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#1 Re: Not So Free Chat » The Flag that Barack Obama won't wear » 2008-03-20 22:57:53

Obama doesn't wear a pin because he wishes to differentiate himself from those who do, who support the war on Islamic fascism, particularly the war in Iraq. Thats fine.

The war in Iraq is over, don't you remember when the president landed on the air-craft carrier under the big sign that read 'Mission Accomplished.'  What we have now is the occupation of Iraq.  How exactly this is fighting the terrorist is a bit hard to tell.  Though this is probably off topic.

People only question his patriotism when they take a good hard look at the policies he's suggesting, and our enemies say that his policies help them reach their goals.

Osama bin Laden has also said that the Invasion of Iraq helped fulfill his goals.  I question the wisdom of taking policy advice from terrorists.

In any case while rational people may disagree about the best choice of US policy, I don't believe this is a question of patriotism.  To seek to change US policy is not unpatrotic.

#2 Re: Not So Free Chat » The Flag that Barack Obama won't wear » 2008-03-20 20:54:16

"Senator, what about reports that you are unpatriotic?"
"What do you mean unpatriotic?  I have my pin right here!"

There is a logical fallacy here, its not so much that he refuses to wear the pin but that he points out the fact that he refuses to wear the pin in protest of the war. That refusal and his pointing out that fact is an indicator of his lack of patriotism, as the American Flag is not in fact a symbol of the Iraq War but of the United States.

One can always disingenuously wrap himself in the flag in insincere patriotism to get elected, but it seems to me that Obama when to some pains to stress that he deliberately does not display the flag on his lapel, apparently that is a message signaling what he feels about this country, it is a source of power and a means of delivering services and assistance to his core constituent groups, but what does he feel about this country in general beside just getting votes from key voters whom he panders to?

If there is a Logical Fallacy it is that wearing a flag lapel pin is or is not a sign of patriotism.  Obviously patrotisim should be defined by ones actions, and not by the presence of absence of an artical of clothing.

As for his going to 'some pains to stress that he deliberately does not display the flag on his lapel' Senator Obama did no such thing.  Its not like he got up on the stump and delivered a speach on it or something.  He was asked by a reporter about why he wasn't wearing a pin (as you know everything about the candidates is super analyzed) and gave an in depth answer as to his reasonings why not.  Its not so much a war protest (what a silly way to protest a war), but recognition that wearing a pin is not a substitute for true patriotism.


The real issue here is not so much a pin (at least I hope not), but a difference in what you and Senator Obama think patriotism means.  To you patriotism apparently means supporting the government 100%, even when they take actions you disagree with and not speaking up when you have problems with government actions.  And especially, 'well if you don't like things here in America, leave! (Go back to Africa even, as if they weren't brought over in chains in the first place!).'

Obama is probably more in agreement with these quotes.

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country.

Indeed it seems to me that often times a war protester can be the most patriotic person of all.  To be able to admit the faults in your country and still struggle to change them seems to be the essence of patriotisms to me.

#3 Re: Not So Free Chat » The Flag that Barack Obama won't wear » 2008-03-19 22:47:01

"Senator, what about reports that you are unpatriotic?"
"What do you mean unpatriotic?  I have my pin right here!"

#4 Re: Interplanetary transportation » in my opinion both Ares-I and Ares-V could NEVER fly once!!! » 2008-03-07 17:12:16

by 2012 or so when Ares I becomes operational

it can't happen since the J-2X will be not ready for that date

This is news to me.  As far as I have read NASA still appears confident they can hit the 2012 operational date.  Its nearly 5 years out so I think its a bit early to say that the J-2X absolutely will not be ready by then.

true, but, the (every day more) long Ares rockets' timeline is giving good chances to companies to win the competition

that's sure for me, and I agree that an Ares-5 like target is too much for to-day's companies, however, the Ares-1 payload is a goal they could reach

Well its taken SpaceX about 5 years to get where they are today.  That is still haven't successfully launched their very small rocket.  Assuming that they are going to be able to scale this up to a 25MT maned capsule in another 5 years or so when the Ares I becomes operational is rather wishful thinking.

If that wasn't bad enough putting people on top of rockets increases the complexity immensely.  Now you have to design a vehicle that they can survive in and a way for it to safely re-enter.  Much more difficult than a simple satellite launch.

true, but they can do that with some help/join ventures with aerospace companies and agencies (the way Bigelow seems do with LockMart)

In such a case is it fair to say it is still an alt-space endevor?  After all NASA contracted out large parts of the design/construction of its orbital vehicles to these same firms. 

The second cold reality is that space-flight is not going to be profitable any time soon.  SpaceX may be able to fight its way into the launch market, but the market for vehicles as big as the Ares I is pretty much limited to government contracts (which are the majority of contracts anyways).

it's only an "egg or chicken" like problem, a "commercial space" never borns if no one starts build and launch cheaper "commercial rockets"

Even with vastly cheaper rockets, space is unlikely to be a profitable endeavor.  It will still be to expensive to take people up there for things like Space Hotels and the like to generate income.  Heck it seems unlikely that the (relatively easy) Suborbital trips will be able to generate a profit.

You state that the 'Ares-I could NEVER fly once!'  How about if it does you buy me a six-pack of my favorite beer, and if it doesn't I'll get you one?  Game?

ok, but you have not read the full article since, my claim is that, the current designed Ares-1 can't fly, while, a modified Ares-1 "may fly", so, which "Ares-1" you refer to?

I'm referring to the Ares-I as currently designed by NASA.  But since it is still relativily early in its design life it seems likely that its design will change in some respects in the future.  Of course you seem to have quite a moving target on your side as well, with an unending list of modifications that NASA 'should' use.  With such a scatter shot approach it seems inevitable that you will be able to claim they stole your idea some point (much as I see you claim Google stole your moon rover idea).

But I'm willing to state that NASA's eventual launch design will look much more like its current plans than any amalgamation of your modifications.  But that may be hard to judge impartially.  How about this instead then.

I wager that NASA's Ares-I will be operational before any private alt-space type entity is able to put a 20MT payload in orbit.  Indeed I'd be willing to wager that the Ares-I will beat pretty much all other rockets in its class (20-25MT) to orbit with the possible exception of the Chinese Long March 5.

#5 Re: Interplanetary transportation » in my opinion both Ares-I and Ares-V could NEVER fly once!!! » 2008-03-05 22:11:51

Oh I think eventually some private companies may finally get there acts together enough to compete with the likes of Boeing, Lockmart, or Rockedyne in the rocket industry.  But realistically they stand little chance of beating out NASA in the near future (like say by 2012 or so when Ares I becomes operational).  And even less chance of beating Ares V to the punch.

You have to compare what are talking about here.  Virgin Galactic has launched a very small sub-orbital space craft and has plans for a marginally large sub-orbital craft.  Mr. Bigelow has some great orbital structures but no private launch vehicle. And SpaceX (the closest to achieving anything) have launched a very small payload to LEO.  With plans for some larger craft some time in the future.  No one else has done anything of note as far as I'm aware.

None of these are at all comparable in capabilities to the Ares I (25MT), much less the Ares V (100+MT), or heck even the Delta II (6MT).  The harshness of the rocket equation dictates that as your scale up in payload the rocket scales up in size much faster.  The cost and complexity scale up likewise.  In short its going to be a lot more difficult to for the Altspace guys to put a payload the size of the Ares I into space.  Indeed the Chinese are the only ones who stand even a moderate chance of putting something the size of the Ares I into space ahead of the Ares I.

If that wasn't bad enough putting people on top of rockets increases the complexity immensely.  Now you have to design a vehicle that they can survive in and a way for it to safely re-enter.  Much more difficult than a simple satellite launch.

The second cold reality is that space-flight is not going to be profitable any time soon.  SpaceX may be able to fight its way into the launch market, but the market for vehicles as big as the Ares I is pretty much limited to government contracts (which are the majority of contracts anyways).


But you love to throw around all kinds of wild predictions.  Frankly it appears to be a scatter shot approach at being correct (throw enough stuff out there SOME of it is bound to be right), but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.  How about we make a wager about one of them?  You state that the 'Ares-I could NEVER fly once!'  How about if it does you buy me a six-pack of my favorite beer, and if it doesn't I'll get you one?  Game?

#6 Re: Not So Free Chat » The Flag that Barack Obama won't wear » 2008-03-05 11:32:34

Just a quick note.  Here are Obama's feelings on the subject.  I agree with him that for many wearing a silly lapel pin has become a subsitute for real patritotisim.  Which isn't necessarly blind devotion to which ever way the country is heading.  But speaking up and taking actions to ensure that country is headed in the direction you belive it should be going in.

#7 Re: Interplanetary transportation » New Fuel » 2008-03-03 16:39:52

I'll just point out that while the decomposition of Hydrazine in theory just gives you H2 and N2, in practice that turns out not to be entirely the case.  The reaction happens VERY fast and (depending upon the conditions) you may end up with a significant percentage of Ammonia (NH4) in your exhaust as well.

What GCRN says is right as well.  A similar concept applies to the reason you don't add LOX to a NTR rocket burning LH2, as this similarly only decreases the ISP of your engine.  Though it might be useful in situations where you were already burning that fuel and need some additional thrust (assuming it could be added cheaply and easily).

#8 Re: Human missions » Orbital Craft Cost » 2008-03-02 03:07:27

Hard to be specific about about cost per-person on an orbiter as it will be high variable, depending upon the crafts design.  The space shuttle itself has flown with as many as 8, and is capable of up to 11 in an emergency situation (throw in some extra seats in the lower cabin).

However if there was some need to transport large quantities of people up into to space, the shuttle could probably be reconfigured to carry a very large quantity.  If you gave up its cargo space for reconfigured cargo space, the biggest limitation would probably be space, not mass.  In this configuration I figure it could carry an additional 50 people easy (53,000lb to orbit, 1,000lb a person).

#9 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Building a Saturn V in your backyard... » 2008-03-01 13:50:07

While I don't know of any specific law against building a large rocket in your backyard, their are MANY regulations involved.  There are regulation about storing and handling large quantities of jet/rocket fuel, liquid hydrogen, and liquid oxygen.  In fact handling the fuel inside the SRB is probably downright illegal without the proper licenses.  Your county/city may want to speak to you about building codes/permits and the like as well.

When it comes to launching the rocket the FAA is definitely involved.  Launching any decent sized rocket requires their approval of both the launch and the design.  Launching the rocket is both incredibly loud and dangerous so the local authorities would have to sign off as well.

For better or worse building a large rocket in your backyard is not practical.

#10 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Building a Saturn V in your backyard... » 2008-02-29 23:36:44

What is the law in the US regarding private use of NASA designs? If, for example, a private firm wanted to have a shot at Mars using Apollo technology, would they be allowed to reengineer the dies and start making Saturn Vs? What about components like the external tanks and SRBs? In short, how cool is NASA with private companies building stuff that they originally designed?

The biggest and most immediate problem with this is that the detailed plans for the Saturn V have been lost/destroyed.  So the exact design itself is pretty much unrecoverable.  The are of course still some copies of it in existance in various parks, but reverse engineering a new Saturn V from these would probably be comparable to designing a new rocket.

The second problem is that a large number of the components that make up the Saturn V, like say the F-1 or J-2 engines are owned by Rocketdyne or some other private corp and so not part of the public domain.  While you could buy J-2s from off the shelf, the F-1 engine has been out of commission for a while now.

The last problem of course is the earth-shattering cost.  Even if you could save on development by reviving the Saturn-V (which seems unlikely) you would still have to actually build the rocket, and worse yet all the infastructure to service it.  To build and launch the Saturn-V you need a huge building like the VAB (third largest building by volume in the world) to build it.  Launch stands to launch it.  A crawler to transport it (and some means of transporting the still large incomplete stages).  A mission control center.  And a fuel plant.  Its quite possible you will need some test stands for the engines as well.  All of this is crazy expensive, out side of the rocket cost (which is quite enough thank you).

#11 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Earth to LEO - discuss » 2008-02-23 20:44:14

Seems the net has lied to me again. It told me Hydrofluric acid was more reactive than Hydrofluric, and would cause really bad damage if I got some on myself. I assumed it would react with a base like calcium to form Calcium Fluride and Hydrogen. I'll see whether I can do some tests in the schools tiny, ill-equipped science classroom.  lol  big_smile  smile  big_smile  lol  8)  8)

Hydrofluoric acid is simple Hydrogen Fluoride in an aqueous (water) solution.   Hopefully no chemistry teacher in his/her right mind will allow a highschool student to play around with HF.  Heck, hopefully most highschool chem labs don't even stock the stuff!  As GCRN HF is a particularly nasty substance in acid or (god help you) pure form.

However measuring the enthalpy of a acid-base reaction is really simple test that can easily be done in a high-school lab (heck you could do it in your kitchen if you had the right stuff).  A decent calorimeter can be made out of a couple nested Styrofoam cups.  And a good high school lab should have HCl, in both strong and probably already diluted to easy to handle concentrations.  Likewise it should be well stocked with a strong base (likely NaOH, lye), but you can easily get your hands on one of these if you like.  It really is a simple experiment, you can find a ready made procedure for it probably in a good chem 101 (possibly even high-school) text book/lab book, or on the net if that fails.  A great learning opportunity any teacher would jump on!

#12 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Jules Verne » 2008-02-23 09:56:54

How about coupling Orion with a cannon? Shouldn't most of the radioactive material remain in the cannon?

Actually this has been discussed.  Detonate a nuke at the bottom of a deep well appropriately angled.  Fill the whole up with a light gas, topped with your payload.  The nuke blast the gas and your payload sky high, while the gas will cushion the acceleration somewhat.

A funny thought experiment, but not very practical as a launch system.

#13 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Earth to LEO - discuss » 2008-02-23 09:43:39

Why do we have use Hydrogen and Oxygen anyway? I know its got the best thrust-to-weight ratio that we've discovered so far that doesn't produce toxic gasses

Actually this may not be true.  Hydrogen and Oxygen have the highest specific impulse (change in momentum per unit of fuel), but do not necessarily produce the largest amount of thrust.  In fact in general thrust is often hindered by high ISP as the more entergetic propellants need a higher flow-rate to achive the same amount of thrust in the same amount of time.  The SSME are probably pretty close the the limit here.  This is why the Space Shuttle has the two large SRB which have teriffic thrust but terrible ISP.

but what about Acids and Alkalis. I actually had this idea in the bath (no I didn't do an Archimedes  lol  big_smile  smile  big_smile  lol ), when I thought what would happen if I filled the bath up with Cola, Lemon Juice, or Vinegar, and dropped a load of Menthos/Baking Soda into it. What would the thrust be if we used a ph1 Acid with a ph14 Alkali? A disadvantage would be storage, but that could be solved. One byproduct of the reaction would be Hydrogen,. that could be burnt with an Afterburner. Feasible? Efficient?

In most cases the product of a neutralization reaction is plain old water with some ions in it.  While Acid-Base reactions may seem dramatic, energy wise they are pretty pathetic compared to rocket fuels.  And its unlikely that any hydrogen would be formed in this case (though it can happen in some reactions).  Think about it rationaly, do you real think house-hold chemicals, indeed things you can eat are entergetic enough to make an effective rocket propellent?  Of course not.

Rocket propellents are highly entergetic, reactive substances.  Even the most mild of them will burn/melt the flesh right off your bones.  You of course cannot eat them.

Actually analysing a potential rocket propellant is not that difficult. 
Step #1, determine the energy of the reaction or its enthalpy.  Obviously the higher this is per gram the better.
Step #2, figure out if the products would make make good exhaust.  For this you idealy need a light gas.

I'll take your silence as a 'Don't know, the only way of knowing would be with an experiment, doing the maths doesn't have the answers this time' then, should I?

Give people a chance to reply!  Its pretty easy to judge that most neutralisation reactions are not going to be entergetic enough for rocket propellant.  In would be a good experiment for you, measuring the enthalpy of a neutrilaztion reaction is classic chem 101 stuff.

Though more generaly speaking any acid-base reaction is a redox (oxidation reduction) reaction, which is the same kind of reaction that all chemical rocket fuels I am aware of rely upon.

Maybe burning Hydrogen with Fluorine to make Hydroflouric acid, which could be reacted with an Alkali and the Hydrogen released could be burnt normally with Oxygen?

There is no free lunch in chemistry, if you some how get the H back out of HF, you have to use as much energy as you got putting it there.  Besides the fact that this reaction won't work, there are a couple other fundamental issues.  How would you recapture your (highly entergetic) exhaust?  And caring oxygen to react again with your hydrogen only lowers your ISP.

#14 Re: Single Stage To Orbit » SSTO » 2008-02-22 18:51:39

Are there any catalysts that would turn H2 into 2H?

Not to my knowledge: one problem is that the 2H would immediately recombine into H2 upon leaving the catalyst (as they are in close proximity), and the second is the rather large amount of energy needed to break the H-H bond.

Making monoatomic Hydrogen isn't so much the difficulty, the trouble is with storing it so that it doesn't spontaneously recombine to H2 before you can use the stuff as fuel.

As I hear it most of the hope is for metallic hydrogen to turn out to be meta-stable at somewhat reasonable pressures and temperatures (in this case I mean still very cold and high pressure).  As there really isn't any hope at keeping plain old hydrogen monoatomic for any appreciable length of time.  You have to keep to it to cold to be practical.

Another rather far-out their idea talked about is meta-stable helium (that is helium with one its electrons energized to a higher orbital).    Which theoretically would be a room temperature solid in some configurations.  The ISP of this would be ridiculous, like 2200 sec.  Which beats out most everything short of a NSWR.  Of course no one has made this substance yet.

There are a couple other odd ones, like N20.  But cyclic ozone does appear to be the one with the best chance of seeing fruition in the short term.  Of course even this is a distant hope as we are still not certain that cyclic ozone can actually exists.

#15 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Nuclear Thermal Rockets (NTR) » 2008-02-22 14:27:18

Hmm, I never realy thought about the point you address.  When we think of NTR we do tend to think of the NERVA stuff from the 70's and assume that it is the limit for these types of engines.  Probably because conventional chemical engines pretty much have reached the limits of performance.

But as the author points out this may not be the case for NTR.  There is probably a good bit of additional preformance that can be wrung out of NTRs beyond what the NERVA guys achived.  Especially in the area of specific power increases.  The improvements he mentions for a 4th generation NTR rocket seem very reasonable to me, and would make the already good NTR even better.

As for using a NTR as an upper stage, its a marginal proposition I think.  Even the improved 4th generation NTR rockets are only marginal in this role.  Even at twice the power density they are still only okay.  Another problem is that an upper stage engine would have to be much larger, in some cases as powerful as a ground based nuclear reactor (2GW or more).  Which has obvious implications both in terms of shielding and safety.

I'm also not to sure that abort to orbit is a viable alternative.  Mainly because implementing a seperate assent system for the reactor would be expensive and complicated, and the system would ultimatly not be very reliable.  There are a large number of possible malfunctions (any of a destructive sort) in which that sort of abort system would probably be useless.  I might be willing to slide on enviromental consiquences of a largish NTR disaster, but realisticly that won't be an option.

#16 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Spacewarp: Relaxing the distances; Breaking the frontiers » 2008-02-03 17:30:16

If they allow information to be transmitted FTL (to some observers) then it is also possible that they transmit information into those observers past, causing causality violations. How would this be avoided?

Indeed, the information in my framework can be sent with FTL speed. Also, a combination of the Hawking chronology protection conjecture, along with the Novikov consistency conjecture would prevent the formation of a time machine and causality violation out of a wormhole system IMO.

I'm not so sure that if Hawkings chronology protection conjecture is true that worm-holes would could be created at all.  As I understand it this conjecture states that in situations in which a closed-time-curve could occur, a horizion forms causing the loop to be destroyed.  The problem with that is that in any situation in which information can be transmited FTL, the possibility for a closed-time-curve exists, (indeed it _MUST_ exists for some frame of reference).  This seems to me to indicate that such a machine would thus be destroyed a soon as it could be created (if indeed it could be created) as it would be in violation of this principle.  Or it simply may not be possible to create at all.

As for the Novikov consistency conjecture, that seems to me to be simple hand-waving.  There is no mechanisim proposed as to how causality violating events would become impossible, just that their probability is 0.  With no real explanation as to why.

In any case both of these 'conjectures' hardly even rise to the level of theory as they both appear to be impossible to test.  And make-handwaving assumptions of physics that we do not know to be true.

#17 Re: Single Stage To Orbit » SSTO » 2008-02-03 01:58:49

Here's the deal.  While the amount of thrust you get per unit of fuel (specific impulse/ISP) is of critical importance to interplanetary travel, the rate at which that power can be safely released, and the amount of mass it takes to generate that rate (specific power/thrust) are very important during lift-off as well.

While most sorts of nuclear engines (be they NTR, GCNR, VASMIR, Fusion, whatever) may have superb ISP, their specific power/thrust is poor to downright terrible.  Whats more, there is a limit to the rate at which most of these engines can safely release their energy due either to heat dissipation (VASMIR and others) or radiation (anything involving Fission).

Thats why none of these is suitable for a first or second stage engine for an Earth-side lift-off.  Chemical or air-breathing really are the only options, (with chemical being the best in my book).  I wouldn't be so quick to count out other chemical fuels though.  H2OH, CH4, C2H6, and Keresone all have lower impulse than the LOX+LOH combo use in the shuttle, but they all are denser which can give you an advantage in tankage size (which is critical for SSTO).

#18 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Spacewarp: Relaxing the distances; Breaking the frontiers » 2008-02-03 00:54:05

Hi All

For the record, wormholes don't allow FTL.

Technically, no. But FTL isn't out of the question in GR so long as lightspeed isn't violated locally. So when travelling through a wormhole from A-to-B you don't go FTL at any point along the way, but a distant observer will see things quite differently.

All sorts of methods of FTL travel keep coming up here, and they all seem to end up with the same problem.  If they allow information to be transmitted FTL (to some observers) then it is also possible that they transmit information into those observers past, causing causality violations.  How would this be avoided?

#19 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Scaled Composites fined "unsafe" » 2008-01-22 12:18:28

Here's the thing though.  These men didn't die on an Apollo type mission to the moon, or a Columbuian expedition, or a Magellan trip around the world.  The died during a test fire.  This is unacceptable.  People shouldn't being dieing during tests fires!

I can accept that space travel is a dangerous business and that every now and then an astronaut or cosmonaut is going to get killed in the process.  Just like I can accept the occasional test pilot dieing on a test flight, or a test driver dieing in test drive.  But this is none of those things.  This is the equivelent of an engineer dieing during a plane runway test, or a engineer dieing during a car crash test.  Completely unacceptable.

Engines blow up on the test stand, this is a fact of rocketry.  But these sorts of occurances should be safely planned around so that such incidents don't cost human lives.  Failure to do so is completely unacceptable, and Scaled Composites is lucky to get off with a moderately small fine.

I'm all for OSHA and other safety agencies, they are one of the big forces preventing our employers from putting us in harms way for marginaly more economic gain.

#20 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Scaled Composites fined "unsafe" » 2008-01-22 00:55:17

Sorry I can't agree with this.  Space exploration is often times a dangerous business.  Explosions at the test stand are going to happen, and every now and then a spacecraft is going to blow up and some people are going to get killed.

But there is absolutely no reason anyone should be killed during a test-firing of an engine.  When launching a rocket obviously the crew has to be on top of it, and thus in harms way.  But there is no reason on Gods green earth than anyone should be within danger radius of a test fire.  There is simply no need for it!  Proper safety measures can and should have prevented accidents like this from incurring any fatalities.  Test stand explosions are quite frequent (thats why you test them!), and they should have been prepared for such a disaster.  Manifestly they were not.

Now, when these things do happen, and lives are lost, then it is only logical for the government to take some sort of action.  When a private person engages in some sort of act that causes people to be put in danger or killed he is punished and/or fined.  The same should hold true for 'corporate persons.'  When a corporation negligently places a person in harms way they should also be held accountable.  Simple as that.

#21 Re: Terraformation » Terraforming Mercury » 2007-12-06 20:51:02

The problem with para-terraforming Mercury is that the amount of solar energy it receives is massive.  It would be hard to create a structure that could survive the intense thermal roasting it receives during its long day (hot enough to melt lead) and then the shock of cold during its night.  While possibly not impossible to achive, almost all plans I have seen seek to avoid being roasted in the sun somehow.  The same issue exists for an orbital shield of some sort as well.  That close in to the sun it become difficult to deal with all the radiation (thermal and otherwise).


Which is why I do think mega-excavation is an excellent idea.  While it is doubtful that you could dig to the point where Mercuries gravity equals 1G (if such a point actually exits), you could dig some very deep pits at the poles to provide yourself with a secure shelter from the sun.

Such a 'hole' might not actually be that difficult to create.  As I pointed out before the sun emits massive quantities of energy when you are as close as Mercury is.  A few mirrors held in place by Mercuries gravity and solar pressure at the poles could be used to melt and vaporize huge quantities of Mercuries surface, digging the whole for you.

To me the big question is why.  Mercury's core probably contains good quantities of useful metals, but that is hardly unique in our solar system.  It would be a good place to observe the sun, but that is probably better done unmanned.  Maybe it would serve as a decent staging platform for efforts to terraform Venus, or a manufacturing plant for anti-matter or possibly solar sails.

#22 Re: Terraformation » Non-Toxic Inert Powerful Greenhouse Gasses » 2007-11-17 16:33:20

Well one of the best (if not THE best) greenhouse gases is relativly inert, completely non-toxic, and abundantly common on the ice-plants... water vapor.  Of course the problem is that all the ice giants are to small and to cold for water vapor to exist in any quantity.

In fact, all the planets/moon out past the asteriod belt are probably just to cold and to small for greenhouse gases to have any signifigant effect by there own.  Titan is a perfect case in point.  It thick dense atmosphere is full of greenhouse gases, such as methane, yet the planet itself is still incredibly cold.

Something more beyond just atmospheric manipulation is going to be needed to to terraform the ice worlds.  An added source of heat/light is most likely needed.


Can't exist.  Flourine only is only missing one electron in its outer shell and so generally only likes to form a singe bond with any other element.  Carbon on the other hand has 4 valence electrons and 4 open slots and so likes to form 4 bonds with other atoms.

#23 Re: Interplanetary transportation » New Fuel » 2007-11-16 20:12:36

While I'm not completely certain that you could not burn silver with H2O2 under the right conditions, I am sure that it is not used as a fuel in jet packs.  Silver is heavy, not very reactive, and would probably for some sort of solid after reacting with H2O2.  Oh, and it would probably be deadly toxic (breathing heavy metals in is bad).  Most likely what is happening is that silver is being used as a catalysts to decompose the hydrogen peroxide.  I know platinum can be used, so I would not be totally surprised if silver (which has some similar properties) could be used as well.  Or possibly the source just has it wrong and platinum is in fact being used as the catalysts.

I believe that hydrogen reactes exothermically with CO2.  This would appear to be a good airbreathing fuel on Mars, especially for aircraft which do not need to store LH2 for long periods.

It does, most any oxidizer (such as CO2) will burn with hydrogen, which is a very strong reducing agent.  The problem with this reaction is that it is not especially powerful (you lose a great deal of energy converting CO2 to CO and burning that) and that it tends to produce carbon dust which hurts your performance ever more.

I believe that if you are going to go to the trouble of using liquid H2 (a very demanding cryogenic) that you might as well use a more powerful cryogenic oxidiser such as LO2.

Silane is another good fuel that will burn in CO2 and is generally a lot more storable than hydrogen.

Silane also suffers from much the same performance problems that CO2-H does, but does have the advantage of being dense and storeable.

CO2 itself would be a good propellant if a nuclear heat source were avilable.

Blegh, CO2 would be a pretty terrible propellant.  For a NTR molecular weight is THE key to performance.  So CO2 (molecular weight 44) performs pretty terribly.

Better choices for a NTR are Hydrogen (obviously), Ammonia (NH4 atmoic weight 18) which breaks down readily to Nitrogen and Hydrogen which improves your average to 8.  Or even water (18) or oxygen (32).  CO2 is about the worst you could get.

#24 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Space Elevator or Scramjet? » 2007-11-16 18:25:41

Of the two options I favor the space elevator.  It is true that the material technology is not there yet, but solid progress is being made in this area.  Materials science is one of those things that kinds of sneaks up on yah.  Often times we don't realize the revolution that it happening until it has already taken place.  Such was the case with plastics, aluminum, fiberglass, and now carbon fibers.  These sorts of things slip into our lives casually as the technologies mature and the prices drop, often so subtly we don't notice them.  Something similar will probably happen with buckytubes and other advanced materials.  In any case if keep along at the same rate of improvement in materials technology we have been a space elevator will eventually be possible.

For scramjets I am not so optimistic.  While I have little doubt that they can be built, I doubt they will ever revolutionize space access.  They are two complex, to heavy, and two demanding in engineering terms to work for space.  As others have said their most likely application is in missiles.

In any case if a space elevator CAN be built it will revolutionize space access, no doubt at all.  Access to orbit will become as cheap as it could realisticly go.  A scramjet has no chance of revolutionizing space in the same way.

#25 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Shuttle fuel tank » 2007-11-14 16:57:28

As I recall most serious plans involving use this shuttles main tank in orbit also include some other means of adding the extra bit of thrust necessary to get the tank fully into orbit on its own.  It really is carried very nearly all the way to orbit with the Shuttle OMS system firing only a minor burn after the ET in jettisoned and the main engines are shut down.  The loss in cargo space in the shuttle truly isn't that great (even negligible depending on the orbit the shuttle is shooting for).  And could be made up for with a slightly larger or lighter tank, or a small additional booster stage.

I used to be quite skeptical towards the idea of using the ET for anything in space, but the idea does have some merit.  As I said before the ET is carried very nearly into orbit, so you wouldn't have to loose that much to get it there.  If you COULD use the tank it would provide an incredible amount of additional space.  The ET is huge, probably bigger in usable space then the entire ISS.

Additionally the tanks are relatively strong, insulated, and air-tight.  Recall that the ET has to support several hundred metric tons of propellant, as well as structurally supporting the orbiter while the SRBs are providing thrust during lift-off.  Its certainly as light as they can safely make it, but it is not a particularly flimsy structure by any means.  While it may lack a dedicated micro-meteorite shield and radiation shielding its not clear that such things are absolutely necessary or that they could not be retrofitted fairly cheaply into the station.  Certainly its relatively hardy construction should provide some protection.

Recall as well that Skylab was essentially an upper stage for the Saturn V rocket modified into a space-station.  So I believe, in theory, that not only the idea could work, but could work very well.

Alas, in practice I believe there are some significant difficulties.

#1.  Spent fuel.  Actually this isn't a problem, but I though I'd point out that it isn't anyways.  LOX and LH2 (especially) will quickly dry up and evaporate away if exposed to vacuum, which should be easy to do in space.  Just leave the lines from the SSME open.  Their might be slight possibility of explosion, but that seems unlikely to me.  LOX and LH2 aren't hypergolic so their fumes are unlikely to spontaneously ignite.

#2.  Access.  While there ARE access hatches in the LOX and LH2 tanks they are relatively small and not suitable for use in space (I think they get welded shut as well).  In order to gain access to the LOX and LH2 in space they would have to be re-engineered for bigger access ways.  Its not clear to me to what extent this is possible/practical.

#3.  Assembly. The biggie.  Assembly in space has proven to be difficult and time consuming.  This is doubly true if EVA is required (which seems likely).  Loiter time is limited in space (for the shuttle at least) so this labor and time is doubly expensive.  I can think of no cleaver means of reducing this obsticle.


In any case while I don't think we are likely to see the ET used in any fashion in the immediate future, I think the idea DOES have some merit.  At least enough that it should be at least examined, not rejected out of hand.

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