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#251 2022-07-10 03:17:09

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

A Young British girl a Pedophile Gang Victim of islamic mohammedan gangs Testifies in Media, 

The Traitor Britbongistani Police Ambush and Intimidate Her At Home

They weaponize the language and cover up the pedophile rape crimes and use words like 'Grooming' as you might shampoo or comb a pet dog or cat to try minimize the description of the crimes of islamic pedophiles

They also use the word 'Asian' to describe the mohammedan gang crimes of people from Pakistan, Kenya, Iran, Somalia, Iraq, Albania etc The media's distorted use of their own English language might give the impression there are gangs of Japanese or South Koreans runnning around and combing girls hair.

UK Grooming Gang Victim Testifies in Media, Police Ambush and Intimidate Her At Home … ome-video/

“Their [Police] attitude was intimidatory and I was made to feel like I was under investigation, when they should be focusing on the criminals preying on young girls in Telford” – Samantha Smith

On July 5, 2022, Samantha Smith, a victim of grooming in Telford, England, joined Mark Steyn to discuss a report set to be published this month on grooming gangs in Telford. Smith, who was sexually abused from age 5 to 14, condemned the egregious handling of the child sexual exploitation scandal, which destroyed the lives of countless young girls. Two days after Steyn interviewed Smith for GB News, police harassed and intimidated Smith at her home, demanding she speak to them about her interview.

Smith took to Twitter to report what happened following her interview with Steyn

Also what happened to CBS reporter Lara Logan why is she on alt media these days and why is she not on mainstream media - What is "taharrush gamea" a type of crime imported to Europe, where mobs of men gather in a local square and engage in a mass sexual assault 'game'?

Now moved into Greece and Germany? … urope.html

and France?

Total fertility rate in France from 1800 to 2020 … 1800-2020/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-10 04:00:57)


#252 2022-09-06 06:47:25

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

Foreign imported extremism, people who wanted to join ISIS

and Rape as a Weapon of War?

'A different Sweden': Gang shootings loom large in vote … ge-in-vote

Gang shootings have escalated and spread across Sweden in recent years, with authorities struggling to contain the war-like violence that now tops voters' concerns ahead of Sunday's general election.

"This is my son, Marley, when he was 19 years old", Maritha Ogilvie tells AFP, holding a framed photo of a smiling young man, one of many that adorn the walls of her Stockholm apartment.

"He was shot in the head sitting in a car with a friend", says the 51-year-old.

The killing, on March 24, 2015 in Varby gard, a disadvantaged concrete suburb southwest of Stockholm, has never been resolved and the case was closed 10 months later.

Murders like these are usually settlings of scores between rival gangs often controlled by immigrant clans, according to police, and increasingly taking place in public places in broad daylight.

The violence is primarily attributed to battles over the drug and weapons market and personal vendettas.

It has escalated to the point where Sweden -- one of the richest and most egalitarian countries in the world -- now tops the European rankings for fatal shootings.

According to a report published last year by the National Council for Crime Prevention, among 22 countries with comparable data only Croatia had more deadly shootings, and no other country posted a bigger increase than Sweden in the past decade.

Cheaper workers for Mega Corps Labor migrants, foreign cultural broods genetic linguist culture swamping through Family reunification, shopping for welfare and immigrating under the EU/EEA rules of free movement which has lessened under EU Corona virus and Covid Lockdowns, claiming Sanctuary or Refugees

Thousands upon thousands of immigrants from Pakistan, India, Iran, Thailand, Romania, Eritrea, Syria,  Germany, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Romania ...even though Finland is right next to Sweden only about 1,500 will move to Sweden and movement of Americans is almost the same to Sweden, many people in Sweden also seem to have come from the now collapsed Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, there were 176,033 people from there in 2018.

2013–2018 birthplace of rapists convicted in Sweden, total 843 … -utomlands

According to Göteborgs-Posten, 11% of the youths in the north-eastern suburbs of Gothenburg admit to being in favour of Islamic terrorism (with non-Muslims also included in the survey), … -1.3908356
and 80% of female Muslim students admitted living under oppression from honour culture. … -1.3908432
According to research by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, the Muslim Brotherhood has a very strong foothold and influence in Sweden … 7-1287.pdf
In March 2018, the newspaper Expressen investigated gang rape court cases from the two preceding years and found that 43 men had been convicted. Their average age was 21, and 13 were under the age of 18 when the crime was committed. Of the convicted, 40 out of the 43 were either immigrants (born abroad) or born in Sweden to immigrant parents. … llsammans/

According to a 2017 study by the Swedish Defence University on Sweden's foreign fighters, a few people emigrated from Sweden to Afghanistan during the 1990s, mostly individuals with origins in the Horn of Africa and North Africa. Among the militant organizations that the foreign fighters in general belonged to were Hezbollah, Hamas, the PKK, the GIA, the Abu Nidal Organization, the Japanese Red Army, the Red Army Faction, Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, Al-Shabaab, Ansar al-Sunna and Ansar al-Islam. In 2010, the Swedish Security Service estimated that a total of 200 individuals were involved in the Swedish violent Islamist extremist milieu. According to the Swedish Defence University, most of these militants were affiliated with the Islamic State, with around 300 people traveling to Syria and Iraq to join the group and Al-Qaeda associated outfits like Jabhat al-nusra since 2012 (36 first-time travellers in 2012, 98 in 2013, 78 in 2014, 36 in 2015, and 5 in 2016). … s-webb.pdf


#253 2022-09-12 09:22:52

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

Sweden's right-wing opposition parties are on track to win a narrow majority of 175 seats in the 349-seat parliament on Sunday, the country's election authority says as 78% of districts have reported results. … 022-09-11/

Visualizing The European Union’s Aging Population by 2100 … n-by-2100/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-13 08:05:49)


#254 2022-09-13 12:58:18

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

ELECTION SURVEY: ‘Shedding voters to Sweden Democrats lost Social Democrats the election’ … -election/

Swedish right-wing coalition poised to win slim majority amid rising crime … sing-crime

Germany could have 86 million people by 2030, report claims … rt-claims/
Although the country’s low birth rate has risen slightly in recent years, immigration and newcomers make up for most of that bump

Macron warns France sacrifices will be needed as tough winter looms … 51613.html


#255 2022-09-24 16:00:05

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

Crime unites voters in Swedish far-right stronghold … stronghold
Italy braces for sharp move to the right after election voting closes … ing-closes


#256 2023-02-20 16:06:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

Canada immigration policies causing housing prices to increase including rents … ing-prices

What’s fuelling inflation? Bank of Canada’s Macklem grilled on Ottawa’s spending plans … -spending/

Canada needs to build 50 per cent more homes as Ottawa plans for higher immigration levels: report … -1.6274323


#257 2023-03-02 10:53:53

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

Little Mermaid in Denmark vandalised with colours of Russian flag … ssian-flag

Sweden since 2014 had over 14 per 1000 of population were asylum immigrant or illegals or refugees Refugees per 1,000 inhabitantsFive European countries have among the largest share of refugees as a percentage of their foreign-born populations, between 9% and 14%. By comparison, the United States’ share of refugees as a percentage of foreign-born is just 2 + % and maybe changing under Biden. Canada has higher shares of both foreign-born and refugee populations compared to its southern neighbor. Fifteen European Union member states are among the 50 countries with the largest foreign-born populations with between 12-13% in Greece and Croatia to nearly 48% in Luxembourg, the tiny landlocked country bordering Belgium, Germany, and France. Smaller Kingdoms and Wealth money laundering gambling nations like Monaco, Lichtenstein have mostly a foreign Non-Native population, Oman and Arab Gulf States are known for guest workers, Singapore has lots of Ex-Pats and Australia in recent years has an increase in foreign-born population.

Hungary won’t abide by EU court ruling on migration, Orbán says … tor-orban/

Argentina sees jump in pregnant Russians seeking new passports … -rcna72167

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-02 10:54:37)


#258 2023-03-23 07:57:44

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

Tory in British news media is a now person who holds a political philosophy known as Toryism, based on a British version of traditionalism and conservatism, which upholds social order as it has evolved in the old 1600s English culture. Tories originally were a loosely organized political faction and later a political party, it was a movement in the British Empire and in the Parliaments of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom. They first emerged during the 1679 Exclusion Crisis, when they opposed Whigs who wanted to exclude James, Duke of York from the succession on the grounds of his Catholicism.Those who supported petitions asking Charles to recall Parliament and complete the passage of the Exclusion Bill were known as 'Petitioners' and later became Whigs. Those who opposed the Bill or the so-called Abhorrers developed into the Tories, for some strange reason the British Media still uses this term but it makes little sense when put in historical context, the word Tory no longer has any true meaning other than divide politics.

Canada's population grew by record 1 million in 2022, spurred by international migration … -1.6787428

Skilled Migrants Aren’t Interested in Germany … n-germany/

How the government went to war on refugee charities … tion-bill/

'Cruel Tory migration bill will erode basic right to seek asylum' … eek-asylum
Britain risks joining a growing list of privileged countries whose actions threaten to undermine the basic right to seek asylum from persecution

Finland's nationalist party eye immigration cuts if they win elections … 023-03-23/

Twitter blocks access to accounts of prominent Canadians at request of India's government, Sikh group alleges … -1.6787760

India: Muslim brothers murder their sister because they doubted her character … -character

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-23 08:03:30)


#259 2023-06-29 12:11:39

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

France braces for another night of violence after the deadly police shooting of a 17-year-old … effbc37961

Mob Riot combat between angry crowds and firework weapons and fighting with riot police near the central police station of Nanterre, outside of Paris … 0436864002

Gasoline Fire bombs, Molotov-cocktails are hurled at riot police in Nanterre … 7666889729

France Society Collapse? breaking into a police station and trashing it, the crowd left dressed all in police vests, helmet and gear. … 9459740672

'A hand grenade has been thrown at French police in the midst of the anti-police violence riots' … 1561823233

Social media and Film claims prior to the fires being lit in the Fresnes prison, a crowd from the nearby town had attacked the gates of the prison from outside, some claim with the intention of jail breaking prisoners inside … 9559248898

Tensions très importantes à Nanterre, nombreux départs de feux, affrontement avec la police … 9956968452
unrest is spreading into La Defense, the business region district in the west of Paris. … 9244516362


#260 2023-06-29 17:10:59

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,717

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

With any luck, Marine Le Pen will be the next president of France and will sort this mess out in the only way it can be sorted out.  By deporting these islamic barbarians back to whatever fleapits they came from.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#261 2023-08-08 06:59:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

a Hindu Indian conservative English-language news that reports on world affairs

'As Illegal Immigration Drop, The Legal Challenges Over Biden’s US-Mexico Border Policies Grow' … eshow.html

Many cultures arrived in the USA over time

Italian classed as the Romance language of the Indo-European language family that evolved from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire.

Do Italian identify as 'White' or Hispanic Latin, the Italian culture are an American culture now they seem to have become as American as any other they original spoke a  but culturally there seems to be a difference between them and current immigration from Mexico. The question of culture and peoples and assimilation?

the original Native Americans were replaced by Whites arriving in Colonial ships

Now the Swedish, Nordic, Germanic, British will be a people of the past no longer a dominant 'Wasp' culture,  perhaps a term that now describes upper-class of the USA, the original colonists and  Pilgrims, historically mostly Mainline Protestant White elite.

the British and French with concerns of immigration

'Suella Braverman says lawyers who help migrants cheat the system should be jailed' … ailed.html

'America’s white majority is aging out - Barely two decades from now, around 2045, non-Hispanic white people will fall below half as a share of the overall U.S. population.' … aging-out/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-08-08 07:01:50)


#262 2023-08-16 14:37:59

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

Not truly a race thing since any idiot Black, White, Yellow or Brown can go jihad and convert to islamic

England the Church is hijacked just as Constantinople hijacked, they now pray to a pedophile camel jacker named Mahomet who founded islam

'Church in Britain repurposed into mosque'


#263 2023-10-22 10:19:53

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

Slovenia to introduce border checks with Hungary and Croatia after Italy did the same with Slovenia … nia,455391

Politics in Sweden: How the Israel-Gaza attacks became party politics in Sweden … -in-sweden

and the USA

Three reasons immigrants are surging to the US-Mexico border … ico-border


#264 2023-10-28 17:35:05

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

Taliban and Al-Qaeda flags at Hamburg pro Palestine protests? … 0616724635

Thousands of demonstrators join banned pro-Palestinian march in Paris … nian-march

'British nationalists and pro-Palestine protesters brawl in London.' … 0279486765

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-10-28 17:39:54)


#265 2023-11-23 09:33:26

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

a new person is elected and once again, Global News Media are calling him a New Hitler...yet again. He might be nationalist but I have yet to see pictures of him throwing anyone into a gas chamber.

Godwin's law or Godwins rule truly broke

the guy gets countless death threats from disgusting islamic jihadi invader people in Europe

Londonistan Britbongistan banned Geert Wilders and put him on a watch list next to binLaden

Far-right candidate Geert Wilders woos rivals after ‘monster’ Dutch vote win … bba52c2b5e


#266 2023-12-02 08:26:19

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

Geert Wilders election win officially confirmed … 231201.htm

5 arrested in Kosovo's capital as protests against war crimes official escalate … l-escalate

Rishi Sunak says he ‘inherited’ very high immigration from Boris Johnson … is-johnson

Finland closing its border with Russia amid alleged ’hybrid attack’ using migrants … g-migrants

Opposition vows to strengthen Poland's border with Belarus after taking power … king-power

Italy and patriotic measures to defend food

Lab-grown meat threatens Italian culture — Meloni minister …

Sweden was once seen as a leftwing Utopia

Socialist websites are unhappy with Sweden, both Left and Right did not want lockdowns for the Corona virus at the time Leftists Socialists were in power.

Jacobin once again endorses Sweden’s “herd immunity” COVID policies … o-d02.html

Coward French government urges calm after teen's death at party sparks
'far-right riots' … ck-killing

These blabbing idiots on Euro land news. Very same idiots on tv who told Europeans in their cities to go out and Burn and Loot and Riot for some George Floyd event in the USA and told them to go out and riot in the Middle of a Corona virus lockdown.

Traitor namby-pamby weakling mice within the French government rather than deal with the gangs of islamics breaking into kids discos in villages and chopping people up with machete attacks, they instead start blabbing nonsense about Hitler, the Whitey Privileges and the Ultra-Far-Reichs, the current Fifth Republic is France's third-longest-lasting political regime. 

Interesting crime statistic from the Netherlands. Do you see why Geert Wilders and his party won by a landslide? … 3586605142

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-12-02 08:29:01)


#267 2023-12-09 12:23:29

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

France: ‘ISIS propaganda is now coming back to seduce a new generation of teenagers’ … -teenagers

Some paper work and emails were lost after Brexit era mail 'went into junk folder'

Italian grandmother who has lived in UK for 42 years told to leave by Home Office … e-13025716

Spain: Muslim cleric tried to indoctrinate children into becoming Islamic State jihadis … te-jihadis

Calliban wrote:

With any luck, Marine Le Pen will be the next president of France and will sort this mess out in the only way it can be sorted out.

France’s Le Pen ordered to stand trial in EU funding scandal … g-scandal/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-12-09 12:25:37)


#268 2024-04-21 03:16:45

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Race and Culture - A Changing Europe - Opening a mighty can of worms...

some years back every loon freaked out about Petra László which incident took place in Hungary, waves and swarms of invaders during the European immigrant jihadi invasion migrants islamo 'Gimme' crisis, while holding a camera she tripped running invaders, one of the guys was holding a kid? and was indicted on charges of breach of peace, and was later found guilty.

the footage was played on repeat again and again and again and again across world tv, like hypnosis or brainwashing propaganda but ignoring all the blood and jihad going on in Libya and across the Middle East, they kept doing an action replay of the event like you see in sportsball games but they played her video for weeks upon weeks like the George Floyd thing. Europe seemed to enter a type of mass hysteria with the film and she characterized the public reaction as a witch-hunt including smears and death threats

it happened in 2015 and some of the legal fallout is still ongoing years after … t-charges/

Szijjarto: Europe’s security depends on strict immigration policy … on-policy/

Cyprus: Illegal immigration & flows from Lebanon a matter of national security … -security/

there is also an islam in Britain type thread somewhere which was a discussion of religion, demographic and culture change in England. Sadiq Khan became Mayor of London and said he would 'Ban Trump' accusing the US President of a 'Muslim Ban' it made a number of world news reports attention for the following Twitter arguments with United States President Donald Trump. Khan established the Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm following the 2020 George Floyd riots, protests, lootings and mass murder mob of violence that burned across US cities, a police guy named 'Chauvin' was convicted of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter.

'Derek Chauvin was stabbed in prison 22 times by a former gang leader and one-time FBI informant who told investigators he targeted the ex-Minneapolis police officer because of his notoriety for killing George Floyd' … b1884dc1cc

in the USA the Mexican border is wide open

U.K. police apologize after threatening to arrest ’openly Jewish’ man … jewish-man


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