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#26 2021-09-11 08:21:43

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Omran Sharaf, graduated from the University of Virginia in 2005 with a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and earned a master's degree in 2013 from KAIST.


#27 2021-09-11 08:28:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Mosques on Mars

The past is the comfort zone and while the mars society sees the future in use of technology to achive its what others feel are reason to the comfort of the past. If he is to make a difference for his nation he must keep taking steps out of that old comfort zone away from it into the future.


#28 2021-12-07 12:42:00

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Space at Expo 2020

Not every major spacefaring nation included space in their Expo 2020 pavilions. Russia built a large pavilion for the expo, but there’s nothing about space to be found inside. Instead, the pavilion, built to honor the creative mind and interconnected world, is dominated by a large brain and a light show.

One of suspected killers of Saudi journalist Khashoggi arrested at Paris airport say police sources … ce-sources

France a secular state and a French Election comes?

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2021-12-07 12:53:58)


#29 2022-01-04 13:45:24

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

We have set a path so one day some jihadi idiot can export Mosques to the Lunar Surface?

At no time did I ever question if Musk was ignorant or insane or dumb ... until now. I know governments are dumb and schizophrenic but never before did I question the wisdom of Elon Musk.

It seems like Musk a guy who lives with one of his principles as a man who can deliver hope or a future to humanity will perhaps begin contribute to indirectly start exporting the 600 AD aka CE desert dwelling bandit islamic religion into the realm of space, a death cult so called religion that set back the cultural region of Mesopotamia thousands of years?? Does anyone think Musk has ever read a single page from the Quran, his default as a person is science so he doesn't seem to be the type of person who would have much knowledge on Religions or Folklore or Theology. I personally don't think he's the type of person that would know much of islam or read much of the Al-Bukhari or he doesn't seem to be the type of guy who could quote cultural things from the Koran or know of Sunnah, Al-Hadith or any of the Shiite or Sunni writings, you don't need to be a Theologian or anicent Historian or Folkore expert to know any of the sources of islam, much like Thomas Jefferson had done as he studied islamist ways as he got ready to go to war with the Pirates?

Even if one had little interest in religion, even if could not be bothered to read a translation of any of their so-called holy books, even if you did not want to download any translation for free about these cultures. You should still be aware about what kind of culture you might be importing or exporting, there are many many ways to learn of this culture, there are still online talks and audio from people like Bill Warner aka Bill French or Randall Allen Terryor the Apostates of islam who changed to Agnostic or another religion, the ex-Muslim Atheists and islamic reformists like Hirsi Ali, Salman Rushdie, Sarah Haider, Tarek Fatah.

In other news

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman wants Turkey's President to stop bringing up the brutal killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi … 53662.html

India news Islamic group goes to Supreme Court to stop ‘insults’ to the old dead pedophile terrorist founder of islam named Moohammad … o-muhammad

Ex-IT engineer first Singaporean to be convicted of terrorism financing, jailed 30 months

There Is No Regional Solution to the Rise of ISIS in the Southern Philippines … hilippines

Iran's president wants Trump tried for the assassination of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, and says it will take revenge if there is no trial … 01179.html

Elon Musk will export mohammedanism or islamism to the Moon? … ander-2022

NASA wants some theocratic Sharia Law state or islam in the Artemis program? Also it seems a mission by MBRSC will ride on a political kamikaze Japan craft or a Space-X Musk rocket to send a lunar rover named Rashid to the Moon in October 2022 aboard ispace's Hakuto-R lander, the company, established in 2010, managed Team HAKUTO, one of the five finalists in the Google Lunar X Prize. The private race to the Moon ended in 2018 without a winner but now instead its seems islamism might be to export its Mosques to the Planets thanks to the ignorace and insanity of people on Earth?

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-01-04 14:52:52)


#30 2022-01-04 14:20:19

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Mosques on Mars


If Elon Musk has never been to the Middle East or served in the military, then he's probably never read any of the Quran.

There is nothing unique to Islam about using religion to justify violence.  All organized religions do it, though some are clearly more problematic than others.


#31 2022-02-25 09:06:03

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Unconfirmed film of chechens getting ready

'Guardian journalist Neil Hauer has shared this footage of Chechen forces mobilization in Grozny.' … 4360984587

Here a clip on bitchute they are chanting 'al Lah hu akbar' there might be other stuff on 4chan or odysee,
I can not confirm this vid, maybe its real but I can not be sure. However we are enterting an era of accelerated madness.
The West in general also has an incorrect understand of the term 'al Lah hu akbar' the crazy leftwing of the Western world, the weirdos like Lindsey Graham and sleazy rightwing warmongering types like the dead John McCain used say don't worry it just their arabic way of saying stuff, it just means 'thank you god'
but it doesn't
It is also a war cry used for 1 Thousand Four hundred years against Christians, Jews, Pagans and Atheists, the actual translation is 'The Moongod al-Lah is Greater' or 'Moongod al-Lah is Superior' the muslims would mockingly cry out this chant as they beheaded Jews and Christians mocking them almost like saying where is your God to save you now?

Does Putin plan on using chechen mohammedans, these radicalized maybe demonic people that pray to a Moongod and pedophile warlord named moohammad? Does he plan on using chechen types against Ukraine just as Clinton once used mujahideen from all parts of the world against the peoples in Serbia??

and what of our enlightened successful educated wealthy elite? Our leaders of politics and industry that are supposed to inspire??

They have already exported islamism to orbit around Mars so Musk and Space X will soon be launching
The kamikaze Japanese think it is wise to get islam into space, ispace Inc. a private kamikaze Japan company getting ready to put mohammedanism into space and to build landers and rovers to compete for both transportation and exploration mission contracts. The Arabic islamic mission's initial timeline was to send the rover by 2024. On 14 April 2021, announced that the schedule had been moved up to send the rover to the Moon by 2022, rather than 2024

kbd512 wrote:

If Elon Musk has never been to the Middle East or served in the military, then he's probably never read any of the Quran.

I have never been to war, never been in the sandbox.

Even if you are many thousands of miles away you can study the culture of this place.

Thomas Jefferson studied his enemies and before he sent US Marines to fight them he studied their book perhaps because he needed to know them and was at war with the islamic Pirate states.

Some people once called me a reader, some called a warrior others once called me a thinker or an artist, maybe I emit that scholar vibe or 'alpha' vibe maybe that arty vibe but I have never been to war. I read up on old historical wars across the world but have never once set foot in the Middle East. However I have met many peoples of the world Christians, Atheists, Buddhists, the Mohammedan type, Agnostic, people who practice Shinto or Pagan Native faiths, many people from many different languages. After 911 I didn't know how Bush would mess up in the Middle East, maybe I just knew by gut feeling or instinct the Shurb was corrupt or Little Bush Jnr  and his team of Neocons was going to screw it all up. I credit not the Neocons or Bush Cheney era Conservative for teaching me about islam, maybe instead I credit the Western left for helping me question the clownish 'political madness' and credit the left for helping learn about 'islamism'. In places like Poland and India they a long history in their minds, they have a historical memory of islam. In parts of Asia they see the West has a place with a short memory that won't learn from its own history, the East the Chinese call the Western Left a regressive self-hating Left, "Baizuo". This Baizou is never a compliment it is like a curse or insult for the weirdo left, strange weirdo gays who illogically support islamists while they chuck gays off high buildings, Baizou is the curse for the Chinese use for the confused left. Maybe we could use term like illiberalism perverted anti-liberal left or decaying 'woke' de-evolving leftwing but Baizuo is their term in the East, it is what people in China call them. In the West you had the leftwing types in America, in England and France, the Biden types making excuses for the islamists, whenever they bombed a pop concert or sent Sharia Law death threats to a writer or cartoonist, they shot up and bombed magazine publishers, an excuse was made, maybe you offended the Moongod al-Lah, maybe 'Pamela Geller should be blamed' for the attack that almost killed her... and then I wondered where the heck is all this madness coming from???

Then I had a little time on my hands so finally as Barack Hussein Obama went on tv and said (maybe I'm Paraphrasing here) but he basically said ' the future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of islam ' he said this to the world on tv while islam was attacking and killing Western history, comedy, writing, art, politics and other values with its islamist jihad.

So I downloaded some of their translated books for free, I listend to online talks and watched videos from want-to-be reformists and ex-muslim Atheists and analytical cultural historian types like Randall Terry, Salman Rushdie, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sarah Haider, Bill Warner, Tarek Fatah and so many others and I discovered that islam was 'demonic' for lack of a better term, the founder of islam and the man who muslims themselves believe to be a prophet, was probably mentally ill,a pedophile, a terrorist he had something wrong with his head or suffered fits but also thought he himself was possessed by demons or evil djinn entity.

If I can read and research as to what the history and foundation of islam is, anyone can.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-02-26 08:24:42)


#32 2022-03-03 08:16:22

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

How the State of the Union Looked back in 2003?

Madalyn Murray O’Hair, founder of American Atheists, responded by suing the United States government, alleging violations of the First Amendment. The suit was filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas. It was submitted to a three-judge panel, which concluded that the case was not a three-judge matter, and dismissed the case for failure to state a cause of action. The direct appeal to the Supreme Court was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. Another appeal was heard before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, which affirmed the trial court’s dismissal per curiam. The Supreme Court declined to review the case.

She was an activist before she became an atheist activist, once wanting to defect to the Soviet Union. But in 1960, she became an atheist activist when she sued the Baltimore school district for mandating official prayers and Bible readings, calling it unconstitutional. She and another activist with a similar case, Ed Schempp, sued all the way to the Supreme Court, winning in 1963. She later sued NASA for such things as the Apollo 8 astronauts reading the Bible, though she lost.
She founded the activist group American Atheists in 1963, and she led it for the rest of her life.
In the 1960's and 1970's, she was the best-known atheist in the United States, and she once got called "the most hated woman in America."


When her son William became a Baptist in 1980, she disowned him. "One could call this a postnatal abortion on the part of a mother, I guess; I repudiate him entirely and completely for now and all times ... he is beyond human forgiveness." He returned the sentiments, describing her as a power-hungry, moneygrubbing hedonist.

Sleazebag  Drops Out After Admitting Affair With ‘Isis Bride’ … -admitting
Rep. Van Taylor apologized for a sexual islamist mohammedan affair with an ex-jihadist dubbed the “ISIS bride” by British tabloids and abruptly dropped his bid for a third term, conceding the GOP runoff to rival Keith Self, a former Collin County judge.
“About a year ago, I made a horrible mistake that has caused deep hurt and pain among those I love most in this world. I had an affair, it was wrong, and it was the greatest failure of my life,” he said in an email to supporters.
The infidelity surfaced just before Tuesday’s primary with help from a third candidate, Suzanne Harp.

GOP Rep drops out over ex-Jihadist scandal

sexual investigations on his perverted actions

Texas Rep. Van Taylor withdraws from runoff over allegations of extramarital affair with 'ISIS bride' … isis-bride

The war is on so expect something in a fog of truth and propaganda, there will be both truths and lies on all sides?

Russia Ukraine War: Ukrainian soldiers use pig lard dipped bullets to fight Muslim Chechens … -28-762022

Disaffected Russian FSB agents 'tipped off Ukraine about Chechen hit squad sent to kill Zelensky before assassins were 'neutralised' … ensky.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-03-03 08:29:11)


#33 2022-03-18 07:03:55

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

‘Atheist Pirates’ remove religious signs from LA streets … 977578.php

Astronauts and cosmonauts, and spaceflight participants have observed their religions while in space; sometimes publicly, sometimes privately. Religious adherence in outer space poses unique challenges and opportunities for practitioners.
Space travelers have reported profound changes in the way they view their faith related to the overview effect, while some secular groups have criticized the use of government spacecraft for religious activities by astronauts … nd=nytimes

Experts warn that Canadian weapons shipped to Ukraine could end up in the wrong hands … 00616.html

'Crusaders against crusaders' ISIS hails Putin war in sickening tribute to Ukraine horror … vasion-war

Lots of Vids of Mercs cross borders and pics that claim to be of killed foreign mercenary with funding coming from both sides?
In Ukraine’s war with Russia, foreign fighters raise concerns of likely future threat … at/868602/

'The chechens are shooting at something in Mariupol. [ Ukraine ]
I don't know what and I don't think they know either.'

4chan screen cap

Chechen strongman Ramzan Kadyrov claims to be in Ukraine (VIDEO) … v-ukraine/


#34 2022-04-15 08:28:51

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Who is Alwaleed bin Talal? Billionaire prince rejects Elon Musk's $41bn offer for Twitter … -ownership

Musk no longer Twitter’s largest shareholder as Vanguard ups stake to 10.3% … nvestment/

Elon Musk takes jab at Saudi Arabia over free speech after prince rejects Twitter bid … eover-bid/


#35 2022-04-23 06:14:24

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Sharia Law in Sweden, remember when the entire islamo apologist Global Media went totally nuts over a 'Last Night in Sweden' Comment?
One week later a little kid Ebba Akerlund found herself splatted by a vehicle-of-peace or Assault Truck Attack, the story was mostly covered up... but it made its round across the interwebs, it was an event that would inspire the killer nationalist terrorist shooter Brenton Tarrant to carry out his mass shooting in New Zealand?

With all this conflict on Earth maybe ...A Martian needs Mosques like it needs a hole in the head?

Riots and Attacks continue for 6 days now?

Disgusting islamist pedophile criminal apologists from the University of Aberdeen have blamed islamic riots in Sweden on Swedish people not not the islamic criminals rioting, the dumbass drug addict idiots like 'Anders Widfeldt' at the University of Aberdeen are calling it all an illegitimate provocation?

Islam itself was a religion founded by a pedophile terrorist, so read their history it would seem 'Islamophobia' is mostly a fake word, or used wrong by certain media types and in real cases of discrimination the words anti-Muslim bigotry would be better used? However that does not change the fact that islam itself was founded by a pedophile terrorist, it is a religion that orders death on those who chose to leave islam, it bombs pop concerts and shoots cartoonists, the first victim of islam is usually the muslim itself. Maybe the true word to use is islam-Awareness not phobia, as phobia is an irrational fear. Christian Democrats leader Ebba Busch argued police should have acted more harshly, took on "the insurgents"? … utit-skarp

Why aren’t we talking about the Islamist uprising in Sweden? … in-sweden/

Christian Democrats leader Ebba Busch argued that the police should have acted more harshly in response to the riots, asking "Why didn't we have one hundred injured Islamists, one hundred injured criminals, one hundred injured insurgents?"

On 14 April, crowds rioted in the city of Linköping attacked police vehicles and burned a car. 12 police officers were wounded and four of their cars set on fire by angry mobs in Örebro. Social media posts showed men breaking the windows of police cars as they screamed the Takbir....the Takbir is a War Cry of Death used to Mock and Harass Christians, Pagans, Jews, Hindus and Atheists for the radical muslims have used this Chant of Death for Thousands of Years. The islamist jihadis could cry 'al Lah Hu Ackbar' saying al Lah was Superior, or the Moongod was greater than other Gods, claming the Moongod al-Lah was superior their their Gods as they beheaded Christains and Jews asking where was their God to save them now? Paludan successfully burned a Quran they in media once again made excuses for the islamic types that throw homosexuals off high buildings and they said he the danish Swedsih guy not the jihadi islamic was causing more riots not not the terroristic criminal muslims of Sweden. Huge numbers of muslims left Sweden these past years to join ISIS in the mass murder genocides happening in Northern Iraq and Syria, when they returned the Swedish government simply allowed all the islamics back in and gave them Welfare Benefit.

The criminal fire bombings, looting, mass unrest in Sweden and jihad riots have received widespread support from all those inbred islamic countries, where locals follow the traditions of mahomet by breeding with their own families and marrying their cousins, rioters are getting support from places including Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. Protests at the Swedish embassy in Iran developed, in which demonstrators allegedly chanted anti-Western slogans such as Death to America and Death to Israel.

Sweden sees foreign countries playing role in recent riots … s-84188915

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-04-23 06:24:09)


#36 2022-05-01 06:18:00

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Weird thing about islam is that some muslims might have quality as individual people despite having such a terrible religion, but why invest in putting that islamist culture into space?

Where did all that Dollar cash come from, yet after pulling out from Afghanistan are these some final results of the humiliation ritual?
They say Rome fell from within.
Why invest to put islamism to space, perhaps the morality of the 1980s on crack but for some reason the economy is still sinking?

Seems that a convicted pedophile British Muslim MP served on government Muslim rape gang panel … gang-panel
UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Muslim student sentenced to 7 years for al-Qaeda funding … a-funding/

Seems while jihadi muslims throw homosexuals off high buildings, bomb pop concerts and shoot cartoonists, send Afghanistan back to the Darkages and stone women to death that islamism is going to have a 6 month stay on the ISS ?

A mohammedan Emirati astronaut to fly long-duration space station mission. Axiom Space said it was proud to provide islamism with a fight opportunity. It has an astronaut corps of four islamics, including two mohammedans who are currently training with NASA’s latest class of astronaut candidates.

Reminds me of those songs about corruption
Stealing in the Name of the Lord
by Paul Kelly
We have a greed, which we have agreed. You think you have to want more you need
Until you have it all, won't be free
Society, you're a crazy breed
- Eddie Vedder
9 Inch Nails? G?
Well I used to stand for something. Now I'm on my hands and knees
Traded in my god for this one
And he signs his name with a capital G

The Endless Plain Of Fortune’
“it’s gold that eats the heart away and leaves
the bones, to dry.”

– John Cale
I've got the Brains!
‘Opportunities - Let’s Make Lots Of Money’ 

Pet Shop Boys
Dirty Cash?
I've no excuse, I just want you to use me
Take me and abuse me ...I got no taboos. I'll make a trade with you
Do anything you want me to

‘Calling To You’
Out in the blue now, just waiting to feed. A little breath of selflessness adrift in all the greed
Who you gonna call? What you wanna say? Standin' in the shadows as the world's just fadin' away

– Robert Plant
Then you have E minor A Major,
There's something happening here. But what it is ain't exactly clear. There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
... D and C Chords?
I think it's time we stop. Children, what's that sound? Everybody look - what's going down?
then E, A and A  G sus with a seventh?

UAE to send astronaut on six-month ISS mission … ssion.html
UAE to send astronaut on 6-month mission to ISS on SpaceX rocket … 477_1.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-01 06:19:03)


#37 2022-05-07 12:57:46

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Axiom not Musk to Provide UAE? … 136389.php

Six-month missions? … ss-mission

Will there be long term unforeseen costs of exporting mohammedanism into space?

Was Allah The Moon God of Ancient Arab Pagan? … rab-pagan/

Old Arabs prayed to the Penis or phallus and prayed to a hole an Anus or in the vagina of Pagan Arab Gods that linked to religions between Arabia and India?
https://exposingthelieofislam.wordpress … an-temple/

Idol Worship? Kaaba Hindu Temple Stolen By Muslims: … y-muslims/

Vedic Past of Pre-Islamic Arabia … influence/

Is Nasa Atheist?

Bill Nelson, NASA Chief Administrator, thanked God at launch of James Webb Telescope?

'Trafalgar Square shut off while Muslims break their Ramadan fast with an open iftar and the Islamic call to prayer is shrieked out over loudspeakers '

Already had a satellite launched to Mars by Boulder Colorado, more astuff made for them in California and the Kamikaze Japanese taxi them, then its Moon Rovers, the islamic guy, an Astronaut Arab Emirates to spend 6 months on the space station, mohammedanism takes a taxi with Elon Musk's SpaceX? The ISS has been described as the most expensive single item ever constructed.[418] As of 2010, the total cost was US$150 billion. This includes NASA's budget of $58.7 billion ($89.73 billion in 2021 dollars) for the station from 1985 to 2015, Russia's $12 billion, Europe's $5 billion, Japan's $5 billion, Canada's $2 billion, and the cost of 36 shuttle flights to build the station, estimated at $1.4 billion each, or $50.4 billion in total.
Assuming 20,000 person-days of use from 2000 to 2015 by two- to six-person crews, each person-day would cost $7.5 million, less than half the inflation-adjusted $19.6 million ($5.5 million before inflation) per person-day of Skylab.
PDF says - According to the Outer Space Treaty, the United States and Russia are legally responsible for all modules, technologies and peoples they have launched The USA / NASA sent 158 people, Russia sent 55,  also onboard and launching experiments and modules were Japanese, Canadian, fthe European Space Agency, South American Astronaut from Brazil, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, South Africa, South Korea, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-07 13:10:24)


#38 2022-05-08 07:22:21

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Some hezbollah-nauts?

Iran's Revolutionary Guard says it launches 2nd satellite
The head of the U.S. Space Command later dismissed that satellite as 'a tumbling webcam in space'

The intellectual taboo troll dark philosophical topics on the web?

Curtis Yarvin Muses on the Lessons of Afghanistan, But Not the Way You Think. … you-think/
Fully Liberated Technocratic Fascism: Arab Spring … ous-zones/
“The Taliban now has more Black Hawk helicopters than 85% of the countries in the world,” Congressman Jim Banks, a veteran, lamented. … ft-taliban

Old Religion, War, Politics Discussions on Newmars
'What if we Lose III? - The thread that wouldn't die'  Things about Bin Ladden ,  I miss 9/10 - A post 9/11 world

Afghanistan’s ‘Ghost Soldiers,’ Corruption … it-coming/
U.S. Troop Levels In Afghanistan … nder-obama
A timeline of U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan since 2001 … ince-2001/

an older speech

Laura Bush Addresses State of Afghan Women … story.html

Seeking to draw attention to the treatment of women and children in Afghanistan, the White House assigned President Bush’s weekly Saturday radio address to First Lady Laura Bush, who said the war on terrorism was “a fight for the rights and dignity of women.”

Her speech--the latest in a series of steps by the first lady toward a more public role--was coordinated with the release of a State Department report condemning conditions for women and children in Afghanistan under the Taliban and the Al Qaeda terror network.

The broadcast marked the first time a presidential wife has given the entire radio address alone. In June, the first lady delivered a portion of the weekly speech, in a commemoration of Father’s Day. Nancy Reagan and Hillary Rodham Clinton also joined their husbands in delivering radio addresses.

Though Bush’s remarks and the State Department report contained little new information, they served to spotlight conditions that the administration believes should help it gain international support for the U.S.-led campaign in Afghanistan.

With the regime “in retreat across much of the country,” she said, “the people of Afghanistan, especially women, are rejoicing.”

“The plight of women and children in Afghanistan is a matter of deliberate human cruelty, carried out by those who seek to intimidate and control.”

The first lady said the “brutal oppression of women” was one of the terrorists’ central goals.

In 2010, Iran also successfully sent a rat, turtle and worms into space

Fargam was a male rhesus macaque and the second astronaut monkey launched into space by Iran, the mission was successful, and he returned to Earth alive and safe

Christians Kicked and Beaten in Italy by Muslim Mob for Smoking During Ramadan … 27825.html … 346147187/ … ani-copti/

Pakistan: Muslim murders his sister for choosing dancing and modeling as a career … s-a-career

GERMAN newspaper wrongly accuses “ungrateful Ukrainian refugees” of complaining about the free food they are getting in Germany … n-germany/

Nigeria: Muslims murder 142 people in jihad massacres in ten villages … n-villages

Pamela Geller: Rick Perry Needs To Address His Ties To Stealth Jihadists … -jihadists

Tarek Fatah on Twitter: "The courageous Ayaan Hirsi Ali ...
“The courageous Ayaan Hirsi Ali accused PM JustinTrudeau of being a “spineless” man who “sides with the barbarism of blasphemy. … 1518610432

The British tmeselves almost had thrown Rushdie to the islamics, the British-Indian writer Salman Rushdie. First published a book called Satanic Verses in September 1988, the book was inspired by the life of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. As with his previous books, Rushdie used magical realism and relied on contemporary events and people to create his characters. The title refers to the Satanic Verses, a group of Quranic verses that refer to three pagan Meccan goddesses: Al-Lat who relates to the male version of the islamic mohammedan Moongod Al-Lah, the story also features Al-Uzza, and Manat. The part of the story that deals with the "satanic verses" was based on accounts from the historians al-Waqidi and al-Tabari. The book was banned by a weak pathetic islamo apologist of hindu India as 'hate speech' directed toward islamists, muslim is not an actual race but the Desi India legal system thinks it might be, it is a dumbass belief system and any ethnic group Black, White, Yellow, Brown or Native American 'Red Skin' can go islamo jihad, any race, any ethnicity can become an islamist. Several failed assassination attempts on Rushdie have happened, who was placed under police protection  he is constantly on the move, and attacks on several connected individuals, including an all out jihadi war against an innocent Japanese and the murder of translator Hitoshi Igarashi. … 1947-1991/
So with an attack on its allies, bombing of pop concerts and shootings of cartoonists in the West and attacks and jihad bombs in Russia.
Why does both the United States and Russia constantly support islam and mohammedanism?

Do they believe they can control these islamo terrorists like pawns on some chess board

Why support the spread of islamism. When both of them had people across their media making excuses for the jihadist who threaten cartoonists

Mohammed Image Archive … c_mo_full/
Islamic Depictions of Mohammed in Full

'Medieval Muslim artists often created paintings and illuminated manuscripts depicting Mohammed in full.'

Is naming a kid mohammed as offensive as naming a kid 'Hitler' or JoeStalin?

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-08 14:41:23)


#39 2022-05-09 08:36:07

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Branson's Virgin Orbit owned by Mubadala Investment Company, vehicle of the government of Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, and Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed?
owns stakes in numerous companies, including a 5 percent share in Ferrari, a 6.9 percent share in AMD and a 7.5 percent share in the Carlyle Group. In 2021 Mubadala purchased a 2.6% stake in En+ Group, a manufacturer of green aluminum, from Polina Yumasheva, the former wife of Oleg Deripaska, he was placed under U.S. sanctions in 2018 for reasons relating to the 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia. Deripaska was one of seven oligarchs sanctioned by the British government over the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, including asset freezes and travel bans … rship.html

Confused Chechen Engages Trees Guns Akimbo … ns-akimbo/

A Chechen fighter supporting Russian operations in Ukraine utilizes a guns akimbo tactic to engage a group of hostile trees in an otherwise empty forest.

You know what? I don't know what to put in the analysis tab on this one.

I'm convinced the Chechen fighters in Ukraine think they're on a reality TV show or something. That, or maybe they think they're doing the mocap for a new action third person shooter video game. I really don't have an analysis or answer for this piece of footage. I've seen some dumb combat footage in my day, but the stuff the Chechens have been putting out actually takes the cake. These guys are actually a waste of valuable Russian resources.

"I'm Johnny al-Knoxville, and this is shooting at trees guns akimbo style."


#40 2022-05-12 08:01:41

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Ramadan Sees Spike in ‘Disappearance’ of Coptic Christian Women and Girls … d-ibrahim/

What do islamic texts say about kidnapping, murder and torture in the name of some Moongod called al-Lah? Umm Qirfa was an elderly Arab woman she disliked Muhammad, a so-called prophet and founder of mohammedanism or founder of the muslim faith and foudner of the Sharia Law political system called islam. She is said to have belonged to a non-muslim pre islamic faith, a pagan tribe named Banu Fazara at the valley of al-Qurra. The evil and torture and cruel method used by mohamdeans to kill Umm Qirfa is described in the history of al-Tabari.  Umm Qirfah prisoner. He also took one of Umm’s daughters and Abdallah bin Mas’adah prisoner. Zyad bin Harithah ordered Qays to kill Umm, and he killed her cruelly. He tied each of her legs with a rope and tied the ropes to two camels, and they split her in two,
History of al-Tabari?
In the Shahi muslim books it says her brothers were executed and her daughter Um Zaml described as being "the prettiest girl in Arabia" was captured by Salama Al-Akwa, who then perhaps took her as a captured sex slave and presented her beauty to Muhammad.  Another texts describes an event which might be the same and however contradicted by a hadith in Sahih Muslim. There are many different islamic texts and many hadi, bukhari, different books that link to the Koran or Quran and Sunnah, just as there are different Jewish texts or different books in the Christian Bible faiths. There are many islamic descriptions of this event, some describe it differently but some Islamic sources agree that Umm Qirfa was killed in a cruel way and point it out as Islam's "method of action".

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-12 11:21:08)


#41 2022-05-15 06:06:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Remember islam is not an ethnic group or race, it is a set of bad idea like Socialist Marxist Communism and Imperialism and Fascism were bad ideas or perhaps it can be looked at as an invasive cult and jihadi Sharia Law system. Any idiot from any country can become an islamic, anyone from any race or bloodline or ethnicity can become a jihad. The first victim of islam is often the muslim itself, you leave islam under threat of death, apostasy has the 'Death Penalty', some individual muslims have good qualities as individual people but islam greatly oppresses them and it is an abusive 'religion'.

They built them a muslim Rover "Rashid" with an islamic flag stuck on its side?

Emirates was able to secure an earlier flight when it partnered with Japan's kamikaze islamist investing ispace to use its Hakuto-R lander to deliver the rover to the lunar surface

New woman looking for America's votes??
She needs to grow a spine?

or maybe this is why Republicans can't be trusted as Democrats can't be trusted, both of them are afraid to call out the pedophile terrorist so-called prophet mohammed because they want those multi-jihadi-cultural votes? … weets.html
'I don't think that was me': Pennsylvania Senate candidate Kathy Barnette denies anti-Islam tweets

Neo-Con little Bush used to almost 'French Kiss' the Saudi and hold his hand and go for walks with him at the ranch, he did this after the 911 attacks, as smoke still came from the crater of the WTC both the Leftwing TonyBlair and the 'Conservative' little Bush went tv to promote it as a 'religion of peace'. Both of these idotic Western leaders said this statement, they without having read any islamic texts they claimed to be the true experts in islamist culture, both of these idiots on tv calling it 'peaceful; while the fires of 911 still burned in that crater wreck in NYC.

World leaders descend on UAE to pay respects to late ruler … 06646.html … eshow.html
Kamala Harris To Travel To UAE For Offering Condolences On Sheikh Khalifa's Demise

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-15 06:20:12)


#42 2022-05-15 10:22:38

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,702

Re: Mosques on Mars

Mars_B4_Moon wrote:

Remember islam is not an ethnic group or race, it is a set of bad idea like Socialist Marxist Communism and Imperialism and Fascism were bad ideas or perhaps it can be looked at as an invasive cult and jihadi Sharia Law system. Any idiot from any country can become an islamic, anyone from any race or bloodline or ethnicity can become a jihad. The first victim of islam is often the muslim itself, you leave islam under threat of death, apostasy has the 'Death Penalty', some individual muslims have good qualities as individual people but islam greatly oppresses them and it is an abusive 'religion'.

Indeed.  The idea that this pointless, barbaric desert religion, can have any relevance to the new world is a bad joke.  Mars is a place where advanced science and technology are neccesities for survival.  Pre-scientific dogma that believes in genital mutilation is not a survival advantage on Mars.  It is an affront to civilisation.

Last edited by Calliban (2022-05-15 10:23:36)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#43 2022-05-15 10:52:38

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,855

Re: Mosques on Mars

If religion can be compared to an operating system for computers, then it can be observed that even poor operating systems can do useful work.

Neural networks are the hardware upon which various religions (including "science") are overlaid.

The owners of those neural networks then go about trying to survive and perhaps even succeed in the complex environment of the physical Universe we live in (a) and (b) the social structures into which we are born.

There will most certainly be mosques on Mars, and they will be there because the people who will build them have found ways to survive and prosper despite whatever handicaps their "operating system" may impose.

It looks to me as though there will be mosques on Mars before there are Churches or Temples, simply because the neural networks involved are able to focus more intently on the problem than are others.

SearchTerm:Prediction there will be mosques on Mars before Churches or Temples



#44 2022-05-26 05:15:33

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

BBC news item mentions Japan not Axiom Space nor SpaceX in regards to the islamic Rover.
So how far would society advance if everyone is forced to go to the Mosque 'Five Times Per Day' the jihadist noise pollution of Adhan is recited loudly, blasted out at 100+ decibels from the islamist mosque five times a day on most days and all day long

and now after the fall of Afghanistan the West is Giving the resources of outerspace to mohammedans?

BBC in future news, other global leftist insane news groups and media like DemocracyNow, NY Times, Buzzfeed, Washington Post, The Economist, The Morning Star no doubt in the upcoming news items in the next years will be fawning over the diversity of all these polar opposite cultures

A race is afoot to make billions from the Moon's resources. Here's the story so far

Private Japanese space company ispace will send a lunar lander called Hakuto-R Mission 1 to the Moon. It will also carry a lunar rover for the United Arab Emirates.

Some illegals and criminal Refujihadis and rapefugees are going back?

How does Denmark decide Syria is a safe place to return to

The globalist bolshevik identity politik international nu-left media of course such as 'the Guardian' behave like absolute islamo-apolost scum, the writers of the Guardian either hate Danish Native people or do not understand how many problems Denmark have faced with integration and islamist mohanmmedan gangster jihadi types who will never become Danish people.

The demographic sex distribution was the exact opposite of when the Titanic sunk, the mohammedan was a bizarre culture that puts its fighting middle aged men first and leaves its women and kids behind last.

Seems like the mohammedan illegal invaders were shopping around for the best Welfare Benefits, which is illegal if you are claiming asylum you must claim asylum in the first safe country you arrive be it Spain or Turkey or Italy or Egypt or Greece. Instead it seems the culture of invader mohammedans had chosen to shop around for the best welfare benefits, the mohammedan invader did as expected but did everyone in the West expect the crazy Merkel to have such an insane open borders policy, it helps them get to Sweden and Denmark? Reading their so-called 'holy' books can be interesting one thing you find is when mahomet the terrorist so-called prophet could not defeat an enemy on the battlefield he instructed his people to invade by the Trojan-horse way of immigration, this is also known as  "Hijra" or 'Hegira'.

‘Zero asylum seekers’: Denmark forces refugees to return to Syria … n-to-syria

Integration does not go both ways, these same 'The Guardian'  Champagne socialists, Limousine Liberals and Private Jet Left flying off to Davos suddenly find themselves to chicken to call out islam while it stones women to death, has Iranians screaming Death to America and Death to Israel, this same islam shoots cartoonists and bombs pop concerts and bans any Christian Church in Saudi Arabia.

Denmark is correct but it needs to do more.

The problem across much of Europe is they had it too comfortable and then go to soft, they recently had failed prison system that have become far too liberal and rotating 'open doors' for criminals.

Why has Europe decided to remove Capital Punishment, do they want to keep mass murdering rapists and pedophiles and mass murder rapists alive people like John Wayne Gacy, cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer, the Yorkshire Ripper, Rose West and terrorists like bin Laden alive for years and years and decades upon decades, maybe keep them 'comfortable' for 100 years at the cost of the tax payer?

either castrate the criminals, feed them pork and put them in hard labor prison camps and break them as you break a horse, breaking their jihad spirit and teach them that mohammedan was a evil man
making them do Hard Labor might have your prison pay for itself and increase your economic production
or put them on Death Row.

or be more humane and simply

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-26 05:44:42)


#45 2022-05-27 10:32:30

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Instagram moderators say Iran offered them bribes to remove accounts

Chechen leader, staunch Putin ally, threatens Poland over support for Ukraine … 55904.html


#46 2022-05-28 11:04:31

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard seized two Greek oil tankers Friday in helicopter-launched raids in the Persian Gulf, officials said. … da17b59475
The action appeared to be retaliation for Athens’ assistance in the U.S. seizure of crude oil from an Iranian-flagged tanker this week in the Mediterranean Sea over violating Washington’s crushing sanctions on the Islamic Republic.


#47 2022-06-04 14:58:33

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

On 29 April 2022, the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) and Axiom Space announced that Crew-6 will also include an astronaut from the United Arab Emirates

in an old newmars discussion
this guy think it will be the Vatican?

Rxke wrote:

Something that popped up in my mind...

The Roman Catholic Church is pretty wealthy, AND has a history of actively going out and converting the masses of 'heathens,' so i think it will not be too far-fetched, once there's a permanent settlement of a fair size on Luna or Mars, there will be sent up a priest one day... Ticket paid by the Vatican...

'Role of Religion in the Martian frontier'

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-06-04 14:59:04)


#48 2022-06-05 08:09:28

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Rights groups allege French arms makers complicit in Yemen war crimes … 022-06-02/

Ukraine war: Russia using proxy infantry forces as it did in Syria - UK Defence Ministry … e-92020094

Supreme Leader acknowledges Iran took oil from Greek tankers … 09159.html


#49 2022-06-07 04:43:35

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Muslim call to prayer will soon become part of the Minneapolis soundscape … que-adhan/

Adam Schiff slams Biden after president says he'd meet with Saudi Arabia's leaders on a potential trip to the region … egion.html

Ukraine War Pushes Biden Into Awkward Compromise on Saudi Arabia, Venezuela … la-1713362

Joe Biden had spoke out against Saudis after the death of Jamal Khashoggi a guy who wrote and was a political activist in Turkish, Saudi and Arab circles, he also wrote for 'The Washington Post'. He entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to get documents for his wife but his body never came out or it might have been put into acid and flushed into a sewer or his bones were cut up with a saw and it came out in different pieces. His relation Adnan Khashoggi was a businessman known for his lavish business deals and lifestyle. It was is estimated he had a peak net worth of around US $ 4 billion, there were rumors he was involved in gun running. Dodi Fayed was his cousin,  the romantic partner of Diana, Princess of Wales, when they both died in a car crash in Paris, France. The 28 pages are slowly getting declassified and leaked over the years, they refer to the final section of the December 2002 report of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of 911, the report states that some of the September 11 hijackers received financial support from individuals connected to the Saudi Royal Family and the Saudi Government.

Here is an interesting post from an old new mars user … 111#p56111

Gennaro wrote:

As for Muslim Fundamentalism, to put it crudely, there is really no such thing. Fundamentalist Islam is Islam taken seriously.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-06-07 04:50:23)


#50 2022-06-27 04:31:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mosques on Mars

Oslo ‘terror suspect refuses to answer police questions' - stalling investigation into gay bar attack that left two dead and 21 injured … ttack.html

Muslims enraged as Muslim Ms. Marvel turns out to be un-Islamic … un-islamic

Turkish police break up Istanbul Pride, arrest dozens including journalists … ournalists

Britain’s de facto blasphemy law strikes again … ikes-again

Bihar: Islamists attack Lakshmi Narayan temple in Araria, hoist Islamic flag

Call for Hindus to be deported from the Gulf over violence against Muslims in India … c18a6c949a

There is a growing call for millions of Hindu people to be expelled from Gulf countries

Did you know that at least 20% of all newborn babies in France have Muslim first names? … rst-names/

Iran launches rocket into space as nuclear talks set to resume … 47490.html


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