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#526 2022-06-11 16:21:32

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Mars_B4_Moon, you had a great question to research in how long does it take to become Americanized?

Of course what do you do if they can not achieve the goal?

The application process is typically 8 months.
Of course the correct question also has to do with naturalization which on average is just 14 months.

I have seen first generations that still refuse to speak English aka American, does that mean they are not Americanized?

They have a legal birth certificate as being American so what can you do then?

I do not believe that this changes anything for how many are coming Nicaragua authorizes Russian troops to deploy to Nicaragua

video of why californians are fleeing to Mexico and other places with in the south

seems like rising fuel cost in the south was due to a change in demand


#527 2022-06-11 19:26:01

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics


I've spent some time learning about how the Swiss live, but I don't want to turn America into Switzerland merely because some ill-defined aspect of Swiss society is viewed as "better than America society" through the eyes of a group of people who fixate on a given aspect of Swiss society that they're enamored with.  For example, I'm never going to give up freedom of speech, if that's what's required to "be more like Switzerland".

I've traveled to at least 15 different countries, and there are always aspects of the societies I have visited that I appreciate and respect.  I even think there are good aspects to communist Chinese society, but I'm completely unwilling to manipulate American society into something it was never intended to be, merely to achieve some desirable aspect of communist China.  Basically, "throwing out the baby with the bath water" is an egregiously bad policy.

Maybe everyone in Switzerland lives under a minor form of tyranny that a significant majority of them agree with, but why would I ever want to turn America into some other country that is no longer free?

Similarly, why would Swiss people who enjoy being Swiss, ever want to become Americans?

It takes a special kind of person to truly "become an American".  All the freedoms we enjoy mandate personal responsibility, devotion to duty, and bravery.  Freedom is not a natural state, especially if we look back on all of human existence.  Freedom cannot be maintained by shrinking violets who are too timid to plainly state what they think and then be willing to defend what they state.  There are no "safe spaces" in a free society, only tyrannies that some small contingent of the population wishes to foist upon everyone else.  You must be confident in the righteousness of your beliefs because you have thoroughly examined them, yet also have the humility and introspection to accept when you're wrong.  Freedom is not passed from father-to-son or mother-to-daughter.  It must be fought for, every second of every minute of every day.  Those who choose to fight must know what they are fighting for and why they're fighting for it.  That responsibility never ends.  From personal experience, there is never a shortage of people ready and waiting to take your freedoms away from you if you ever falter in that responsibility.

When you wear our nation's colors, you are the cavalry.  Nobody else is ever coming to save you from your bad decisions.  Everyone else expects that you will do that for yourself.  That's the very definition of being "the cavalry".  You solve your own problems and do not require assistance from others.  Any assistance you do receive should be appreciated, but never taken for granted.

If you fail to simply "show up" when the fight is relatively easy, then how could we trust you to show up when the outcome is far from certain and there's a good possibility that you will lose?

The reason we've never discovered the answer to that question is the quality of the people we recruit to become Americans.  Walking over a line in the sand doesn't make you an American.  Speaking English doesn't make you American, either.  The title must be earned.


#528 2022-06-12 20:34:09

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

seems a 7,00 large caravan has been given papers to stay legally in Mexico...

Now to see how many still chose to want to keep going towards the US and how many stay.


#529 2022-06-27 20:37:27

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: South of the Border Politics

Dozens of migrants found dead in truck in San Antonio … 34932.html
'At least 40 found dead' … 2771438592
40 People Found Dead in Back of Tractor-Trailer in San Antonio Area: Report … r/2981791/
42 migrants found dead in truck near San Antonio, Tex. … -1.6503733
At least 46 dead bodies found inside 18-wheeler in San Antonio … n-antonio/
rumors on twitter, 1 Dead found outside trailer, teens among injured, some may be illegals and also be US Citizens?

Dangers and exploitation of illegal alien immigration? Rumors online say its related to illegal immigration. Seems at times they pay $5,000 USD to some criminal gang that sells them to a sweat shop or they die during the trip or sexual slavery

A social media account called rawsalerts posted … 2280177664

According to emergency personnel, Reportedly an 18 wheeler packed with illegal aliens was found abandoned in the city’s southwestern edge resulting with 42+ dead inside the truck

Twitter rumors said 20+ people found dead … 9015681025
'Bodies of more than 40 people believed to be migrants were found dead' … 6819198976
'42 muertos'

'Local media are reporting the victims are migrants who were taken from Mexico into Texas.'

San Antonio and Bexar County

Live Radio Law Enforcement, Fire Rescue
Police San Antonio and Bexar County Fire Departments
SAFD, BCFA, various municipal departments, and Airport Fire/Rescue

Rumors and gossip on twitter say they hear reports of now 100 + dead, maybe the 100 was including those who survived and ran away?
5 critical.

Victims were “hot to the touch.”

Some say Federal Government involved now, the human smuggling side of investigation is now being handled

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-06-27 21:05:14)


#530 2022-06-27 21:49:22

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics

Democrats and even some Republicans are so brain dead when it comes to illegal immigration that we may have to mandate the all enclosed tractor trailers entering or operating within the US are equipped with air conditioning systems and potable water, as dumb as what would lead to such a mandate happens to be.

The local Police, even here in Texas, basically don't bother with immigration enforcement.  "It's not their job", or so they say.

This sort of senseless mass murder, that happens with regularity while largely being ignored by the media, is the exact reason why we have immigration laws.  When the existing laws are scrupulously enforced, you don't get nearly as many of these incidents.  Unfortunately, at least 1/2 of our political class, most Democrats and even some Republicans, don't seem to think the laws they don't like apply when they disagree.

If you don't think we should have any immigration laws, then change the law and be done with it.  Otherwise, enforce the law and stop this nonsense.

The same applies to federal firearms regulations.  The federal government doesn't charge most convicted felons with illegal possession of a firearm after a previously convicted felon commits additional violent crimes using firearms, so why bother making any new laws when your government does so little to enforce the existing laws?

More laws that will be applied to grandma because she drove across a bridge and into a city with gun in her purse, but not the hyper-violent felons who mow people down?

Anyway, back to the topic at-hand...

Is our federal government actually "involved"?

Stop taking photos of all the dead bodies from your abhorrently bad decisions and start enforcing our immigration laws before the next semi-truck filled with illegals is left for dead by some inhuman drug cartel member along the side of our highways.

If you want to change the number of legal immigrants, then do it and stop talking about it.  My wife's sister is still dutifully waiting her turn in line, in Viet Nam.  She's one of those Christians that President Biden and Speaker Pelosi claim to be.  She has a college degree, has been employed her entire adult life working for various automotive manufacturers, and both she and her children speak English.  I believe she also speaks Japanese.  Her children practice speaking English with me.  They've been studying US law and still want to come here and be Americans.  They've been waiting over 10 years now and we've paid considerable sums of money to both governments.


#531 2022-06-28 21:08:32

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Minimal sensors and venting if internal temperatures exceed values that kill for trailers would seem to be a no brainer.


#532 2022-06-28 22:28:19

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics


None of that stuff would be necessary if the law was being followed.  I don't want illegals or citizens or anyone else to die over your party's absurd immigration policies, because they certainly will without proper securing of our borders, so at least we can prevent more grotesque murders at the hands of these inhuman traffickers by equipping all of our tractor trailers with AC.  Y'all love government regulations, so there's another one for your party to make a meal out of that might actually save some lives.  You can use some of those unspent billions from COVID to do it.  Once again, stupid people with stupid ideas have caused the most vulnerable amongst us to win stupid prizes.  Maybe some Democrats get a kick out of this insanity, but the Republicans aren't laughing.


#533 2022-06-29 11:13:18

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: South of the Border Politics

Death Count is now 53, this one single human smuggler event it ranks next to other mass casualty events like the World's terrorists attacks, Natural Disaster events like Volcano or sick people who go on mass shootings.

One of the most deadly tragedy in recent history

40 male & 13 females migrants lost their lives in the tragedy. … 2168102919

2 undocumented Mexican nationals allegedly linked to the deadly smuggling operation were charged by federal prosecutors with firearm-related offenses

'Republicans are putting the blame on President Joe Biden.'

'Death toll rises to 53 migrants dead after truck found in San Antonio, 3 arrested' … -arrested/

16 people remain in hospital after yesterday's grim discovery in San Antonio near the US-Mexico border.

'All about the money' … n-smu.html
From people stuffed into steel boxes, compartments hidden under the sleeping quarters of diesel truck cabs or tractor-trailers specially modified to maximize the amount of human cargo, Sheriff Urbino "Benny" Martinez in Brooks County, Texas, has seen human smuggling conditions that make his blood boil.

“Any place they can fit a body, they’re going to do it,” said Martinez, who works about two hours from the U.S.-Mexico border. “They’ll bring them in tractor-trailers, U-Haul trucks, pickup beds, anything that will take a body in there. It’s all about the money.”

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-06-29 11:22:24)


#534 2022-06-29 22:23:36

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

2 men arrested in deadly migrant smuggling case could face the death penalty

Federal law enforcement traced Zamorano back to the abandoned truck using surveillance footage from U.S. Border Patrol that showed the tractor-trailer crossing through an immigration checkpoint in the Laredo sector.

USBP failed again...


#535 2022-07-02 18:50:10

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: South of the Border Politics

4 charged in migrant deaths in San Antonio; future for smuggling survivors uncertain … 791345001/
Honduran migrants found crammed into tool boxes in El Paso, Texas … aso-texas/


#536 2022-07-02 19:22:01

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics


What did USBP "fail to do"?  They didn't encourage any of this.  This is a failure of humanity to act like other people matter at all.  Your political party, and sadly some of mine, has most of USBP acting as babysitters for illegals, because Democrats and RINOs keep cheerleading criminality instead of trying to use available tools to tamp down on it.  Whenever you don't have any acceptable behavioral standards or follow any moral code, this is what you get.  Those people chose to be victims of their own poor decision making, as well as that of criminals who have total disregard for human life.  The longer you refuse to admit that there's a general ethics and behavioral problem not adequately addressed by society, not just our own but most of them, the worse the problem will become.  This is one problem that won't be solved by government, because government is a reflection of the people who elected them.

If you reject the traditional religions, as I do, that's all well and good, but you must still formulate and adhere to a moral code, which is the basis of the traditional religions.  Failure to do that only leads to disaster for civilized society.  This "anything goes" airy fairy mentality is a bunch of malarkey.  It makes all the existing problems worse, not better.


#537 2022-07-03 10:34:30

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

quoted failure was at the check point to stop them from crossing which is the main reason for even having the border personnel in the first place.


#538 2022-07-03 10:43:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,072

Re: South of the Border Politics

For SpaceNut re #537

It is currently impossible for all the vehicles entering the United States to receive the attention each one deserves.

Governor Abbott of Texas recently ran an experiment that improved inspection, but backed up traffic for such lengthy periods of time that he had to give up.

Instead of giving up, I would like to see the creative thinkers of NewMars come up with a way to inspect every vehicle that is headed to the border before the vehicle even leaves the load point.

The problem clearly needs to be addressed, and instead of condemning the hapless humans who are responsible for policy that is not up to the challenge, we (NewMars members) have an opportunity to suggest actual procedures that might work.

Ideally, whatever solutions that are proposed should be free of wanton cruelty or unnecessary violence.

In dealing with drug cartels, it should be noted that wanton cruelty is part of the game plan, and violence is readily available as a tool for persuasion.



#539 2022-07-03 11:31:37

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics


Do they have the time, equipment, and manpower to check all vehicles?

If I order every ship in the Navy to move to the Atlantic Ocean, and then blame the Navy for failing to defend against an attack that comes from the Pacific Ocean, is that really a valid criticism of the Navy, or is it reflective of the errant policies of the person who ordered the Navy to move all of their ships into the Atlantic Ocean?

Answer that question like a normal person would, regardless of how invested you are in your ideology.


Yes, proper inspections take time, money, and consistent effort.  When you lack those resources because they've been deliberately removed by the federal government for ideological reasons, individual states don't have the funding to conduct them.  This is one of many examples of bad policy in action.  You get bad policies when you vote for an incompetent, whether you admit that to yourself or not.


#540 2022-07-03 12:04:14

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

With 1 opening for all to pass through of course there will be a bottle neck if that is the single location that inspections are done. That means making a controlled area after the gate to funnel all vehicles through by separating those that pass into specific areas to follow up with documentation and question. America shares 7,000 miles of land border with Canada and Mexico, of which there is hardly anything at one of these things.
I was surprised to see that ICE entity has four branches with over 20,000 law enforcement and support personnel. While the fiscal year of 2020, there were 19,740 agents employed by the United States Border Patrol.


#541 2022-07-13 19:12:38

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

A gesture of funds towards a wall when Mexico was said to pay for it all must count for something
Mexico to pay $1.5 billion for US border

At one time the US-Mexico fence costs $10 million per mile but I am sure its way more than that now.
only 658 miles have the fence currently leaving out of 1954 total a huge bill still yet to finish it.


#542 2022-07-27 06:17:23

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: South of the Border Politics

GOP states' lawsuits derail Biden's immigration agenda … 05503.html

Arizona Border Patrol agents arrest two American citizens for smuggling Mexican immigrants, drugs into US … oss-border

Monkeypox declared global health emergency by WHO … gency.html

Border Patrol busts human smugglers in El Paso's Upper Valley, Southern New Mexico … 376970007/

Here's how human smuggling works along the U.S.-Mexico border … 279592.php

Border Patrol K-9 leads to massive fentanyl bust … anyl-bust/


Nearly $4 million worth of fentanyl was seized near the U.S.-Mexico border thanks to the efforts of one Border Patrol K-9.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-27 06:18:22)


#543 2022-08-06 03:31:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: South of the Border Politics

I'm not a Truck driver but maybe behind the wheel of a Truck I would have just splatted these guys, would it be best to die fighting rather than give any more power to nacro criminal scum?

'Armed Criminals Hijack Cargo Truck At Gunpoint On Highway In Mexico'
Since 2020, two out of every three robberies of cargo in North America have taken place in Mexico. In June, there were almost 700 transportation robberies in Mexico, 23 a day.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-06 03:32:14)


#544 2022-08-06 07:34:01

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,072

Re: South of the Border Politics

For Mars_B4_Moon ....

Violence (or the propensity to use it) may have an evolutionary component.

From readings, I get the impression that violence has a long history in South America.

Only a few cultures appear to have evolved with gentle qualites, and over time, those have (often?) been overwhelmed by violent ones.

The males who were most successful in violence may have produced the most children.

If you happen to run across any research in this area, I'd be interested.

The matter seems (to me at least) to be of more than passing concern in the culture the United States seems to be evolving.

The United States demonstrated the ability to commit organized violence on a globe girdling scale just 80 years ago.

The people who were able to demonstrate that level of violence were able to create a lot of offspring.

Meanwhile, in China, massive violence is (apparently) under serious consideration at the highest levels in mainland China.

This is not intended as a criticism in any way, but I note that your observation about a possible solution to the hijacking incident in Mexico is to use violence.

It seems to me that a culture that has an underlying willingness to use violence would do well to learn (and teach the young) how to withstand the temptation to use violence to solve problems.

I am skeptical of the wisdom of the (apparent) rush to arm every citizen in the United States.   I was trained to kill people by the US Army, and fortunately have never had to exercise the training, but I find that the ability to use violence is part of the mental toolkit I carry around as a legacy of that period.

For that reason, I have deliberately chosen NOT to possess or even have close at hand, any kind of weapon. 

It seems to me that giving a military grade weapon to a young person (male or female) without the months of serious training that the US military invests in its staff is just asking for trouble.

This topic is about Mexico and South America....

It is my understanding the elites of Mexico have a policy (or at least, ** did ** have a policy) prohibiting weapons.

It seems clear from many reports that the non-elites in Mexico ignore the policy set forth by the elites.

Self-control over impulses to use violence is necessary for a culture to be able to maintain an appearance of civility.

A culture without such a generally accepted self-discipline seems (to me at least) likely to suffer frequent episodes of violence.

This is the Mars forum .... It seems to me that the internal willingness to use violence will travel to Mars inside the heads of those who venture there.

In reading posts from 20 years ago, and more recent ones, I get the impression there some members who think that setting a policy in a constitution or any other document, means that the human beings on site will obey the sentiment.

Any policy only has meaning if the human beings involved buy into it, and support it.

The Constitution of the United States does NOT seem (again, to me at least) to have been incorporated into the minds of many folks who've been born and raised in the country.

The fact that the Constitution was badly flawed when written doesn't help ... Amendments are fine, but they only have meaning if they are read and absorbed and implemented in the minds of citizens. 

I'd like to know how anyone might propose to create a culture on Mars where values (such as non-violent solutions to problems) are inside the brains of the citizens. 



#545 2022-08-06 08:11:45

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: South of the Border Politics

They chop off heads and put them on display like ISIS would do in their terrorist islamic state.

At times Mexico can be like Syria, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Afghanistan or Iraq. They are 'Western' but there is a worship of a death entity, they have deaths on the levels of WarZones of the world, it is said to be a Democracy but its gangs wear strange symbolism, it is West in a ways only that it has a weird Catholic Satanic Aztec Athiest Christian hedonist people smuggling drug gang culture right on the US border.

Thanatology was an old study of death by science means but this gang thing soemtimes has a religion element is more like worship of a death entity, when they use the 'Virgin Mary' she becomes a Grim Reaper. There are also global rituals in many religions of veneration of the dead, including one's ancestors, is based on respect for the deceased but this ritual art of the Mexico gang has an Occult element to it with the gangs, a personification of death and Bloodcurdling Day of the Dead style violence Tattoos, sometimes the women get involved in the gangs and take part in this evil anti-humanity but its mostly men, one male dominated gang of Low IQ Alpha Violence will fight another male gang of Low IQ violence,  the girl picture will become a Reaper is the lord of death—a black, shrouded specter, across Latin America and the islands they first made sugar skulls, they were used in voodoo, Native Ritual and neo-religon of new age black magic as a religious substitute for real skulls.  Mexican tattoos also make great use 'Sun' and Mesoamericain pre-Colombioan civilization blood ritual, their designs in deference of the old gods, Huitzilopochtili, its shares some features with the faiths of the Aztec, Babylon, the Canaanite religion, in Japan they all had a in Nordic folk religion Cult of the dead, in Mexico the faith element walked its own path and became something new appeared in Mexican culture, Sugar skulls are still used in Mexico today to celebrate Dia de los Muertos, a month-long celebration symbolising the cycle of life and death. This Mexico with its level of crime maybe it is an example of culture and corruption gone wrong, a narco human exploitation state, why is Mexico so different to Spain in Europe, so different to Canada, is it US policy helping corruptions, is it a hidden cult religion with the gang culture, or is it an example of when Police and the Political class can not be trusted and simply 'Go Bad'?

Eleven murdered in 24 hour cartel killing spree as drug gangs dump severed heads with chilling messages … ing-spree/

24 members of Congress write Biden about Jesuit murders, Mexico violence … o-violence

Ecuador terrorized by Mexican-led drug trafficking explosion … -explosion

I do not advocate violence in any ways, it takes a long time to build up a civilization, it takes a time to make a people's art and music and culture, it takes generations to build up a city but almost in an instant it can all be destroyed by gangsters, theft, drug dealers, criminals, violence, burning and rioting

in minutes the whole thing can be brought down to ash, blood and rubble by people who would rather behave like the Horde of Goblins and Orcs from the monsters of Folklore, a city crushed and bruned and robbed by some people who behave like the evil creatures of old Dungeons and Dragons story.

My expression is simply the type of person I am, I am comfortable with who I am. I think it was a long time ago when I lost a fight, I was probably a child. Yet I never support violence but if attacked I guess I can go into instinct mode, its like staying steady on your bike, I do not think I just survive, I do my best to stay sound and clear of mind, not to be turned into a mad Maori or Berserk Viking, not outright rage and try stay in control but I will win. If violence is done against a person all rules seem to disappear there is no time for spelling tests and debate prizes, you are under immediate attack, your life has been put in danger by an alien monster and morally in almost every part of this planet you be right in this fight, moral and law is with you, it seems you are allowed to defend yourself, but I care little about paperwork or legal debates, you must first survive. In the end there will be a winner and a loser.

tahanson43206 wrote:

This is not intended as a criticism in any way, but I note that your observation about a possible solution to the hijacking incident in Mexico is to use violence.

What happens when Law and Order Breaks Down? Some will lose and some will win

Sometimes it might reflect in the law of math and number when you multiple to minus negatives against each other you create a positive.

'Brazil: When Police Don't Do Their Job, People Will'

Mexican Cartel Driving In Phoenix With Machine Guns … -guns.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-06 08:20:44)


#546 2022-08-08 05:10:00

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: South of the Border Politics

Some of the news opinion headlines

Editorial: Biden’s border fiasco is expanding … expanding/


From Day One, President Joe Biden’s immigration policy has been largely incoherent. It’s now verging on a crisis.

El Salvador Arrests Thousands but Gangs Keep Their Guns … keep-guns/

Biden calls migration a 'hemispheric challenge' in meeting with Mexican president … resident-2

Guatemala arrests suspected migrant smugglers wanted by the U.S. … 56048.html

Column: The staggering toll of fentanyl … e772c.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-08 05:11:11)


#547 2022-08-11 08:08:09

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: South of the Border Politics

Night of terror in Mexico raises alarm bells in US over narco violence … lence.html

Families of fentanyl victims to Biden: 'We are dying out here' … 23592.html

Lafayette councils address fentanyl crisis letter to President Biden … ent-biden/

Next-generation opioid-upper cocktails are driving a fourth U.S. wave of ‘mass death’, experts warn … -warn.html


#548 2022-08-13 22:04:18

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: South of the Border Politics

Criminal Narcoterrorist Cartel promises mass violence … e-weekend/


#549 2022-08-16 20:52:10

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Its a quick wall but not all that stable as Arizona's border wall delayed after 2 containers topple



#550 2022-08-17 04:54:05

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: South of the Border Politics

Mexico President Lopez Obrador urges calm amid cartel violence, US government staff told to shelter in place … 46642.html


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