Debug: Database connection successful Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics: (Page 34) / Meta New Mars / New Mars Forums

New Mars Forums

Official discussion forum of The Mars Society and

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#826 2022-11-28 10:05:21

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 203000 - the next scan will be run at 204000
Current active post is 203683

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#827 2022-11-28 21:50:33

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,053

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

Go ahead and delete this at your pleasure.  I am just letting you know that I have to try to log in as many as say 30 times from different locations on the site, and when it does not succeed it displays the message:

"Bad CSRF hash. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source."

But eventually with persistence I get in.

Logging out is not as bad, but it also refuses on the 1st try usually.

Any ideas?

Last edited by Void (2022-11-28 21:53:18)

End smile


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#828 2022-11-28 21:57:04

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,310

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For Void Post #827

Thanks for reporting this situation!  It appears to be something unique to FluxBB, which is the forum software.

I asked Google, and got back a long list of citations, in multiple languages...

This is just a first report to let you know the investigation is underway.

fluxbb/common.php at master - GitHub › blob › master › lang › English › c...
'Bad csrf hash' => 'Bad CSRF hash. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source.',. 'No cookie' => 'You appear to have logged in successfully, ...

What's broken? / Site Discussion / Heart2Heart › viewtopic
Feb 17, 2017 — When I click logout, I get "Bad CSRF hash. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source." isntead of logging out. Offline ...
20 posts


Just thought it'd be nice to have a thread where people can complain, err, submit suggestions, ...

MàJ FluxBB 1.5.9 · 07353db1c2 - site_fluxbb - Debian-Facile › git › site_fluxbb › commit
'Bad csrf hash' => 'Bad CSRF hash. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source.',. 'No cookie' => 'You appear to have logged in successfully, ... … › git › site_fluxbb › commit
+'Bad csrf hash' => 'Bad CSRF hash. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source.', 'No cookie' => 'You appear to have logged in successfully, ... … › devuan › forum-lang › pulls
+'Bad csrf hash' => 'Bad CSRF hash. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source.', +'No cookie' => 'You appear to have logged in successfully ...

Nevar atrakstities no notifikacijam uz meilu. › thread
Translate this page
Jun 17, 2019 — ... no si spama caur weblinku meila ar nav iespejams, jo uzrada: Bad CSRF hash. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source.

Demande d'aide pour la traduction / Entraide 1.4 et 1.5 ... › forums › viewtopic
Translate this page
Mar 1, 2016 — 'Bad csrf hash' => 'Bad CSRF hash. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source.',. C'est pour la mise a jour vers 1.5.9.



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#829 2022-11-28 22:03:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,310

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

For Void re message reported in Post #827

A first scan of the reports found by Google seems to involve the cookie that FluxBB tries to set when you log in.

By (pure) coincidence, SpaceNut reported that FluxBB uses a cookie (a small entry in a database) to record the code assigned to you when you log in.  The message seems to have something to do with a missing cookie.

By any chance, do you occasionally clear out history (and cookies) from your browser.

I have looked at the NewMars cookie, and in fact have published a printout of it's contents a few days ago.

If you were to delete all cookies while logged into NewMars, I am guessing it would become confused.



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#830 2022-11-29 13:30:52

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,053

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

Thanks for the effort but I tend to be lazy, I have not done a delete.

So far, I can work with it.  It only took 5 tries in different locations to get logged on.


End smile


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#831 2022-11-30 07:18:15

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were one incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 203000 - the next scan will be run at 204000
Current active post is 203736

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#832 2022-12-01 08:13:32

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were one incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 203000 - the next scan will be run at 204000
Current active post is 203791

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#833 2022-12-02 07:39:45

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 203000 - the next scan will be run at 204000
Current active post is 203821

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#834 2022-12-03 08:59:21

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 203000 - the next scan will be run at 204000
Current active post is 203846

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#835 2022-12-04 07:32:53

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 203000 - the next scan will be run at 204000
Current active post is 203875

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#836 2022-12-05 07:25:48

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 203000 - the next scan will be run at 204000
Current active post is 203902

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#837 2022-12-06 07:32:47

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 203000 - the next scan will be run at 204000
Current active post is 203960

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#838 2022-12-07 08:36:32

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 203000 - the next scan will be run at 204000
Current active post is 203984

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#839 2022-12-08 10:10:23

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 203000 - the next scan will be run at 204000 << scan is scheduled
Current active post is 204008

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#840 2022-12-10 09:23:31

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 203000 - the next scan will be run at 205000
Current active post is 204032

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#841 2022-12-11 08:46:23

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 204000 - the next scan will be run at 205000
Current active post is 204067

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#842 2022-12-12 08:14:23

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 204000 - the next scan will be run at 205000
Current active post is 204074

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#843 2022-12-13 07:46:46

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 204000 - the next scan will be run at 205000
Current active post is 204107

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#844 2022-12-14 08:15:26

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 204000 - the next scan will be run at 205000
Current active post is 204127

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#845 2022-12-15 07:13:36

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 204000 - the next scan will be run at 205000
Current active post is 204151

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#846 2022-12-16 08:27:11

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 204000 - the next scan will be run at 205000
Current active post is 204170

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#847 2022-12-18 11:14:18

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 204000 - the next scan will be run at 205000
Current active post is 204194

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#848 2022-12-19 09:00:42

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were no incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 204000 - the next scan will be run at 205000
Current active post is 204251

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#849 2022-12-20 08:17:51

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were 2 incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was the case today.
In addition, I tested the reply option we offer to our members who receive SpaceNut's email.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 204000 - the next scan will be run at 205000
Current active post is 204272

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

#850 2022-12-21 08:04:36

Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 1,462

Re: Recruiting expertise for NewMars Forum topics:

NewMarsMember * portal is open for business.

There was/were 0 incoming traffic item(s) at the Portal this morning. No outgoing message(s) was/were sent.

Occasionally vendors send updates on software or new features on offer.  That was NOT the case today.

An Email Outreach campaign to former NewMars members is underway. One member will be reviewed per day, for 3+ years.

Recordings of the 25th Anniversary Conference are now available on YouTube.

We are also happy to welcome former members back into the active community.  It has been brought to my attention that a number of former members are marked as "banned".  In many cases, this marking is a limitation of FluxBB, which is the forum software.

Because of the onslaught of thousands upon thousands of spammers over 20+ years, the decision was made to close off access to inactive accounts.  Unfortunately, the only mechanism available is the "banning" tool.  If you are an older member and you find your account has been banned, it may have been locked to prevent hacker access.  You can ask SpaceNut to reactivate the account. See the procedure below.  Those who were banned for inappropriate behavior may also apply.  SpaceNut will then have the opportunity to evaluate your application.

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.


We have 18,370 freshly refurbished User Id's ready for new members.

A quality assurance run is finished, to find any posts not accessible upon lookup.
Current stopping point is 204000 - the next scan will be run at 205000
Current active post is 204293

Read Post #2 of this topic for procedures to apply for membership.  Mention specific assistance you wish to provide.

For existing registered members who have lost your password ... If you remember the email address you used to register, you can request a recovery email at that address.  If you no longer have the email available (as could happen over 20+ years) just write to NewMarsMember *  email address. Your request will be forwarded to SpaceNut, who has the tools available to assist as needed.

For all ... we really ** are ** looking for members who want to make a difference by helping others with projects, or providing leadership on new projects.  We have a ready supply of folks who can and will make comments and offer suggestions.  We don't need more folks in that specialty.  We ** do ** need folks who can and ** will ** help project leaders already trying to achieve something in the real world.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Last edited by NewMarsMember (2022-12-22 07:15:39)

Recruiting High Value members for, in association with the Mars Society


Like button can go here

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