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#76 2025-01-06 14:51:18

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,549

Re: RobertDyck Postings

For RobertDyck re Resignation of PM Trudeau...

I'm posting here to avoid inserting my ID into a series you have started.

I read a bit of background in the news feeds from Canada, about the resignation.

Thanks for the detail about the pension and the March action date.

As I read about the problems facing Canada (inflation, housing, health care) I couldn't help thinking that there is no one alive on Earth who could solve those problems for any population, let alone one as large and diverse as Canada.

I'm sure it doesn't help that other Nations are experiencing turmoil at the same time.

Please reply in the Politics topic.



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#77 2025-01-07 08:11:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,549

Re: RobertDyck Postings

For RobertDyck re carbon tax and other causes of discontent....

A reasonable direction for a nation the size of Canada to go is to dramatically ramp up nuclear power.  The increase of energy-flow-per-capita should result in an increase of well-being, even if the distribution is uneven.

There are examples from human history.  The discovery of oil ultimately led to greater well being for the populations of a number of countries, even though those who could amass fortunes for themselves did so. 

Is the conservative leader someone who would lead the Nation in that direction?



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#78 2025-01-28 19:42:48

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,549

Re: RobertDyck Postings

For RobertDyck ...

Nice to see you back on the board after some time away.   Your last communication was about a trip to the wilds of far Canada. I hope the trip went well and the polar bears kept their distance.

In this post: … 23#p229423

you offered a hint that maps might be available showing where useful materials might be found.  If you have time, and if the original documents are still available, please add links to the topic.

The Large Ship is in a hanger right now, where it's been hanging out waiting for you to figure out how to build it.

If you've been away, you may not have noticed that your example has inspired other members to think about rotating transport systems, and everyone seems to be using numbers that come close to the ones you offered years ago.

Something you could actually ** do ** is to persuade a Canadian individual or company to build a rotation training facility as an entertainment with educational value.  I spent some time earlier today looking at warehouse sizes, and found that buildings large enough to hold the entire Large Ship habitat exist and in fact, appear to be quite common.

Terraformer found a NASA funded study of rotation training for humans, and GW Johnson has blended that into the papers he is writing.  What it says is that humans can definitely learn how to experience rotation.  What is not yet established is if humans can tolerate life in a rotating habitat for months or years. Your Large Ship habitat is as good as any to provide a facility to study human capability, right here on Earth/



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#79 2025-02-01 20:35:02

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,549

Re: RobertDyck Postings

For RobertDyck ...

Your recent posts re-awakened my interest in Canada and Canadians....

The Internet feed tossed this item my way: … wtab-en-us

I read about half and skimmed the rest ... this is a thoughtful review of the history of political systems and of Canada  in particular.  The article points out the fragility of all political systems. 

You very likely know most if not all of this history.

What I'm watching with interest these days is to see how Canadian's deal with the provocations of the current time.  The article at the link above mentions previous trials that Canada has survived.  Not a few are caused by the neighbor to the South.



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#80 2025-02-02 08:44:09

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,549

Re: RobertDyck Postings

For RobertDyck re exchange with kbd512...

kbd512 appears to have gotten under your skin... … 35#p229535

Please take a few moments to replace emotions with cold hard facts.

If kbd512 has made a factual error, it should be possible to isolate it and refute it.

If kbd512 has offered an opinion that is based upon nothing at all, it should be possible to identify that as well.

There is nothing to refute in that case.



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#81 2025-02-05 12:01:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,549

Re: RobertDyck Postings

For RobertDyck re Large Ship on Pause...

We left off with a pause due to uncertainty about how to build the Large Ship in orbit.

It would be possible to build a full scale working (rotating) mockup of the Large Ship, inside a large warehouse.

I'm interested in seeing you back at work on this important initiative.

Please look for a ware house that is idle at the moment, and large enough to hold the habitat ring, and a track for it to run on.

It seems that we have a number of those in the city where I live.  Your city may not be large enough to have one, and in any case it may not be vacant, since such space is valuable, but to try and get you going, please look to see what might be available.



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#82 2025-02-05 16:33:11

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,549

Re: RobertDyck Postings

For RobertDyck re choosing leadership in one of the few remaining democracies....

All I can do is to offer my best wishes for a solution that the majority of folks can agree upon.  The tradition of giving up and adopting a dictator is all too common in human history. 

After typing the above, I took a moment to reflect on the fact that no one with dictatorial tendencies in Canada has come to my attention, so that might not happen to your Nation.

One option is to simply keep Trudeau, because he stood up to the bully down South, along with a hefty percentage of fellow Citizens.

This seems to me like a poor time to throw caution to the winds.

These are not normal times.



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#83 2025-02-05 16:49:41

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,932

Re: RobertDyck Postings

Globalisation (free trade, neoliberal economics) is unwinding, because prosperity is declining.  This is leading to beggar-thy-neighbour politics.  It isn't the result of one man, it is baked in.  It is the inevitable result of fossil fuel energy entering its decline phase and the rising political tensions resulting.  The question is not whether Trump or Trudeau are good or bad guys.  We all have our own opinions on that.  It is 'how do we collectively navigate the decline of fossil energy without unwinding the industrial revolution?'  Tariffs between neighbouring NAFTA members will make things worse for everyone involved.  But this is predictable in a world where the pie is no longer growing but population continues to grow.

Last edited by Calliban (2025-02-05 16:52:21)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


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#84 2025-02-12 07:52:38

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,549

Re: RobertDyck Postings

For RobertDyck....

If you have a bit of time and the subject is of interest, please follow up on the report in this post: … 31#p229731

I am skeptical, but hope there is something to this.

The idea of Canada wanting to stick it to Trump is something I think the Spanish reporter added to the mix. I don't think it came from the Canadians themselves.  The headline had the effect of drawing in readers, so I suppose it worked in that sense.



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#85 Today 18:29:09

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,549

Re: RobertDyck Postings

For RobertDyck re link in Starship is Go topic...

Thanks for the Replay video!

I was amazed how long the Starship held together before failing.

Hopefully sensors were all over the vessel.

The catch at the arms was perfect.  I was surprised to see all 33 engines lit for the deceleration burn before the steering trio took over the final maneuvering. I wonder of part of the strategy might have been to burn off propellant so there was as little as possible left before reaching the tower.



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