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I drew what I call a "Martian Star." That drawing is posted on the web at
The star is based on a figure known as a Golden Rectangle. Such a rectangle has the proportions Phi (1.618033...) by 1.
Merry Christmas.
"Analysis, whether economic or other, never yields more that a statement about the tendencies present in an observable pattern." Joseph A. Schumpeter; Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, 1942
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It looks a little too Christian, don't you think?
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
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Take a look at this symmetrical Martian Star. Given its proportions, it should not appear "too Christian." … nstar5.htm
"Analysis, whether economic or other, never yields more that a statement about the tendencies present in an observable pattern." Joseph A. Schumpeter; Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, 1942
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Hmm, I'm thinkin' NATO on this one.
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
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The golden rectangle is crap. All Martians will hate the golden rectangle. Every Calvin pissing decal on Mars will depict the stream of urine landing on a golden rectangle. On Mars, the gravest term of contempt will be golden rectangle, reserved for diaper fetishists, wanna-be social engineers, and the French. Child molestors will have a golden rectangle branded on each cheek. There will be an annual holiday devoted solely to hating the golden rectangle.
Human: the other red meat.
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The golden rectangle is crap. All Martians will hate the golden rectangle. Every Calvin pissing decal on Mars will depict the stream of urine landing on a golden rectangle. On Mars, the gravest term of contempt will be golden rectangle, reserved for diaper fetishists, wanna-be social engineers, and the French. Child molestors will have a golden rectangle branded on each cheek. There will be an annual holiday devoted solely to hating the golden rectangle.
A.J. ...
That's pure flamebaiting...
I don't care you don't like Scott G. Beach's ideas or not, but the way you bring 'criticism' is childish.
I particulary take issue with the fact you name French people in one breath together with child-molesters. No, I'm not French.
Very poor taste indeed.
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In case you can't read, I associated the French with diaper fetishists and wannabe social engineers.
Human: the other red meat.
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You know fully well what I meant.
Or should i start acting as pedantic as you? Babbling about how association can also been implemented by putting two words (yes, A.J. ... 'In case i can't count, child molesters and French is three words', yawn) next to each other, even if there's a period placed between them yadda yadda yada.
You know what i mean.
Isn't the internet a great invention? Here i am, wasting my keystrokes on a wise-ass that very probably gets his kicks out of exactly that: people wasting their breath on nonsensical stuff he posts, just to get some attention.
Hope i made you happy with my reply, A.J.
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From []over yonder:
The ISS, flawed as it may be, is still a great piece of complex machinery, and this finger-pointing is stupid. The Russinans have years of experience in building space-stations, and their expertise is still needed to keep ISS going.
You think that writing the word for something bad and then the name an ethnic group means you intend to cause readers to associate that ethnic group with the bad thing. You wrote "stupid" and then "The Russians". Ergo?
Human: the other red meat.
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Actually, that's really how Martian culture will develope.
Don't hate me because I'm psychic.
Human: the other red meat.
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