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A recent post by Void included an image of a large Ferris Wheel on Earth.
Apparently the world record for a Ferris Wheel on Earth is held by Dubai at 820 feet.
Because the Moon's gravity is less, I'm assuming steel could safely support a Ferris Wheel of 800*6 + 20*6 or 4800 + 120 or 4920 feet.
That would be quite a view over the Lunar landscape.
This topic is available if anyone in the membership were interested in posting about what such a Ferris Wheel might look like.
The passenger cars would be little life support pods, of course.
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The image at the link below is from a discussion in LinkedIn....
If the link does not work, it shows a Deep Space Ship under construction on the Lunar surface.
The reason I chose the ferris wheel topic is because the image is similar to a ferris wheel under construction.
The discussion in LinkedIn seemed fairly detailed and reasonable. There are advantages and disadvantages.
My guess is that both options will be developed over time. LEO seems likely to me to become too crowded and dangerous for serious construction. A station as large as GW Johnson's Refueling platform and maintenance facility is not going to be able to move when a collision is imminent so it will need a massive bumper in front to deal with debris in it's path.
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