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Check out this web page. These people plan to establish a Mars Colony!
Finally, a step in the right direction.
A non-profit effort to establish The Ares Concordant
a permanent, human colony
on Mars. [url=][/url]
What exactly to check on there? It's just about nothing. And a message about a trial version of NetObjects Fusion lol.
No not yet, but I think they've got the right idea.
A non-profit effort to establish The Ares Concordant
a permanent, human colony
on Mars. [url=][/url]
I used to look at alot of these websites but after a while of seeing so many that you just know have no future I have basically stopped. I hate to criticize that group there but their one of hundreds of groups started by someone with a spirit of adventure. I applaud their initiative, but if their true goal is to go to Mars, I suggest they combine efforts with the Society to make that happen much quicker...
Just my two cents
just making a systematic updated due to shifting issue but now is being closed due to spammer link.....
Pages: 1
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