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#1 Re: Space Policy » Chinese Space Program? - What if they get there first » 2007-02-20 05:15:07

It is better that the UN has plans and capabilities in place rather than reacting too late to a potential threat.

As to the UN's inability to deal with ongoing problems of war, disease and famine, they are handicapped by the five permanent security council members but especially by the USA and its corporate interests.  As it is the UN does a lot of good work out there within its limits.

#2 Re: Not So Free Chat » Web Forum Hosting » 2006-12-22 07:54:42

No worries.

In my case I had initial problems with trying to set up phpBB but they were all of my own making.  Once I used a seperate ftp client instead of the Dreamweaver ftp it was all go.

Now my board is up and running it is time to start tweaking the appearance.

#3 Re: Not So Free Chat » Web Forum Hosting » 2006-12-22 06:03:07

What exactly are you finding difficult.  Once phpBB is uploaded to your server it's fairly plain sailing from there. has plenty of support information.

If you have a specific problem let me know and I'll see what I can do.

#4 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-12-09 10:20:14

I am a British jew of Polish stock.  I am not a zionist.

I think you should try getting facts straight before launching into racist tirades.

But since we will have plenty of Jews going to Mars are there any creeds, colours or viewpoints you will prevent going to Mars.  I think we already know your opinion on the Chinese.

#5 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-12-09 10:14:44

No Tom it was Britons that did it, British born Muslims.  And before that it was British born Irish Catholics that were doing it (with American financing and still being protected by the US government from facing their crimes).

So it is ancient history to you but to those living in the middle east it is what thay are fighting for, the return of their land and property stolen from them by terrorists.

Incidentally the IDF killed James Miller (cameraman single shot to neck at 200m caught on camera), Tom Hurndall (photographer, single shot by IDF marksman whilst escorting children to safety), Britons both, in the last 3 years.

But we digress, you have not answered my original post.

I'm not prepared to accept terrorism as part of the legitimate struggle and strategy of modern warfare, therefore I can't see any side which employs terrorism as right or as deserving of victory.

Now I have presented evidence that Israel was founded on Terror, ruled by Terrorists and celebrates terrorism.  Why do you see them as deserving of victory?

#6 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-12-09 09:51:29

it wasn't Israelis that voted terrorists into their government, if they did, we'd know about it, believe me!

Just a short list of former Zionist terrorists voted into high office in Israel;

David Ben-Gurion, Haganah but did much to disband Zionist terrorist groups
Yigal Allon, Haganah
Yitzhak Rabin, Palmach
Menachem Begin, Irgun
Yitzhak Shamir, Stern Gang, Lehi (an acknowledged admirer of the IRA)

And out of interest the terrorism did not stop with the founding of Israel.  Menachem Begin and Irgun attempted to assasinate Konrad Adenauer, German Chancellor, in 1952 to scupper reparation talks between Israel and Germany.

#7 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-12-09 09:25:06

God, Tom pick up a history book or something.  The King David bombing was in 1946 by Zionist terrorists led by Menachim Begin, a man who became Prime Minister of Israel.  If you want me to reel off a list of modern IDF atrocities I will and as counterbalance I'll give a list of Palestinian ones too.

During the run up to the foundation of the state of Israel Jewish terrorists murdered, kidnapped and tortured hundreds of civilians and unarmed British soldiers.  The leaders and many members of these terrorist organisations, Irgun, Lehi and to an extent Haganah became the leaders of the new state of Israel.

I will not condone Palestinian outrages but nor will I listen to your holier than thou bollocks.  Fact is fact, the state of Israel was founded on terror by terrorists and your refusal to accept this shows you to be a hypocrite.

#8 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-12-09 03:56:53


King David Hotel

91 dead the majority of which were civilians.

And before you try and say that it has nothing to do with Israel today just remember Israel CELEBRATED the 60th anniversary of this act of terror this year.  Celebrations were led by Ben Netanyahu and drew official protests from Britain.

And to add to the insult they unveiled a plaque blaming Britain for the deaths for not evacuating the building on time.  These are the same terrorists that machinegunned  down an unarmed Army officer, an unarmed policeman and 3 hotel workers while planting the bomb.  Claims that there had been an ignored warning are frankly ridiculous considering there was a firefight between security forces and terrorists ongoing before the bomb detonated, equivalent of giving a warning before planting a bomb.

I hold that such celebrations are the moral equivalent to installing a plaque at Ground Zero to the "Martyrs who Struck Against Satan" which blames the US administration for the crime.

#9 Re: Not So Free Chat » Why does U.S.A. support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking » 2006-12-08 20:56:39

I'm not prepared to accept terrorism as part of the legitimate struggle and strategy of modern warfare, therefore I can't see any side which employs terrorism as right or as deserving of victory.

Does this mean that you do not support Israel as a state founded on terrorism, ruled for the past 60 years by "statesmen" who were themselves at one point considered terrorists and who have continued their policies into the present as "self defense?" lol

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