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How long until the ISS is mutually destroyed as a means to sanction the other partner?
Last edited by Terraformer (2018-04-13 15:17:19)
Use what is abundant and build to last
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I think the bigger short-term risk is that Putin will order no more taxi rides to ISS for American astronauts. And perhaps UK and French. That would be retaliation for bombing Syria.
It's quite clear that Russia always intended to use chemical weapons, and intended its client states to use chemical weapons. Otherwise, we wouldn't be seeing chemical attacks in Syria, or that weird assassination attempt in the UK. You have to look at what they do, not listen to what they say. 90+% of what they say is lies and BS.
Longer-term, Russia may demand its modules back from the ISS, leading to its disassembly and destruction, and with little or no reentry control.
Geopolitics is a bitch, ain't it?
GW Johnson
McGregor, Texas
"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew, especially one dead from a bad management decision"
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Otherwise, we wouldn't be seeing chemical attacks in Syria
Absolute twaddle. Assad isn't the only one in Syria with chemical weapons. Given how many weapons are schedule 3 (dual use technologies), it's pretty much impossible to prevent a group from getting hold of them. Since the attack in question apparently used chlorine, and the jihadis in question are on record as using that... but I suppose we can't trust outlets like the Voice of America and Russia Today, particularly when they're reporting the same thing. Back in April 2016. The rabbit hole goes deeper than we ever imagined...
Use what is abundant and build to last
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I wonder how fast they'll be able to get DragonRider ready, if the Soyuz rides are stopped?
Use what is abundant and build to last
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US regrets 'surprise' Russia exit from Space Station … n_999.html
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