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#1 2021-11-28 17:51:45

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Mars B4 Moon postings

If we all did what Mars B4 Moon is doing - posting scores of archived posts and rarely posting anything substantive from our own fingers, this forum would become absolutely useless and pointless. As it is, it's definitely struggling.

I am quite happy for Mars B4 Moon to post lots of original thoughts on subjects of the moment but reviving old threads in industrial quantities is just turning the forum into a malodorous pile of old, outdated, disconnected material.

This is just hastening the death of the forum.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#2 2021-11-29 02:56:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

I will delete my comment on Louis, others have spoken in support for my posts...yet I wwrote what I said and meant it but I do stand by everything I wrote. I'm not sure why I'm deleting it maybe its in 'good spirit' or something, we have a small community I don't think its wise for members to post against each other in this way

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-12-24 21:00:31)


#3 2021-11-29 07:31:05

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

For Mars_B4_Moon ....

Louis has many faults, but even in his worst moments, he sometimes makes a negative contribution that has a positive result.

In creating a topic dedicated to your work, he has given the rest of us a place to provide feedback that does not impose our ID's on the topic you have brought back into view.  To my knowledge (admittedly limited) this is the ** first ** time a topic has been created that is dedicated to one of our authors.

This is not the first time I have complimented you on bringing old topics back into view and adding a current update.

On the subject of forum growth ... I am open to comments about how to bring in new (younger) members who are willing to allocate some of their time and energy to the Mars Settlement project.

We have admitted four new (younger) members since SpaceNut decided to confront the 18,000+ spammers who've flooded the forum with spam accounts.

Each showed promise when first admitted.

And they are not participating after an initial flurry.

marc is a PhD candidate working on the final touches of a design for a robust minicomputer that would have many features almost perfectly matched to the needs of a society far from Earth. 

Noah is an undergraduate in Germany (studying in Switzerland) who showed a strong interest in designing an expedition to Mars.

Captain J Torriani is a university student in Mexico, whose major focus is robotics.

Our newest member is Clinician_Antilles who is a recent graduate who is sorting through possible institutions for medical training.

SpaceNut and kbd512 provided questions which each new candidate for membership is asked to answer, and all have done so.

I have tried to encourage each new member who is a student to concentrate on achieving success with their academic programs, because that is the key to the contributions they will be able to make later in life, in general, and in support of the Mars venture in particular.

Our outreach efforts have been limited.  SpaceNut has posted in the new Mars Society member forum, and several inquires have come from that.

I've been posting the NewMarsMember topic every day, in hopes of capturing the eye of potential new members.

In addition, I've been doing the same in Dr. Dartnell's Knowledge Forum, but the only traffic I see there is spammers selling products or services of various kinds.

We could probably do a lot better if members of ** this ** forum could find a moment to publicize the forum a bit.

Each member with a University connection could write a note to the university newspaper with an invitation to check out the forum if they are interested in helping with Mars Settlement, or possibly even interested in making the trip.

Thanks again for all ** you ** have done to add (to me interesting) content to the forum, and I hope you have the time and energy to continue.



#4 2021-11-29 19:53:41

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

louis, we were in the hastening death for the forum by tying up the admin and moderators to clean up the garbage that spammers have left over the near decade until the gates were closed. We have an opportunity to be better than that. In fact the returning of the past real members to post is a step in the right direction even with one. Old topics are only old if you keep making new topics when there are ones that can take the generic posts which make little difference. Have you even looked at all of the zero unanswered posts topics well it numbers 990 and counting which add nothing since a majority of them have generic topics that could have had them posted within.


#5 2021-12-02 11:23:17

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

I am delighted to be able to take advantage of this new topic, created by Louis, to highlight the posts of Mars_B4_Moon

Today, I'm noting:

The discussion of the worrisome space militarization that has been under way for some time is the author's focus.

he brings together a wide variety of links that provide an over view of the scope of the problem.

I particularly like the care that Mars_B4_Moon (almost) always takes to provide a brief text explanation of why a particular link might be worth pursuing,  We (forum readers) have only ** so ** much time to acquire new knowledge or insight before we have to resume our day-to-day activities.  The summary statements that Mars_B4_Moon takes the time to create are a big help.



#6 2021-12-06 09:05:48

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

Today, before reading all his postings, I decided to highlight this one by Mars_B4_Moon: … 87#p188387

I appreciate his summary of tourist activity, and particularly news there might be a tourist flight this month?

It will be fun to follow if it happens. 



#7 2021-12-06 10:16:15

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,702

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

Louis, is bringing up old topics really a problem?  Why is it killing the forum?

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#8 2021-12-06 15:13:07

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

Within reason, people are allowed to post to existing or new threads as they see fit.  If an older thread already fits with the subject of your post, then you should feel free to use it, because that keeps the number of threads manageable.

It's hard to recruit new members for free exchange of ideas if we discourage free speech, which is why I support free speech right up to the point where you're either proposing something illegal (advocating for violence or otherwise breaking laws) or immoral (racism, sexism, or other forms of discrimination / hatred that may even be permissible by law in certain places, but are not in keeping with basic human respect for everyone, even if we don't personally like or agree with someone).  There's a quick and easy test for morality that's simple to understand.  If you wouldn't want it done to you, then don't do it to other people.


#9 2021-12-07 12:03:30

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

Mars_B4_Moon has been hard at work on another set of interesting posts.

To pick just one from today's collection, I liked the update on space militarization: … 37#p188437



#10 2021-12-09 07:48:57

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

For today I'd like to highlight this post by Mars_B4_Moon .... … 95#p188495

At a time when President Putin is threatening to invade Ukraine, it is heartening (to me for sure!) to see this report!



#11 2021-12-10 14:40:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

In a few minutes I am going to create a topic to allow forum members to comment upon the posts of one of our prolific authors.

I'll be following the example of Louis, who created this topic to allow our members to heap praise (or criticism if they are so inclined) upon Mars_B4_Moon.

I hope that I am not the ** only ** forum member to take advantage of these new topic!

Mars_B4_Moon, in particular, has been taking (what comes across to me as) large blocks of time to actually look at the archived topics in this forum.

I am seeing early posts every day, as I supervise repair of posts from the beginning of the forum.  My glimpses are not equivalent to the study that Mars_B4_Moon appears to be giving those early discussions.



#12 2021-12-10 19:35:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

This is as good as we can do for the Thumbs up to post made....

Posting in the meta area is intended to be positive commenting only for the individuals post which have been made.

Aka Thumbs up acknowledgement...


#13 2022-01-05 11:46:28

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

For Mars_B4_Moon

Thanks for this update on the unrest ... … 45#p189845

I would not have realized the connection if you had not pointed it out!



#14 2022-02-17 15:36:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

After a few days away from the forum, Mars_B4_Moon has returned with another collection of links with comments....

However, spacecraft activity tracker Jonathan McDowell, also an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center, told SpaceNews that he believes China is probably using the Chang’e-5 spacecraft gaining experience with astrodynamics.

This quote is from the article at the link to an unusual orbit chosen for the Chinese spacecraft.

The orbit was deduced by a global network of amateur satellite trackers.  It is an impressive achievement.

It appears (as I understand the article) that the Chinese have placed the probe in an orbit that is comparatively stable, since it moves between two Lagrange points (again, if I understand the article correctly).  Apparently NASA is considering this orbit for one or more projects.



#15 2022-03-19 08:56:42

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

This is another opportunity to express appreciation for the work of Mars_B4_Moon, in bringing ancient topics back to life with new links and comments.

In a recent post, Mars_B4_Moon mentioned difficulty finding the topic(s) about asteroid mining...

Here is what I found today:

Index» Search» Topics with posts containing 'asteroid and mining'
Search results
Topic    Forum    Replies    Last post
Asteroid/off-Earth mining by louis
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    14    2021-10-03 12:18:41 by tahanson43206
Asteroid mining / Mass for propulsion & structures. by Void
Interplanetary transportation    6    2013-04-09 03:19:13 by Void
Index» Search» Topics with posts containing 'asteroid and mining'



#16 2022-03-19 08:59:32

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

Since the latest discovery by Mars_B4_Moon was about diamonds (possibly) existing on Mercury...

Index» Search» Topics with posts containing 'mercury'
Search results
Topic    Forum    Replies    Last post
Mercury by Tom Kalbfus [ New posts ]
Terraformation    16    Today 10:39:02 by Mars_B4_Moon
Water on Mercury? by Calliban
Science, Technology, and Astronomy    6    2022-01-12 20:21:15 by Mars_B4_Moon
Human Missions to Mercury by Tom Kalbfus
Human missions    9    2015-03-01 02:16:27 by SpaceNut
Mercury Lander and Rover by Tom Kalbfus
Unmanned probes    3    2015-02-17 20:27:03 by SpaceNut
Mercury by Void [ 1 2 ]
Terraformation    26    2015-02-16 13:49:44 by Tom Kalbfus
Spacecraft captures one of the closest photos of Mercury we’ve ever se by Tom Kalbfus
Unmanned probes    0    2015-02-14 12:02:41 by Tom Kalbfus
Areoforming Mercury by Terraformer

The stand alone topic created by Void looks (to me at least) like a good place for a post about diamonds on the surface.



#17 2022-04-14 10:55:05

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

It is extremely diofficult (for me for sure) to identify the "best of" posts that are created by Mars_b4_Moon

However, ** this ** one stands out: … 14#p193614

In this post Mars_B4_Moon has met, and then exceeded, my hopes for the new non-destructive excavation topic.

This post (appears to) contain every technique I had ever heard of, and several others besides, for excavation using non-destructive techniques in difficult terrain.



#18 2022-06-13 07:35:26

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

As mentioned in post #17, I have difficulty keeping up with the work of Mars_B4_Moon, and it is difficult (for me for sure) to pick one post over another, but this one really caught my eye for several reasons... … 31#p196131

The post is in the AI topic, but it includes report of advances in particle physics that may prove important to the Mars undertaking.



#19 2022-06-13 19:08:04

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

Yes the numerous posts of article content while not always in the correct topic is a welcome to bringing others to the forum.


#20 2022-07-02 15:24:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

At one time early in my posting to the forum Mars_B4_Moon, I was accused of spamming of topics similar to the current story link posting that you are achieving, and I do not feel that of you. As you are bringing back discussion that is lacking as a result of those postings.


#21 2022-07-06 06:18:19

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,854

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

In the two posts cited below, Mars_B4_Moon has captured the "horse race" aspect of lunar exploration

Chinese Space Program - lunar exploration … 95#p197295

US space program - focus on lunar exploration … 96#p197296

Note in space cryogenic refueling by Dynetics



#22 2022-07-06 12:49:58

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings


If the Chinese had a space program with a super heavy lift rocket, a large spacecraft with adequate radiation shielding, long duration life support, etc, then we would have a proper horse race.  As it is, we have some minor faction of China's government interested in PR win for China.  Ditto for NASA and our government.  These programs have all the appearance of PR campaigns that are not serious about going back to the moon and learning how to live there.  To go back, you need super heavy lift rockets, large capsules or miniature space stations, and lunar lander vehicles.  Nothing else is truly required.

A proper lander is all that we're lacking at this point.  Nobody has a lander ready to go.  SpaceX is supposed to take care of that, but an entire series of complex steps to refuel in orbit and return directly to Earth from the surface of the moon is required.  Is that worth it?  We'll know that after they do it.  I think so, but we'll see.  China appears to be developing similar concepts, so I presume that there is broad agreement between entirely different space agencies with very different philosophies, about "what right looks like".

Will China pull it off?  I certainly hope so and I wish they would.  However, all talk is quite cheap.  I'm not overly-impressed by what I've seen thus far, although I agree that they've made significant progress and I like where they're headed.  China is presently about where the Soviets stopped 50+ years ago.  I want to see a final push to the finish line by someone not named "NASA" or "SpaceX".  The Soviets clearly had the tech and cosmonaut training to do it, but never did.  Why?  It was no longer a PR win back at home, so the program lost funding.  I understand that China plays the long game, so I expect to see a payoff at some point in the future.  My best guess is that they're around 12 to 14 years away.  They might be able to do it sooner, but only at great risk of killing whomever they're sending.  The Chinese are smart and disciplined, so they probably wouldn't risk that.

NASA did it in less than 10 years, but they also killed the Apollo 1 crew, nearly killed the Apollo 13 crew, and the first Saturn V launches were very iffy.  These days, we (as in every nation capable of human space flight) don't allow rockets or capsules with marginal test results to carry humans.  We tell the designers to go back and fix the issues noted, then report back when they think they're ready for the next all-up "full dress rehearsal" test.

China has made excellent propellant and basic design choices for their Long March 9 super heavy lift booster and their engineers are also top-notch, so I expect their machine to work.  First launch is scheduled for 2028.  That is a long way from being ready.

SpaceX is launching Starship this year and SLS is also launching this year.  In another 3 to 4 years, I expect the first crewed full dress rehearsal mission that includes both the Starship lander and Orion capsule.  That mission will achieve lunar orbit using both Orion and Starship, dock in lunar orbit, perform a mock landing that gets very near to the surface but boosts back to orbit prior to landing, and then the astronauts will return home aboard Orion and splash down in the ocean.  Shortly after that, the first Artemis Program landing will occur.

The Chinese Long March 9 will (hopefully) have achieved first flight by the time the first NASA / SpaceX landing takes place, with China's first lunar landing 3 to 4 years later.  Perhaps 3 to 4 years after America's first landing, we'll have the first permanently occupied lunar base and lunar gateway established to acid test all the Mars survival technologies.  Upon successful completion, then and only then will anyone truly be "ready to go to Mars".  This stuff takes a lot more time and money than most people would like it to, but real progress is still being made.  I sincerely hope the Russians and Europeans will join us, but that remains to be seen.  The world is in deep turmoil right now, very similar to how it was in 1969.


#23 2022-07-26 18:57:31

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

A new high post count for the day of 43....


#24 2022-07-27 20:51:48

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

Still on a blitz at 46 posts today


#25 2022-11-11 06:49:10

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Mars B4 Moon postings

Won't be blitzing for a while, busy with work this season

From me Mars_B4_Moon

I miss the days of Centrist Moderate Politics and where almost nutty extreme of Left and Right could find common ground in Space Exploration, we argued once if Branson, Bezos or Musk would win or if the Private sector would utterly fail and there would always be a need for Bigger Government. Right now we see successful commercial space rocket! but also right now in this time, we have Elon Musk perhaps so concerned about speech that he bought twitter. Now in Post Mid-Term election press conference, during Biden's first Presidency we see Media put words in the mouth of Biden over wanting Elon Musk Federally investigated for working near the Saudi but not anyone else who has screwed America up the last 21 years, betrayed Lady Liberty, worked for their own corrupted foreign masters and certainly not his son Hunter.

It's been a fun and interesting reading all these amazing newmars posts, ones I missed the past years but I'm now going to take a break from these forums for a while.

I will no longer blitz this place with almost 50 posts a day. I don't know how long, maybe I will be back soon or maybe you will see some user like me out there on the webs in Blogs or Odysee or some Anonymous news comment section or Bitchute ranting in some comments section about Space-X and Roscosmos and NASA and ESA and other Agency I might be typing in All Caps against idiot Joe Rogan style Flat Earthers who knows. Maybe I will be out there on the web chatting about exoplanets and solar sails and reactors on the Moon and rockets in some obscure part of the web. Talking about AI or possible investment in Fusion or growing food inside tunnels on the Moon and Mars . Maybe I will be out somewhere on the webs chatting about types of Governments that might work, if drugs will be banned or legal highs and what might fail inside a big community on Mars, how to build an artificial Lake on Mars or the militarization of the Moon or how monkeys will have sex in space, making plastic Lab Grown Bug Meat or space Alcohol and iron smelting. There has been great debate on what Mushroom or bugs or moss or lichen could go to Mars or speculation on how to trade low tech 3-D printed product from Callisto to the Moon to Titan and to Mars. I have always been a fan of Mars colonization and will continue being a fan space colonization. I have been told not to criticize reddit this is something I outright refuse. Its been fun posting here and I hope I added something to this community. It seems a user EdwardHeisler came on here to promote reddit, I do not support reddit in any way whatsoever. For me personally I do not know EdwardHeisler but I have seen posts of his often pop up such as is James Webb a Bigot anti-Transexual? is Trumps performance 'nothing short of treasonous' like CIA says, another post is Brett Kavanaugh Evil should we follow the Supreme Court guy and protest outside his home...not the exact words...but you get the picture. The older posts of EdwardHeisler seem to be more grounded in math and geology but over time maybe the political reddit mind virus got to him.

Personally it was nice coming back I had not been around a while and some old sites I came back to I seen centrist politics vanish. This forum for me disappeared during the last big web crash but it had not vanished from my mind, every once in a while I would think of old posts and debates here. During the push for Lockdowns with a Global Pandemic I found more free time on my hands so one day I put this forums name it a search engine and I discovered it was back and it had already returned for some time. When I came back to new Mars I did not know the user 'EdwardHeisler' this was a new name for me but all the older names with many years of research papers and blogging and hard outdoor exploration and recordings relevant to Mars I remembered some great people have posted over the years and contributed to this forum, some people no longer post here or maybe even passed away.

I had known of a site called 'reddit' but it was not for me. By the time I came to reddit people told me what had made reddit once great changed. They said reddit was already gone with death of some kid programmer Aaron Swartz, a hacktivist of sorts, Anti-censorship, one of the original founders of Reddit, Aaron Swartz. He was big in the study of computers at age 14 I think he was already making international software tech headlines with work he had done. This Aaron Swartz kid grows up did something illegal and 'stupid' he downloaded academic journal articles and was going to spend time in jail for it, he's an adult aged 26, faces Federal prosecutors, then suicides and 'Reddit' changes it becomes a company run by Ellen Pao, Steve Huffman, Alexis Ohanian and I have no idea what kind of Marxist rightwing or leftwing nutjob runs the place today...only that it is possible is skin color might be Black as that was requested by the former CEO or the new guy might be of Negroid Congoid African Race Ethnicity, would an Albino Black so craved by African cannibals for the 'magic' human meat have got the job I now wonder? … as-albinos

Reddit today is the sewer of the internet, it has tried to clean itself up but in doing so only made itself worse.

and if I must link to reddit then...

What do I mean?

1 Most users on reddit are Fakes, upvotes and karma get you to the front page. These upvotes are often bots from Vietnam, Pakistan, France, Israel, India, China, Turkey, Brazil, Berlin, name it they hire offshore to some other guys, they pay them sometimes a Dollar to 2 Dollars and have a call center with multiple mobile cellphones their own unique IPs and across a giant canvas of phones.
Reddit's business model is unholy and toxic. Reddit now Rewrites its History by Excluding its founder Aaron Swartz
Sometimes people on reddit are not sure if they chat to real people or bots
Most people on reddit are fakes shills Russiabots that kind of thing, a table or board is set up so a call center spammer instant clicks 'like' 'like' 'like' 'share' share' upvote upvote upvote upvote upvote 'this is great', 'I like this', 'wow amazing' it is very difficult to guard against this level of faker and spamming
It does have real crazy people for example the Buffalo NYC Shooter used to post at reddit.

2 Reddit is a constant fickle trend without steadfastness, going after the latest fad always chasing the new high, the new instagram tiktok style, the new fashion trend of today, it is simply bad for older long term debates and it does not have useful Functional Search Engines. Reddit has one of the worst search engines of all time, if you got some random monkeys to bang randomly on typewriters and turn it into code they would come up with a search engine.

3 One of the early problems Ellen Pao takes over, her family are from the Republic of China Military Academy, she hung around all those Masonic sisterhoods at the elite Princeton University and Harvard Law School, she has a fetish for Criminal Homosexual Black Fraudster Men and was in an open relationship with Fraudster Alphonse "Buddy" Fletcher he has paid out confidential settlements in sexual misconduct sexual assault allegations. Ellen Pao lies to file gender discrimination suits against people she works for.
This was the era of Obama politics, 'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'
Homosexual, Gay, Lesbian, Multisexual Transexual. Ellen has a boyfriend? husband? partner who is a soddomite putting his penis in the anus of other men, she is chasing around other gay men collecting diseases....the lifestyle openly celebrated in the Obama era and reddit.
However then on July 6, 2020, Pao claimed in a tweet that she had known about Ghislaine Maxwell's involvement in the solicitation of underage girls for sex since at least 2011; Maxwell was criminally charged with six felonies, including sex trafficking and enticement of minors, on July 2, 2020. … ellen-pao/
, … pao-2020-7
, … s-for-sex/
Although she is long gone reddit still has lots of Anti-Pao community , ,

4 Huffman aka Spez steps in and stars censoring posts..should people who voted have their posts edited and trolled because of what party they vote for? Huffman Spez edits and cenors posts of users who voted for Donald Trump
'It’s all about violence and humiliation now. Degradation and pain — physical and mental.' … esstudios/
'Katie from por*** wrote a good post that made front page and talked specifically about the rise in incest videos on their site.'
'Reddit’s pro Donald Trump subreddit, The_Donald, has called for Reddit CEO Steve Huffman to step down following revelations of his recent unwarranted edits of users’ comments.' … t-scandal/
Eventually the entire Republican Trump community itself is silenced and banned
Reddit might have killed people by censoring calls for Blood Donations after Omar Mateen, killed 49 people and wounded 53 more in a mass shooting at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. … ip-orlando
, … index.html

5 Alexis Ohanian comes in and starts supporting AntiFa and BLM Rioters in their orgy of Burning Looting and Murder as they almost burn US Cities to the ground in the middle on a pandemic, this rioting over a dead drug addict and a Cop who may have used excessive force then was broadcast on news 24/7 putting fools into as rioter trance until the idiocracy of rioting started to spread across the entire Western world. Reddit CEO Ohanian resigns from board, urges company to replace him with a black candidate
Ohanian is married to steroid munching tennis player cheat Serena Williams ...but then again she probably isn't the only one doping
However the Antifa BLM rioter stuff was almost like supporting Terrorism
Anumber of Rioters and Drug Addicts even tried to build their own separate nation and break away from the city of Seattle, known as the 'Chaz' or Capitol Hill Occupied Protest all of this insanity supported by reddit.

6 For a while Reddit was going to self-Police, tracks its own bias and censorship, it might have been a good idea for a few months or days, a sub forum called SUB Reddit Cancer it now reads

SRC is permanently closed and pointless. There is nothing left anywhere. The face of the internet is permanently changed. Artificial "organic" content, political propaganda, and censorship are now the status quo. None of us have any motivation anymore. Enjoy your lives offline--there is nothing left online worth caring about.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."

7 Reddit has well known child abusers on its team? … /bardfinn/ Reddit powermod 'Bardfinn' getting his due negative attention

8 Another pedophile? Aimee Knight Challenor a British transgender activist was a mod admin of much of reddit, David Challenor, Knight's father, who had been serving as his / her / its election agent, was a member of the British Green Party and the British Liberal Democrat Party and was convicted and jailed for raping and torturing a 10-year-old girl, and for making indecent images of children. Reddit finally under huge internal pressure cuts its ties with a UK politician after hundreds of major subreddits went dark in protest against of his / her / its hiring … ate-2021-3
I think Kiwifarms another 'trainwreckage' of a site but sometimes (-) times (-) is (+) sometimes maybe two minus can cancel each other out and make a positive, it has a wealth of crazy info on these horrible people … ght.47181/
Hundreds of Reddit forums locked down, admin fired after allegations of supporting pedophilia … dit-forums

9 Here only 27 days ago is a reddit pushing kids to mess up their own hormones and mutilate their own genitals with some transsexual 'AskMeAnything' madness
Perhaps future generations will look back and ask why American's allowed such child abuse? … apist_ama/

10 Almost all modern crazy movements are born on reddit today, Q-Anon, new moon landing tinfoil hat theory, Flat-Earth, every kind of Drug Addict, ShoLifting store Theft, Rightwing nut, Leftwing Looter nonsense is on reddit and everywhere it is the 4chan of the internet. While at the same time having its own bias while claiming to be impartial. Reddit's admin, mod team and management is so schizophrenic that if they are pushing an agenda its difficult to know exactly what it is and I still don't know what to call it is other than to just call it plain 'crazy'

Don't like BigTech censorship well reddit is part of that same group that banned the voice of a US President, I don't care what way a person votes if they go Left or Right but I think censoring the speech of a United States President has crossed a line

Reddit might not be totally lost yet, for example there is still an Ex-muslim community ...125,000 + users
However if anymore community go and get burnt then perhaps
the whole thing should just burn to the ground?

An online Mars community it maybe should not just have its reddit page?
If like me you almost truly HATE reddit and almost all it stands for ...that is if it does stand for anything then perhaps there are other places out there Minds, Bitchute, Mastadon, Rumble, Odysee etc and there are still active users out there on old community before reddit like Slashdot

Some asked how I blitzed this place with so much news, I'm not even a heavy weight when it comes to postings, this place had people posting huge numbers of articles and threads. Before me there were people who posted here on far greater levels. I have already provided links to my morning or evening news feeds but let me post some again such as writing and speculation and articles on
Scott Manley$/search?q=%20ScottManley
SpaceX fan
medium space science - less moderated
Isaac Arthur scifi science speculation

Medicine, Genetic Engineering, Artificial Gravity, Cyborgs, Biology.

Icarus Journal
ESA Caves
A good friend points the way. Thanks for showing us the sights
Switch between these two views of the Pillars of Creation taken by HUBBLE_space and Webb using our interactive slider tool

Other forums
Overseas points of view and discussion?

French language with different sections
Russian, used to be very active but less discussion since the War in Ukraine … board=11.0
German space forum
Chinese there is also , sometimes websites might not work with connection issues and China operates behind its own wall you might need a proxy. You can find lots of Chinese who follow science on substack, twitter, western blogs etc  LINE is big in Japan while sites like tiktok and twitter have grown more popular among Japanese, the Japan user often does not like to share their identity online early Japanese internet culture gave birth to anonymous Japanese textboard founded in by Hiroyuki Nishimura which eventually became 4Chan culture.
The S.Koreans and Japanese also sometimes have there own internet community separate from Western culture.  'BAND' by Naver is still very big and you have Daum KakaoTalk in S.Korea.
Italian space forum

Other sites

AI Robot Farming 3D Printing

Radio , , world wide also many world musical stations , , , ,

wemartians dot com … il-fraeman


People and their own sites

GW Johnson
Adrian Hon

Jupiter feed … ce=junocam

they also update on other internet social media such as NASA twitter account

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-11-19 10:09:44)


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