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As work proceeds in bringing FluxBB 1.5.11 forward from 2012 to 2024, we have an opportunity to introduce changes we might desire.
No one else is maintaining FluxBB, so we have the opportunity to maintain it ourselves.
We might even contribute our new version to the github repository.
This new topic is offered for NewMars members to contribute suggestions for features they might like to see introduced to FluxBB, if the Admins decide to keep it.
Keeping FluxBB (as updated to 2024) has distinct advantages.
On the other hand, phpBB3 has been updated continuously since 2012 and is still in active maintenance, so it has features that are attractive, including robust resistance to hacking.
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This post is reserved for an index to posts NewMars members may contribute over time.
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This post will start a list of possible features / changes we might make to the existing FluxBB forum, if we decide to keep it:
1) Add a View counter ... Use existing Edit field and increment when a NewMars member views a post. Count only goes up. Prevents spammer counts.
2) Add new categories (eg, Large Ship, Projects, Industries, etc)
3) Add option to reverse the order of a display ... A button would swap order from Ascending to Descending or reverse. (for viewing long result sets)
4) FAQ ? phpBB3 has added an elaborate documentation feature called FAQ.
5) Add a Like counter - simple version.. allow unlimited likes.
6) Add a Like counter with limit of one per member ... requires an additional table to record NemMars member ID and Post ID so only one Like can be added.
All NewMars members are invited and welcome to add suggestions. Nothing is in the works at the moment. The primary goal right now is to finish the process of bringing FluxBB 1.5.11 forward from 2012 to 2024.
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For SpaceNut and kbd512 and RobertDyck ....
If we decide to keep FluxBB (with updates to 2024), we have the opportunity to maintain and enhance the system for our members and Admins.
While only a Moderator in the Mars Society context, I've had a chance to see what Admin powers look like in phpBB3...
What I think would be helpful would be a suite of MySQL commands to check the status of tables, as well as links between tables.
Right now we are experiencing a problem with the word search feature of the clone.
It would be nice for the Administrator to ask MySql about the status of various tables in the database, such as how many words are currently stored in the word table, and if a particular word is included, and if that word is included, which posts contain that word.
I'll be using MySQL later today to ask those questions, but they could be made available to the Admins so the Webmaster does not need to be pulled into the situation unless a change to the database is needed.
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For kbd512 re File Serve request:
I would appreciate your confirmation:
The new directory (forum_user_file_uploads) is created in Azure at the same level as: include, lang, plugins and style.
Update: corrected per kbd512 on 2024/12/23.
I'll be applying ownership and permissions next, to match those directories.
Feature Description:
As envisioned in the final days of 2024 on Earth, the File Service feature would enable Moderators/Administrators to store files on behalf of members.
The service would function similarly to Dropbox and, in that the files would be linked via URL's in the posts where they are to appear. The difference would be the location of the files. Both Dropbox and have free services but those could go away at any time.
A php script would function something like the interfaces to Dropbox and They would enable the Moderator to upload a file to the Mars Society server, and generate an appropriate link that could be copied and pasted into the post.
My guess is that this script will be non-trivial to build, test and implement.
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The directory name was "forum_user_file_uploads", not "forum_user_file_updates".
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For kbd512 re #6
Thanks for correcting the name. The correction is applied.
Please confirm if the location of the directory is correct.
The directory is created correctly in Azure. The post was where the error occurred.
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For kbd512 ... it appears I have the new directory set up correctly. … s/wget-log
Please confirm I have the directory set in the right level. The peers include:
The next step is to plan the php script changes.
I think the functionality should go in the Moderator menu, which means it will automatically be available to Admins.
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The director structure is as follows:
Your listing of peer level sub-directories shown above is correct. The "forum_user_file_uploads" sub-directory was created at the same level in the directory structure as the other sub-directories in your listing shown above.
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For kbd512 re #9
Thank you for catching that difference between the Azure environment and the Mars Society one.
My recollection is that there is a variable that points to the top of the top of the directory tree for the application.
The existence of that variable is key to whether I have to change the Azure to match, or not.
Identification of that variable appears to be "Job 1".
Beyond that, the feature will need to look a lot like DropBox or Imgur for specific actions such as uploading files and saving them in the new directory.
The FluxBB package already contains code to upload files, so we might be able to use that.
FluxBB must already have code to save files (such as images for the User Icon feature) so we should be able to use that.
Constructing the URL to the file would be as simple as concatenating the existing "universal pointer" to the new directory name and the name of the new file.
Job 2 would appear to be finding the scripts that perform the needed service.
Job 3 would (presumably) be creating a new script to perform the required services.
Job 4 would (could) be modifying the existing Moderator administration script to include the new function.
A capability to delete a file seems needed. The member might wish to update a file, or perhaps remove it altogether.
While this work is underway the "like" feature will be pending. It might make sense to try to introduce both features at the same time.
The "like" feature requires modification of the database, in addition to changes in several php scripts.
The least intrusive change to the database would be to add one table to capture all the information needed.
Possible fields would include:
primary key
Post ID
User ID of liking member (to insure one like per member)
That simple table should be light weight enough to not burden serving posts.
However, even though the burden is light for one post, a query for hundreds or thousands of posts would take longer, if the updating of the likes field has to be recomputed.
That said, FluxBB already performs lookups for additional information when it retrieves a given post.
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