people learned how to use their brains better methods of making clothing, some gained knowledge of better weapons they started writing and domestication of animals even during these time a form of selective breeding might have been happening long before 'Civilization'. Since the modern Corona virus event or Covid-19 the subject of Human genetic enhancement has become a real mainstream thing discussed in news or human genetic engineering referring to enhancement by means of a genetic modification. A technology and science can be both good and bad and it could be done in order to cure diseases gene therapy. There was a time with 43rd president Bush jnr that stem cell research was often discussed with a banning and other moral arguments surrounding these topics. There are some forms of engineering I don't really understand or see as maybe perverted or see as a delusion or a narcissistic personality trait, for example a woman / girl going transsexual to be a man or a boy / man going transsexual and wanting to be a woman but who knows what truly goes on in people's head and maybe if a man wearing a dress makes people happy that's what they will do. People already do plastic surgery to change their Physical appearance exploring and buying a Morphological freedom image because their own look makes them depressed. I think it is a bit selfish to try and change your Race or there is something unhappy with people for parents to want designer babies but I also see the argument in helping a child avoid future issues with Disease prevention.

There might soon be misuse like a steroid a type of Gene doping coming in the future where multiple gene therapies could make levels of the Athlete type 'Stronger'. One time back I came to an understanding that enhanced humans will probably conquer Mars before normal mankind does, they could have their DNA advanced but they might not really be human they could be part machine with Cyborg elements the Cybernetic but much different to the math feedback of Norbert Wiener the Cyborg would simply be part man and part machine, the biomechatronic we already fix ears that have been torn off in accidents, humans offer intraocular lenses for sale, we fix eyes, we already mend hips,  humans have wearable technology, we have body armor suits some now coming with biochemical elements and use prosthetic limbs for people injured in war or car accidents. In the Philippines they sometimes have a culture of sea nomads — they can reportedly hold their breath for 13 mins and walk on the seafloor, perhaps people who survived Fukushima or Chernobyl might have some hardness quality in their genes, in colonization of outer space it is possible those that thrive on colonies on Mars or Europa or Titan might have something enhanced in them while the normal human can also go to off-world colonies, they will be a normal basic pure person a non enhanced human but maybe will be less successful.

Maybe all new fringe Genetics is not a bad thing it has use in a future offworld colony. I think part of our distrust of new things often comes from the Horror Stories of our culture our sicif comicbooks and movies, it might explain why Japanese are often more trusting of robotics than Western people. It can be Dark in fiction and I have seen dystopian stuff Paul Verhoeven's original 'RoboCop' to fix a Broken City, there is a movie Dredd a remake of the Stallone film based on the British Judge Dredd comics series wrote during periods of recession and economic unrest in England, a super solider Cop grown inside a Lab is out there to restore order in a city that somehow survived WW3 surrounded by an Irradiated Wasteland. Karl Urban stars as the 'Dredd', a judge, jury, executioner all in one, it has fantasy elements Judge Anderson picking up people's thoughts like radio waves, all these movies come with warnings about Fascism and Communism type dictatorships. I personally think it is kind of immoral to modify a human personality, for example selfishness e.g. ruthlessness gene, aggression e.g. warrior gene, mess around with the genes of a human person's altruism. I also believe there is something very Wrong or Immoral messing around with 'Necrobiosis' although I have linked to some study of bringing a zombie insect back from the dead I think from Japan I am uncomfortable with it, this could be because of ethical or religious influences on me but I think when a person dies they should be allowed stay dead and have a natural death or Christian Burial or or Hindu Cremation ceremony or whatever normal funeral method that might be. In year James Watson got into trouble over comments about IQ and cultures an American scientist James Watson was stripped of his honorary Nobel Prize-winning titles after comments about race and intelligence. I don't really know the answer as to why so many Paleolithic species of humans and ancient ancestors of modern humans Homo sapiens died off. WW2 the cult of Hitlerism the uber-human their Occult mix with Christian and Roman symbols, the uber-man Nietzsche writings and Hitler probably poisoned the idea of the Super-human and their propaganda of the inferior, the über alles Third Reich and 'master race'.  I think politically a lot of the difficult Left vs Right politics and New Conservative versus New Liberalism has 'poisoned' talk and made it difficult for people to talk and debate and publish reports as they would normally done in the past. I also read that a long time back there was a possible link to Neandersovans, a group that split into Neanderthal and Denisova hominins, one going East to Asia and another migrating into Europe apparently long ago, way before Mongol Genghis Khan invaded Christian East European culture they knew each other by Genetics and interbred with an unidentified "superarchaic" human. It is difficult to known where future events go but perhaps we will have a mixed future Earth where 50% of the people are normal and 50% of humans on Earth are 'modified'.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-04 17:38:10)


#3 2023-08-04 15:23:55

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,708

Re: Genetics

The 'black' Cheddar Man fiasco was a hoax perpetrated by the Jewish academic Tom Booth and gleefully publicised by the British media.

We actually cannot know what colour this man's skin was because large parts of his DNA were missing from the analysis.  Even with all of the genetic information, geneticists can only assign relative probabilities to aspects like skin colour.  Eye colour is easier to determine.  But features like skin colour are an educated guess at the best of times.  In this case, there simply isn't enough information.

But that didn't stop Tom Booth from making false claims with the deliberate intent of misleading the British public.  You really have to watch these people like a hawk.  This man is a trickster and a cheat.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#4 2023-08-04 17:00:22

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

Well, I thought that the picture was extreme.  A lighter skin tone is very possible, on a guess.
Here is another guess: … the%20time.
Image Quote: yRsiba9iM4chKfwZm4JzVD-1024-80.jpg.webp

Skin color is a feature which might distinguish individuals further, provided they were with people of other skin tones.
But of course, in my case, I am interested in the genetic "Content of their Character".  (See, a bit of verbal Parkour)

It is not unusual for reporting to distort reality.  I just viewed an article that claimed that Neanderthals were stupid and had too much Testosterone and were violent.  I suppose that that could be true, but their brains tended to be large, and in fact Testosterone makes men friendly. (Maybe).  Men are sometimes said to get crabby when they get older, and their testosterone levels go down. 

I had a further look at the effects of Testosterone.  The results are mixed.  But that just goes to show that the article claiming Neandertal men had high levels and so were violent, it a load of substantial crap.

Here is an interesting article about skin tones: Light Skin Evolved a Million Years Ago in Ancient Humans, According to Scientists … &FORM=VIRE

I stumbled into it today.  I think it is OK, but I slept through parts of it.  It is Friday and I want to do something more fun.  If I discover that there is something bad in the video later, I will edit and apologize.

We know that there are many who want to exploit human nature by dividing people according to such things.  It just has to be expected.

Genderism is one such trick they have damaged our societies with.  I could call it kindism, but it is unkindism.  Training females to dislike males as a group.

I recall a female family member who said that the white male is the most apelike human.  Of course, she either read it or was told it by someone.  Such poisonous ingredients have regularly been fed into our population all though my lifetime.

The attempts at gender hate think, includes distorting notions of what men are like.  This then makes it harder for couples to mate properly.
(My opinions).

I put the blame more on corporations.  My notion of it is that by making mating hard, they can then sell products to sooth the disharmony resulting.

But messing with servant animals is not a new thing to their masters.  Arabs may place a tiny rock into the organ of the female Camel and that impedes pregnancy.  That is important so that when they would go on a caravan they would not have to deal with pregnant camels.

In some cases, I believe that a ruling class will intentionally act against technological people as they do not like rivals to power.  They do like stupid consumers.  So, any damage they might do to "Commoners".  Since their power is words, they would use words of poisons to damage the development of vulnerable people.

It is a slimy evil behavior, but I do believe that they do it.

However, their powers are not infinite, and not all in the "Speaking Classes" are so evil.

And I believe that "The Fourth Turning" has some merit.  However, I believe in two cycles joined into a sine wave.  So, the "Speaking Classes" are past their apex of power, and I believe that the "Visual Classes" are to be on the upswing. 

But the evil people will still try to deceive vulnerable people to do damage to their own interests.

I think that the genders are beginning to come to awareness of the use of Unkindism as per group gender.


Last edited by Void (2023-08-04 17:27:13)

End smile


#5 2023-08-05 08:00:51

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Genetics

CRISPR cas9 again, a family of DNA sequences  DNA fragments of bacteriophages that had previously infected and potentially used to edit genes within organisms.

'Raised $26 Million To Develop Safer Gene Editing Tools' … ing-tools/

By targeting RNA rather than DNA, Amber Bio aims to treat multiple genetic diseases with fewer safety risks.

Gene-editing technology using Crispr holds a lot of promise for treating genetic disorders like type 1 diabetes and sickle cell anemia. There are currently studies right now that have demonstrated effectiveness by actually changing patients DNA to correct mutations. The FDA is weighing approval of at least one treatment using this technology by the end of the year.

But this technique does have its drawbacks: DNA editing treats only one mutation at a time, causes permanent genetic modifications and comes with potentially irreversible safety risks.

That’s where San Francisco-based Amber Bio comes in. It uses Crispr gene editing tools to target RNA, rather than DNA, which has the potential to correct a broader variety of genetic disorders while reducing safety risks. On Thursday, the company announced that it had emerged from stealth with a $26 million seed funding round that was led by Playground Global. Eli Lilly, Andreessen Horowitz, Hummingbird Ventures and other firms participated in the round as well. The new capital is geared toward advancing the company’s RNA editing platform and hiring high caliber scientists to join its development team.

Amber cofounder Basem Al-Shayeb says that the current approach many biotech and pharmaceutical companies are taking to gene editing is like having a word processor “Individually searching for correcting different typos across hundreds of different files.”

That approach involves editing the RNA in the cell, which is what cells use to make needed proteins by copying instructions on what to make from DNA. By targeting RNA rather than DNA with its Crispr tools, Al-Shayeb believes they could correct the outcomes of genetic defects without running into many of the challenges involved in making changes to the DNA itself.

In 2021, Al-Shayeb, a 29-year-old alumnus of the Forbes 30 Under 30 list for Science, says he met Jacob Borrajo through mutual friends and that the two soon became an “unconventional team.” At the time, Al-Shayeb was studying Crispr protein tools in Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna’s lab at the University of California, Berkeley. Borrajo, 34, meanwhile, was working on new RNA technologies at the Broad Institute, a biotechnology institution at MIT and Harvard. The two were both intrigued by not only treating common mutations but those that are deemed untreatable.

After realizing the potential of the research they were working on, the pair founded Amber Bio in 2022. The company is currently interested in applying its technology to genetic disorders of the eye, though it declined to disclose any specific disease targets.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-05 08:03:10)


#6 2023-08-05 11:57:06

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

This person is of interest to me at this time: … 0VLO40RlOw

He is vastly my superior, at least in language.  I have a tendency to try to temper things of Roman Heritage with things else, particularly that which lies north, and that which has emerged across the Atlantic in the Americas, Oceana, and in a few other places.

I consider that the Roman Inheritance being a worthy parent, was not the only parent of what I like/am comfortable with.

I do not like the domination that is a feature of ancient civilizations in this era.  Rome was at one time among the advanced, but was eventually eaten by the descendants of previous civilizations who have become putrid in my view.  But they have managed to have value after all in this age.

Though I have a bit of an allergy for things excessively Roman/Old World, I value this authors materials.  We can certainly do better with intelligent guidance from some people from these locations.

But he is not responsible for my stupid utterances and I am only new to what he may offer.

I like things in balance.  Rome is/was on an extreme edge of the European/Western Experience.

Some feel that it is the touchstone for what is West.  I guess I previously felt that the Atlantic communities are the best of the west.  But somehow they are in there too, now, but at edges of other parts of reality.

My opinion.


Last edited by Void (2023-08-05 12:01:04)

End smile


#7 2023-08-05 23:16:36

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

Well, since I started this topic, I guess I would like to put this here:  Quote:

The Genes We Lost Along the Way

PBS Eons
2.71M subscribers

I have not viewed all of it yet, but the vitamin C story is enough to think it can be here.  It is late I will finish it tomorrow.

I suppose caution is called for in the notion that you might reactivate a dead gene.  For space it might be useful to not have to eat certain nutrients.


This too, I suppose:

How Humans Lost Their Fur

PBS Eons
2.71M subscriber


Last edited by Void (2023-08-05 23:23:28)

End smile


#8 2023-08-06 03:55:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Genetics

Again more CRISPR cas9 in the news but some people want traditional and fear the food, think it is all type of Dr Frankenstein food

CRISPR tweaks tree genetics to make paper more sustainably … ble-paper/

Conventional breeding of trees takes time, but CRISPR gene editing should help speed things up. Now, scientists at North Carolina State University have used CRISPR to adjust the genomes of poplar trees to make them easier to turn into paper products.

Multiplexed genetic engineering of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells using CRISPR/Cas9 and AAV6. … -and-aav6/

In Paleontology Biological reports and nature documentary we get a story documented. The story is in many places and in our old government and religious book keeping records watching the movements of culture and family. There are people digging up ancient broken pots tombs and biologists looking at bones they tell us a story.

Homo sapiens walked out of that ancient nature reserve, the hairless ape that became man, they say a species of man first came from Kenya hundreds of thousands of years ago, and then moved out by way of the out of Africa theory a Nariokotome turkana 'Boy' 1 million and a half years ago a type of "African Homo erectus" it was a man and different to Simian or Great Apes, his head was wolly almost furry but the rest of him was naked, he made tools, hunted with weapons and maybe he wore animal furs to hold out the cold, they became efficient hunters and the skull shape hints at more complex social structure with a larger brain volume for thinking and memory, one species found had a diseased jaw bone. … art-2.html
With Hair or Fur the older Apes and older Monkey and Primate and Great Apes have no need to evolve to fight the cold and make clothing, they climb a tree to eat their food and the monkey can be found in Africa, the jungles of South America, in Indonesia, the Indian subcontinent, a small part of North Africa, there are none in North America, there are none found in Europe or Russia, the further North the less monkey however they are found in Japan the macaque or 'Nihon-Zaru' or Saru known to us as 'Snow Monkey' and survived as they spent most of their time in the natural volcanic hot springs which helps them get through winter. It is thought maybe that primates of South America crossed holding onto a tree during a Tsunami or maybe crossed the Atlantic Ocean from Africa to South America on vegetation roughly 35 million years ago by rafting on a type of vegetation tossed into the sea by an event maybe a landslide, the accidental ‘New World’ monkeys — a group that includes marmosets and spider and howler monkeys. But it never happened Australia or did it? Even though Indonesia is right next to Australia no monkey went South to Australia to survive a new landscape, he would have crossed on a floating log or the last Glacial Maximum but why would he? the monkey was happy living up in the tree and picking fruit from trees, it was an actual 'man' that crossed into Australia, they say genetically the Aboriginal Australians or "Indigenous Australians" left Africa long long ago, although the Aboriginal Australian has a Black Brown African tone it is not what the DNA, bones and genes say they not African they are even more removed genetically from the Black Africa people than a group of Asians or certain groups of Europeans are, the Aboriginal Australian arrived in Australia 65,000 years ago and culturally have unique language based groups. … l-patterns

The religious people have also got involved, International Genealogical Index (IGI) a database of genealogical records, compiled from several sources, and maintained by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this scientific religious controlled database was originally created in 1969, why were they tracking people they said something about the correct burial site. Jewish people had problems with them The Catholic Church is another group that can add up people's history it has archives of secrets and they were good at book keeping then in year 2008 'The Vatican' issued a statement directing its dioceses to block access to parish records from Mormons performing genealogical research. … 802443.htm In 1995, after a major controversy, a deal was struck between the Jewish and LDS communities to "Remove from the International Genealogical Index in the future the names of all deceased Jews who are so identified if they are known to be improperly included counter to Church policy. Any event of tracking people down comes with past warning about all those deaths from Fascism and Communism. There was a time they tried to class people by a look they looked at their heads and bones, a racial science racial grouping of various people the Mongolid, the Negroid less commonly called Congoid, the European skull was caleld Caucasian, later they classed other groups the African Khoisan and the Aboriginal Australian started to move into separate groups, Nilotic peoples, they were unsure how to class isolated parts of South and Southeast Asia (Negritos) they added new 'Races' mostly watched the shape of bones and the structure of the human skull  this older theory of biological race has been replaced by tracing genetics and DNA. People most probably mixed and warred and raped and married in the past look at a bone or skull is not considered true anymore, modern genetics, the concept of distinct human races with a skull shape in a biological sense has become obsolete. You now have modern companies offering Trace My Anecestry, 23andMe,  FamilyTreeDNA offers to check out your autosomal DNA, Y-DNA, and mitochondrial DNA or GeneTree offered Y chromosome DNA testing (males only) but it closed and it was bought out by Ancestry dot cot com it became a publicly traded company on NASDAQ and some of its info later used to track down past Serial Killers that avoided justice. Another group Findmypast a type of Family History Research for people who do not have much of a written record of their past. Today they can map Y-DNA Haplogroups and tell you about a lost and forgotten journey of the Native American DNA and how the Native American people once arrived in North America and South America. … 40ef39.png

We live in a DNA Database world now, I have no doubt if a village and then a city is built on Mars and it is a big investment from nations and corporations they will have info on where these people came from, even if not done official and no consent, somehow some Biological Corporate group will be figuring out what the Martians are made up of knowing human phenotype group the blood, its anthropology element, the genetic and brain and emotional maturity, upbringing education and cultural experiences, the persons psychology and physical make up could all be tracked in a massive database. Before Cassini Huygen landed on Titan there was a scifi movie Gattaca about a Dystopia world and a guy conceived outside the eugenics program and struggles to overcome genetic discrimination, he eventually goes to space. Perhaps a future Mars if it has a government it would have law to protect against such Dystopian discrimination. There might be Martians who live more free on a new frontier and there might be Martians chosen and almost engineered for the new world, I believe something half machine half man a type of engineered Cyborg would of course do better on Mars than a regular human would but that is not to say only Cyborgs should explore Mars, the ordinary human should be on Mars they can adapt, their thinking will evolve but the engineered person will have an advantage so perhaps the ordinary human would be less successful.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-06 04:22:57)


#9 2023-08-06 13:20:36

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

This is of interest:

“This Is Not A Human Species!” New Discovery Could Change EVERYTHING We Believe About Humans

Russell Brand

I suppose that one idea might be that our brains are 2/3rds poo in nature.

But really, I think that we could think of bees and how they form a hive mind.  I wonder if the creatures did something like that?

Hiving and the missuses of communications have been on my mind before.

The Neanderthals might have had large brains in at least some cases.  And I have fetched some support for that: … d-movement

Neanderthal brain focussed on vision and movement

And this then: … yes-brains

People at darker, higher latitudes evolved bigger eyes and brains
This article is more than 12 years old
Humans living at higher latitudes may have evolved bigger eyes and brains to cope with poorer lighting conditions

True or not, it may make some sense.  Some peoples may be more visual others more sound oriented.

They ability to work with eye and hand, does suggest working with tools and machines.  And those are amplifiers for manipulating objects.  Imagination is perhaps somewhat visual as well.  What does your visual brain do when the eyes are not seeing?  I think it is unlikely that it only does nothing on those occasions.

Communication has its values, but it also may cause individual autonomy to decrease.

For the Homo Naledi, perhaps more than spoken words may have worked.  Body language, sign language.  The face as a semaphore?

Anyway, in the line of communication we can find a root problem with speech, I think.  Our learning facilities are dominated by hive mind verbalizers.  That would be fine, but they use slight of tong to trick, to appear to be the source of information, when in fact they are the communicators of information, and they may intentionally or by accident present an untrue representation of reality.

The adoption of the Prussian School system in the USA had material benefits, I feel, but the notion of honoring children who mature sooner may have bad consequences to the society and the gene pool.  On the other hand, you cannot wait forever for children to grow into a useful function.

We have the internet now, so that helps a bit.  Late bloomers may be somewhat assisted in reaching a more capable development.

It bypasses the "Grading" that might have been branded onto the notions of an individual's self.

So, some benefit to the individual who may make the effort, but additional communication.  I don't have to think of everything the schoolmasters did not tell me, but I guess I am part of a hive mind now.  But in this hive mind at least for now I have more say in my fate.  I am not as much the victim of a social hierarchy which wants to exploit the heck out of me.



Last edited by Void (2023-08-06 13:49:30)

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#10 2023-08-06 15:13:15

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

This is interesting.  It kind of changes the story of what is true:

I will resist commentary.


Last edited by Void (2023-08-06 15:14:43)

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#11 2023-08-15 07:21:28

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Genetics

Even Synthetic Life Forms With a Tiny Genome Can Evolve … -20230809/

minimal cells synthetically constructed genome

another thread

'Genetic Engineering'


#12 2023-09-07 13:09:11

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Genetics

New Pollen Study Disproves Neanderthal ‘Flower Burial’ … er-burial/

Remains found in China may belong to third human lineage

a story from last year

Cloned Przewalski’s Horse, Kurt, now learning the language of wild horses … ld-horses/

Kurt and Holly’s pairing is a step in a long process to bring back lost genetic diversity to this endangered species. Kurt is a clone of a male Przewalski’s stallion whose DNA was cryopreserved 42 years ago. He was born on August 6, 2020, thanks to a dedicated partnership between Revive & Restore, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, and ViaGen Pets and Equine.

A DNA assembly kit to unlock the CRISPR-Cas9 potential for metabolic engineering … bolic.html


#13 2023-09-30 20:46:22

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

This may be possible in my opinion.

First Hominids Lived and Evolved in Europe, Not Africa, According to Scientists

Highly Compelling

To be honest I am biased, as I had seen a pattern in the human race and it seemed to me that Africa as the center of things was hard to make fit with that pattern.

But as always I can be wrong.

I will modify the name Europe with the notion of an "Interchange and Challenge Zone".

Basically, the stretch from Iberia to the Arabian Península has had leaks for hominids to cross over off and on, here and there.  And the area north of that has had the ups and downs of climate for the ice age factors.  This then challenges the population to adapt with the changing conditions or to migrate, with both of those happening over and over.  It seems that there is evidence that genes went back into Africa from time to time, as they have done also in the last few centuries.

So, gene flow has also come to the Interchange Zone.  More recently the Vandals and Mongols as an example.

We might call Asia North, and Africa South, and the interchange zone which can also involve the Middle East moderates between them.

Of course, the video is about long ago, but I am talking about the more recent history.

I will leave it at that for now.

And, no I do not know that this is true.  It is interesting.

Declassified: The CIA and Shocking Revelations of True Human Origins

Highly Compelling


Last edited by Void (2023-09-30 21:12:46)

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#14 2023-10-09 10:11:10

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

This is of interest. 

The notion that the farmer peoples were in every way superior to the peoples they displace is somewhat suspect, a suspect assumption to me: … 5b18&ei=14

“The quality and technological complexity of the basketry makes us question the simplistic assumptions we have about human communities prior to the arrival of agriculture in Southern Europe,” Sevilla continued.

So, we got here by the methods we got here by.

But what might have been lost along the way?

My suspicion has been that the shrinking of the human brain has occurred because of verbal skills.  Specialists in an organized society, may be materially efficient, but maybe not the bast brains ever.

People who write history write it for themselves.

Perhaps we should try to dig up some old genes?

Or at least think about it.



Last edited by Void (2023-10-09 10:16:43)

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#15 2023-10-19 12:00:03

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

My assertion is that you need to consider efficiency and capabilities.  Or else you may end up with some incredibly efficient cannibal knuckle draggers. … e4e84&ei=4

The adoration of domination is a crime as per regulation of a gene pool for humans, in my opinion.

At some point humans have to be sufficiently efficient, however, gene variance give greater capability, and the whole idea practice in the 20th century of imposing an artificial test of Darwinism, as per eugenics, is egotistical and cruel, and is as likely to have damaged the human pool of capability as to have produces a "Superman" people.

We should consider what we have lost along the way.  Eventually we might be able to get some of it back.

If some group of sapiens had a special skill such as bow and arrow, and maybe a social method that allowed them to eat the Neanderthals, that does not imply that the more capability survived and surpassed all that came before.  It just means that the Neanderthals were tasty, and some specialized cannibal ended up dominating.

Not proof of how often humans ate Neanderthals, but if not eaten they were perhaps made extinct by a more efficient competitor, but that may have removed capability from the possible spectrum that could have existed, that we could possibly bring back into existence eventually.

But, for that caution is advised.

But we need to move away from demonic domination as a thing we admire.


Last edited by Void (2023-10-19 12:07:33)

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#16 2023-10-20 08:17:10

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

This is very interesting to me: … 6b033&ei=7

Neanderthal DNA Theory Explains Major Mystery
Story by Charlene Badasie •


This led the researchers to conclude that the current pattern of higher Neanderthal ancestry in Asian populations compared to European populations likely developed later, particularly during the Neolithic transition, when farming began to replace hunting and gathering as the predominant way of life approximately 10,000 to 5,000 years ago.

During this period, the first farmers from Anatolia, modern-day western Turkey, and the Aegean region mixed with hunter-gatherer populations in Western and Northern Europe. This intermingling resulted in a lower proportion of Neanderthal DNA observed in European genomes, effectively diluting the Neanderthal ancestry.

"The thing was that they had less Neanderthal ancestry, so they diluted the (Neanderthal ancestry) in European populations," Currat continued. However, the transition in Asia remains less clear due to a relative lack of information, as the study included 1,517 samples from Europe compared to 1,108 from Asia, an area more than four times larger.

So, this fits in with my notion of "Verbal Thuggery" having a stronger than average association with these farming populations. 

The evil librarians created literature which gave them permission and even a mandate to regard other populations as a legitimate target of conquest.  I hold that the New Testiment modifies that, or is intended to modify it.

I think a puzzle that I have had is also resolving in my mind.  I believe that the Indo-European languages were earlier, in the north of Eurasia.  Then somehow they leaked to Europe and also India, more or less, actually to some extent being pushed out of that north location. … ow%20today.

I have wondered why this happened.  I think it may be the ending of the Ice Age.  It may have opened land that was previously not suitable to the activities of the Indo-Europeans.

It is my opinion the south climates and farming lead to tyranny.  Vertical Hierarchy.  In such, cruelty is distributed downwards from the verbal thuggery of the dominant specialists.

The other thing such as a more Asiatic method in the north, may be horizontal dominance, and cruelty being done tribe to tribe, group to group.

I allow for my thinking to be modified in the future as I may discover more.

You may think I view this as some stupid sports game, now we are going to have a south team and a north team bashing each other heads in.  No, I consider both to be parent processes that lead to us.  But better understanding may help us avoid cultural mistakes.

One thing that annoys me is to assign the word Archaic to genomes of Neanderthal.  The genes are still here so they are no more archaic than other genes we inherit.

It is interesting to me that written scripts of the farmer cultures do not have picture in them very much anymore.  The Egyptians did have hieroglyphs.

I believe that the scripts of the "East Asians" do still carry some pictoral information.

This suggests to me that their minds may be more visual than that of the western farmer peoples, who I expect are more verbal.

The problem I see with a more verbal culture is the problem of the "Hive Mind".  You end up with specialists at the top who cannot comprehend any reality other than they want to have all the goodies for themselves, and that all other people should either serve their desires or not exist.

But being verbal is needed to have people work with each other.

I think we have to get away from the notion that parlor trick verbal intelligence should give certain types of excessive authority over other types.

Being able to recite memorizations is not the whole spectrum of intelligence, I feel.

I will leave it at that for now.


Last edited by Void (2023-10-20 13:56:40)

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#17 2023-10-21 09:21:11

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

I have had some trouble with dealing with the issue of specialization.

Robert Hainline had his notions about; he did not seem to like it.  But while his books on some rare occasions hinted at some fairly liberal ideas, I did not encounter the idea of imposed transgender thinking.  I think the question did not come up.

Specialization is for insects: … e-a-diaper

Robert A. Heinlein > Quotes > Quotable Quote

Robert A. Heinlein
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”
― Robert A. Heinlein

I believe that I can pitch manure, this is evident here.  Everything else I think I haven't done or would do poorly.  But still the awareness of what it would take could help me as a person.

Back to the issue of gender, human binary gender differentiation is the most exaggerated of most animals we might encounter, at least for mammals.

From my point of view, allowing someone to be comfortable who is an outlier, seems a kind thing to try to do.  However, telling children to jump off of a cliff when there is no immediate danger to them where they are is cruelty, and malice, and ignorance.

Children are neither man nor woman.  But they do have primary gender differences.

Secondary gender differences are likely to emerge in a predictable way as they grow to adulthood.

If an adult meddles with the potential for a child to procreate effectively when they grow up, I consider that to likely be criminal.

But now, what about brains?  Can male and female hormones be in the brain of individuals in an identical manner?  I think usually no, and so it is unlikely that the brains will function identical, so then this could exhibit specialization.

I suppose if you could invent a two headed, he/she, and keep their blood systems separated then you could claim that all individuals could be made identical.  But these would be very tasty to lions, tigers, and bears, and it would be very hard for one individual to get enough calories to support two brains.  So, not such a good notion in my opinion.

The need to have everyone have the same potential and results, is favored by the "Blank Slate" people.

The blank slate supposes is all you need is memes, and that all people can just be educated to be angels, and equity can be supreme as anyone can do anything, with diversity and permissions.  (Left Wing).

The Darwinist view supposes that all you need is genes.  (And that using a lazy cruel method will produce a superman).  (Right Wing).

So, of course they are both wrong, and maybe partly correct to a degree only.

Efficiency and Capability matter.  You cannot put all the capabilities into one person equally and have sufficient efficiency to survive the "Lons, Tigers, and Bears".

That is my bet anyway, but I do not like the verbal hive mind as I consider it to be a cheat that idiot savant rulers can use, which damages the genetic a cultural wellbeing of the population.

I am going to give you a cheat for the game.


Our problem today again is the Iberian one.  It happens over and over again that south goes too far north, and it also happens on other occasions that north goes too far south.  Each is sort of a jerk move.

Here in the USA we have had a method to join the two processes together to some success.

But at one time our null point was in the Appalachian Mountains.  That was the boundary between the south and north.

But now, our area of the capitol is dominated by south peoples, and I don't indicate confederates.  So, while our elected government may be in balance between north and south, our appointed government is completely out of balance.  This is our problem.

Personally, I don't want the capitol moved into the interior of the continent.  I prefer the swamp creatures to stay in the swamp.  That can be OK, as long as they don't try to turn the North South.  The problem is they have decided that they are American normal, and somehow all of us are NAZI or White Supremist.  (It is convenient, but they are tending to be the party of all of that, so why can they toss that at us?).  And that is because we won't pick cotton for them on their plantations so to speak.  They want us to be obedient, but we think we are Americans, and don't owe them that.



Last edited by Void (2023-10-21 10:26:01)

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#18 2023-10-22 08:42:29

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics … a0f1&ei=14  Quote:

Neanderthals Might Not Be The Separate Species We Always Thought
Story by Mike McRae  •

I think that the Earth' populations can be considered North which in its extreme is Siberia, and South which in its extreme is African Savanah.

There is evidence of bipedal apes in Europe way back when, so it is not that certain that "Humans" originated in Africa.  They may have.

But two mixing zones are Europe/Middle East, and India/South Asia.

So, I see the probability is that genes have been going back and forth over time depending on relative efficiency and capability and also on climate factors such as heat/cold and dry/wet.

The original idea that humans originated as deep blacked skin seems possibly wrong, rather they tended to have a most useful skin color, and as forest peoples moved to the Savannahs, they developed the very dark skin.

So, technically you might consider that to have been an evolutionary advancement.  It just depends on how you look at it.


Last edited by Void (2023-10-22 08:50:06)

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#19 2023-10-26 16:37:41

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Genetics

Three people were gene-edited in an effort to cure their HIV. The result is unknown. CRISPR is being used in an experimental effort to eliminate the virus that causes AIDS. … xperiment/


#20 2023-10-28 12:09:25

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

Well, I wanted this video, but bing did not deliver: utube, History with Kayleigh. Early Humans Evolved in Ethiopia? Millions of Years Ago?!

Anyway I did get this: … de%20areas.

I guess the important point is that a more alpine home may have started these people off as a bit cold adapted, which could have made them more suitable to spread around the Eurasia lands.


Last edited by Void (2023-10-28 12:18:02)

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#21 2023-11-22 18:01:21

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Genetics

UK Approves World's First CRISPR-Based Medicine … d-medicine

Britain's drugs regulator has approved a groundbreaking treatment for two painful and debilitating lifelong blood disorders, which works by "editing" the gene that causes them. From a report:
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has given the green light for Casgevy to be used to treat sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia. It is the first medicine licensed anywhere that works by deploying gene editing that uses the "genetic scissors," known as CRISPR, for which its inventors won the Nobel prize for chemistry.

Casgevy's developers hope the pioneering treatment could banish the pain, infections and anaemia sickle cell disease brings and the severe anaemia experienced by those with beta thalassemia. About 15,000 people in the UK, almost all of African or Caribbean heritage, have sickle cell disease. About 1,000 -- mainly of Mediterranean, south Asian, south-east Asian and Middle Eastern background -- have beta thalassemia and need regular blood transfusions to treat their anaemia. Experts in the illnesses hope Casgevy may be a cure, making it no longer necessary for people with the conditions to have a bone marrow transplant. Until now this has been the only treatment available, even though the body can reject the donor marrow. The Sickle Cell Society welcomed the MHRA's decision as a "historic moment for the sickle cell community" which "offers [them] newfound hope and optimism."


#22 2023-11-25 08:50:42

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

Alright I have to do this post again because of the Internal Server Error.  Rather annoyed, had a whole post and lost it.

I cannot get this video at this time: "utube, Neanderthal Brain | A Journey into the Minds of Our Lost Relatives, Evo Inception"

It suggests that brain development in Neanderthal children was slower, and so suggests a longer childhood.

This brings up some interesting things.

In hunter gatherer and also even in old farm life, a child could be a prolonged development, and still could be economically useful.  That is the Childs activities could pay in part for its childhood.  We generally frown on child labor, but after all, in reasonable portions it could be both a learning experience, and help support the childhood of the child.

I recall that in the 20th century when I was growing up, we were all bussed or walked to a public school, and there was only limited time for childhood.  So, the genetic selection process was for children who grew up faster.  This is not a good thing.  It was perhaps desired then as what was wanted was factory workers, accountants and management types, as soon as possible and for a lower price.  So, this practice will genetically breed the human race towards shorter childhoods and likely smaller brains.  (Maybe).

With the internet, however, knowledge is more distributed.  Somone who wishes to learn may do so outside of a typical school situation.
Also with robotics, it may be that more wealth may allow a proper childhood to be reclaimed.  (Not for sure, but maybe).

Interesting and we thought the Neanderthals were stupid.  The video suggested that they were more visual and less verbal.  Unfortunately this may have made them less competitive at some point.

But put me in a den of lions and I would be less competitive than the lions.  It would not be a proper test of desired qualities for me to be eaten.  Me being in the lions den of course might mark me as stupid for being there and being eaten.


Last edited by Void (2023-11-25 09:16:15)

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#23 2023-11-25 12:25:05

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Genetics

Ancient DNA reveals that indigenous Mexicans migrated to California 5,200 years ago, bringing their languages with them … na-reveals


#24 2023-11-25 13:02:51

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,644

Re: Genetics

They must have been capable people as their ancestors had to deal with the Short Faced Bear perhaps. … ric-humans

8 Massive Ice Age Animals That Roamed North America
Many of these giant mammals may have been hunted into extinction as prehistoric humans expanded into North America.

Image Quote: 220px-ArctodusSimusReconstruct.jpg

Estimated to be able to run 40 mph?


Last edited by Void (2023-11-25 13:07:59)

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#25 2023-11-25 13:09:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Genetics

There are some chasing the out of Africa journey of a common ancester.


Personally, I believe we have had a couple of cradles of life, but they are obscured by the passage of time.


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