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#2 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *5* - Let's start with new NASA conference! » 2004-04-17 21:23:40

I just watched the press conference from 4/16 on cspan.

Pretty cool discussion of bounce and how it relates to meterorites that we actually have in our hands here on earth. 

In one part, they discuss a satelite photo of the opportunity site and discuss a ray of ejecta from a distant crater.  This implies that bounce may have come from that event. 

If we can see the ejecta in a strait line, I wonder if we can assume that there was not a body of water of a certain depth when the crater was formed, as the ejecta would have been more spread out?

This then should help us date the deep water scenario.

#3 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity *5* - Let's start with new NASA conference! » 2004-03-29 11:55:43

Do you know what confuses me? What was first - the Eagle crater or water in the same location?
If the crater then water (sea) could'nt be there too long. The crater would be probably much more eroded (just like craters on Earth).
If water then how can it be possible that we can see almost intact outcrop with clear water engravings on it? The impact, which would create the crater later, would crush and melt it down.

My guess:

The blue berries we're embeeded in the matrix and the matrix has been eroded by wind (sandblasted), leaving the blue berries.  This also explains the state of the outcrop.

Just a guess.

#4 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity*4* - continue here » 2004-03-11 15:21:00

Guys don't miss the details starting to show themselves on the hills.  Are those corn circles?

#5 Re: Unmanned probes » Huygens Probe to Titan » 2004-02-05 13:08:08

Is anyone aware of the solution which will be implemented to ameliorate the communication issue between hugens and cassinni?  I think alot of the options would have shortened the mission substantially, but I never heard a final decision

#6 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity 2 - Continued from original thread » 2004-01-28 09:27:54

We'll Rik, looks like astrobio was a little premature in their location estimate, I think those features will be somewhat farther away than we imagined....

"Astrobiology is wrong. The blue arrow in their image is pointing, not at the 150 meter crater in the DIMES image, but at a much larger, possibly as wide as 250 meters, crater that sits more than 10 kilometers too far to the east."

You can get more info at

On another note, one thing that no one has mentioned, i suppose because it might be a bit far fetched, is this.  When I think of sediments here on earth I think of fossils.  If we're really looking at sediments created by water, and if there was some sort of signifigant life forms, we should see fossils in the sediments.  I think if we don't see any, this says something.

#7 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity 2 - Continued from original thread » 2004-01-27 07:57:38

I'm looking at a MOC picture at [] of the landing sight and noticing our now familiar large crater, which like all the other craters, including the one were in is dark in the middle and light around the edges.

As I look at this picture, I wonder, what are the things towards the bottom ( south ) which are light in the middle and dark around the edges.  On earth I would think these were whitecapped peaks.

Any ideas?  Any distance estimates?  Will these be on the horizon when we come out of our crater?


#8 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity 2 - Continued from original thread » 2004-01-24 16:46:48

Sounds like the crew at JPL has been putting in alot of hours to figure out this bug.  I wonder if we can send them pizzas or something?

#9 Re: Unmanned probes » Spirit & Opportunity 2 - Continued from original thread » 2004-01-24 08:57:08

Didn't see this up here yet

SPIRIT UPDATE: - Jan 23, 2004, 6:35 pm PST
Shortly before noon, controllers were surprised to receive a relay of data from Spirit via the Mars Odyssey orbiter. Spirit sent 73 megabits at a rate of 128 kilobits per second.

Things seem to be somewhat unpredictable/unstable..

Here's hoping

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