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#1 2003-04-04 10:47:38

From: Phoenix AZ
Registered: 2003-04-04
Posts: 3

Re: Animals supported on mars. - Could it work?

Hey all, new to the forums here. Doing a project for school with Mars. Anyway, could animal life be supported on Mars reletivly easily? I was thinking they could have cages for the animals other than dogs and cats with  re-fillable oxygen tanks. With the dogs and cats, they could just use the available oxygen in the living arrangments. Thanks all. I look forward to a response. big_smile. Oh, what would the cons be? I know lunar dust may be a factor with respiratory diseases. Thanks again all.    -Trevor


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#2 2003-04-20 15:30:57

From: Earth
Registered: 2003-03-24
Posts: 5

Re: Animals supported on mars. - Could it work?

Hmm, yes that could work. Of course having maybe dogs and cats around the living apartments might cause problems with the life support system. Pet hair...hate that stuff....


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#3 2003-04-21 15:48:06

From: Exeter,Ca
Registered: 2002-07-17
Posts: 105

Re: Animals supported on mars. - Could it work?

well animals might work but it might not work its all in the atmosphere!

if u know what show thats from than where cool smile


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#4 2003-04-22 23:21:51

Registered: 2003-01-22
Posts: 122

Re: Animals supported on mars. - Could it work?

Welcome Trevor,

Animals could exist anywhere that people could exist.  If they had to be in a cage they could just be under the dome or in the underground tunnels or whatever we build to live in.  You might want to make the cages pretty big though, they would be able to jump very high and would hit their heads alot in a small Earth-sized one.  :;):

Don't worry about the lunar dust - you're on Mars remember.  There is Martian dust, but if people can live there animals should be just fine.


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#5 2003-05-06 20:09:25

Registered: 2003-05-06
Posts: 6

Re: Animals supported on mars. - Could it work?

Terrestrial animals might do as well as their human counterparts on Mars but fish might be a different story.  Anybody know if any experiments have been done in space testing how well fish do in low gravity situations?  Being an aquarium nut I couldn't live on Mars if fish can't live there.  I'd love to be the first to breed fish on Mars.  Bettas would be a good fish pet to have on Mars since they can live successfully in very small aquariums and bowls if the gravity doesn't drive 'em nuts.  :laugh:


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#6 2019-10-24 09:29:21

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,332

Re: Animals supported on mars. - Could it work?

This re-awakening of an existing topic follows interaction with animal care providers on Earth in 2019.

The challenge I am posing to those few who are interested, is to try to anticipate how animal (especially small mammal) care will be provided on Mars.

I'm talking here about the time frame of the My Hacienda topic, which is long past first landing, when several thousand people are in place and running a self-sustaining off-Earth enterprise.

MarsGuy2012 wrote:

Welcome Trevor,

Animals could exist anywhere that people could exist.  If they had to be in a cage they could just be under the dome or in the underground tunnels or whatever we build to live in.  You might want to make the cages pretty big though, they would be able to jump very high and would hit their heads alot in a small Earth-sized one.  :;):

Don't worry about the lunar dust - you're on Mars remember.  There is Martian dust, but if people can live there animals should be just fine.

I'd like to see this topic return to life with intelligent, thoughtful, useful and helpful suggestions on how to set up and maintain a system of animal care facilities, including appropriate staffing.

Louis, I challenge you to say something that meets the criteria stated above.

One of your Class Clown bon mot (French intended) is not welcome.



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#7 2019-10-24 16:29:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Animals supported on mars. - Could it work?

We have talked about small animals in other topics to which the main hangups are the waste that they create when not in a hybernated state for transport and germs or disease that we would not want to be brought along with them. The alternative is to bring embryo's and or small animals that grow slowly that are just newly born before transport.

Such animals as rabits, chicken, laying hens, guinie pigs, fish have all had there place in some of the protiens for man discusions.
The real question for the "My Hacienda topic" in how soon and which ones first as we have no knowledge for how they will react to the months of 0g or to AG for the journey to mars let alone how they will procrate in the reduced gravity of mars.
There is a huge support to bring animals to mars in structure of a building, power, feed for them and so much more.

Here is the Swine topic


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#8 2019-10-27 18:36:15

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Animals supported on mars. - Could it work?


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#9 2019-10-27 19:16:14

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,332

Re: Animals supported on mars. - Could it work?

For SpaceNut ... Thanks!  Interesting range of posts.

SpaceNut wrote:

My inclination is to try to imagine small mammals in an underground environment, although I'll admit the suggestions in the 2004 discussion to include insects and reptiles is worth considering.

The discussion about getting animals to Mars was pretty far ranging as well.  I noted "Cindy" as a participant, and one of the few participants with a feminine name I've run across on the forum.

The rotating habitat vessel idea is the one I consider most appealing.  That came up recently in the Mars Cycler discussion.



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#10 2019-10-27 19:24:49

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Animals supported on mars. - Could it work?

We have also talked about bees as the pollinator of future crops that require them to create the fruit that we will eat. Can we even bring them to mars for an underground chamber for food growth and would they survive the trip. Just think of honey as a plus.


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