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Is Fox good? I mean, I'm looking at stats on CNN, thhey look quite impressive.
Looks like Uhio is in the bag, 89% of votes in, last time I checked...
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Is Fox good? I mean, I'm looking at stats on CNN, thhey look quite impressive.
Looks like Uhio is in the bag, 89% of votes in, last time I checked...
Of all the networks, Fox seems to be the one that is most willing to go out on a limb and project the states first. CNN and others still think that Kerry has enough of a chance of winning Ohio that they have not called it yet.
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Is Fox good? I mean, I'm looking at stats on CNN, thhey look quite impressive.
Looks like Uhio is in the bag, 89% of votes in, last time I checked...
Of all the networks, Fox seems to be the one that is most willing to go out on a limb and project the states first. CNN and others still think that Kerry has enough of a chance of winning Ohio that they have not called it yet.
Are you surprised? They are playing kingmaker. Fox is the Pravda of the Republicans. ;-)
Bush leads Ohio by less than 100,000 and there are "hundreds of thousands" of provisional ballots not to be counted for ELEVEN DAYS!
Give someone a sufficient [b][i]why[/i][/b] and they can endure just about any [b][i]how[/i][/b]
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Meanwhile, oil prices on the rise on the markets in the East...
Wonder what GWB will think, knowing the 'international polls' that massively showed their preference for Kerry...
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FWIW, here in Belgium they just retracted the news of Bush winning.
94% of votes counted in Ohio, but 100 of thousands votes still uncounted, and most from Dem regions they say.
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CNN calls Ohio "too close to call"
Yet the GOP gained in the Senate and House and Bush may win the overall popular vote. California has lots and lots of votes left, however.
Many Americans (far too many IMHO) were taken in by the irrational emotionalism of the Bush campaign.
Yet we will play the cards we have been dealt. And with a GOP President, House and Senate, Bush will be 100% to blame or receive credit on how Iraq turns out.
No Democrats to blame, now.
Give someone a sufficient [b][i]why[/i][/b] and they can endure just about any [b][i]how[/i][/b]
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Are you surprised? They are playing kingmaker. Fox is the Pravda of the Republicans. ;-)
They are biased, but they have also been calling states for Kerry before most of the other networks.
Yet we will play the cards we have been dealt. And with a GOP President, House and Senate, Bush will be 100% to blame or receive credit on how Iraq turns out.
And they will get the blame as the weaknesses in the economy become more obvious.
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Are you surprised? They are playing kingmaker. Fox is the Pravda of the Republicans. ;-)
They are biased, but they have also been calling states for Kerry before most of the other networks.
Yet we will play the cards we have been dealt. And with a GOP President, House and Senate, Bush will be 100% to blame or receive credit on how Iraq turns out.
And they will get the blame as the weaknesses in the economy become more obvious.
Pending Ohio (which is a long shot) the GOP has won a big victory. But now, its time for them to perform. No more Bill Clinton to blame.
And I still believe (strongly) that the Bush Iraq policy and the Bush economic policies are both gigantic FUBARs waiting to explode in our face. But pending Ohio, the election is over.
Therefore, I will soon refrain from blog complaints (after a few summary comments to come), but there are several people here who may well receive HUGE "I told you so's" come 2006 or 2008.
Give someone a sufficient [b][i]why[/i][/b] and they can endure just about any [b][i]how[/i][/b]
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Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
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Many Americans (far too many IMHO) were taken in by the irrational emotionalism of the Bush campaign.
*I think -both- sides can be said to contain elements of irrational emotionalism in them.
IMO, at least part of the reason we have such a divided nation is the prevalence of the cable television news networks with highly divisive and often incendiary Talking Heads. Left vs Right to the extreme, and the voters are seeming to fall in line with whomever they perceive is the Absolutely Correct Voice.
Now the mire in OH to wade through.
::edit:: Rik, I prefer CNN. Also, did anyone else see the bit of media attention Ralph Nader got last night? No talk about what he stands for (like usual), simply criticizing the Repubs and Dems. Waste of air time.
We all know [i]those[/i] Venusians: Doing their hair in shock waves, smoking electrical coronas, wearing Van Allen belts and resting their tiny elbows on a Geiger counter...
--John Sladek (The New Apocrypha)
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clark, if it turns out in your favor, well, I'll have that poem for you.
It isn't in my favor.
Sometimes I wish I didn't see what I see.
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Where hope does spring in eternal fire
Within the heart of noble Cryer,
Bitter sweet this dire day and age
That found true words in a proven sage,
Yet wonder waits upon falling stars
As we sustain this shared dream of Mars,
Which holds the true hope of all we share
Giving us strength to endure, and bear.
Fear not this turned page of history,
It compares not to that mystery.
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Many Americans (far too many IMHO) were taken in by the irrational emotionalism of the Bush campaign.
*I think -both- sides can be said to contain elements of irrational emotionalism in them.
IMO, at least part of the reason we have such a divided nation is the prevalence of the cable television news networks with highly divisive and often incendiary Talking Heads. Left vs Right to the extreme, and the voters are seeming to fall in line with whomever they perceive is the Absolutely Correct Voice.
Now the mire in OH to wade through.
::edit:: Rik, I prefer CNN. Also, did anyone else see the bit of media attention Ralph Nader got last night? No talk about what he stands for (like usual), simply criticizing the Repubs and Dems.
Waste of air time.
Cindy, be careful what you pray for. ???
The time to argue has passed. Bush and the GOP and their supporters now "own" the political process and therefore are responsible for what happens next.
No more Bill Clinton or liberalism to blame.
Results are all that matter now. And time will indeed tell whether America has chosen wisely or poorly. My opinions are already known and need not be repeated.
The time to argue has passed.
Give someone a sufficient [b][i]why[/i][/b] and they can endure just about any [b][i]how[/i][/b]
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No more Bill Clinton or liberalism to blame.
With the exception of that damn 60 vote Senate rule they've been using to hold things up. That doesn't change.
Many will conclude I'm trying to pre-emptively set up an excuse here, but we shouldn't pretend the Republicans can now do whatever they want with impunity.
Personally, I'm going to blame the lawyers.
Four more wars--YEARS! Four more years I mean. Almost at critical mass...
Maniacal laughter to follow.
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
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Seen from Paris, as we vote for our president one man, one vote, no doubt that the winner of majority of votes is the legitimate winner.
Therefore: "Bonne chance à Bush !"
Personally, I think that whoever is in charge of the interests of any country inherits fundamental geostrategical datas that dictate his choices, be Bush or Kerry, to a very narrow path...
Inner politic of USA isn't of my business.
Not for myself, but for french government, Kerry as a president would have been much more embarrassing than Bush. Chirac would have been seen as the worse ally of USA refusing to a popular in public opininon US president help and troops in Irak.
Bad Bush image in european public opinion helps french leaders in their goal to have a strong Europe balancing USA.
For the Middle East, Bush weights heavier than Kerry on Israel leaders, and is more able to lead a more balanced politic, if US administration realises that palestinian conflict is the central point of arab and islamic anger at USA and at the West.
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To all Dems, take it easy, if you want to relax, you know that you are welcome to France.
Here in Paris, you can still sit at the terrasse of a café and light a cigarette, it's ok
you can cross the street when no car's coming whatever the coulour of the traffic light is, it's ok
You can ride your bike on the pavement, if you don't excess the speed of a running man, it's ok
gays can have an official civil union with much of the rights of a marriage. it's ok
a gay mayor can rule Paris, it's ok
one can smoke a joint without risking years of jail though it's stricly forbidden
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Hi DonPanic!
Those are very practical and sensible laws you have in France. I'm impressed.
[Except for the marijuana bit. I'm afraid I disagree with its use and think it should be strongly discouraged by the law. Just my opinion, though I have powerful personal reasons for feeling that way (nothing to do with religion either).]
As is so often the case, I've found that most of us here are actually closer to each other in fundamental wants and desires than it may appear.
You and I have significant differences when it comes to politics and how the world situation should be handled; in fact, some of your earlier posts led me to think we were poles apart and probably irreconcilable. But, the more I've come to know you, the more I've grown to like your Gallic logic!
Your latest posts are indeed very realistic and pragmatic and I admire that kind of unemotional and down-to-Earth attitude when the situation demands it.
I remember another of your countrymen, Dickbill, whom unfortunately we've heard too little from just lately, with a similar mindset to your own, I think. He and I have different politics too but I couldn't help but grow to like him as time went on. (Not sure if you're familiar with his contributions to New Mars but he has a great sense of humour - often quirky and zany. )
What with you and Dickbill showing me aspects of the French character it's impossible to dislike, I might just start to develop a soft spot for the French people after all.
But don't worry, I haven't lost my rightist tendencies and I'm sure I'll find good reason to disagree with you about things in future!
However, just because we can't agree on everything doesn't mean we can't stop arguing now and then and maybe have a few beers and chill out together. Right?
The word 'aerobics' came about when the gym instructors got together and said: If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it Jumping Up and Down. - Rita Rudner
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What with you and Dickbill showing me aspects of the French character it's impossible to dislike, I might just start to develop a soft spot for the French people after all.
*Voltaire, Voltaire -- rah, rah, rah!! One of the greatest human beings ever.
We all know [i]those[/i] Venusians: Doing their hair in shock waves, smoking electrical coronas, wearing Van Allen belts and resting their tiny elbows on a Geiger counter...
--John Sladek (The New Apocrypha)
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*Voltaire, Voltaire -- rah, rah, rah!!
One of the greatest human beings ever.
Ah, toi aussi, madame!? Bon, bon, j'aime beaucoup Voltaire aussi, il est magnifique, ne c'est-pas? :laugh:
Voltaire, Madame du Chatelet, Antoine Saint-Exupery, yep, there's plenty of great French(wo)men to look up to. We just kinda skimmed the surface of the French philosophes in my history class, but from the look of it they did an impressive amount of work for the good of humanity.
I can't say I'm surprised by the election, but I wouldn't have been surprised either way. Both candidates were up against such long odd it looked like neither of them could pull it off, like I'd said before (to my family, not on these boards), it really all just came down to Ohio and its coin-flip odds of voting for either candidate. One thing that is pretty mind-boggling about this election: exit polls showed that about 80% of Ohioans thought that the economy was the most important issue at hand and 59% strongly disapproved of the direciton in which Bush is going economically. Yet he won 51% of the popular vote there! If you want change, vote for it, you morons (I can say that, right?)!
In any case, the election is all behind us now so there's no point in griping over who won. My hope for this country and for the world is that George Bush doesn't do something phenomonially bad to screw up everything. I wonder what odds the guys at Vegas would put on that? If nothing else, at least the Bush "vision" should survive mostly intact for at least the next four years.
"You know, George, I think you'll make a good president if you keep your mouth shut and your eyes closed."
-Darryl Hammond as Bill Clinton, inaguration day 2000
A mind is like a parachute- it works best when open.
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One thing that is pretty mind-boggling about this election: exit polls showed that about 80% of Ohioans thought that the economy was the most important issue at hand and 59% strongly disapproved of the direciton in which Bush is going economically. Yet he won 51% of the popular vote there! If you want change, vote for it, you morons (I can say that, right?)!
59%*80%= 47.2%
The 20% who did not think that the economy was the most important issue were the ones that swung the vote in favor of Bush.
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But don't worry, I haven't lost my rightist tendencies and I'm sure I'll find good reason to disagree with you about things in future!
However, just because we can't agree on everything doesn't mean we can't stop arguing now and then and maybe have a few beers and chill out together. Right?
OK, then, like with our British cousins and nevertheless neighbourgs
let's be the best ennemies in the world
Cheers !
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Victory is mine! You are under the control of our great leader Bush and Dick. To the people in the blue states please report to the reeducation camps as soon as possible. You will enjoy arts and crafths "making wallets", Exterme sports "forced to mine gold in the sub artic, spa treatments "tested on by the corperate drug companys. Last great shows "forced to wacth so you cant colse your eye lids, hours of Nasacar racing. The hypnotic like racing will get cure you of PC. Top off with beer and sunday prys, that the first day.
"We dont like will and grace, and you will too."
For the hard core blue people like Mechael More hanging will cure them for good. Other activites will include whiping, baseball, and a all you can eat meat bar for Peta, vegians, and greenpeace. Made from wood from an old growth redwood forest. Whale and baby seal will be the main crouse, with sides of pork, beef, and some dogs. With fur napkins from endangered aniumals.
For the ACLU ers their tounges will be cut out, and forced to live in the sanitational ducts.
Finally Hilary Clinton will be lock in a room with Bill Clinton, who ever lives thourgh the night gets to be king of the liberals. Two men enter, one man leaves that the thu8nder Dome. Any blue people who dont show up for reeducation will be banished to Cannada for all time, death is preferd to that. So the Bush red people will let you die if you rather not be forced to live in such a bad country. Also woman will be free of voting since it just confused them any ways.
Bush new plan for America sound great, I hope all those blue state people enjoy their vaction too reeducation campe.
Just joking, but the election really tell us how much the cluture war has divided our nation. I hope liberals and conservitives will work together for whats best for all America, we can fight after we have won the war on Terr. :up:
I love plants!
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Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
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Hi Shaun, Cindy, Clark, Marsfirst, Rattlesnake Commander and many other new guys at New Mars !
It's good to be reminded so nicely. Yes I am sorry not to participate more but I have a busy life lately. To make a short story long, as you remember, I was living in New York. My wife and I decided to move to a bigger place. Reason is we have a baby. It's not nice a baby in a small appartment with only one bedroom and a rent of $1400 (cheap in manhattan). So we both tried to find a job. I find a new position in Dallas, TX, starting July 1st. So far so good.
We hire a moving company, pay a $1500 deposit, they come to pick up our stuff in our tiny appartment. Two guys come and we tip them 60 bucks each. They take out stuff and we say byebye, see you in 1 or two weeks in Dallas.
We take our car, drive for 2 days and a half with the baby in the backseat and arrive June 29 in dallas, just in time for me to start my job.
Problem is : our furnitures never came. After one month and lots of cries from my wife and an astronomical amount of lies from the movers, I decided to go back to new York to check by myself that our furnitures were not lost or stollen.
All our stuff was in New Jersey, in a storage room. The movers didn't have a truck to make it, and I discovered that basically, they would not be able to move anything for months.
After agreement (verbal) that we gonna be reimbursed by the crooks, my wife hires a new transporter guy from Dallas, sturdy and reliable, that will come and pickup the stuff so that I can flight back to dallas. All this cost money, but the texan do it, in 2 days ! he drives like crazy in his 18 wheelers and bring back our stuff 2 days later. Four days total, for a total extra $1500. Good job !
Since the crooks never reimbursed us, this story costed us a good 3000, because i had to rent a car and sleep in hotel while in New Jersey.
Just part of the as I said, I have less time unfortunatly. I'd like to post more but then I'd do less 3D rendering. I also read more (the Davinci code, Angels and demon and the Cracking the Da vinci code)
also, I finally bought a celestron CG-5 C9.25 dream realised. OK we are bankrupted but at this point, I don't care anymore.
And now, what do I learn ? G Bush reelected ?
well, ON to Mars guys !
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Earthfirst you are a disgusting little troll.
But you sure are a funny one. Keep the grammer up! :laugh:
A mind is like a parachute- it works best when open.
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