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#1 2022-09-01 19:19:33

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Movable Mars Dome Habitats on Giant Tracks skis to glide on Sands

This idea is not truly my own but an evolution of design by ideas discussed by other in other new mars threads.

Perhaps some of the ideas explored in this thread will be like other 'home' and 'building' and 'structure' design threads. This concept perhaps would be like other topics discussed like the 'Nuclear Powered Crawler-Transporter'. However these moving buildings would be smaller, the tunnels and access corridors themselves would also disconnect and move and reconnect just as the different components of the ISS modularspace docking ports all join up. A Mars town might connect and disconnect, it might have an overall moveable structure, a town that assembles itself like a ship with its own forward, zenith, aft, port and starboard. Perhaps in a future on Mars we will have people and robots that work inside Ore mines or processing plant for Chemicals or Water, these larger structure would not be moved, the large structure for Nuclear power or Large Biosphere farms would remain but the homes can be designed to walk or crawl so would move. Sunlight access would be important for power and windows might help keep colonists or settlers grounded, allowing people to orientate themselves as move along tunnels and access corridors of a Mars town.
There are many stations and towns in the South Pole, from the USA, Russia, French, South Korea, Italian, Japan, New Zealand, India, Norway, South Africa, China, Australia, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Bulgarian Antarctic Institute and there is the Spanish Juan Carlos I Antarctic Base, the original base has undergone several renovations, and was inaugurated by the Spanish Science Minister, Pedro Duque in 2019, he is an Astronaut and flew on STS-95 in 1998.

So if you already have your Mars house or Mars base why would one move on Mars?

One might move to just get warm, perhaps to collect more sunshine or perhaps because of an unforeseen danger, local Earthquake or Landslides.  NASA's Insight measured a Magnitude 5 Earthquake, it has already registered more than 1,300 + quakes so far.
The area of your Mars home might not be dangerous but might have nuisance dust storms, drift of sand, it might have bad local weather and dust that cover Solar panel or Biodomes covered in Dust. In older city planning on Earth a home did not move, on Earth the terraced house  structure was considered, it was a form of medium-density housing that originated in Europe in the 16th century, whereby a row of attached dwellings share side walls, they are also known as row houses or row homes in the USA and Canada, found in older cities such as Philadelphia, and Toronto. The people of Mars might want to move their house / wagons take advantage of seasonal Warmth and seasonal Growth, workers might want to move from one region to another, the retired of Mars might want to live a Snowbird Lifestyle. In Antarctica they have now built homes and buildings on the South Pole with laboratory and living quarters that can raise itself on stilts, move from one location on the Continent of Antarctica to another, Generators, Fire fighting equipment and Sewage treatment can all move as the Movable Habitats move to a new location, the Homes could already have a small Greenhouse or Hydroponics inside. On Mars a series of building or homes might want to move to get access to a newly found mine or move from above a plateau down into a valley with more resources. The Mars homes staying behind for winter could have blackout blind lighting that helps Martian human sleep during the long Summer, the long term get their full comfort rooms while space tourists might initially stay in minimal common areas with bunk bed until a colony can afford to build Luxury Space Hotels.

All the Mars homes or modules might come apart like disassemble of a Lego model of some Space-Station, when a new site is selected all the homes and buildings could meet up again, joint together and form a new habitat and science facility at a new location on Mars, inside the homes there could be use of spiral staircase, fireman poles, Cupola style domes to look at the stars or the view of the nightsky from Mars, a movable home would never truly be at risk of being buried. The movable homes or moving buildings might be designed with philosophy of Western or Eastern Aesthetics, the buildings themselves might be color coded, a philosophy that would add life and colors inside the buildings of Mars. Different colors within a buildings corridor might tell you about what type of science or function happens inside the building, the different colors might provide mental stimulation for people who get tried of the red orange color of Mars. RWDI  a wind engineering and environmental engineering consulting firm Quantifying wind, climate and thermodynamic factors to address the effects of accumulated material like 'snow' perhaps in the future a private company like this can give planetary advice and also simulate sands and drifts people might face on Mars or other planets or worlds like Titan, a simulation would already show what area of Mars would be overwhelmed with constant dust on its solar panels. … ow-loading

The movable Mars homes or moving village would have a 'Command Module' perhaps a spot for a political leader a chair for the 'Mayor' it would have the main doctors surgery, essential communication equipment, essential back up energy and water production for life saving service. The main Command module might communicate with other Robots or Drone, it could collect data sets on weather or communicate with Mars satellites and get updates on Solar storms or Mars weather. Aerogel's low density could be used as glass on some of the moving Bio-dome homes, it has lightweight plus the Low thermal conductivity makes it a very efficient insulating material. … rogel.html
At nighttime perhaps some AI art projector thing might project an image of nature or art inside the wall of homes to lift mood and morale. Scented perfume smells might be pumped around the homes to give the feel of jungle or sea or forest or some kind of mental stimulation, all the toilets could use vacuum drainage to save on water, alarms would be made to sound like more natural animal nature sounds and they could wake to images of rising sun to balance out that melatonin serotonin sleep syndrome problem that might arise. Homes on Mars might want to move to a new Pad, a Rocket Launch pad or Helicopter pad and get better access to foods and other goods services, the towns themselves might become expedition hubs for future water mapping, Astrobiology research or Mars cave exploration.

Hugh Broughton has done amazing designs on the Juan Carlos Antarctic Base and also thought about fire safety issues with mind for expansion and flight delivery of other material in an expanding town / base … rctic-base
Hugh Broughton Architects To Overhaul New Zealand’s Antarctica Research Base … ntarctica/

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#2 2022-09-01 21:16:08

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: Movable Mars Dome Habitats on Giant Tracks skis to glide on Sands

That has similarities to the one in Antartica but for mars it will be built there once we have the capability.


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#3 2022-09-02 12:58:59

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Movable Mars Dome Habitats on Giant Tracks skis to glide on Sands

I was thinking one movable habitat or more than one might be set aside for moving insects, pollinators, worms etc


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#4 2022-09-02 15:29:06

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Movable Mars Dome Habitats on Giant Tracks skis to glide on Sands

Spiders from Mars with Wheeled Legs?

'Development of the Tri-ATHLETE Lunar Vehicle Prototype'

Nasa Looking to Six-Legged Robot to Build Human Outpost on Mars … s/fulltext

older newmars topics
this one goes back to a time before advances in modern AI and Musk self driving cars
Crawlers - Segmented multilegged rovers

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-03 12:22:03)


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#5 2022-09-02 16:35:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: Movable Mars Dome Habitats on Giant Tracks skis to glide on Sands

I am surprised that it's even been worked on...


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#6 2022-09-04 03:24:31

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Movable Mars Dome Habitats on Giant Tracks skis to glide on Sands

New Drones are making some of the Tanks old and an older MBT can be exposed as useless from the Russian invasion and imperialism in Ukraine counter attacked by robot bomb dog with wheels and flying drone. Track caterpillar tread vehicle propulsions have been used in farms, construction and military, perhaps the guys making Continuous track system of vehicle propulsion used in army tracked vehicles will have to look at other contracts rather than military. Tanks in models you had Belt Rubber Band, or Flexible, Link and Length Assembly type and Individual Link both working and non-working.  There is a dreadnaught wheel is a wheel with articulated rails attached at the rim to provide a firm footing for the wheel to roll over, dreadnaught wheels have also been known as "endless railway wheels". The more common classical design a solid chain track made of steel plates with or without rubber pads, also called caterpillar tread or tank tread, the preferred method for robust and heavy construction vehicles and military vehicles. Old Steam ploughs once used them and maybe soon  agricultural AI robot tractor with rubber tracks, mitigating soil compaction.
Now we have designs that are not a Track, not a Ski not a Full Wheel Either.

Retractable centipede or Insect Legs

8-Wheeled Rover Is Built For Space

'The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has been testing the rover's abilities. It's built by Ontario Drive & Gear Ltd, a company that focuses on mobility tech.'

Using “C-Shaped Wheels,” This Rover can Climb Over More Challenging Lunar Terrain … r-terrain/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-04 03:52:13)


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