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Consider that I pay 0,22 a kwhr that's not bad if we got the same distance from battery stored electrical.
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For SpaceNut re #152
Thank you for finding and posting the report about a trial commercialization scale test in South Korea to make formic acid from CO2 captured from the air.
For all ... ? can formic acid feed into a fuel manufacturing process? Apparently (per the article) formic acid is a commercially useful chemical.
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Here is another article on Banyu's method, on the other hand, purports to be low-energy and low-cost. Startup develops process powered by sunlight and seawater to remove CO2 from air: '[It] can actually be energy positive'
Developing carbon-capture batteries to store renewable energy, help climate
One of these new battery types maintained its capacity for 600 hours of use and could store up to 10 hours of electricity.
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