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#51 2022-07-02 15:47:23

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Gulf Monarchies were accused of Private Funding of ISIS

Norweigan-Swedish anti-muslim activists say women are oppressed by Islam...these Norweigans they go out for a drive and get attacked and rammed by a jihad muslim woman in her islamic car of peace? … med-vilje/
, … r_pto=wapp

'Iran and Venezuela Could Help Biden's Gas Crisis If He Lifts U.S. Sanctions' … ns-1719888

US citizen in Iran prison appeals to Biden for deal … n-for-deal

Arab Emirates has partnered with the Japanese company ispace for its Moon rovers

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-02 15:51:38)


#52 2022-07-26 06:53:56

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

in past news

UAE’s Sultan Ali Neyadi to be the first Arab astronaut to spend six months on ISS … 6-8052725/

Crews went to a Space-X site? … 0748052484
'A few Flies were seen swarming around the Crew-4 dragon Freedom prior to launch. And what a beautiful launch it was! It’s amazing to consider the huge team of people who make sure both crew and vehicle are ready to fly. Human space flight is the biggest “team sport” there is!'

Nikki Haley teases White House bid while slamming Biden on Iran … biden-iran

While we remain busy, perhaps even ignorant of things called historical lessons, too busy while occupied with press photos and buried in our books maybe this islamism and theocracy and Sharia Law will deceive with its smiles and find ways to proliferate itself to outer space.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-10 05:45:46)


#53 2022-08-10 04:45:51

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Russia launches Iranian satellite amid Ukraine war concerns … s_999.html


#54 2022-08-11 10:59:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Will the humans spread the madness of their religious extreme from Earth to offworld?

Pakistanis protest Indian Embassy in Athens with flags of pro-Sharia extremist organisation … ro-sharia/

France: Muslim migrant rapes American woman in public toilet … lic-toilet

In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the UK has said that her rapists would quote the Qur’an to her, and believed their actions justified by Islam. Thus it came as no surprise when Muslim migrants in France raped a girl and videoed the rape while praising Allah and invoking the Qur’an. In India, a Muslim gave a Qur’an and a prayer rug to the woman he was holding captive and repeatedly raping.

'The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.'

First they flood Sweden with masses of illegal alien Muslim invaders, now the far-left Socialist Democrats want to stop the Muslims from setting up parallel communities … mmunities/

Taliban calls for implementation of Sharia law in Afghanistan … fghanistan

In the USA
The muslim jihadis killing other Innocent muslim just as they do in North Africa, the Middle East and Asia, why would America be any different for this culture?

Dozens are gunned down every weekend in Chicago and barely a mention by news media...Some Chicago Mosque Foundation spoke out on it as it made tv and newspaper headlines
poor Muslim Americans the islamics said while continuing to ignore the dozens upon dozens shot each weekend in their own backyard.

They have renamed islamist-awareness as islamic-phobia in order to try silence critics of islamism?

The Biden Admin politically spoke out on this saying "angered and saddened by the horrific killings."

2 politically Brainless pro-islamic clowns Biden and Harris? they Rush to Condemn ‘Hate Crime,’ but ‘Islamophobic’ Killer Is…A Muslim … isa-muslim

CJ Werleman, an “activist against Islamophobia” with 316,000 followers on Twitter, tweeted late Monday night: “Muslims, particularly Pakistani Muslims, are being targeted for assassination in New Mexico. The perpetrator is most likely a white supremacist but would not be surprised if we learn he/she is a Hindu nationalist.”

it is wrong to blame Biden and Harris for pro-islamism political nonsense, afterall both rightwing Bush jnr and Leftwing politician Tony Blair went on tv to call it 'a religion of peace' while the smoking crater and wreckage of the WTC still burned

Now they got the guy
Motive Unknown some say, maybe he was sad, maybe jihad is misunderstood, maybe it was work place violence, not all islamists bla bla

Shock, shame in Muslim community as Afghan accused of killing Muslim men in New Mexico … -murders-2

Religion forum asks a poll
Would you want to live on the Moon … ms.254784/

Is There a Place for Spirituality in Space Science? … eism-nasa/

Space Tourism and the Search for God … ch-for-god

Lunar Governance And The Outer Space Treaties … aties.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-11 11:43:51)


#55 2022-08-12 11:28:10

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

There is news Salman Rusdie was attacked in New York,  no official statement but rumors it was the terrorist follower of the 'Religion of Peace' was arrested.

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826) one of the Founding Fathers, studied the evil within Quran or Koran and was the third President of the United States, and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence.


The [mohammedan] ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise

Thomas Carlyle a Scottish satirical writer taking of mahomet once wrote

'The man was an uncultured semi-barbarous Son of Nature, much of the Bedouin still clinging to him: we must take him for that. But for a wretched Simulacrum, a hungry Impostor without eyes or heart ... we will not and cannot take him. Sincerity, in all senses, seems to me the merit of the Koran; what had rendered it precious to the wild Arab men ... Curiously, through these incondite masses of tradition, vituperation, complaint, ejaculation in the Koran, a vein of true direct insight, of what we might almost call poetry, is found straggling.'

Walid Shoebat,
a convert to Christianity and a former member of the Palestine Liberation Organisation who took part in terrorist attacks against Israeli targets. He stated that "Secular dogma like Nazism is less dangerous than Islamofascism that we see today ... because Islamofascism has a religious twist to it; it says 'God the Almighty ordered you to do this.' It is trying to grow itself in fifty-five Muslim states. So potentially, you could have a success rate of several Nazi Germanys, if these people get their way."

Magdi Allam, an outspoken Egyptian-born Italian journalist
who describes Islam as intrinsically violent and characterized by "hate and intolerance". He converted to Catholicism and was baptised by Pope Benedict XVI during an Easter Vigil service on March 23, 2008.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
'Turks were a great nation even before they adopted Islam. This religion did not help the Arabs, Iranians, Egyptians and others to unite with Turks to form a nation. Conversely, it weakened the Turks’ national relations; it numbed Turkish national feelings and enthusiasm. This was natural, because Mohammedanism was based on Arab nationalism above all nationalities.'

Winston Churchill Quote
“Islam to a man is like rabies to a dog.”

The Persians put up great resistance and struggle but the old culture eventually feel invading islamist pedophile terrorists
Omar Khayyám was an old Persian polymath, mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, physician, and poet when ancient stories were recorded by historians. He wrote treatises on mechanics, geography, and music.
'al-Lah, perchance, the secret word might spell;
If al-Lah be, He keeps His secret well;
What He hath hidden, who shall hope to find?
Shall God His secret to a maggot tell?

French polymath and philosopher Voltaire wrote Mahomet, ou Le Fanatisme
an old religious satire writing on the life of Muhammad, described as a self-deceived, perverted, religious fanatic and manipulator, and his hunger for political power behind the foundation of Islam. He also wrote letters on the brutality of Muhammad and his followers, affirming that it stemmed from superstition and lack of Enlightenment

Wafa Sultan, Syrian-American psychiatrist
who has pointed out that the Muhammad said: "I was ordered to fight the people until they believe in al-Lah and his Messenger." Sultan has called on Islamic teachers to review their writings and teachings and remove every call to fight people who do not believe as Muslims. Dr. Sultan is now in hiding as she received threats after appearing on the al-Jazeera TV show.

Penn Jillette  illusionist, comedian, musician (and a big old coward?)
... we haven't tackled Islam because we have families [...] and I think the worst thing you can say about a group in a free society is that you’re afraid to talk about it—I can’t think of anything more horrific. [...] Teller and I have been brutal to Christians, and their response shows that they’re good f**king Americans who believe in freedom of speech. We attack them all the time, and we still get letters that say, “We appreciate your passion. Sincerely yours, in Christ.” Christians come to our show at the Rio and give us Bibles all the time. They’re incredibly kind to us ...

Sibel Kekilli a German actress of Turkish background
'I have experienced myself that physical and psychological violence is seen as normal in Muslim families. Unfortunately violence belongs to the culture in Islam'

Bill Maher an American stand-up comedian, television host, political commentator.
When South Park got threatened last week by Islamists ... it served or should serve, as a reminder to all of us that our culture isn't just different than one that makes death threats to cartoonists, it's better. Because when I make a joke about the Pope, he doesn't send one of the Swiss Guards in their striped pantaloons to stick a pike in my ass. When I make a Jewish joke, Rabbis may kvetch about it, but they don't pull out a scimitar and threaten an adult circumcision. ... it should in fairness be noted, that in speaking of Muslims, we realize that of course the vast majority are law abiding, loving people, who just want to be left alone to subjugate their women in peace. ... but the western world needs to make it clear, some things about our culture are not negotiable, and can't change, and one of them is freedom of speech. Separation of church and state is another, not negotiable. Women are allowed to work here and you can't beat them, not negotiable. This is how we roll. And this is why our system is better.
There’s only one faith, for example, that kills you or wants to kill you if you draw a bad cartoon of the prophet. There’s only one faith that kills you or wants to kill you if you renounce the faith... obviously, most Muslim people are not terrorists. But ask most Muslim people in the world, if you insult the prophet, do you have what’s coming to you? It’s more than just a fringe element.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Somali-born Dutch-American writer and politician.
She has focused on the rights of Muslim women, saying that "they aspire to live by their faith as best they can, but their faith robs them of their rights."

Mark Twain
That is a simple rule, and easy to remember. When I, a thoughtful and unblessed Presbyterian, examine the Koran, I know that beyond any question every Mohammedan is insane; not in all things, but in religious matters

Theodore Roosevelt wrote

The civilization of Europe, American and Australia exists today at all only because of the victories of civilized man over the enemies of civilization because of victories through the centuries from Charles Martel in the eighth century and those of John Sobieski in the seventeenth century. During the thousand years that included the careers of the Frankish soldier and the Polish king, the Christians of Asia and Africa proved unable to wage successful war with the Moslem conquerors; and in consequence Christianity practically vanished from the two continents; and today, nobody can find in them any "social values" whatever, in the sense in which we use the words, so far as the sphere of Mohammedan influences are concerned. There are such "social values" today in Europe, America and Australia only because during those thousand years, the Christians of Europe possessed the warlike power to do what the Christians of Asia and Africa had failed to do — that is, to beat back the Moslem invader.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-12 12:25:46)


#56 2022-08-15 10:23:35

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

GOPers demand Biden answer for Afghan collapse on Kabul fall anniversary … niversary/

Religious Americans less likely to believe intelligent life exists on other planets … r-planets/
When it comes to whether UFOs are friendly or a threat to U.S. national security, opinions vary modestly along religious lines. Majorities across religious groups say they think UFOs are neither friendly nor unfriendly, and relatively few people – regardless of religion – view UFOs as a major threat to U.S. national security.

The Science of Aliens, Part 6: Would They Be Religious? … 180979357/
Belief in a higher power is widespread on Earth, but what about the rest of the galaxy?

All major cultures on our planet believe in some kind of god or multiple gods—even cultures that have very little contact with the outside world. This may be a way to explain things that can’t be explained otherwise, which is consistent with the finding that religious belief seems to decrease in more technologically advanced societies. Nevertheless, according to a 2015 survey, only three percent of Americans said they were atheists, and only four percent were agnostic. A huge majority, at least in the United States, claim to be believers, which appears to indicate that there is something intrinsic within humanity to believe in a higher being.

Interweb quora questions … nd-ruin-it
Will Elon Musk establish Mars as the first atheist only planet, or will he let religious people go there and ruin it?

Study Eyes Influence of Religion on Future Space Exploration … ation.html
'Among his findings, Ambrosius found that Evangelicals — who account for one-quarter of the U.S. population — are the least knowledgeable, interested and supportive of space exploration, while Jews and members of Eastern traditions were most attentive and supportive, according to a Univ. of Dayton press statement.'

University of Dayton political science assistant professor, Joshua Ambrosius, used data from the General Social Survey and three Pew surveys to compare knowledge, interest and support for space exploration among Catholics, Evangelicals, Mainline Protestants, Jews, Eastern religions and those with no religion.

Four words … -takeover/


Takiyya is defined as dissimulation about ones Muslim identity. It comes from the verse in the Quran that says, “Let believers not make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful – he that does has nothing to hope for from Allah – except in self-defense (illaa an-tattaqu minhum tuqah) (Surah 3:28). This “self-defense” justifies dissimulation. Islamic Sharia Law provides, “When it is possible to achieve an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible, and lying is obligatory if the goal is obligatory.” (Reliance of the Traveler, Para r8.2) Examples include lying to protect Islam or a Muslim.


Tawriya is defined as concealing, and it could be called “creative lying”. It is OK to break the intent of the oath, as long as you don’t break the letter of the oath. (Reliance of the Traveler, sections o19.1 and o19.5) How does this work? Suppose someone protests that Surah 1 of the Quran demeans Christians and Jews, because it is a supplication Muslims make to Allah seventeen times a day to keep them from the path of “those with whom God is angry” and “those who have lost their way”. A Muslim might respond, “Surah 1 never mentions Jews or Christians.” He is practicing tawriya, because while Surah 1 does not mention Jews and Christians by name, but he knows full-well that the words “those” refer to Jews and Christians.

Another example would be when a Muslim responds to your greeting of “Merry Christmas!” He might say, “I wish you the best.” In your mind, you think he has returned a Christmas greeting. In actuality, he has expressed his wish for you to convert to Islam; he wishes the best for you which, in his view, is becoming a Muslim.


Kitman is characterized by someone telling only part of the truth. The most common example of this is when a Muslim says that jihad really refers to an internal, spiritual struggle. He is not telling “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”, as witnesses are sworn to do in U.S. courts. Often, kitman results in a gross distortion of the truth. In the example given, the Quran uses jihadand its derivatives 59 times. Of those, only 16 (27%) could be considered “internal” with no object as the target of the struggle based on the context of the surah.


Muruna means using “flexibility” to blend in with the enemy or the surroundings. The justification for this kind of deception is a somewhat bizarre interpretation of Surah 2:106, which says, “If we abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten, We will replace it by a better one or similar.” Thus, Muslims may forget some of the commands in the Quran, as long as they are pursuing a better command. Muslims striving to advance Islam, therefore, can deviate from their Islamic laws in order to cause non-Muslims to lower their guard and place their trust in their Muslim counterpart.

Who is Hadi Matar? Everything we know about Salman Rushdie's alleged attacker … d-attacker


Mom of Salman Rushdie stabber Hadi Matar disowns son, says he ‘changed’ after Mideast trip … son-again/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-16 06:45:53)


#57 2022-08-27 04:31:41

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

India condemns attack on Salman Rushdie, wishes him speedy recovery … 39243.html
In its first official reaction to the stabbing of Salman Rushdie, India condemned the "horrific attack"

Biden marks one-year anniversary of suicide attack that killed 13 U.S. troops amid Afghan withdrawal … attack-ki/

Salman Rushdie book sales soar after knife attack that left him fighting for life in hospital … pital.html

Hunted in Brooklyn: Activist targeted by Iran in assassination plot says Rushdie attack has made her more determined than ever … 54856.html


#58 2022-09-01 01:21:03

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

The things mohammedans do with technology

Iran To Use Subway Cameras To Catch Women With Loose Hijab … 1054297088


#59 2022-09-02 03:31:09

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

After years of war and unrest, Iraq is flaring up again — here's why … -rcna45593

Will Iraq be the next Afghanistan? … 36202.html


#60 2022-09-03 10:14:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

New Mexico Man Arrested for Allegedly Trying to Establish ISIS Training Center in the State … ter-state/

Teenage Hindu girl is burned alive 'by Muslim stalker in India who set her alight with petrol as she slept': Protests break out over 'love jihad' bid to 'force her to convert to Islam' … etrol.html

Terrorists Kill More than 20 Christians in Taraba State, Nigeria … e-nigeria/

The Great Lengths Some Muslims Go to Deceive Infidels … idels.html

Oberlin College’s 'Professor of Peace' endorsed fatwa to murder Salman Rushdie … 38357.html


#61 2022-09-05 04:00:40

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Eight suspects go on trial Monday over the July 2016 attack in the Mediterranean city of Nice, where a radical Islamist killed 86 people by driving a truck into thousands of locals and tourists celebrating France's national day … k-massacre

UK sales of The Satanic Verses surge after Rushdie stabbing … e-stabbing

The 'Rushdie Affair': Religion, Salman Rushdie, Cat Stevens and the art of offence … t-stevens/

The creative arts are an unusual form. Music, visual art and literature all derive from the mind of an individual or collective, creating works that are very much in the eye of the beholder. It is this intrinsic facet that makes the arts nothing if not subjective. One can listen to any song, read any book and gaze at any piece of art, and find that we have a completely different account of the work to the person standing immediately next to us.

This is its brilliance. There are an innumerable amount of points humans can take from a piece of art. Different themes might mean other things depending on life experience. Some notes might hit differently, and the painting of a Habsburg monarch may draw as much disgust as it does fascination. Quickly, cast your mind back to the many instances where you’ve bickered with friends over opinions on music, art or literatur

Musicians causing shock horror is a well-established trope that needs no honest discussion. However, the point is that art has an innate ability to be offensive due to its subjectivity, giving it an internal contradiction that is unmatched, even by class-A sport.

Back in 1988, there was one example of this situation in which things got so out of hand that the world is still talking about it today.

Yes, this rage came after the release of Salman Rushdie’s 1988 novel The Satanic Verses. Although it won awards upon release, such as that year’s Whitbread Prize, the magical realist text was denounced as blasphemous and mocking of the Islamic faith by many parts of the Muslim world.

I want to save discussion of the reasons why, as that is not our place. Instead, I want to show just how severe a reaction art can stoke. The book was banned in Rushdie’s native India as it was regarded as hate speech towards Muslims. This was not the most serious of it, though. On February 14th, 1989, Ayatollah Khomeini, the then-Supreme Leader of Iran, issued a fatwa ordering Muslims to kill Salman Rushdie.

The order resulted in several failed assassination attempts on Rushdie, who was placed under police protection by the UK government. Furthermore, attacks were carried out on people connected to the author, and tragically, the Japanese translator of the book, Hitoshi Igarashi, was stabbed to death in his office by an unknown assailant. We could go on extensively about the global socio-political fallout from the book’s release, as it drew comment from people who hailed from every walk of life, and who really had no place to comment. Nonetheless, one of the most significant and extraordinary convergences it brought was that the man formerly known to audiences as Cat Stevens, who had gone by the name of Yusuf Islam since 1977, also seemed to call for the death of Salman Rushdie.

At a 1989 address he gave to students at Kingston University when asked about the ‘Rushdie Affair’, Islam was quoted as saying: “He must be killed. The Qur’an makes it clear – if someone defames the prophet, then he must die.” Typically, the newspapers quickly got a hold of the comments, and Islam found himself embroiled in what can only be described as a mess.

Islam also appeared on the Australian TV show Geoffrey Robertson’s Hypotheticals, where he was part of the panel of notable guests discussing the event. When asked by the moderator Geoffrey Robertson if hypothetically he’d attend a demonstration where the crowd were burning an effigy of Rushdie, Islam replied: “I would have hoped that it’d be the real thing”.

Egyptian man accused of shooting daughters in honor killing claims he was 'being followed' … lowed.html
Texas, where he had been hiding allegedly with the help of his son and brother.


#62 2022-09-07 09:00:30

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Greece plans to extend fence on land border with Turkey … 21120.html


#63 2022-09-07 20:24:21

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Mosques on Mars

So how does this relate to Mars since it's an earthly border that is being defined to bring border security it would seem.


#64 2022-09-12 08:04:55

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

At least 18 killed in al Shabaab attack in Somalia … 022-09-03/

Switzerland pedophile Afghan mohammedan invader buys 14-year-old girl from her parents for marriage … r-marriage

U.S. marks 21 anniversary of 9/11 attacks … 666/c.html

‘We will never forget’: Joe Biden marks 21st anniversary of 9/11 … e5b9fcb54f

Authorities in Germany have shot and killed a knife-wielding attacker who stabbed two pedestrians while shouting the 1400 yr old warcry of “Allahu Akbar” claiming the terrorist pedophile Moongod al-Lah is superior or greater than all other Gods and belief systems, the attack happened near to the train station in the German city of Ansbach … ahu-akbar/

The Low IQ islamist probably believes he gets virgin women and little boys as beautiful as pearls in the afterlife as described in those so called holy islamist texts

Perhaps a new age will come, one day the authority might decide they should start shooting these guys in the groin, blowing off their penis and testicles with a shotgun blast and then perhaps feed them pork until they die.

It was said General Pershing dipped bullets in pigs blood and buried islamics with pigs during their jihad revolts in Philippines, Moro Muslims whose savage islamism and mohammedan fanaticism appeared inexplicable. it is recorded in history the Spaniards also fought them before America and buried their corpses with dead pigs, US soldiers fought Muslim terrorism in the Philippines before 911 and a century before they did so in the Middle East.

SpaceNut wrote:

So how does this relate to Mars since it's an earthly border that is being defined to bring border security it would seem.

We do have posts on unrecognized claims and borders on the South Pole

I could move the post here

Borders on Mars: A logical extension of Human practice on Earth

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-12 08:16:57)


#65 2022-09-13 05:31:51

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

The United Nations mission in Afghanistan has accused the Taliban authorities of intimidating and harassing its female staff working in the country … fghanistan

Russia Helps Iran Launch Satellite, Promises It's Not Meant for Military Surveillance … 1849390804

Project Babylon was a space gun project commissioned by then Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. It involved building a series of "superguns". The design was based on research from the 1960s Project HARP led by the Canadian artillery expert Gerald Bull. There were most likely four different devices in the program.
The project began in 1988; it was halted in 1990 after Bull was assassinated, and parts of the superguns were seized in transit around Europe. The components that remained in Iraq were destroyed by the United Nations after the 1991 Persian Gulf War. … bongun.htm

Russia gets its first drones from Iran as the two countries strengthen ties … -rcna45352

100 Years Since the Catastrophe of Smyrna

Jews, Armenians, and Greeks Commemorate Genocide of Christians by Turkey … -genocide/

Armenia says 49 soldiers killed in attacks by Azerbaijan. … 76c391e3ea

Major clashes break out on Azerbaijani-Armenian border … ce=armenia


#66 2022-09-15 13:35:05

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Kingdom of Afghanistan and then a Socialist Republican,  a USSR People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan followed by islamic mujaheddin and the Taliban and ISIS? Abdul Ahad Momand  the Afghan-German and former Afghan Air Force aviator who became the first, and currently only, Afghan citizen to journey to outer space. … ronaut.htm

He was selected from more than 400 candidates to be the first Afghan to join the Soviet space programme, and moved at the age of 29 to the Cosmonauts' Training Centre in Star City, outside Moscow.

Mike Pompeo warns US is more likely to face another 9/11-style attack after exit from Afghanistan … rawal.html

Drone killing of al Qaeda leader shows Afghanistan is haven for terrorists … terrorists

A young Iranian woman is in a coma and fighting for her life after being arrested in Tehran by the Islamic republic's morality police … -activists

Afghanistan Withdrawal: A political turning point for way public felt about Biden … felt-biden

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-15 13:41:43)


#67 2022-09-16 03:32:05

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

'The world is watching': Australian daughter of Iranian Baha'i in prison pleads for her release. The Islamic Republic has been ramping up its persecution towards the non-Muslim religious minority group members. … /101443824

In recent months, international media reports note that discrimination has escalated against Iran's estimated 300,000 Baha'is, with the regime's authorities arresting more Baha'is, closing down dozens of Baha'i businesses, demolishing their houses and bulldozing their farmland.

"In Iran, discrimination against and persecution of Baha'is is state-driven and systematic," he said in an annex to his report specifically about the Baha'i community.


#68 2022-09-21 11:42:22

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

They censored 28 pages to cover up Saudi links to terrorism

Now the people who pray to a pedophile camel jacker prophet are going to be back in space.

If the price was right would they also put North Korean in space?

Saudi Arabia buys pair of SpaceX astronaut seats from Axiom

Elon Musk and SHARIA-X ??? … 022-09-20/


#69 2022-09-22 09:54:34

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Iranian protesters set fire to police station as unrest over woman's death spreads … 022-09-22/


#70 2022-09-22 13:58:25

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

The Geopolitical Background of Azerbaijan’s Aggression on Armenia … n-armenia/

Azerbaijani soldiers reportedly stab, rape, and dismember female Armenian soldier … n-soldier/

Axiom Space Signs Agreement With Turkey To Launch First Turkish Astronaut In 2023 … eshow.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-22 14:05:40)


#71 2022-09-22 14:21:24

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Turkey and US-based Axiom Space sign agreement to send first Turkish astronaut into space … nto-space/

Ukraine Latest: Prisoners Released; Erdogan Calls For UN Action … 53109.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-22 14:24:55)


#72 2022-09-23 13:25:55

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Some satellite internet equipment can be exported to Iran, U.S Treasury says … 917042.ece


#73 2022-09-26 03:55:40

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Is Russia or the USA aware of the story or command in islamism texts, the 'Hijrah', also know as Hegria or Hijra? Strange thing is islamism without space tech or without any direct space capability seems to be possible that it is rapidly expanding into space.

To explain to a really young person learn about planets and stars, if you say that you need islamism inside your space colony or space station 'like a hole in the head' or like you need a hole in the head, maybe it means that you do not need or want them at all.

The first Turkish astronaut, which so called 'prophet' or Babylon God will he be praying to? is he Atheist, Jewish, Armenian Christian,  would the astronaut follow Shaman Tengrism or Syrian Indo Iranian tradition of Yazidism...maybe not with 98% of the population registered by the state as followers of mahomet?

Axiom doing more than putting a demonic Moongod al-Lah in Space?

To give Axiom credit it is a real company, its has Human spaceflight space research and manufacturing experience and it has won contract for ISS modules

Axiom Space awarded $228.5 Million Contract for Building NASA’s Next Generation of Spacesuits … -for-nasa/

More than a ‘Border Skirmish’ Between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan … ajikistan/

Iran protests Western stance on mass protests over woman's death … 022-09-25/


#74 2022-09-27 10:08:01

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

How long will Axiom Space continue to work with Turkey manned space flight and Turkish Space Technologies

In other regions they had enough

Death To Islam !??

Iran Mahsa Amini

“Take Your Islam & Go” | Mahsa Amini’s Father Refuses To Allow Islamic Prayers Over Her Body

Calling out the islamo evil and islamist insanity of Islam is punishable by death in the Islamic law, after the death of his child he doesn't care.


#75 2022-10-03 22:44:16

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Iran’s Space Program still just a Military Missile Business?

An islamic Rashid Rover by Japanese Takeshi Hakamada?
ispace is currently headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, with offices in the United States and Luxembourg … on-Company

US Imposes Sanctions on Iranian Morality Police … 58854.html

Migrant who raped boy in France says it is 'normal' in home country
The practice of 'Bacha Bazi' is illegal in Afghanistan but perpetrators are rarely punished, with many powerful officials taking part.

Muslim Brotherhood ‘Spiritual Leader’ Youssef Al-Qaradawi dies aged 96 … s-aged-96/

Wahhabism in South Asia … outh-asia/

As Iranian women protest hijab rules, here are some of the strictest clothing laws around the world … /101484942

German Utility Giants Look To Close Huge LNG Deal With Qatar … Qatar.html

The Wahhabi Invasion Of Sri Lanka … sri-lanka/

Is CAIR a Terror Group? … iel-pipes/

Peter Thiel: Wokeness Is Like Wahhabism … 79474.html


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