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This could easily go in one of those Alpha Centauri topics or Nuclear Power or Venus/Titan topics or Generation ships.
Beyond our system Exo Planets like Uranus and Neptune could be common, When look at other Stars most planets are found outside the habitable zone, planets have been found by Radial velocity method or Doppler spectroscopy, transit or dimming of the star or Transit-timing variation, an actual wobble of the star or Astrometry and for large planets magnify a background star Gravitational microlensing and now Direct Imaging from ground telescopes and JWST. Rare events have been found by Polarimetry, there might be other future exotic methods such as Magnetospheric radio and other techniques but very few of these searches find Earth like Planets, most Planets are 'Hot Jupiters' or Ice Giants like Uranus Neptune or Gas giants like Jupiter Saturn, there are also hot rocky hellish worlds.
The colonization, it would be done with robots first or Cyborgs not humans, Nuclear powered travel would be common place. These are perhaps some of the worst places you can 'Live' they might have similar Temperature −224 °C or — minus 371.56 degrees °F, the Neptune temperature of 353 F (minus 214 C), Uranus can blow clouds up to 560 miles per hour (900 kilometers per hour), while Neptune's destructive winds can reach up to 1,500 miles per hour (2,400 kilometers per hour). Why would anyone go there with a person or robot, for the same reason we think today of flying a Balloon on Titan or Venus. There might be a sweet spot where the atmosphere mellows out, once humans arrive on your village station you will need to make extra water and oxygen. Also because people think of colonizing the Galaxy, we would need to be able to live in any other star system. Perhaps 'Earth-Like' planets might not be common but the Rare Earth hypothesis is true. Perhaps highly pressurized toxic water worlds or large rocky hot gas worlds might be more common or Hot Jupiter pegasean planets or 'Ice giant' world like Uranus or Neptune.
We do not currently have the biological technology or material science or speed for such a trip, the Parker Solar Probe went 153,454 miles per hour or 246,960 mph Dawn held the Solar-electric propulsion record a velocity change in space of 25,700 mph or 41,360 kph
Positives - the Gravity will be slightly Lower or slightly Higher than Earth, the Moons of Neptune and Uranus and the L points could be a site for a type of Array or long baseline interferometry.
Having a station on these worlds might help us understand the Kuiper belt disc and Oort cloud.
Neptune will be 110% of Earth G while Uranus will be 86% Earth gravity.
Working in the atmosphere of these worlds might be like how scientists do long tours of Antarctica.
For now the technology is an impossible, 5-kilometre diameter sphere balloon or 3.1 miles will perhaps lift two Empire State Buildings. However maybe it will be done one day and having Uranus, Neptune and the Moons colonized you might be able to start shipping low tech mineral products around the Solar system, for example railgun product to Titan and other worlds. The people and robots would face many challenges finding raw materials needed to survive, sucking material in from the atmosphere to process while dealing with the winds and other hostile conditions, finding a way to jump-start the massively complex biosphere. Impossible Cloud cities will perhaps make the Earth's Ocean easier to colonize or give us the technology to live inside comfortable Biosphere villages on Denali also known as Mount McKinley, Mont Blanc, Mount Elbrus, Aconcagua a mountain in the the Andes mountain range, in Mendoza Province, Argentina, Vinson Massif in Antarctica, some of Earth's highest mountains, Kangchenjunga, K2, Mount Everest. If we can make floating Biosphere work offworld then breakthroughs in these technologies will make living on some of Earth's hostile zones easy, space tech from from these projectsgoes back to Earth and life will be easier. At least two Robot crewed spaceships would be sent to each destination, four in total, an orbiter would contain life plant, a Satellite starship with life, for example guinea pigs, other fish or animal insect to test 'life support' while an Airship would go down into the atmosphere and assemble itself. The robots would take a few Earth days to do all assessments and make their Airship village ready, robots might drop a line or pipe or other flying robots to mine water, ammonia and methane, there might be large levels of ammonium sulfide, hydrogen sulfide, the third most abundant constituent of the Uranian atmosphere is methane (CH4) and Spitzer may have found evidence for ethane (C2H6), acetylene (C2H2), methylacetylene (CH3C2H), diacetylene (C2HC2H) carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The Balloon village would make itself, upon Assembly of the Airship Biosphere the crew of animal and plant life would drop from orbit and then rendezvous with the Airship Village.
If a type of Biosphere or a human can survive on these impossible worlds then maybe in the far future with breakthroughs in fast propulsion it would be possible to begin expanding beyond our own Solar System and have life from Earth go out there and stay in other star systems permanently.
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-09-18 11:29:31)
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Some other discussion
Why No Gaseous Moons?
Colonizable worlds in the Solar System - How far can we go
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-09-18 11:28:25)
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