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#226 2022-06-25 11:11:19

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,764

Re: Advice to parents on school options

Murder is not one of the leading causes of death in the US.  Firearm murder is a subset of a small statistic. … ?r=US&IR=T

Heart disease and cancer kill huge numbers of people.  If you want to worry about anything, worry about that.  Personally, if I were diagnosed with cancer and knew that I faced a long and painful decline, I would want to know that a firearm was there for when things got just too bad to go on.  And indeed, of the 44,000 annual firearm deaths in the US, some 24,000 are suicides. … -cdc-study

In London, where firearms are outlawed and carrying a knife will land you in jail for a long time, murder rate is extremely high.  The sort of people that do these things don't care about the law.  They tend not to be in touch with their feminine side.  The gun ban in the UK has more to do with the government not wanting an armed populace.  You can abuse people with impunity if they are unarmed.

Last edited by Calliban (2022-06-25 11:14:47)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#227 2022-06-25 11:26:21

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Advice to parents on school options

For Calliban re Murder rate in United Kindom...

Your assertion about murder in the United Kindom caught my eye, so I asked Google:

Showing results for what is the rate of murder in the united kingdom compared to other countries
Search instead for what is the rate of murder in the united kindom compared to other countries
Of the 220 nations assessed back in 2016, Britain ranks 174th with a rate of 1.20 murders per 100,000 people.
How do UK crime rates compare to other countries? › article › how-do-uk-crime-rates-comp...
About Featured Snippets
People also ask

I was disappointed to find that the UK is so far down the list, after your personal assessment.

This topic is about school options ....

In the United States, the inability of society (taken as a whole) to protect children in schools seems inevitably to lead to a decision by sensible parents to keep their kids OUT of schools where they are sitting ducks.

The answer would appear to be development of online learning, which had a faltering start during the recent pandemic, but which has unlimited upside potential.



#228 2022-06-25 12:51:04

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Advice to parents on school options


I think your last statement is really what it's all about for our leftists.  Leftists want to be free to brutalize others, via their mobs, with virtual impunity.  They can't do that when their would-be victims are all armed.  We've seen how that's played out in cities like Seattle and Portland.  That's why we get so see so many emotional appeal artistic performances from them.  They pretend to but outraged over problems that the people they voted for have directly caused through deliberate action, and I guess the most ignorant amongst them are emotionally persuaded by logically and morally bankrupt arguments that have no basis in observable reality.  If they expect me to be swayed by them "caring for the children" while they go berserk over having been told by our Supreme Court that they no longer have an absolute right to murder their own children, then they've lost me.  Over 60 million children have been killed by their own mothers.  If they're trying to convince me that they're so nutty and wildly inconsistent that they can't be responsible for the life of their own children, then mission accomplished.

Any leftist who thinks I would rather face down a violent criminal, with or without a weapon of any kind, than have the Police do their duty, is certifiably insane.  However, in the city that I live in, Houston, Texas, every chance Democrats get to prosecute or incarcerate violent criminals is simply discarded, in favor or "criminal's rights".  The politicians that Democrat voters elect literally create and perpetuate the very problem their voters constantly complain about.  Democrat DAs and Judges let violent felons off the hook, again and again and again, and unsurprisingly, the crime rate shoots up.

There's more dead people, both law abiding citizens and violent criminals, as a result of leftist policies.  Who could've possibly figured out how that works?  No Democrats, apparently, who all refuse to say "crime is bad, and we should crack down on crime by prosecuting and incarcerating those responsible".  They see it as a race or class issue because they're mentally disabled by their ideology, rather than a result of allowing criminals to operate with impunity.  Basically, they need to be de-programmed by washing out all the nonsense they've imbibed in while being indoctrinated into the cult of self-hating anti-humanism.  True education doesn't teach you to hate yourself and others, only indoctrination does that.  Last but certainly not least, I really don't give a crap about the race of someone who commits a crime against me, less than a crap if it's a violent crime.  I want the most horrendously violent amongst us locked up.  I don't want to see excuses made for why those people are so violent.  I don't care what their reason is, because what the reason happens to be, it's not a good enough reason.

Sure, we have a Republican governor here in Texas, because enough of the citizenry know full well that Democrats don't know how to manage something as complex as a state.  Democrats are "ideas people", they're not managers.  Most of their ideas are bad, even if a handful are very good, but a real manager is required to know the difference.  Democrats literally run the place into the ground whenever they do manage a state or a country, California and New York and Washington being good examples, and the national economy under President Biden being one of the best examples.  Democrats never accept personal responsibility for their lack of results, either.  At least some of the Republicans have the personal integrity to admit to themselves when they lack the ability to do a job.  Enough people haven't bought into leftist lunacy yet here in Texas, but every major city is already run by a Democrat and has been for years.  There's a Democrat mayor, a majority Democrat City Council, Democrat District Attorneys, and Democrat Judges.  That's all three branches of government.  They let violent felons off the hook entirely, and do that routinely, while persecuting the Police and the citizens who have to defend themselves from the criminals.  Why is that so?  Their ideology overrides basic logic.

When Republicans get people to run for high office, they're typically people who have prior government experience in the military or running one or more large businesses.  They're typically not people who were no-name lawyers or academia or media types with zero practical experience running a business or government entity.  If President Biden still had his mental faculties, then I think he would've made a decent President due to his prior government experience, but a little metal clip in his head is all that's keeping him alive.  President Obama certainly had the education to be a great President, but no military or business experience and near-zero interest in even talking to other members of his own political party.  President Bush was a mixed bag on paper, and to no surprise, he didn't actually know how to run the place.  Presidents Clinton and Trump were the last ones who seemed to understand what it took to run a country, and still had all of their mental faculties.  At the very least, they hired people who understood what to do and what not to do.

I despise the fact that I need to offer at least the credible threat of fight-stopping violence merely to be left alone in my own home, but I can't fault the Republicans because there basically aren't any Republicans in positions of power where I live.  If the Democrats want to start siding with the people who follow the laws and quit making excuses for or actively giving aid and comfort to those who break the laws, then all will be forgiven.  If they don't do that, then they need to get voted out of office.  Since Democrats won't turn away from their insanity over crime, I think they need to go.  I don't exist, merely to be used as cannon fodder for their ideology.

The recent victories we've seen in the US Supreme Court are a reaffirmation that Constitutional principles and morality really do matter.  The citizens have a right to self-defense, the class of the weakest and least able to defend themselves amongst us- babies in the wombs of their mothers, no longer have their mass murders sanctioned by our federal government merely because a baby happens to be inconvenient to his or her mother.  Until Democrats / leftists can demonstrate that they have consistent moral principles that they actually abide by, I want no part of them.  Their present ideology is cancer that's eating away at our country, and their teachings are a type of poison for a civilized society which is clearly intended to destroy civility.


#229 2022-06-25 13:23:19

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Advice to parents on school options


In London, where firearms are outlawed and carrying a knife will land you in jail for a long time, murder rate is extremely high.

Calliban made a comment about London, not the United Kingdom as a whole.

London accounts for approximately 1/2 of all United Kingdom homicides.

UK's total population is a little over 67 million.

London's total population is about 9 million.

13.43% of the population accounted for 1/2 of all murders.

So, yes, Calliban's comments about London, not the United Kingdom as a whole, are accurate.

For a country that only experiences about 250 to 275 homicides per year, 120 out of the 275 extremely high (to them).

In America, we call 275 homicides "Chicago" or "Baltimore"- more cities run into the ground by our illustrious Democrats and their unwavering support for criminality.  Here in America, about 12.4% of our population also accounts for almost 1/2 of all homicides.  I would call that "extremely high" as well.  Most of those people also grew up with no father in their home.  That's the only demographic statistic that actually seems to matter.  When you grow up with a father, even one who is far from perfect, you seem to have much lower crime rates.

Culture certainly does make a difference, and our culture glorifies violence on top of encouraging women to live with the men they choose to have children with, or to make better decisions about who they choose to have children with.  Take away the violent movies and video games and music, put the fathers back into homes, and then see what the violence rate looks like.  While you're at it, demand some modicum of personal responsibility from the citizenry.  Rights are closely tied to responsibilities.


#230 2022-06-25 16:33:09

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Advice to parents on school options

Guns, Knives and other items that can kill

Calliban wrote:

The sort of people that do these things don't care about the law.

They are neither left or right they are against the constitution. Of course this movement is also Antigovernment groups are part of the antidemocratic hard-right movement. While professing the oath keepers fall into this group along with 488 extreme antigovernment groups; 92 were militias, 75 sovereign citizen, three constitutional sheriff, and 52 conspiracy propagandist groups. The effects are that they are Anti-Civil Rights Movement as well. The "sovereign citizen" movement is a loosely organized collection of groups and individuals who have adopted a right-wing anarchist ideology.

Simply put they are Anarchist....


#231 2022-06-25 16:51:31

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Advice to parents on school options


Please explain how a Police Officer or Sheriff who upholds our Constitution is "anti-government".

Our Constitution is supposed to be the legal test and basis for all of our laws.  Our government was formed around our Constitution.

Are you saying that people who swear to uphold our Constitution are "anti-democratic"?

Or is that because our Democrats are anti-Constitutionalists?

Is someone who swears to uphold and defend The Constitution of the United States, a "hard-right" or "far-right" individual, in your mind?

When Democrats take their Oath of Office, do you believe they're just paying lip-service to the idea of bearing truth faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, and to the people and the republic for which it stands?

Last edited by kbd512 (2022-06-25 16:53:17)


#232 2022-06-25 17:05:37

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Advice to parents on school options

Are police officers Anarchist?

I think that while they try to uphold law some will subvert its meaning whether its intentional or not as we have seen.

Labeling something right or left is meaningless as these are extremists no matter what party they claim to be from.

Both branches of the party system are not listening to each other let alone the constituents that they are supposedly serving.

Clearly none of them can keep the oath as we have seen.


#233 2022-06-25 17:08:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Advice to parents on school options

After carefully reading posts recently offered by NewMars members, I decided to go back to the starting post of this topic.

I was NOT surprised to see that Palomar had offered the same recommendation I just made.... in the current period of American history, it seems to me unwise to place children in schools that were safe until it became permissible to unload an assault rifle on children.

Any parent who sends a child to a school in American is doing so in the face of evidence that there is something going on in the psyche of the Nation that allows these events to occur.

2018-02-24 10:05:16

Palomar7 wrote:

From a childless person.

This is only the 2nd time in my adult life that I've dared to give advice to parents (obviously I'm not qualified). I do care about your children.

The recent school shooting in Florida, all the tragic facts around it (shooter's well-documented long history of violence and trouble), and now there's news that 4 Broward County deputies were HIDING behind their cars while the shooter was inside and actively killing ( … -shooting/ )

Get your kids in private schools or do home schooling if you're able.

I would. I'd be working extra hours and cutting corners like mad to keep my kids out of today's public schools.



#234 2022-06-25 17:22:02

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Advice to parents on school options

it's now 2022 and 4 years later and it's still going without resolve.

Even today was a mass shooting event.
10 mass-casualty shootings nationwide killed 10 people and injured 42.AAYGqCi.img?w=768&h=768&m=6


#235 2022-06-25 19:34:17

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Advice to parents on school options


They already have that "gun control" idiocy implemented in Chicago, Baltimore, Washington DC, and New York, so why isn't it stopping the criminals?

Wait wait, let me guess.  We haven't implemented that full-on stupidity everywhere in the country, so "the magic" hasn't happened yet.

It's always the fault of someone or something else, whenever the ideology fails to deliver the anticipated result.


#236 2022-06-25 20:50:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Advice to parents on school options

No need to worry when you can use A pickup truck driver in Iowa ploughed into pro-choice protesters opposing the overturning of Roe v. Wade abortion rights, video shows

President Joe Biden on Saturday signed the most sweeping gun violence bill in decades, a bipartisan compromise

Biden signed the measure two days after the Supreme Court’s ruling Thursday striking down a New York law that restricted peoples' ability to carry concealed weapons.

The bill enhances background checks for gun buyers 21 years of age, provides billions for mental health services and closes the so-called "boyfriend loophole" to prevent convicted domestic abusers from purchasing a firearm for five years.

Of course, its hopeful that it's going to save lives...


#237 2022-06-25 21:05:51

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Advice to parents on school options


#238 2022-06-25 21:57:52

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Advice to parents on school options

Then there's this lovely piece of work:

Lori Lightfoot Urges 'Call to Arms' Against Supreme Court Over Roe v. Wade

For those who don't know, Lori Lightfoot is the Democrat Mayor of Chicago, one of the numerous cities across America where gun laws that functionally prevent law abiding citizens from owning and using firearms for personal protection from violent criminals have not magically stopped hyper-violent criminals from murdering other people.

Leftists don't like being told that they don't have Supreme Court's official blessing to murder their own babies, not that they can't actually continue such morally reprehensible practices with utter impunity, so long as their individual state signs off on that.  In short, they're having a "call to arms" over the Supreme Court refusing to "officially endorse" the practice of mothers murdering their own children before "greater magic" happens the instant a child passes through her vagina.

I'm pretty sure a Mayor calling for violence over the Supreme Court affirming or rescinding a specific law they she does or doesn't like, is a call for an actual armed insurrection.  Nobody on the right is doing a bunch of performative art over this, because it's what we fully expect from the radical left.  During the past four years, the left repeatedly attacked their own elected officials that they voted for, all while acting as if Republicans or President Trump were somehow involved, despite being nowhere to be found- just a bunch of leftists "eating their own", or business as usual.  They think violence is fine whenever they're the perpetrators, but when their political opponents do it, "it's an attack on our Democracy", ignoring the simple fact that the US is not yet a "mob-rule" society, which is what Democracy actually means.  When last I checked, America is not a democracy.  America is, in point of fact, a Constitutional Republic.

Look, if you don't like your children, then give them up for adoption.  There's a plethora of worthy American families who will teach your children to love and respect themselves and each other, to cherish life, and to become decent hard-working Americans who won't suffer from the mental illnesses and moral decline fomented by the self-destructive and self-hating ideology of our radical left.


#239 2022-07-04 13:28:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Advice to parents on school options

Less than a 10 day count and we have a july 4th parade with 6 confirmed dead with over 2 dozen injured from a what appears to be a parade route roof top high velocity weapon being discharged by a white, 20 ish young man.
We all knew that the law would fail....


#240 2022-07-05 16:19:50

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,764

Re: Advice to parents on school options

Kbd512, if this Lightfoot character is inciting violence, is that not clear grounds for impeachment?

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#241 2022-07-05 16:50:53

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Advice to parents on school options

A mayor voicing civil rights concern due to the Supreme courts removing of what have been rights since Nixon. As a Mayor since 2019 they have little or no say to the police force ability to do anything for crime reduction. Illinois law has more to say with regards to a police force following law.

This did catch my eye as its why we need to be vigilant when people living in the US are not speaking English...
They spoke Arabic while gun shopping in North Texas and ended up behind bars

There is some confusion over what is legal and illegal from federal laws


#242 2022-07-06 04:37:50

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Advice to parents on school options


Yes, but she's a Democrat.  The only way she'd get impeached would be for saying that men are not women or something like that, never for failing to do her job or for telling people to commit acts of violence.  Governor Cuomo was taken down for touching or saying something inappropriate to some woman or small group of women.  Deliberately killing people by sticking COVID-positive patients back into nursing homes is something that still doesn't even register with Democrats, because it's clear evidence of their failure to govern responsibly.  A few months before that they were saying he was "Presidential material".  He immediately stated that he wasn't interested in the job, so that was the extent of his utility to the Democrat Party, and now he's gone.

If a Democrat President told the Russians, "I double-dare you to launch a nuke at America", and then that nutjob over there ordered his military to send a nuke our way, you can bet your last dollar that they would never be impeached over literally asking for a disaster of epic proportions.  They don't see anything they do as destructive or as a failure.  Democrats don't think about what they do in terms of morality or ethics.  They think about things in terms of getting what they want versus not getting what they want.

If President Biden literally had the Federal Reserve burn all the money and crash the global economy, causing Great Depression II, these people would still be saying, "Well, at least he's not Trump".  That's how committed they are to their ideology.  That's why the Democrat Party is able to lead them around by their noses, like farm animals being herded into a slaughter house.  They want to be taken care of, sort of like grazing farm animals that are provided with food and kept in cages.  As long as they can continue grazing, they'll ignore the fact that a few yards away from them their fellow farm animals are being turned into steaks or pork chops.

It's completely unnatural for a farm animal to want "freedom and liberty".  A farm animal wants someone to keep feeding and taking care of it.  They don't ask questions and they don't think too much about the intentions of the people handing out the cattle feed.  For starters, they're programmed not to in all the major indoctrination centers.  Beyond that, everywhere they look someone is reinforcing their ideology.  Thinking and fending for yourself takes real effort, and they're not interested in doing that so long as someone is offering to do that for them.


#243 2022-07-31 16:35:54

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Advice to parents on school options

video of Texan gun buyback

with other places not getting better but are going the other way States Where Gun Deaths are Increasing Fastest


#244 2022-08-01 15:47:30

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Advice to parents on school options

From “A Nation at Risk” to CRT. How’d We Get Here? … -get-here/

Woke LA schools pushing CRT holding back black kids. It has to stop … p-1259543/

Parents of Parkland mass shooter Nikolas Cruz's victims sob in court during sentencing trial … trial.html

Dr. Terril Tops the medical examiner who performed the autopsies on victims  Luke Hoyer, Joaquin Oliver, and Aaron Feis graphically described their injuries
The testimony came on the ninth day of the sentencing trial of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter Nikolas Cruz, 23
Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for Cruz, who plead guilty to 17 counts of murder in October, and defense attorneys are looking for life in prison

Parkland shooter trial a rare, graphic look into one of the worst mass shootings in the U.S. … in-the-u-s

Newsmax Host: When Kids ‘Used to Carry Guns’ There Were No School Shootings … 35472.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-01 15:52:47)


#245 2022-08-14 10:43:37

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Advice to parents on school options

This was bound to happen in light of the non-response in Texas Arizona parents arrested, tased trying to get on campus to 'protect' kids during school lockdown


#246 2022-08-25 18:46:29

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Advice to parents on school options

Avoid Chicago?

Chicago Public Schools promoted and posted a video that encourages rioting and looting as a way to address black economic hardships with an "All Cops Are Bad" sign in the background. … d-burning/


#247 2022-09-02 02:07:53

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Advice to parents on school options

Reading, math scores fell sharply during pandemic, data show … 3ee961c5bb

Math and reading scores for America’s 9-year-olds fell dramatically during the first two years of the pandemic, according to a new federal study — offering an early glimpse of the sheer magnitude of the learning setbacks dealt to the nation’s children.


#248 2022-09-02 12:47:41

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Advice to parents on school options

It appears easier to have a gun than to have internet to be able to give an education with a computer during that period of time.


#249 2023-02-04 11:43:43

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Advice to parents on school options

Had to think what the title which was about gun use for a bit but found it.

This is a case about improper disposal.

Federal agents discovered a dumpster filled with almost 250 working rifles and shotguns in Oklahoma, and allege that a man was given 2 free shotguns to hang on his wallAA175EK4.img?w=534&h=267&m=6


#250 2023-02-05 05:12:47

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Advice to parents on school options


Those look a lot like Kel-Tec rifles / shotguns.  Calling them "working" is a bit of an aspirational goal.  They might work, or they might literally fall apart while being "used", possibly injuring their user in the process.  Regardless of what they actually are, I would've thought that liberals everywhere would be happy that someone was finally getting rid of their "dangerous / scary-looking guns".  I guess our whiny blue-haired clowns will never be happy that they're getting what they say they want.

Beyond that, I wonder if this is another foolish attempt by our government to make themselves appear useful, much like the "kidnapping plot" against Governor Whitmer, wherein nearly all of the individuals involved in "the plot", were actually FBI agents.  There was also the time ATF sold guns to drug cartel members under Presidents Bush and Obama.  That was a dandy use of tax payer money.  All of the guns appear to be the same type or model.  It's entirely possible that someone with more money than brains bought 250 crappy rifles and then decided to chuck them in the nearest dumpster upon "discovering" that they don't work very well, but it's a bit suspicious.  A few people bought dozens of military surplus Mosin-Nagant rifles back when they were $50 a pop, but I've never once seen or fired one that was on-par with a $200 Remington hunting rifle from Academy.  Americans love cheap garbage, though.

Strangely, semi-auto copies of Chinese AK-47s, from way back when President Clinton was illegally importing real fully automatic AK-47s (machine guns) before he received a "Cease and Desist" letter from the ATF, were darned good rifles.  Chinese copies of the SKS were also good rifles.  A good number of other Eastern Bloc rifles were crudely finished by way of comparison.  Other than that, we don't receive much from China these days, apart from cell phones, of equally good quality.  I understand why they're so popular with African and Middle Eastern military forces, as well as assorted terrorists.


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