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#1 2006-12-22 05:32:31

Michael Bloxham
From: Auckland, New Zealand
Registered: 2002-03-31
Posts: 426

Re: Web Forum Hosting

I want to create my own web forum. I have registered my domain name, downloaded and uploaded phpBB, and experimented with different web hosts. At the start it looked easy, but its becoming more difficult than I was led to believe... Can a newbie do this? Perhaps there are pre-setup web forums available; ones I can free-load from or share?

- Mike,  Member of the [b][url=]Clean Slate Society[/url][/b]


#2 2006-12-22 06:03:07

Registered: 2006-10-22
Posts: 9

Re: Web Forum Hosting

What exactly are you finding difficult.  Once phpBB is uploaded to your server it's fairly plain sailing from there. has plenty of support information.

If you have a specific problem let me know and I'll see what I can do.


#3 2006-12-22 06:38:36

Michael Bloxham
From: Auckland, New Zealand
Registered: 2002-03-31
Posts: 426

Re: Web Forum Hosting

The problem I have is not being able to run the installer once it is uploaded. Some help sites seem to indicate I need a bunch of php software before it'll work. It is currently residing in a self proclaimed php-friendly server but to no avail...

But never mind all that because I've given up and found, which seems like it should do the trick. Anyone have any qualms with

- Mike,  Member of the [b][url=]Clean Slate Society[/url][/b]


#4 2006-12-22 07:54:42

Registered: 2006-10-22
Posts: 9

Re: Web Forum Hosting

No worries.

In my case I had initial problems with trying to set up phpBB but they were all of my own making.  Once I used a seperate ftp client instead of the Dreamweaver ftp it was all go.

Now my board is up and running it is time to start tweaking the appearance.


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