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Well I had an idea for a fun lil' activity about designing your own faster than light ship, heres mine:
A - Four Two Megawatt Solar Panels
b - Has mysteriously disapeared off the diagram but would be located in the gray area just above c, it is the Diode Space Propuslion Drive(DSPD).
c - DSPD Net, for going in reverse .
D - Ruby Laser Rider Drive(RLRD), don't you just love the name?
Faster Than Light Travel Drive :
Ruby Laser Rider Drive, basically it converts the ship into a antihole wavelength and fires the laser and the wavelength rides with it(hence the name).
Slower Than Light Travel Drive :
Basically it squezes the space infront of the ship out the rear end.
Power Source: Solar Panels for Near Star power regeneration and Massive RTG's for Away from Star power.
Made of Carbon nanotubes and titanium frame.
Now lets see your ships
The MiniTruth passed its first act #001, comname: PATRIOT ACT on October 26, 2001.
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