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The link is to an online program that allows you to try out various scenerios involving asteroid impacts. Try it out, but be safe.
Earth Impact Effects Program
created by: Robert Marcus, H. Jay Melosh, and Gareth Collins
This program will estimate the seismic, blast wave, and thermal effects of an impact as well as the size of the crater produced by the impact. The crater size is determined using pi-scaling.
They just had a Slashdot thread about this - expect it to get slashdotted right out of existence soon. IT's somewhat ironic that this site is about to get hit by the Internet equivelent to an extinction level asteroid...
Just for giggles, I was running the results for a 100 km diameter asteroid hitting a planet at 100 km/s. It's pretty amusing...
Define "amusing."
Define "amusing."
Your position was inside the transient crater and ejected upon impact.
Heh, exactly! I like how the initial impact crater for that collision is about 1500 km in radius. I also love how your curent position is buried under 30,000 feet of impact ejecta.
Incidentally, the 100 km meteor at 100 km/s is what it would take to get Venus a 24 hour day as poeple were discussing over in the terraforming section.
Here is another []doomsday simulator.