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#76 2021-10-03 17:35:54

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

One of the things to remember is that each local seems to have its own unique earnings requirement based on if you need more money to live then every one else wants a piece of that pie from you as you earn more and ask to be paid more for what you do for work.

Right now its somewhere between normal unemployment and minimum wage for the GBI you are looking for but will see if I can get it more narrow as it goes back to individual state minimum wage numbers to cost of living in them.

Another part of that is the taxes we pay which contribute to that income not being enough to live on. … chart.aspx
New Hampshire $7.25 … x-by-state … -by-state/
State    Annual Mean Wage (All Occupations)    Median Monthly Rent    Value of a Dollar
New Hampshire    $56,730    $1,748    $0.94

So for NH low wages and value of the dollar that does not go as far as it should.

Of course then you have the pay difference from job type in a state to that of the same job in the next where you must compete for employees so you will pay more.


Then there is the states own poverty tables … ables.html
https://32ztv639mr9p3quhnz34dco0-wpengi … -Chart.pdf … on-tables/ … elines.pdf

my state has 8 counties … in-poverty

Boomers are less likely to support a universal basic income. Here's why

We defined generations as the following ages in 2021:

Generation Z: 18 to 24
Millennial: 25 to 40
Generation X: 41 to 55
Baby boomer: 56 to 75

Lots of information for and against from the political side of things.

One of the self help factors in the last post I made is this is a jobs creation event as well or training program as we need as I mentioned many things to make such a use of vacant properties viable.

Getting them work within where they are living means up front zero transportation costs to be employed.


#77 2021-10-04 09:06:06

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Climbing out of poverty

For SpaceNut re #76

First, thanks for this interesting post!

Second ... noting that New Hampshire shows up as having a higher evaluation for prices than most other states, I'm curious to know what might be going on to cause that?  I think of Maine and Vermont as frugal states, and New Hampshire is right in the middle.

Third, I'm hoping to engage you in a thought sequence about GBI ...

If you were to discover an unexpected relative had died and bequeathed you an annuity sufficient to live on, you might be tempted to change how you use your time.  I'm guessing that you might continue working with NewMars, and might even increase the amount of time you invest in the forum.

The forum doesn't provide any of us monetary income, but it has the capability of providing rewards that cannot be purchased with money.

Please take a moment and think about how you might reallocate the hours in your day/week/year if this unexpected income were to arrive.

Where I am (hoping anyway) heading with this is toward development of your topic here.



#78 2021-10-04 18:07:07

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

We border Massachusetts, that has an even higher cost of living. We are the choice for sales as we do not have one, we do not have an income tax ect..


#79 2021-10-04 18:50:24

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Climbing out of poverty

For SpaceNut re #78 ... if the State has no sales tax, and no income tax, then it would seem obvious that it provides no services.

The cost of living for individuals may be high because each citizen has to pay for everything.

That would make sense, I suppose.



#80 2021-10-04 18:56:05

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

The property is the tax base for town and state income sources.
Renters pay there is a higher cost to rent as the owners are passing it onto the residents.
The state does have a room and meals tax of 8 cents for ready to eat foods and restarants.


#81 2021-10-25 18:38:08

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

GBI experiment coming to Chicago poised to create one of the nation’s largest ‘guaranteed basic income’ programs giving 5,000 low-income households $500 per month each using federal funding from the pandemic stimulus package.

Consider that as an income for some getting social security disability..
With out fixed housing and other benefits one would be homeless on that level of income.


#82 2021-12-05 10:58:19

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Climbing out of poverty

Climbing out of Poverty is the underlying theme of the article at the link below. 

Elsewhere, I have offered the suggestion that US citizens are being trained to think small and with timid hopes for success.

A characteristic of this way of thinking is the idea that the only way to achieve even modest success in life is to secure a job.

But a job is provided by a job creator, who is therefore the human who maintains control over the job holder for life.

Recently, Calliban offered the opinion that foreign born entrepreneurs may succeed in the US because they arrive with education and ability.

This opinion seems reasonable on the face of it, but it does not explain the discrepancy between US citizen achievement and that of foreign born.

The US produces a lot of white males who have education and ability. 

Until recently, the culture has limited opportunities to white males.

This article analyzes why white males are being set aside by boards of directors, in favor of foreign born.

The article makes very clear why this is happening. … 00561.html

Microsoft’s Nadella, Google’s Pichai, and now Twitter’s Agrawal: Why Indian-born leaders dominate American tech’s top ranks

Vivek Wadhwa
Fri, December 3, 2021, 1:01 PM
When Satya Nadella took over as CEO of Microsoft in February 2014, he inherited a toxic culture in a company considered a tech dinosaur. Bill Gates, its founder, had been known for berating employees, and Steve Ballmer, who succeeded Gates, continued the hardball business tactics that partners loathed. Microsoft had lost the battle for smartphones, and the technology platform its technologies were built for, the desktop, was giving way to the cloud.



#83 2021-12-05 12:54:29

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

tahanson43206 wrote:

But a job is provided by a job creator, who is therefore the human who maintains control over the job holder for life.

Recently, Calliban offered the opinion that foreign born entrepreneurs may succeed in the US because they arrive with education and ability.

This opinion seems reasonable on the face of it, but it does not explain the discrepancy between US citizen achievement and that of foreign born.

One of the things that I have seen is when a foreigner has come to a business in a non related neighborhood is the reaction to speech and ability to write English as these are just a couple of the turn offs for becoming an employee. That said opening a business is about getting the place to set it up in and getting zoning approval usually by that point they have an advocate to aid them in seeking the approvals.

While I can set up a business its got to be something that others want as in a service, a commodity or goods, an item that others are not making ect....with all of the items in the MY Hacienda one would think that making a business would be easy...not so.

The profits after all the activity of expenses must be more than a minimum wage and must be satisfying to do.
If either is not present then why are you in business.


#84 2021-12-05 13:21:43

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Climbing out of poverty

For SpaceNut re development of this topic .... it is good to see your thought process as it unfolds.

The questions in Post #83 assume failure.  Assumption of failure is quite reasonable.  I understand that the vast majority of small businesses fail to survive, let alone to become large businesses.

The difference would appear that American children are taught never to try, because they will inevitably fail.

Immigrant children (grown up to be adults) have never learned that they "have" to fail, so they just proceed to succeed.

I think that must be the answer to why the United States gave up almost all of it's capabilities to other Nations. It would appear that after the first generation, all succeeding generations of the successful families are taught to fear failure, and to accept a "job" working for someone else as the best they can hope for.



#85 2021-12-05 15:15:28

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

With the US education you start school in kindergarten and you progress to the point to where you graduate High School as a senior grade 12. So goggle of "high school education for business creation" turns up things that are summer or after school written from a university level of how to create in the high school environment. With all the required classes and schools cutting back on funding for electives its no wonder there is none of these in existence. As schools are already removing shop classes, automotive, welding, music, arts, ect from there educational base.

Colleges are geared to give education with in a field of endevour but that is not even close to teaching as they are professing that they know the information to you. Even business classes are oriented to get you a job and not really to make them. … sfinal.pdf
10 Steps to Creating a High School Entrepreneurship Class … gh-school/ … eneurship/ … gh-school/


#86 2021-12-19 20:41:03

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

Americans fighting for another basic right: access to sewage treatment.

some estimates more than half the impoverished, rural residents have raw sewage running into their yards and even their houses.

Back in the late 60's when there were minimal laws for this homes were built with a cistern, or deep pit with a code level new septic tank systems can cost as much as $25,000.

another part of water management … rban-areas


#87 2022-01-02 09:41:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

The events after losing the home you live in from fire.

The Bill for My Homelessness Was $54,000

Leaving homelessness did not mean immediate freedom. Instead, coming back to the world of the housed meant first having to navigate an obstacle course of fees and fines that I had incurred while homeless. These bills are another way that American society criminalizes people experiencing homelessness — hidden penalties that can start with the towing and impoundment of the vehicles people sleep in and that can continue with a long list of misdemeanors, such as loitering, camping, asking for money in public and even standing in one place for too long.

Being homeless is a nightmarish existence, and it was made much harder by these financial burdens. I am on the other side of it now, and I am writing about my experience in the hope of dismantling the barriers that keep people unhoused.

The crime is you have no means to gain a shelter over your head when there are services that are meant to make it possible for one to gain. Not all are drug addicts or drunks that end up this way.


#88 2022-01-02 09:47:16

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

Mars_B4_Moon wrote:

Habitat for Humanity Deploys First 3D Printed Home … inted-home

Habitat for Humanity partnered with Alquist to build the 1200-square-foot house in Williamsburg, VA. Alquist, a large-scale 3D printing company, aims to make home ownership more accessible across demographics using advanced, environmentally-friendly building techniques. Not only does the company’s strategy reduce build time, but its 3D printed concrete homes are said to boast longer life expectancies than traditional wood-framed structures. Concrete walls also stand up well against tornadoes and hurricanes and help to reduce homeowners’ energy bills, as they offer better insulation than wood and drywall.

3d concrete building saves the time for custom form setup form creation of the blue print to filling it for a one off design use unless its real generic and should reduce cost for housing.


#89 2022-01-02 11:46:31

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

Calliban wrote:

It takes 24-48h for concrete to set and after about 7 days it has 70% of its fully cured strength.  So you could build structures by 3D printing of concrete shells relatively quickly.  The only problem on Mars is that concrete will freeze before it sets.  We could solve this problem by building concrete structures under a lightweight polyethylene covered frame at ambient Martian pressure and fill it with a mixture of Martian air and water vapour.  Blow warmish air under the canopy and keep the concrete at about 5°C until a few days after completion.  Nuclear waste heat will do this job.  The Martian atmosphere has sufficient pressure at low altitudes to prevent boiling of water in concrete at temperatures of 5°C.  But you would need to fill the enclosure with water vapour to suppress evaporation.

A parabolic dome would be one of the easiest structures to 3D print from concrete.  We print a thin shell under the polyethylene tent, cover it in about 3m of regolith and then pressurise to 5psi.  We could simply inflate the tent to a modest pressure and spray the concrete on the inside.  You wont need any formwork that way.  Successive layers will build up a shell.  Depends on whether you want to reuse the polythene or not.  But this is probably the quickest and easiest way to build a shell that can become a pressurised structure.

Nubian vaults are another masonry structure that doesn't need formwork.  We may even be able to form an effective cement from wetted Martian fines.  The Martian regolith is so basic that it's chemical composition isn't too different from portland cement.  We need 3D printers with wheels, that can extrude wetted Martian regolith into sausages, which are then compressed onto structures.  This sort of structure has compressive strength but not tensile strength.  You need to heap overburden over the top before you can pressurise.

Up in NH when we do bridge and other work requiring concrete repair we do just that to keep it setting.


#90 2022-02-05 19:42:02

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

I am wondering more about the conditions that cause the states to have this situation Would you take free land in rural America?freelandchart.jpg

In Kansas small towns, the houses are cheap, with quality homes going for $100k and fixer-uppers costing far less. Land, a commodity over which NIMBY battles rage throughout the country, can actually be obtained for free in several counties.


This is the typical scene of over taxing of property that has driven out the businesses that were there as the towns economic base grew smaller.

Creation of jobs and work are a must for these towns to survive but itsa service industry that needs to be strong for the population that remains.

One way would be to increase population and there are many that could be sent from places that have City that have large homeless populations this would give many a chance to start over if we send the correct people.

For some just the chance for an affordable place to live would be enough to want to go.

Portland mayor bans homeless encampments near highways over pedestrian deaths

If I was single then this would be something to do … -Free.html


#91 2022-05-21 17:56:20

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

With public camping a felony, Tennessee homeless seek refuge

So I will bet that they will try to enforce it on private land as well even if the person does not have permission in the deep woods.

This would also mean no state run camping sites unless its the fact that you pay to get onto them...

another case of not in my back yard RVs parked in Playa Del Rey continue to frustrate residents even after the city lifted the towing ban. Ballona Creek homeless encampment continues to frustrate Del Rey residents

Residents of Granada Hills neighborhood express concern as homeless encampment expands

How to Budget When You’re Broke, With the right plan, you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish.

Do you make a liveable wage? Tool shows how much you need in your area

To use the Living Wage Calculator, select a state, city or metro area. You’ll be able to see a breakdown of the living, poverty, and minimum wages of 12 different family structures: variations range from having one to two adults with either one or both working, and zero to three children. Expenses include food, child care, housing, and taxes.

According to the updated Living Wage Calculator, a liveable wage in the U.S. (based on data from 2021) is $24.16 per hour before taxes for a family of four in which both adults are working. That’s up from $21.54 in 2020.


#92 2023-10-11 13:57:40

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Climbing out of poverty

For SpaceNut ... Just FYI ... … 42#p214742

The story at the link above seems to suggest there may be progress in building affordable housing.

The infrastructure of a community is still needed ... water, sewer, power, communications, stores with day-to-day supplies.



#93 2023-10-16 21:07:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Climbing out of poverty

For SpaceNut ...

Today I ran to find out what time it was, and this announcement showed up:

03:02:43 Tuesday, October 17, 2023 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Make UTC time default - Add to favorite locations

I think that is a worthy cause!



#94 2023-10-17 12:35:54

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Climbing out of poverty

For SpaceNut ....

I've offered this suggestion before .... the launch of a probe to Psyche is an opportunity to bring it up again ...

If we humans could organize ourselves appropriately, we could distribute the wealth of a body like Psyche to every human on the planet, while at the same time giving ample reward to the entrepreneurs who actually collect valuable material from the asteroid.

At present, the impulse to grab everything in sight and to hold it for ones self is ** very ** strong in the human mind.   

Unselfishness is  better for everyone in the long run, but selfishness certainly seems to be a powerful moving force.

Per Google..

Psyche lifted off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 7:19 a.m PDT (10:19 a.m. EDT). “Congratulations to the Psyche team on a successful launch, the first journey to a metal-rich asteroid,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.
4 days ago
NASA's Psyche Spacecraft, Optical Comms Demo En Route to ... › news › nasas-psyche-spacecraft-optical-comms-demo-e...
About Featured Snippets



#95 2023-10-18 17:28:09

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

Here is news on your post that takes This Asteroid Mining Startup Is Ready To Launch The First-Ever Commercial Deep Space Mission

That changes how the rick keep getting richer and spreads the wealth but that's not America is it?

On another note, I have been checking the level of value listed on realty sites and iot continues to rise which also will cause my taxes for the property to rise as well.

This works against home ownership and forces more to not be able to afford even rent.

California's first batch of 1,200 tiny homes to address homelessness crisis will be built in an abandoned lot in Sacramento — see what they could look like

I have shown the images in past posts, but the main thing is it keeps the money of the low end of income increasing and with it so will the health of those people.


#96 2023-12-22 21:55:38

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Climbing out of poverty

For SpaceNut .... you have a number of housing related posts in the poverty topics ... Rather than create a new topic for housing, I decided to drop this item here. We have two topics that contain the word "housing" and neither is a good fit for this item...

Lego like housing ... … f7c7&ei=33

“It offers the possibility for self builders to consider projects at reasonable prices.”
© Provided by The Cool Down
Move over, Minifigs. It turns out that humans can live in snap-together homes, as well.

Belgium-based Gablok offers a do-it-yourself home-building kit that leverages the basic connection principle from the popular Lego brick toys.

“The concept … was inspired by interlocking building block toys, which we’ve been enjoying since a young age,” the company said on its website.

The project was founded in 2019 by Gabriel Lakatos. He developed it into a four-step plan for home construction: Design, 3D modeling, delivery, and assembly. Some homes can be snapped together within six days, Gablok claims.

And, just like any Lego kit, the parts come with instructions. All that you need for assembly are a screwdriver, a ladder, and the instructions.

There are eight key pieces builders receive, including some wooden wall, rafter, and flooring elements. The unique parts are the insulated blocks that form much of the structure. They are the pieces that resemble Lego bricks.

Those insulated wooden blocks are stacked to form the structure of the home. There is no glue — or construction knowledge — needed, all per Gablok.

The blocks are made from compressed, recyclable wood chips and strands, and a natural resin. The insulation is made from polystyrene, a plastic that can expand “to 40 times its size and volume,” the company states. That means the insulation is 98% air, making it a fantastic insulator. It’s part of the way the system is “eco-responsible,” all per the company.

Related video: BUILDING WITH LEGOS | Local contractor builds resilient 'styrofoam home' (WFTX Fort Myers, FL)

BUILDING WITH LEGOS | Local contractor builds resilient 'styrofoam home'

“I find the concept very original,” Pascal S. noted in testimonials published by Gablok. “It offers the possibility for self-builders to consider projects at reasonable prices.”

There doesn’t appear to be a price plan on the Gablok website. And, the setup is for the structure’s shell. The foundation and finishing touches are extras.

DIY alternatives to building a home should be welcome news. It costs $329,000 on average to construct a house in the United States. That doesn’t include the land, according to Forbes.

The team from Belgium isn’t alone in looking to Lego for solutions. A Dutch company is using blocklike structures to help rebuild coral reefs. Lego even has a program that collects used bricks, giving them to children’s nonprofits. The ideas are proof that there are many journeys to a more sustainable lifestyle, some derived from toys.

Lakatos said on Gablok’s website that he has more than 25 years of experience in traditional builds. Now, he is using that knowledge, and a love for Lego, to help make sustainable structures.

“I find the concept revolutionary,” customer Anne-Marie V. said on the company’s website.



#97 2023-12-23 13:10:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,912

Re: Climbing out of poverty … 00027.html

It appears that this design may feature a set of small structures combined into a living space with passageways between?  In other words, is the 3D printer printing individual rooms that are collected under a single roof?

Startup CEO says ‘the house of the future costs as much as a car’ — here’s how the company plans to make it happen

Susan Elizabeth Turek

Sat, December 23, 2023 at 6:00 AM EST·2 min read

New technology from Japanese startup Serendix may eventually turn the dream of home ownership from the seemingly impossible into the possible for many Americans — and help us give our planet an assist in the process.

Serendix, which hopes to make housing more affordable, recently combined 3D printing and CNC machining to build a house for the cost of roughly $37,600, according to Adele Peters of Fast Company.

Compare that with the median cost of a house in the United States: approximately $431,000, according to The Ascent, a review platform of The Motley Fool.

“The house of the future costs as much as a car,” Serendix CEO Kunihiro Handa told Peters.

Handa added that the company’s goal is to fully automate the housing industry — much like Japan did with the auto industry more than 40 years ago.

3D printing has been around since the 1980s, when Dr. Hideo Kodama created a machine that hardened material with UV light, according to The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. As the technology — and the laws surrounding its use — has evolved, so have the opportunities for its application.

Today, an array of 3D-printing materials is available. According to Fast Company, in order to keep costs down, Serendix utilized concrete to print the walls of its 538-square-foot “barnacle” unit, giving an individual or a couple a bit of extra stretching room than a typical 100- to 400-square foot tiny house.

The home design is constructed around steel columns and includes one bedroom, one bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. An incredible time-lapse video shows how they come together.

An added bonus? Small homes are eco-friendly because they need less energy to run, so your bank account and the Earth will be thankful. While an average-sized home in the U.S. is responsible for approximately 28,000 pounds of harmful carbon pollution per year, tiny homes emit around 2,000, according to the American Institute of Architects.

Serendix told Peters that its 3D-printed house only took 44 hours and 30 minutes to build. The efficiency of the construction time means that negative environmental impact is reduced. Globally, the construction industry is responsible for 39% of polluting heat-trapping gases.

Saerendix 3

Photo Credit: Serendix

Serendix has five printers, according to Peters, each of which can construct 50 houses per year, and the company intends to add more in 2024 in order to reach a goal of 850 per year.

There’s no word yet on when the company’s technology could be available in the U.S.

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#98 2023-12-23 17:42:28

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

combined 3D printing and CNC machining to build a house for the cost of roughly $37,600,

About the cost of my foreclosure that I got back in the early 90's. Land costs are still an issue along with set up of septic and a well with clean drinkable water.

Of course, you then need power which keeps pushing the price climb.


#99 2023-12-24 19:27:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

Finally saw the BUILDING WITH LEGOS post as I have seen a few different types of these recently.
your article is using what appears to be a particle board materials or wood chips with adhesive to bind and hold the shape.


Still appears to need studs for joining them for inside wallboard to be used.


Here is one made of a recycled plastic bricks


#100 2023-12-28 15:10:43

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Climbing out of poverty

A temporary stay by Workers in New England states looking forward to a bump up in minimum wages in 2024

Some will see a state minimum change, but others will not.

New Hampshire continues to have the lowest minimum wage in New England, matching the federal wage of $7.25. State lawmakers have defeated multiple attempts to increase it in recent years.

not going to be much help and coming from the page its sounds more like fada for politics.
‘We Must Do More’: Biden Admin Wants To Build 500K Starter Homes To Fix America’s Affordable Housing Crisis

The year 2023 marked the least affordable period for home-buying, with a record 41.4% of earnings being spent on housing costs.

Factors contributing to this crisis include high home prices, soaring mortgage rates, and limited housing inventory.

“A perfect storm of inflation, high prices, soaring mortgage rates and low housing supply caused 2023 to go down as the least affordable year for housing in recent history,”

President Biden has endorsed various affordable housing bills and action plans to address the issue, but the housing affordability crisis is expected to be a significant topic in the 2024 presidential election.

“President Joe Biden is clearly alert to the issue and its political importance. He has backed several affordable housing bills and action plans in 2023 — including the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act, which would produce 500,000 starter homes in under-resourced communities over the next decade,” the report noted.

Efforts to ease the crisis include bills to lower housing costs and increase access to affordable housing, as well as a Housing Supply Action Plan.

The lack of affordable housing could impact Americans’ ability to achieve life goals.

“Our first major priority is increasing the supply of affordably priced homes in order to lower housing costs,” Biden economic advisor Lael Brainard said.

“We are using every lever at our disposal — legislative proposals, our administrative authorities, our convening power, and our bully pulpit — to do so.”

“We must do more — at all levels of government and with partners across the housing landscape — to lower housing costs and ensure all Americans have access to affordable and quality housing. Congress should act.”

Sure I can buy the rising cost and affordability issues on todays low wages..but not the price range as its to high.

What we do know is during the last 8 years the cost have done nothing but rise.

‘A perfect storm’: RI homelessness soared 70% over past four years, federal data shows

The subgroup — comprising people who live in places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks and abandoned buildings — has increased more than sixfold, from 51 people in 2018 to 334 people this year.


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