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#1 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Mass Drivers on Mars - "Space gun" to shoot stuff to Earth??? » 2002-10-31 09:09:11

One major problem that I rarely see discussed is atmospheric friction with the tether, and the amount of fuel required to maintain your momentum/altitude. Even if your tether is only a centimeter wide, you still have 150 kilometers (or so) dangling off your hub as it orbits the Earth. Granted, some of the time the tether is relatively stationary with relation to the atmosphere, but the rest of the time; you'd have 1500 m^2 of surface area swinging through the atmosphere, often at extremely high speeds, and continuously. I don't have to tell anyone here that it's going to take a hell of a lot of fuel, continuously, to keep the hub in orbit when it's losing that much energy to the atmosphere, jet-airliner quantities, 24/7.

A much more frugal approach is to keep the rotating, orbiting tether on the fringe of the atmosphere so the tip never comes inside the 50 mile zone, and connect to it with ballistic launches. Of course, you still have the whole "mass exchange" problem.

#2 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Mass Drivers on Mars - "Space gun" to shoot stuff to Earth??? » 2002-10-24 20:20:45

I was just reading bits of a site on rail guns. Very interesting research. It's at;

There was actually a gun that launched a 0.1 gram mass at 16 kilometers per second. Wow. And another that did 1.6kg at 3.3kps. Lots of pictures, and very informative. University of Texas has a site, too, that talks about their research.

#3 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Mass Drivers on Mars - "Space gun" to shoot stuff to Earth??? » 2002-10-24 19:56:27

I don't think you would necessarily WANT to plunge from a vacuum into normal air pressure. Accelerating in the air would build up the surface-effect buffer that you'd want to protect yourself from the static air, and establish aerodynamic stability as you accelerated, rather than having to deal with a discontinuity in air pressures.

From a purely kinetic viewpoint, of KE = 1/2 mv^2, moving through air at 1mB versus Earth's 1Barr, 5000m/s would give you an equivalent of 500m/s at sea level on Earth, that is, about 1100 mph. Of course, you'd be outside the atmosphere in a few seconds, anyway. So, I think the Martian mass driver would be do-able.

Someone mentioned that "you'd be outside the Mars atmosphere in 150 miles". I think that's very high. Earth, for example, drops down to less than 1 mb at 50 miles. I'm sure there's a pressure gradient for Mars posted on the net somewhere.

The drag problem is quite complex for a number of reasons, one of them having to deal with supersonic shockwave calcs. I'm sure someone has already researched supersonic drag characteristics for spheres, it's just a matter of digging it up, but I truly don't expect this to be a problem.

On another note; 300,000 G's in a rail gun? Are you serious? The best I'd heard to date was SSI getting 100G's out of a mag rail. I'd think just about ANYTHING would disintegrate at 300,000 G's. Are you (Turbo) sure about those numbers?

#4 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Electric drives for surface to space travel - are there any? » 2002-10-22 08:27:53

The only "electric drive" (besides the ion stuff which is way underpowered for the purpose) I can think of which could get to orbit is a mass driver; a bunch of earth-mounted coils to toss a mass into space at 9+ KPS (you lose about 2 KPS passing through the atmosphere and fighting the first 150 miles of gravity). There's also the slingatron and variations on it, but I think the mass driver might be less technically challenging (albeit over 20 miles long and danged expensive). Of course, you'd kill anyone that was stupid enough to go as a payload.

There was a brief thingy with someone trying to get government funding to use polar ions as a propulsion source, but that fell apart when somebody came along and told the stupid politician that it wouldn't work and that he was just being milked for money. Theoretically, you could use the earth's magnetic field to propel yourself; unfortunately, the field you would have to generate would be incredible huge, and the mass you would need to generate such a field would be a hundred times larger than the force from the field. So, that's a wash, too.

The only viable "purely electric" system I can think of that can launch a man is Myrabo's lightcraft, using ground-based lasers and the atmosphere as a propellant.

#5 Re: Life support systems » We need a brainstorming session! - Bat around a few ideas. » 2002-10-20 22:19:08

Interesting point concerning "sharp bits and boulders" in the lava tubes, but I still believe you'd need less equipment (mass to ship) than the bulldozer you'd need to move Mars-dirt (I almost said "earth") on top of whatever other structure you want to take along. Argueably, you could even use a spray-foam sealant to cover the rough edges before installing an inflatable bag, or just forget the bag entirely and do the entire interior with foam sealant.

And yes, I was referring to light pipes, not fiber, and you can do that sort of stuff very, very low tech. I was going to suggest something more like 4 m^2 of collector per meter of flora, since the light is so much weaker out there. The only nasty problem I see is having to dust off the mirrors (or inflatable parabolics) every few days. If one was to use heavy mirrors manufactured on-site and  mounted solid right in the ground, winds would, at least, be less of a concern.

#6 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Mars' moonlets - phobos&deimos » 2002-10-18 07:26:41

If there was any water on either of the moonlets, this would be an ideal refueling station for the Mars Bus, running back and forth between the Earth/Mars route. Anybody know if there's supposed to be water on the moons?

#7 Re: Life support systems » We need a brainstorming session! - Bat around a few ideas. » 2002-10-17 16:42:34

Cronin's book, As It Is On Mars, attacks the question of concrete making on Mars, which is apparently a lot more difficult than most of us would like to think. Clay for concrete comes from rainfall-based effects, so it might be in short supply.

I'm not sure inflatable structures are such a good idea, either, since (as someone else pointed out, and Cronin points out) the pressure delta is humongous. Cronin suggests very, very heavy glass plates for the roof. Something to counter the 14 PSI pressure pushing against the ceiling.

My recommendation is to use lava tubes (suggested by John Lewis for Moon structures) since there's obviously been a lot of volcanic activity in the past. Line the interior with inflated plastic and cap the end(s), and you've got tons of protective material around you. Pipe in light from solar collectors; these could be low-pressure inflatables or manufactured on-site mirrors made with glass and metal, or just metal. Lots of protection, and very little to none heavy machinery required. Of course, there is no *guaranty* that there are lava tubes there, but I'd bet my life on it. And, I'll be they're huge, thanks to the low G's.

#8 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Solar Thermal Ground to Orbit - Solar Thermal Tech to launch. » 2002-10-17 16:06:58

Hi, Christian. I like the idea of a flying wing with the thermal tube running down the center of the wing, perhaps with forward-sweeping wings with the thrusters at the tips. I think such a design would be very stable aerodynamically. The downside of such a design would be higher drag, but the + side would be an outrageously high lift/drag ratio. So, this design variation might work pretty nicely. I'll have to run the numbers on this, too, to see if it will work better than my existing design.

#9 Re: New Mars Articles » Supporting Mars in the face of other ills - About a comment on an New Mars article » 2002-10-11 09:30:37

An interesting subject, getting people to "donate" to the Mars effort. I see a vision of someone going door to door trying to collect money together for a Mars mission. Humorous, of course, since most people justifiably see the space industry as heedlessly throwing huge amounts of money around to do trivial things, thanks to NASAs huge bureaucracy and safety issues. Given that the common populace is most likely never going to donate "a dollar each", which wouldn't even pay for 1 NASA launch, the donation process is going to be limited to the high-stakes venture capital, advertising, media, entertainment, and rich philanthropists. I don't see any good way for this to ever become anything but an elitist effort. I think the Mars community should therefore be actively targeting the spectrum of ultra-wealthy supporters.

#10 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Transfer of energy - HOW? » 2002-06-19 21:03:14

Oh that I'm down off my soap box; putting giant reflectors around Mars to heat it up is a wonderful idea; they'd only need to be a few microns thick. Technically, it's "transmitting" light, so you don't really need an RF or microwave receiver, but you would have to wipe the dust off your solar panels on the ground on occasion. The sweet thing about a microwave antenna is that Mars dust would fall through the gaps in the mesh, but now you're talking some expensive transmitter hardware in orbit.

Nice thing about a big reflector in orbit; there's nothing to break!

#11 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Transfer of energy - HOW? » 2002-06-19 20:55:25

Radio waves are, of course, actually a transfer of energy, otherwise your car radio wouldn't work as it needs a signal of some sort to amplify. Microwave energy, beamed to Earth from a Solar Power Satellite, can be of a tight enough beam that fringe effects of the beam wouldn't hurt anything, in fact, the beam density can be low enough that you could walk through it without killing yourself or even substantially hurting yourself. Beaming from the moon sounds pretty dumb, though. Beam divergence would make the beam nearly unusable by the time it got this far. The studies I've seen are for geosync orbits, which is still pretty far away.

But then, I've always thought SPS was a dumb idea. No matter how efficient you can make it, you can take that same efficiency and employ it on Earth's surface to collect sunlight without any launch costs and with easy access for repairs and replacements. Granted, you might only be functional for 8 hours a day, average, but who cares? The cost per watt to build the thing is a hundred times cheaper; a 100W solar panel costs $500 and weighs 23 pounds. Let's say you could make it out of exotic materials that only weigh a pound, it still costs $10,000 to get to orbit, and THEN you have to build a receiving station anyway, possible at the same cost the ground-based solar panels would have cost.

But, besides the fact that it's totally uneconomical, it would also increase the incident energy arriving on Earth, where ground-based panels wouldn't, and ultimately the conversion of the microwaves into usable energy would result in heat. A brand new mechanism to ensure global warming, as if oil burning wasn't enough.


#12 Re: Interplanetary transportation » antimatter fuel colection satelites - practical antimatter propulsion » 2002-06-17 12:39:23

Someone tried this already (the ocean city thing), and it was called Oceania. They went belly up about ten years ago. Neat idea, they had a very libertarian constitution written up,  but badly managed and not enough investors to get off the ground (so to speak). I do like the idea of an ocean based platform chugging out vast amounts of H2 and O2, though.

#13 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Space Train » 2002-06-17 12:28:57

Actually, slowing down is pretty easy. As a baseline, imagine a solar sail in orbit around the sun, outside the influence of Earth. If the solar sail is perpendicular to the path of the solar wind, the whole force of the solar wind will be bent on pushing the sail away from the sun, and its orbit will slowly spiral outward. Now, tilt the solar sail at a steep angle relative to the sun. If you've tilted it the right way, the solar wind will provide a small vector pushing out, but a very large vector slowing down your orbit. Slower orbits spiral inward (assuming continuous thrust. A pulsed thrust would merely put you in an elliptical orbit).

#14 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » What is mass? - If I knew, I wouldn't ask :) » 2002-06-12 08:18:10

It makes sense that it would.  It would probably behave just a tad like gelatin.  All this talk of big waves and jumps from impossible heights has me convinced that going to Mars is worth it just to go swimming. smile

Don't forget flying. Once the atmosphere is thickened up to Earth normal, or even if it's just a bubble canopy on a city at Earth normal, "hang gliding" will be a totally different experience, with relatively tiny wings compared with today's gliders. We can ALMOST make a man-powered glider here on Earth (we can, it just takes an Olympic peddler to power it). On Mars it'll be relatively easy. I have to say, Mars is going to be a real treat once it's terraformed. The ultimate vacation resort. Of one is going to want to leave it once they get there.

#15 Re: Planetary transportation » CO2-->CO/O2 + H2O2 (possibly even a little c12h26) - Robert Zubrin and GUTH Venus » 2002-06-11 18:50:29

Well, I have to give bradguth credit on one (and only one) point; I just checked here;

and noticed that at an elevation of about 55 km, Venus's atmosphere sports an Earthly temperature of about 20C and a pressure of about 1 Barr. And, thanks to a horrendous pressure gradient there, it'd be pretty easy to live there. Of course, down on the surface it would kill you. I'd heard the whole argument about hydrogen being dissociated from water from solar energy, and the readings that indicate there's not any water at all there, but based on the temperature and pressure gradient, I have to say that's a little surprising. It wouldn't shock me to find out that there IS a lot of water there and that there was something wrong with our reading technique, but I find that hard to believe.

I tend to doubt most of Brad's other conjectures, though. If there's any carbon-based life on Venus, it better be floating in the atmosphere already. Plus, he should realize that anthropomorphizing plate tectonic features is a pretty useless effort. OTOH, I'd love to see someone drop a blimp in there and take some photos, if there's enough useful light down there. It might be pitch black under all that cloud cover.

And even if there IS a mile-long bridge, that doesn't mean it ain't natural, Brad. We have some nice natural bridges here on Earth, too, despite the higher gravity. I wouldn't put too much of my soul into interpreting NASA radar images; the detail isn't *that* good.

#16 Re: Interplanetary transportation » A Buran shuttle is for sale ?! - Is this true?! » 2002-06-09 14:05:22

I remember reading that the one for sale is a display at a museum, meaning it's likely been gutted to some degree. Hard to say, but I'm sure it's far from being remotely functional. And, even if it was, it'd probably cost another $10 to $20 million to build a new launch pad for it, money much better spent subsidizing X-Prize contenders.

#17 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Chryslers 'Natrium' Fuel - The Future of Space Propulsion? » 2002-06-09 14:01:02

The difference between the CO2 plan and the Water plan, is, of course, you need to dig the water out using some digging device, one that would have to act autonomously and probably weigh quite a bit, versus a CO2 air pump that weighs next to nothing. I don't think there's much water vapor in the atmosphere, is there?


#18 Re: Human missions » Exploration of Venus - Is it worth going? » 2002-06-07 12:35:27

Even if we were to put up sun shields to block out 100% of the sunlight, I'll bet Venus would take centuries to cool down to a point where someone could live on it. It'd certainly be an interesting experiment in thermodynamics! Too bad there's no water in the atmosphere (or surface...of course). I often thought it might be a good idea, though, to steal a few million cubic kilometers of Venus's CO2 atmosphere and move it to Mars.


#19 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Space Propulsion Engine _ New Physics » 2002-06-06 08:43:49

I looked at his site, and for the life of me I can't find anything related to propulsion; it's all about storage devices for harddrives. I found one link that goes to a Pop Sci article about flying saucers run by nukes for propulsion, but not a word about him in there. Where on his sight does he propose his concepts?


#20 Re: Human missions » An All Solar Mars Direct - Solar Power and Mars Direct » 2002-06-06 08:30:21

Free space wattage is 1400Watts per square meter in Earth-orbit. The really nice solar photovoltaics they have can pull only about 20% efficiency, so you're looking at a collection of roughly 280 Watts per square meter as usuable electricity. Scale that up to whatever size you want.

Another option is to use an inflatable solar collector with reflective surfaces and heating a working fluid and running a turbine. The efficiency on this is much, much higher and ultimately weighs less overall, but involves using parts that break down. I think dependability is a factor, here. Don't have solid figures for this, though.


#21 Re: Human missions » An All Solar Mars Direct - Solar Power and Mars Direct » 2002-06-06 08:30:10

Free space wattage is 1400Watts per square meter in Earth-orbit. The really nice solar photovoltaics they have can pull only about 20% efficiency, so you're looking at a collection of roughly 280 Watts per square meter as usuable electricity. Scale that up to whatever size you want.

Another option is to use an inflatable solar collector with reflective surfaces and heating a working fluid and running a turbine. The efficiency on this is much, much higher and ultimately weighs less overall, but involves using parts that break down. I think dependability is a factor, here. Don't have solid figures for this, though.


#22 Re: Human missions » Clunking to Mars - Are the needed parts already up there? » 2002-06-06 08:13:28

Salvage in GEO, hadn't thought of that. That would be gravy; everything in the same orbit, almost nothing for delta-V to go from satellite to satellite. An ion thruster would work great in such a setting, assuming you weren't in a hurry.

I think it would be amusing for someone to go up with the pretense of satellite repair and deorbit, then start "salvaging" active satellites for a Mars mission. Space pirates! And just try shooting him down... big_smile

#23 Re: Human missions » Clunking to Mars - Are the needed parts already up there? » 2002-06-03 19:59:58

Hi, CM. Brilliant idea, using space junk to fab a new vehicle, especially for the nukes. I happen to know for a fact that there are complete satellites in orbit, unused, fuel and all, that are "pet rocks" due to launch screw-ups. If someone could salvage those, it'd be a boon for everyone concerned. Some of them can't communicate with the ground at all; the main power buses never even turned on.

Of course, delta-V from satellite to satellite might kill you. A 60 degree change of inclination is paramount to a full 7.5kps delta-V change, might as well launch from Earth. Best to find an orbit with as many salvagable satellites in or near it to as possible so no inclination changes are required.

On the other hand, if you're going from an equitorial orbit to a North/South inclination, you can use charged tethers to electrically change your orbital  inclination, which would mean reducing your refueling requirements. And, you can use the equitorial bulge to drift your orbit to get the ascending nodes aligned, so that's a freebie. I don't know if the charged tether technique is one-way or not; does anyone know if it can bring you back to equatorial?

Canth, you bring up a valid point; I once heard that it would cost less to outfit and send up an expended shuttle booster tank than it would cost to clean and outfit one that was up there for "free".  That, of course, is due in part to the mass of the components that go inside, and the cost of EVA's, so the point is arguable.  Still, the nice thing about salvaging nukes is that you don't have to okay their launch with the environmentalists. And, the MAIN reason it would cost so much to salvage anything is that we don't already have a presence up there doing it. I think you could make money just by deorbiting stuff for others.

I just about died when they deorbited the Mir. No matter how much it sucked, the solar panels were still putting out lots of juice; and, of course, every pound of mass up there cost $10K to get there. What a waste to bring ANY of it back down.


#24 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Chryslers 'Natrium' Fuel - The Future of Space Propulsion? » 2002-05-29 14:48:16

The other downside to Natrium is; given that the H2 density is 4 times as high, the mass per volume is going to be 29 times as high as the H2. So, despite having four times as much hydrogen, you're lifting 29 times the fuel-mass. Or, given the same amount of H2 fuel in both cases, you'll be lifting 29/4 = 7.25 times the fuel mass. Granted, your tank will weigh less, but your catalyst bed will weigh more, so those are probably a toss-up. I doubt that a large rocket could use such a fuel.

Answers to other questions; H2-O2 Isp is about 390. Chamber temp is about 2950 to 3000K. In my chart of various chemical fuels, H2-O2 is nearly the best.

Michael; yes, photovoltaics would work well for electrolysis. Heck, a 9-volt battery can do electrolysis, it's just kind of slow. I've done it with a 15V power supply, too. You can do it easily in your kitchen with just about any power source. Of  course, the whole idea of converting power to separate H2 and O2 is kind of silly when you consider that you could take the raw solar power with a parabolic collector and just heat up the water to 3000 degrees and blow it out a nozzle, thus eliminating the gas storage problems and keeping the water handy for other uses (like solar flare shielding, for which water is well suited).

#25 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Mini-Magnetospheric Plasma Propulsion - Relatively new concept. » 2002-05-28 08:32:39

The ACE spacecraft ( measured the solar wind at 630km/s (it varies a lot), which is about 1/500th light speed, a lot higher than quoted. Also, you could increase your vehicle speed beyond the speed of the solar wind by tilting your solar sail at a steep angle with respect to the wind (opinion, not fact).

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