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#2076 2022-06-25 14:51:04

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,724

Re: Politics


I'm not trying to "be in conflict" with you.  I understand what you want.  I'm telling you what you must sacrifice to get it.  This is basic engineering and economics, at least to me.  It takes power, and lots of it, to drive the turbo-compressors that capture CO2 from a coal or natural gas fired power plant.  Some of that "drive power" has to come from burning more coal or natural gas, which increases the cost of running the plant, as well as for the purchase of additional equipment, and also increases total emissions.

I've mentioned the Supersonic CO2 compressor, a gas turbine driven by exhaust effluent from a natural gas turbine or coal-fired power plant, quite a number of times:

SGT Dresser-Rand LP Compressor Test Report – September 2018 - Final Technical Report

Advanced Carbon Dioxide Comression with Supersonic Technology

Dresser-Rand (D-R) will design, build, and test a pilot-scale supersonic carbon dioxide (CO2) compressor for new and existing coal-based electric generating plants for carbon capture and storage (CCS) applications. The commercial embodiment of a compression system for CCS would utilize a 10:1 pressure ratio low pressure (LP) compressor and a 10:1 pressure ratio high pressure (HP) compressor delivering the required overall 100:1 pressure ratio. This project will focus on testing the existing HP development compressor and the design, manufacture, and testing of a corresponding LP compressor. The LP compressor will have a single-stage 10:1 pressure ratio with a CO2 flow rate of 100 pounds per second (lbm/s) suitable for CCS applications in 125 MWe coal-fired power plants. Dresser-Rand will test the existing HP compressor; perform an initial techno-economic analysis; design, construct, and test the LP compressor; and perform a final detailed techno-economic analysis, including integration into a 550 MWe power plant. Testing will be conducted at the D-R plant in Olean, New York, on CO2 gas representative of a CO2 capture system in a CCS process. Upon completion of the tests, the LP and HP pilot compressors will be installed at a field site to validate their performance when integrated into a full system configuration.

Conventional subsonic turbine inlet speeds CO2 compressors achieve 2:1 compression in a single stage, so they're massive multi-stage apparatus the size of a large house.  New supersonic turbine inlet speeds CO2 compressors achieve 10:1 compression in a single stage, such that 2 to 3 stages can complete liquefaction of the CO2, and mostly use the waste heat from the power plant, rather than burning a lot more fuel, in order to drive the CO2 capturing compressors.

Basically, you need new technology to make this desire of yours economical, in any sense of the word.  After capture, you need significant infrastructure to deliver the CO2 to parts of the country where there is a lot of sunshine.  Either you devote a lot more trucks, rail cars, and/or many thousands of miles of pipelines to transport that CO2 around the country, or this becomes another very expensive diversionary project that side-tracks you from the overarching goal of recycling CO2 in a practical manner.  The power plants don't produce enough CO2 to come close to meeting the requirement.

Would it be better to capture pure CO2 from the power plants anyway?

Yes, of course it would for sake of overall process efficiency, but you don't need any of this other equipment if 100% of the CO2 you emit is re-captured from the natural environment (the seas and sky) and then returned to the natural environment after use.  There are already particulate matter capturing devices installed on all new-build coal-fired power plants.  Natural gas emits a lot less PM2.5.

Basically, do you want to spend the money on real CO2 recycling technology, or something else that results in less total recycling because the money was spent on other projects?

The most sure-fire way to recycle CO2 is TO START DOING IT!  Presumably, you want to start drawing-down atmospheric CO2 levels.  You told me that once during a meeting.  The only practical way to do that is by consuming massive amounts of it from the oceans and atmosphere.  CO2 recycling technology is real, it really does work, and some of it is already in use for other projects or purposes.

All we're doing is combining different technology concepts to produce a functionally limitless supply of petroleum products, which humanity will likely never evolve to completely do without, doing it in such a way that doesn't increase total atmospheric CO2 while making money at the same time instead of punishing people for using energy to improve their lives, and actually decreasing CO2 levels over time to back where they were at the start of the industrial revolution.  This requires power generation on a scale commensurate with total electricity production from all sources in the US, lots of land area with very high solar insolation, and low-cost materials that last a very long time in operation as compared to electronics.  Namely, steel / concrete / glass.  The use of complex electronics or electrical devices is minimized, in order to make it truly sustainable, because when you try to make everything electronic you run smack into fundamental resource limitations.

Total complexity doesn't help overall energy consumption rates, which are tied to CO2 emissions rates.  Complexity is a great way to spend lots of money, but simply spending money for sake of doing so is not a worthy end-goal, at least to my way of thinking.  I spend money to do necessary or useful things.  Every attempt to date to convert major infrastructure to electronics, has either resulted in higher CO2 emissions or unchanged emissions rates.  There are no shortage of cherry-pickers who point to particularly ripe cherries as "proof" that their ideas work, but whenever the rubber meets the road their solution that was "perfect" for one place on Earth is entirely unsuitable for the next.

Germany's total CO2 emissions are the same as when they started their electrification craze, yet they've done the most of any country to convert everything over to photovoltaics and wind turbines that the scammers posing as environmentalists have propped up as "the final solution" to the CO2 emissions problem.  As we know from the not-so-distant past, our Germans are very big into "the final solution" option, along with Rube Goldberg levels of engineering complexity that don't make a meaningful difference in the grand scheme of things.  That's why the inside of a Mercedes-Benz is more complicated than a Space Shuttle, yet doesn't result in an end product with a longer service life or meaningful reduction in emissions.  As a result of engineering not being restrained by managers with a keen sense of what is most useful, modern cars are heavier-than-ever and more power-hungry to boot.

If you had one of ye olde Mercedes-Benz diesel-powered rattle-traps from the early 1980s, then the most environmentally-friendly thing you could possibly do is to drive that thing until the wheels fall off.  It didn't make much horsepower, the emissions weren't the greatest, but with minimal maintenance those cars will live longer than their drivers.

That means you make something once, all the energy and associated emissions to do that are expended once per human lifetime, and ever-after humanity reaps continued benefit from what they've already built.  This is "planned permanence" vs "planned obsolescence".  It's an acknowledgement that sometimes a given solution, however superficially imperfect it appears to be, really was "the right idea".  The constant churn of "new technology", which creates functionally meaningless differences, is a greater energy / materials / capital consumption and emissions issue than accepting that a passenger vehicle is not a race car or futuristic space ship on wheels or any of the other nonsense being sold to the general public in lieu of practical machines built by practical engineers who can step back far enough to witness "the big picture".  No reinvention of the wheel is required, it doesn't need to be any faster or cheaper or to have drastically reduced emissions, and the end result will be no worse for the environment or humanity than what we're presently doing.  To wit, we are drastically increasing consumption of everything, at fantastic energy and emissions cost, on the promise of achieving an end goal that we've yet to demonstrate achievement of.

Why are we doing this to ourselves?

Well, the good idea fairy came along and promised magic and miracles to people who lack the sense to know that when they're surrounded by trees, they're in a forest.  That's intentional, not accidental, and it needs to stop while we still have time / energy / resources to devote to sustaining the quality of life that we presently enjoy.  Apart from computers doing what they do best, the rest of the whiz-bangery doesn't make the world go round.  The fundamentals matter more than anything else.  After you have the basics down to a science, then you get to move on to higher forms of technology- but only after and never before.

By all means, keep working on newer / faster / better technology, but stop trying to deploy it in ways that are so wildly impractical.  Everybody on the planet is not going to drive an electric car that's triple the cost of a combustion engine powered equivalent, triple the input energy, and requires more than triple the present electric generating capacity if deployed at a national scale.  Small models with limited range make a lot of sense inside large cities where population density and pollution make combustion engines less desirable or possibly unworkable, as in the case of Chinese cities.  Putting batteries in farming tractors and pretending that we're going to power the world's tractors or construction equipment using batteries is an absurdity on resource constraints alone.  Using batteries to power an aircraft is a special kind of stupid.  Anyway, that's the crux of the issue.  NASA-level photovoltaic panels are not "coming to a home near you", any time soon.  They work better than anything else for NASA space missions, but not the entirety of human civilization, which cannot afford $1,000,000 per kiloWatt solar panels that were hand-crafted by the best workers in the industry.

I can understand the complexity cravings of people who show up to participate in Mars colonization discussions, but personal transportation is one of those mundane but necessary functional areas of human civilization that makes modern life possible.  Wildly increasing the complexity of personal transport is of little to no practical benefit to humanity at human civilization scale, and we're not going to do that anyway without running out of the input resources first.  What's the ultimate point of racing down that rabbit hole?  Is it a feel-good measure?  It's certainly not practical with existing technology, so why fixate on it?


#2077 2022-06-25 16:37:12

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,396

Re: Politics

You also must get rid of the heat created by compression as well as from the exhaust that you are collecting it from.

Now is there a way to calculate a running vehicles volume that we would compress, and could we carry it, or must we stop often to get rid of its mass on a vehicle?

Sure, the nuclear plant makes it possible but what was the power source used to make all of the items you need to build it?


#2078 2022-06-25 16:44:17

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,724

Re: Politics


Nuclear power would be useful as a sort of "spark plug" to light off these other processes, but government has opted to greatly restrict nuclear power.  Whether that was a good or bad idea is subject to interpretation, but it's also current reality and I've given up on explaining the energy economics of nuclear power.  Nuclear is more reliable for providing base load electricity than all other technologies.  It's not the absolute cheapest, but after reliability and service life are considered, still the best option.  We can live in a world without nuclear power, but we can't live in a world without reliable base load power and transportation, which only comes from thermal engines at the scale required.

The heat from compression is fed back into the compression process, as it's part of the overall energy recovery strategy used to reduce the energy requirement to capture waste CO2.


#2079 2022-06-25 16:58:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,396

Re: Politics

I would think creating a submarine reactor style offshore would be the ideal as they range up to ~500 MWt (about 165 MWe) in the larger submarines and surface ships. The French Rubis -class submarines have a 48 MW reactor that needs no refueling for 30 years. This would take care of that not in my back yard issues...


#2080 2022-06-25 17:04:00

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,724

Re: Politics


If we did that, then you'd simply have environmentalists throwing conniption fits over potentially contaminating the ocean with radioactive waste.  It doesn't have to make sense, because it doesn't.  It's raw emotion, mostly fear, that overtakes their minds and prevents them from behaving in rational ways.  Again, I like the idea and if we decided to "just start doing it", then you'd not receive any objections from me.


#2081 2022-06-25 17:13:56

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,396

Re: Politics

Even under the worst accidents the amount of radioactive material gets so diluted as to it not showing at all. Sea water is slightly radioactive to begin with. … Ocean.html … tive_waste

From 1946 through 1993, thirteen countries used ocean disposal or ocean dumping as a method to dispose of nuclear/radioactive waste with an approximation of 200,000 tons sourcing mainly from the medical, research and nuclear industry

Yet we think nothing of swimming in the oceans...

direct reactor fail is about the only way for it to even matter and even then, it's going to be moved about by ocean currents.


#2082 2022-06-25 18:29:19

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Politics

Moved from the space faring nations thread

Putin promises Belarus nuclear-capable missiles to counter 'aggressive' West … 022-06-25/

In 2008 Belarus recalled its ambassador from Washington and insisted that the Ambassador of the United States must leave Minsk … 95519.html

In August 2020, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said security forces had arrested "a number of" U.S. citizens, just days before the country went to the polls for a presidential election. In the speech, Lukashenko claimed Belarus was the victim of a "hybrid war", and that "we should expect dirty tricks from any side" … 521LK?il=0

Boris Johnson says he fears Ukraine will be coerced to make 'bad peace' … 022-06-25/

Ecuador at standstill after two weeks of protests over cost of living crisis … ing-crisis

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-06-25 18:31:50)


#2083 2022-06-25 19:36:09

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,724

Re: Politics


I'm not the slightest bit concerned with the radiation, because it's almost non-existent.

I'm not the target audience you need to convince to get the result we're both after.


#2084 2022-06-25 21:42:00

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,396

Re: Politics

Here is what is stupid when it comes to micromanaging and regulations.
Exclusive: Phillips 66 made renewable fuels without proper permits - regulators for making renewable diesel without modifying the existing air permit that allows the same type of processing with petroleum feedstocks. Worried about out gassing exhaust from making similar products within the same equipment....


#2085 2022-06-25 22:41:58

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,724

Re: Politics


From the video included with your article:

The U.S. needs to place an export ban on oil, says Rep. Ro Khanna (CNBC)

Umm...  Unless the US provides the oil and gas, how the hell is Europe getting energy after the Russians turned it off?

Do these morons ever think before they speak, or is that not a requirement for Democrats facing election losses due to their economic mismanagment and maladiministration?

President Trump told these clowns to make sure that the cure for COVID wasn't worse than the disease, but they didn't listen.  If these people actually go through with this "oil export ban" shenanigans, then there will be a hell of a lot more dead people in Europe as a result.  The solution is more production and to stop demonizing people for making and using energy, in all its various forms.  If we have an alternative ready to go, then fine, but don't blow smoke up everyone's butt when you know that we don't.

When last I checked, the Europeans are still our allies and have been for a really long time now.  Tell these Democrats and RINOs to stop throwing our allies under the bus every time the going gets tough.  We supply the weapons and the energy.  They supply the fighters this time around.  That was the deal.  They've held up their end of the bargain and now we must do the same.


#2086 2022-06-30 10:50:08

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Politics

Belarus sends out conscription notices en masse … 00244.html

New Zealand designates 'Proud Boys' and 'The Base' as terrorist organisations … anisations

One Proud Boys member Joseph Biggs used to appear on the Alex Jones Infowars show, The Base seems to be a Neo-Nationalist Neo-Nazi linked hate group that engaged in synagogue vandalism it is rightwing but also linked with the leftwing satanic occult group called 'Order of Nine Angles' the leader of 'the Base' Nazzaro, went off the grid it is said used to work for the FBI and the Pentagon, however moved to Russia around the time he created The Base, he phones people or directs the group's activities from overseas? He has also posted hate against Africans and claimed to have served in Russia and Afghanistan. Some news reported they want to build a separate White State? others reported it could be a white nationalist terror group n 2020, a feature-length interview with Nazzaro was broadcast on Russian state television.

We need Cold Fusion now?
IEA statement - Global nuclear power capacity must double by 2050 if we want to ensure energy security … y-security

Denmark tells universities to suspend all cooperation with Russia … ion-russia


#2087 2022-06-30 19:25:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,396

Re: Politics

Trump said a cure and what did we get fell way short did it not...

California nuts for the Philip 66 refining was stupid eco junk.

Rohit Khanna is an American politician, lawyer, that Urges Biden to Increase Domestic Oil Production that asked a question as to why why are we supplying the rest of the world?

Yes, Biden said he would send fuels to replace the ability to get them from Russia. That we would expect to see a rising cost for doing so.


#2088 2022-06-30 22:47:37

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,724

Re: Politics


We had leftists at rock concerts undergoing some kind of "religious experience" over having been vaccinated.

Every one of your talking heads on TV told us that they were the second coming of Jesus Pfizer Christ, except when Trump was President, and you believed them and shamed people for not taking them and told them they were killing grandma.

Now you're whining about the results?  C'mon, man.

Ro Khanna doesn't understand bo diddly about foreign policy, he just wants to make sure he doesn't get tossed on his rear due to his political party's gross mismanagement.

We would expect to see rising drilling rates to increase the supply, but President Potato Head doesn't understand basic math.  How could he, though?  The only thing keeping him alive is a little metal clip in his brain.

You had, what, 25 candidates to choose from and you found the only one who doesn't know who he's talking to or where he is.  Due to the media's religious zealotry over the Russia collusion hoax, which convinced soft-headed people it was real, y'all could've run the Jackass and won.  Now people are discovering that being stupid has a price tag attached to it.  They're paying for their gullibility every day and they don't like it.  Your party can reverse course on idiotic energy policies, basically stop doubling-down on stupid, or get tossed out of office.  Knowing how important that ideology is to some of you, I guess we know what you're going to choose.

Before y'all started doing stuff like this, I didn't care about politics at all and never bothered to vote, because who was in charge didn't really make much difference.  Now the policies of your party has transformed voting into a matter of survival.  The country can only tolerate so much stupid before it ceases to function.  We have a dementia patient as President and a bi-polar patient as Vice President because Democrats were brainwashed into thinking a fellow lifelong Democrat was Hitler-Satan-Bubba all rolled into one person.  While I would like to assert that we've reached "peak stupid" with Biden and Harris, your party would go find a bigger idiot to put in office to prove me wrong.


#2089 2022-07-02 16:54:20

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Politics

This was expected and already discussed in other threads

The United State announces a stop to testing Anti-Satellite Weapons … e-weapons/

The United States Government has declared that it will no longer be performing tests of Anti-Satellite (ASAT) weapons. In a public statement during a visit to the Vandenberg Space Force Base, Vice President Kamala Harris confirmed that this policy has the primary purpose of setting an example to other countries. It represents an important step in the direction of establishing “space norms” for all countries to follow.


#2090 2022-07-02 17:59:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,396

Re: Politics

That might be all well and good if other nations did the same but it's only those in orbit that we are trying to protect....


#2091 2022-07-08 01:41:40

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Politics

Ex-Japanese PM Shinzo Abe shot twice during speech in bloody assassination attempt

A self made weapon?

The attacker was identified as Tetsuya Yamagami, a resident of Japan’s Nara city in his 40s. The motive behind the attack is not clear yet and the perpetrator is being interrogated by the authorities.  While the police have not provided any further details about the attackers, local media reports said that Yamagami is a former Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force member. is reported to have spent three years in the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force until 2005.

Shinzo Abe in critical condition after being shot in Nara … gn-speech/ … d_daylight

The chief Cabinet secretary said the police had retrieved a gun, with local reports describing the weapon as an improvised homemade shotgun.


#2092 2022-07-08 02:20:03

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,724

Re: Politics

This isn't politics so much as the world going bat guano crazy.


#2093 2022-07-09 08:43:58

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Politics

Political Tsunami in Sri Lanka

'Protestors inside President's House' Sri Lanka, is an island country in South Asia. It lies in the Indian Ocean, southwest of the Bay of Bengal, and southeast of the Arabian Sea; it is separated from the Indian subcontinent by the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait. Sri Lanka shares a maritime border with India and the Maldives. Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte is its legislative capital, and Colombo is its largest city and financial centre.

Sri Lanka leader flees amid protests over food, fuel shortages … bankruptcy


#2094 2022-07-09 09:45:53

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Politics

This Japanese guy who killed seemed to be a bright intelligent misfit although incredibly violent

News Articles and rumors now seem to mention 'Moonies' or the Korean Unificiation Church, the Japanese guy was angry at a Church and was building home made explosives. Online feeds say the Police have now raided or tried to disarm his house for bombs, he wanted to attack the Leader of a Church which he thought his mother was a part of and gave her money to a cult. He was angry at a religious group that was outside of the normal Buddhism Shinto religions of Japan, according to him, his mother had gone bankrupt because she was brainwashed by the religious group and he held Abe responsible for spreading the religion to Japan. … 6d22ed69d3

It seems rather than Bomb the Cult's leader in his mind Abe became the target of opportunity so he then made a home made gun device

Sun Myung Moon (1920–2012), a Korean Messiah claimant also known for his business ventures and engagement in social and political causes. The Unification Church's teachings are based on the Bible, but include new interpretations not found in mainstream Christian tradition. Mainstream Christianity is usually defined as those Christian churches which follow the Nicene Creed and includes the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and most Protestant churches. From its beginning the Unification Church has identified as Christian and has tried to promote its teachings to mainstream Christian churches and organizations. The Unification Church in South Korea was labeled as heretical by Protestant churches in South Korea, including Moon's own Presbyterian Church. In the United States the church was rejected by ecumenical organizations as being non-Christian. The main objections against it were theological, especially because of the Unification Church's addition of material to the Bible and for its rejection of a literal Second Coming of Jesus. Protestant commentators have also criticized Unification Church teachings as being contrary to the Protestant doctrine of salvation by faith alone

News in Japanese
, … 40/068000c

He stated that he first planned to assassinate the head of the religious group, but later switched his target to Abe. Home made improvised bombs were later seized as evidence and taken by bomb disposal officers after nearby residents were evacuated. … 87cdce371e

Incumbent prime minister Fumio Kishida called the assassination an "unforgivable act" and an "act of cowardly barbarism". … 6a7287172c

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-09 09:51:24)


#2095 2022-07-09 10:01:01

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Politics

Space Force coming to grips with cybersecurity threats … y-threats/


#2096 2022-07-10 19:39:26

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,724

Re: Politics

"America is a nation that can be described in a single word, asufutimaehaehfutbw." - President Joe Biden

Biden definitely has a "speech impediment", as SpaceNut stated.  Biden can't speak an English sentence, even with the assistance of a teleprompter.


#2097 2022-07-10 19:55:53

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,724

Re: Politics

Apparently, Kamala Harris also has a speech impediment.  I guess the inability to formulate a coherent thought using an English sentence is now a requirement for being a Democrat Party politician.

"We’ll deal with what we need to deal in terms of also as we move forward all agreeing that we gotta be smarter as a country in terms of who has access to what, and in particular assault weapons and um we gotta take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are because you have been forced to have to take it seriously." - Vice President Kama Harris, speaking to the families of those shot in Chicago during a July 4th parade.

I will look into developing a mental defect so that I can be a Democrat running America into the ground.  There doesn't seem to be any other requirement, and their voters appear to be willing to vote for anyone.

"The time to be doing what we are doing is when we are doing it and you need to be as adfoidfjlekdal as I am about these issues."

I'm kbd512, I'm a Democrat Party politician, running for the office of Presiderp of the Unitederps of Asfhdfsuu, and I massage this approve, because CornPop sent me.  My running mate, Joe Derp, just escaped from the funny farm.  He cracks me up, and he said he had a great time there.


#2098 2022-07-10 20:15:02

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,396

Re: Politics

current political Eglais required


#2099 2022-07-12 04:16:40

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Politics

So there was a press conference, Don't Watch It.

The first image has already been shared. However everything was unorganized and late in regards to them being ready for JWST's first images, they were more concerned about chatting on the MiddleEast. They played a pop song on a Loop 'Get After It' by Andrew Joseph Carter and Mark Richmond Phillips, it was supposed to be inspirational song but when a press conference was an hour and a half late it starts to sound like Elevator Music ...please hold.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris spoke and Bill Nelson spoke, the image Biden shared today is only the first of a handful of photos NASA plans to share this week from the JWST. Some online say the 12 hour JWST Deep Field image can be compared to an old Hubble image which was was a 10 day exposure (20 times longer at 240 hours) JWST is far more detailed and powerful and will contain far more spectroscopic information.

Why so late and disorganized, well it seems Wars and the Middle East are important to the Admin. I also heard rumors that trend online saying 4chan leaked another of Hunter Biden's Laptops so perhaps Joe was sorting him out with future bail or a Presidential Pardon. There were a bunch of other scientists who looked like they were about to speak but never spoke.
Jonathan McDowell known for working on Chandra … 9831120896

Katie Mack's analysis of JWST image
Becky Smethurst

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris put their stamp on this NASA event but a lot of traditional Libertarian Democrats might want a change, Joe Biden is 79 years old
Another 2 and a half years before he's out of office or the other far more troublesome horror scenario is that he falls off his bike and Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris take over?
The Press Conference suddenly ends with Bidden starting to mumble something about what is the Press like in those other places or systems? His audio suddenly goes mute and the video feed is cut.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-12 10:36:15)


#2100 2022-07-12 04:29:34

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Politics

White House: Iran preparing to send Russia drones for Ukraine war … raine-war/

India to surpass China as most populous country in a year … 34097.html

While at the same time...

India's fertility rate dips below replacement level … 062_1.html

Some famous athlete that was knighted says he was forced into British child labor, human trafficked and forced to work as a domestic servant? 'Sir' Mohamed Muktar Jama Farah born Hussein Abdi Kahin is a British long-distance runner with ten global championship gold medals four Olympic and six World titles.

Why tractor-riding Dutch farmers are protesting against emissions regulations … egulations

Netherlands poised to make work-from-home a legal right … 055_1.html

Google Earth may have uncovered Russia’s secret anti-satellite laser weapons … r-weapons/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-12 04:40:26)


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