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#251 2023-03-03 09:11:18

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is makzak

The email is ...

The IP address of is (apparently) owned by ... the IP is hosted by Apple, inc.

While ping did not generate a response, that is not conclusive, since ping replay may be turned off.

Here's an interesting report: From - 2020 August - "Twelve years later, Apple is still trying to erase'

Without going into details here, it seems highly unlikely that old address is still working.  A user with a address had to ** really ** work to keep it, because Apple provided ways you could move to other email addresses, and ways you could terminate and never get it back.

Our candidate was a member of First Wave, ahead of RobertDyck...

ID 136...

Registered: 2002-03-29 (
Last post: 2002-03-30 00:04:18
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

Topic: Human missions » Please no more guppy experiments - Lets explore »

The post started a new topic and it generated replies...

makzak wrote:

I cant think of a better way to stimulate the economy than by a bold message from President Bush that its time to head to Mars. Unfortunately he only offers us impotent leadership, and despite his talk of 'vision' his stewardship of the economy is reckless.
But we need to head out. Enough round and round in the shuttle; how many more 'guppy weightless experiments ' can we do.
Light those engines, and explore the oceans of Europa, which for all we know may harbor schools of fish like creatures; a discovery which would be unparallelled in human history. But lets start with Mars. Its doable, its a challenge, and our society must be challenged to be healthy.

OK ... two replies to be exact.... the topic died out at #3 on 2002-04-01

Well, 20+ years have gone by .... perhaps makzak's email account is still working (but I doubt it)



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#252 2023-03-04 11:13:19

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ....

Today's candidate is mainmind

Email is It may still exist .... Ping found an IP address but there is no responding server.

Ping may have been turned off, or the server may be powered down.

whois found the IP is one of a large number reserved by Raytheon BBN Technologies - Cambridge MASS US

mainmind is member ID 537 - First Wave after RobertDyck

mainmain put Boston, Ma as his location.

Registered: 2003-10-01 (
Last post: 2003-10-01 13:09:51
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

Not So Free Chat » Aerospace Master's Degree Programs? - Looking for good aerospace masters

mainmind wrote:


I'm going to graduate with a bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering in the spring, and it's time to apply for grad schools.
I want to go into Aerospace/Space engineering  and was hoping you guys on this board would be able to point me at some good schools around the US and Canada (maybe australia) for Aerospace Master's Degree programs??


One reply:

Free Spirit wrote:

The California Institute of Technology is one of the best schools for that.  They run JPL and are located in an area known for it's aerospace industry. Here's their Lab for Spacecraft and Mission Design page.

Nice reply ... I would definitely be interested to know what this gent decided to do, but I suspect the address was a student internship, and long out of use.

I asked Bing to look up the name the gent provided as his email username, and found strong candidates to match.

I'll post this and open on a machine where Bing is running.

Update from Bing:

find b dillow aerospace engineering

Barrett DILLOW | University of Maryland, College Park, MD …
WebBarrett Dillow Shane E. Jacobs David L. Akin There has recently been an increasing focus on humans working cooperatively with robotic systems in space exploration and operations. …

Barrett Dillow - A.. - Emergent Space Technologies
WebAerospace Engineer at Emergent Space Technologies Barrett Dillow is an Aerospace Engineer at Emergent Space Technologies based in Laurel, Maryland. Barrett received a …

SpaceNut ... there are a couple of places you might go for contact information on Mr. Dillow.

If this is the same gent, he has (apparently) done well in Aerospace!!!



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#253 2023-03-06 07:43:26

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ...

Today's candidate is MacDog >> First Wave #1059

Email is ... Ping says it's still alive and well

Registered: 2005-02-26 (
Last post: 2005-02-26 03:06:19
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

Topic: : Terraformation » Better Red but not Dead - my experience

I found this post quite interesting so will post a link if anyone is interested in a personal encounter with Dr. Zubrin ... … 313#p64313

While I am sympathetic to a vision that might allow humans to gently blend into the Mars landscape, this gent's rant reduces my motivation to send an email to zero.




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#254 2023-03-06 07:50:06

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign

The next candidate is lunanic111 >> also a member of First Wave ID 467 from 2003

The email provider is, and Ping says there is a live server at that address

Topic : Intelligent Alien Life » lunanic111 - Cydonia Message Decoded

Good Grief!




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#255 2023-03-06 07:57:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign

The next candidate is Lucid ... >> First Wave #134 (ahead of RobertDyck)

Email provider is unfamiliar ... Ping found an IP address but there was no response

Registered: 2002-03-24 (
Last post: 2002-03-24 21:47:27
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

Topic:  Human missions » Passengers to mars or deep space... - ...what about everyone else?

The post started a topic that netted 4 replies ....

It was generally of the nature of "let's open space to all"

Here is a link to the topic:




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#256 2023-03-07 09:49:06

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ...

yesterday we had three passes.  Perhaps we'll have better luck today....

Today's candidate is: Isit443  Member 605 First Wave 2004

Email is ... does that still exist?

Ping says: "could not find host"

OH well !!!

Registered: 2004-01-07 (
Last post: 2004-01-07 11:42:38
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

Topic: Meta New Mars » first color photo from spirit - observation »

lsit443 wrote:

Where they show the air bags "scratching" the surface if you look just to the left of the marks you can see a rock with concentric circles on it or am I the only one to see these?

No one appears to have replied.




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#257 2023-03-08 10:31:09

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate looks promising, but we shall see.... lorre from 2007 from Belgium

Registered: 2007-04-23 (
Last post: 2007-04-23 05:27:31
Last visit: 2007-04-23 05:25:16

lorre wrote:

Hi everybody,

I was wondering what would be the best way to describe an item to a martian? e.g. a bike, a hammer....
You can't just say a hammer is for hammering  big_smile

Any creative ideas would be very welcome!!


There were no replies.  I can (sort of) see why.




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#258 2023-03-09 16:13:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ...

Today's candidate is: LonOlli Member 1164 Second Wave 2005

Registered: 2005-08-12 (
Last post: 2005-08-12 16:12:54
Last visit: 2005-08-17 12:37:23

The email address indicates Germany .... still responds to ping ... so far, so good

Topic: Interplanetary transportation » Launch dates for low energy transfers

LonOlli wrote:


I am working on a project for university on low energy transfers to Mars. The idea is to send a module for living to Mars and then later send the crew. The crew could be launched in 2033, as there is a launch window requiring comparativly little energy for a 120 day fast transfer. Obviously the module for living need to be sent Mars beforehand.
There is a low energy transfer launching in 2031, from the data I have got it looks like it is in the first quarter of 2031.
Can anyone tell me the exact date of this launch window? The module is to be sent with the least possible energy, i.e. on a conjunction-class (also call Hohmann-type) transfer.

Thank you very much


There were three replies, and all were on point ... I will definitely send the email!

2005-2023 ... this gent could be well established in the aerospace industry by now.



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#259 2023-03-10 08:19:22

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is: Londontowner580

Email is Yahoo ...  ID is 1159

Registered: 2005-08-02 (
Last post: 2005-08-02 14:48:14
Last visit: 2005-08-02 13:30:07 << Second Wave

Topic: Human missions » Manned mission to Luna in 2018

The post is long and thoughtful. If anyone has the time to read it, it provides perspective on the issues facing MikeGriffin in 2005. … 125#p77125

In any case, I'll send the email, in hopes our English member might be willing to offer perspective from nearly 18 years later.



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#260 2023-03-11 11:07:21

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is: LoboSolo Member 286251 from 2015

Registered: 2015-01-17 (New York)
Last post: 2015-01-29 14:47:19
Last visit: 2015-02-08 23:53:35

whois for IP address shows: New York City, New York (provided by


LoboSolo wrote:

Just making my first post before the 90-day deadline for newbies.

This is a short topic ... SpaceNut participated in the discussion of spammer activity at the time.

LoboSolo never posted again, so I'm doubtful an email will prompt a post.  On the other hand, the post ** did ** show interest in the forum.

I'll launch the email.

The laptop needs the exercise.



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#261 2023-03-13 12:25:11

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ...

Today's candidate is: LMonske Member 490 First Wave from 2003

Email is hotmail, so an email would reach a live server.

Registered: 2003-06-28 (
Last post: 2003-06-28 01:05:27
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

LMonske wrote:

In some recent mars orbiter photos is some very intriging photos. In these photos is what appears on dunes at the seashore beach grass or a form of bush. In the attached photos taken at 300 meters resolution is what undoubtly looks like beach dunes on earth. I would love to see someone do a lander site in the mist of these dunes. If you have ever flown over beach dunes somewhere or seen bushes in a aroyo here on earth these look the same. Here on earth grasses are growing in some of the most hostil conditions on earth.

This post received very nice replies from Palomar, and even a reply from jschuur.

In light of the interest shown by members in response to this first post, I am disappointed the candidate did not acknowledge the replies.

I just can't work up the motivation to send an email to this person.

Anyone who is a member is welcome to write this person.




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#262 2023-03-14 09:25:35

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Today's candidate is lloyd - Member 191 (ahead of RobertDyck) from 2002 and a member of First Wave

Email is aol ... came up as a web site .... it was/is full of banner ads ....

Registered: 2002-05-25 (
Last post: 2002-05-25 16:29:00
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

Life support systems » Lets brainstorm on suit design - We will need suits after all

lloyd wrote:

Has anyone thought about using elastic recoil and compressive properties of materials to design suits that might simulate the axial loading of gravity, prevent bone resorption (and also result in associated muscle tone required for maintanence of posture in a standing person)? Gradiants of compression at different body sites could at least simulate venous blood flow patterns of normal gravity - preventing lightheadedness after amission.

This post was #16 in a running topic ... the topic itself continued through #50 and on to #73

I wish this gent had chosen to participate further. I'll try sending the email. AOL is still there but I'd be surprised if the email still works.



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#263 2023-03-15 12:48:37

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ...

Today's candidate is: llad

llad is member 1488 ... From 2006 ... past first wave >> From: Oklahoma, USA

Registered: 2006-06-20 (
Last post: 2006-06-20 18:16:03
Last visit: 2006-06-21 00:54:43

Topic:  Water on Mars » what`s really on Mars

llad wrote:

The Martian poles are made of both CO2 and water ice.  The water ice is pemanent,  stacked in layers; and reaches a thickness of ~9000' in the North and ~10,000' in the South.  Yes, it does appear that it snows CO2 at the poles.

I would strongly recommend that you read A Travelers' Guide to Mars by William Hartmann. .  It is well written for the layman and should answer nearly all the questions that you ask. … oding=UTF8

Nice post!  It was a reply to another member, and it was followed by a post that is on the speculative side.

The link to Amazon may be out of date.  I'll test it momentarily.

In any case, this is someone who I think might be interested in seeing SpaceNut's email.

A ** lot ** has happened since 2006, and perhaps there are new books to recommend.



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#264 2023-03-18 08:47:58

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email outreach campaign ....

Today's candidate shows all the signs of being a spammer...

The user name is: LindaPeterson

However, the email name is different enough so I suspect a spammer.

The time frame of 2018 also coincides with massive spammer activity.

Registered: 2018-12-27 (Vietnam)
Last post: 2018-12-27 09:53:19
Last visit: 2018-12-27 09:53:56

We have an IP address!  Ho Ho! Hanoi,  vietnam! That location is consistent with the username in the email.

I'm not expecting that this candidate has a post on file, but let's find out ...

Topic: Human missions » Automated ISS completion

Our visitor from Vietnam went to some pains to try to create a post that looks plausible ...

SpaceNut wrote a nice reply, but the topic died at that point.

We'll never know what our visitor from Vietnam was thinking.




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#265 2023-03-21 09:29:46

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ....

Recently we were lucky enough to receive a visit by Rxke from Belgium, after Mars_B4_Moon posted to a topic Rxke had set up to send him an email.

I found it reassuring that the email subsystem of FluxBB still sends email when topics are updated. 

Today's candidate is: LindaLow .... I suspect this is another spammer, but let's find out....

Registered: 2020-08-09 (Russia)
Last post: 2020-08-09 13:17:57
Last visit: 2020-08-09 13:17:58

Topic: Youth Group / Educational Outreach » Just to start a topic smile - stuff »

LindaLow wrote:

Just about to start the game and was wondering if there are any IMPORTANT tips or basic advice prior to me setting up my party and starting the adventure that I should know.


This sure looks like spam to me.

The IP came from Russia. The username is probably from hacker lists.

The email address is a set of random characters.




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#266 2023-03-23 07:27:05

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Our last candidate turned out to be a spammer from Russia ... perhaps we'll have better luck today.

For ** this ** day, our candidate is: Linahulp

The email is from a provider in Russia.  The email user name is a set of random letters plus 2002

I am not optimistic.  Let's see what we have ....

Registered: 2018-01-18 (Moscow, Russia)
Last post: 2018-01-19 21:42:51
Last visit: 2018-01-21 06:33:11

The URL in this member's signature is written in Russian ...

The URL has a format I've not seen before: xn---random-characters.xn--p1ai/...etc

The message itself is about computer hardware but the topic is about software (Computer Modeling)

I assume at this point the URL in the signature bar is a trap for an unwary Internet visitor

Well! This is interesting ... .xn/p1ai domain Administrative group. Coordination center for TLD RU 8 Marta Street 1, bld 12. Moscow 127083

Google has an explanation about the xn format... apparently it is a signal of an ASCII compatible coding prefix for "punycode" for unicode characters

SpaceNut ... I recommend you consider removing this URL, or follow it to see if it is benign or a threat and then decide.

The website contains a lot of information about puhycode attacks.  Apparently at one time browsers allowed fake web sites to be set up to look like legitimate web sites.

I went back and looked at John Creighton's topic ... it was (apparently) about computer modeling for robotics applications...




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#267 2023-03-25 14:12:53

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ....

We can always ** hope ** we won't find a spammer when we open a new candidate...

Today's candidate is: lesleytelfer

The email provider is gmail, and the email username makes sense! 

The registration date is 2020 and we have an IP address....

Registered: 2020-10-13 (Pakistan)
Last post: 2020-10-13 10:14:33
Last visit: 2020-10-13 10:28:22

Oh no! The IP address is for Pakistan, and I just noticed that the email name is #2

This implies that the user name came from a hacked list, and the candidate simply added (2) to the user name to create an email on gmail.

Let's look at whatever this candidate delivered to the NewMars forum...

Topic: Turnkey Robotic Systems And Automated Solutions

OK ... it turns out this post was recognized as deceitful at the time.




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#268 2023-03-26 10:44:30

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut .... this is a preview of coming attractions...

Our candidate for tomorrow is from Ireland ... he joined back in 2004, and his post about the ISS generated a number of replies....

You were in the thick of the action, along with Palomar and Rxke!

I'm looking forward to seeing lego's review tomorrow.



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#269 2023-03-27 13:17:30

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ....

Our candidate for today is lego ... Member 985 from 2004 and a member of the First Wave

Email is Yahoo

The email user name looks reasonable ...

Registered: 2004-11-08 (
Last post: 2004-11-08 15:29:14
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00

Topic:  Human missions » ISS Woes & To-Mars »

The post itself is #37 in a series that lasted for a while ...

lego wrote:

Would it be possible to send the whole iss to mars, if it can be put into a geostationary orbit over earth, why not put it in a geostationary orbit over mars? Surely there is a way to propel it there and back? It could be turned into a "space shuttle carrier" with 4/5 space shuttles docked into it - they could be expendible emergency backup; as some of them are nearly ready for the scrap heap already. Send the shuttles up to dock with the station, automated without any crew, if one of them does not make it, it isn't a big loss financially or a loss of life at all. The ISS is the closest thing to a "space ship" that we have. It's storage facilities are far better than either the soyuz or the space shuttle. And once the mission is finished the astronauts could take one of the space shuttles docked onto the space station to get back to earth. Then it may be able to go back to its old job.

The only newly-made specialised craft(s) which would be required to be built would be the ones used to get the astronauts to mars from the ISS and back to the ISS. ( a moon-rover type buggy would also be useful for exploring the planet itself)

ps:would folding up the solar panels be required to send the ISS going towards mars at about 45000kph, I remember seeing animations of probes supposedly going at 45000kph with their solar panels folded out.

what speed is the ISS currently moving through space while orbiting over the earth and what effect do particles of matter in space have on the outside of the craft?

Sounds like a way to get to mars on the cheap to me.

Is this whole idea "nuts" or could it be classed as "theoretically possible" by rocket scientists/engineers.

The last post in this long lived series was #303 by SpaceNut in 2005 ....

I'll send the email, in hopes lego is still watching that Yahoo email, and might be interested in checking back in.



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#270 2023-03-28 10:22:25

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

Our candidate for today is: LadyBBWsexma

The email is gmail so we have a place to send email.  However, this candidate registered in 2017, when spammer activity was heavy.

We'll see shortly ....

Registered: 2017-12-04 (Russia)
Last post: 2017-12-17 07:32:44
Last visit: 2017-12-17 07:33:11

Charming ... the IP address is from

I'll be surprised if the Admins left the post, but let's have a look:

Topic:  Planetary transportation » Drilling on Mars »

There is a post, but it contains a note from an Admin: Removed offensive content




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#271 2023-03-29 11:30:59

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ...

Our candidate for today is: Lady

There ** is ** a server at ...

Registered: 2002-08-26 (
Last post: 2002-08-26 15:01:08
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00 << First Wave

Member ID is 278 -- just a few after RobertDyck

The candidate offered to show an image to anyone who might send an email.




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#272 2023-03-30 19:04:41

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

I did receive this 20230328 Outreach Email from NewMars forum


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#273 2023-04-03 06:52:08

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach campaign ...

The campaign took a few days off. We are back today with candidate: knw

knw is member 1293 from 2006.  The email provider is hotmail, which (I believe) still works...

The email user name looks reasonable.

Let's see which topic was selected for the one and only post:
Topic: Martian Chronicles » Do you know what book this is?

This led to a pleasant exchange (for the period) with a total of 8 messages.

The candidate did not acknowledge all those posts by members at the time, which some might consider inappropriate.

In light of the quality and abundance of the posts which were provided, and the lack of a response to acknowledge all that effort, I'll pass.



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#274 2023-04-06 07:20:20

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ...

Today's candidate is: kimmessina

The email provider is .... I'll check to see if that domain still exists (if it ever did)....

The results of a ping were interesting ... Amazon AWS responded with an IP address, but there was no reply from the domain itself.

I am doubtful the domain is in service.

Whois confirmed the IP address is managed by Amazon Technologies, Inc, with a location given as Ashburn, Virginia.

Registered: 2008-02-20 (
Last post: 2008-02-20 21:44:38
Last visit: 2008-02-20 21:39:12

Let's find out which topic our candidate chose for the one and only post:

kimmessina wrote:

wow, thanks for this calendar big_smile
tomorrow will find where to print it roll

This was in reply to a post from Cyclops:

cIclops wrote: … ier-EN.png
A superb Mars 2008 Calendar - every Martian must have one!

12 x A3 printable PNG images - one per Earth month with dates from Ant103 on UMSF

Zip file here (26MB!)

This exchange was interesting .... is still "alive" but the page is no longer there: The page you requested does not exist




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#275 2023-04-08 07:13:42

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,537

Re: Email Outreach Campaign 2022-2023

For SpaceNut re Email Outreach Campaign ...

Today's candidate is: KevinSalyer

The email provider is gmail so we could send an email. 

However, the email address username looks like a company name ...

We do have an IP address ...

Registered: 2018-11-27 (Hong Kong)
Last post: 2018-11-27 04:27:27
Last visit: 2018-11-27 04:37:30

Topic: Human missions » Homopolar Generator Power built on Mars

KevinSalyer wrote:

There is no commutator in this generator

The post from KevinSalyer (from Hong Kong) was followed by a nice reply by kbd512.

There was no further communication from KevinSalyer (from Hong Kong).




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