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#1 2022-07-08 23:45:45

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,026

Why Colleges Are Becoming Cults by Dr. Lyell Asher

Someone has finally shoveled all the intellectually and morally bankrupt bovine excrement being taught in American universities into one putrid pile for the curious onlookers to get a good whiff of.  It stinks to high heaven, but I think everyone needs at least one good deep breath to know that this ideology is not what we want to teach to anyone, at all or ever.

Some points to ponder:

College Education Schools have become the source of ideological indoctrination used to poison the minds of children, instead of teaching language / reading / math / science to future educators.  These institutions are now primarily indoctrination centers seeking to "program" social justice seeking woke-mobs who are both anti-intellectual in nature and profoundly racist.  They're now taught to hate white people rather than black people, but the end result of racism is always vile and repugnant.  As with every other insufferably stupid idea, this one is the "brain child" of radical leftists professors who were infatuated with Soviet communists and their various nazi-esque state-run indoctrination centers.  These schools cater to the lowest-scoring pupils admitted into colleges and have low scholastic standards.  The inevitable result of garbage in is always garbage out.

As Dr Asher points out, these people don't debate anyone because they either lack the ability to do so or they have moral certitude that their beliefs are correct and therefore any debate is superfluous.  This is precisely what all organized religion does, and perfectly explains the incessant attacks on the Catholic Church, who were but are no longer their competitors.  I've heard all the same moral superiority crap from Christians / Jews / Muslims.  There's no intellectual component to their beliefs and almost none of them know why they believe what they believe.  That was exactly where I parted ways with the Catholic Church as a child.  I asked very simple but pointed questions, not meant as a challenge to anyone's beliefs but pure child-like curiosity (wanting to know why), yet none of the people who were supposed to know would even attempt to answer.  Some of them read a book in college or were taught something from sone they trusted, as a child.  They found the ideas appealing, so then they spent the entire rest of their lives trying to live out the ideas in their favorite book.  The issue with that is that few to none of them picked up a second or third book, and devoted equal attention to those books, else they'd know that the world is littered with grandiose ideas that never quite worked out as originally intended.

Since much of this intellectual diarrhea came from the ideological sewers of America, the coastie liberal colleges such as Yale / Vanderbilt / Brown / etc, it's little wonder that there are so many radical regressives on the East and West coasts of America.  They've been fed a steady diet of brain droppings since they were old enough to remember anything, so it perfectly explains why they keep voting for more of this insanity.  When the Democrat Party came along, since they've never met a racist or bigoted or anti-intellectual idea they wouldn't champion to pit brother against brother, they found a way to co-opt these indoctrinationally mentally disabled people into their party.  However, about 10 years ago, the Democrat Party was finally co-opted by the radicals.  That is how so many Americans have been convinced to say and do things that are both absurd and wildly against their own best interests.

The default curriculum, at least in elementary and middle school, is simply stuff teachers find on the internet.

These sad people, who have such moral certainty about what they're doing, lack both the knowledge and the skills to carry out their ideological programming.

They know that new teachers often don’t know the first thing about classroom management, standards, curriculum, assessment, reading instruction, or even how to physically set up a classroom.  To non educators, this might seem remarkable, because most teachers enter the profession with degrees in education.  But teachers and principals in the It’s Being Done schools widely agree that for the most part, university education programs do not even begin to prepare teachers for teaching.

Throwing more money at morons won't help.  You'll get a bigger pool of ideologically-disabled morons to choose from, but is that really a worthy goal?  This is why Republicans are constantly trying to "de-fund" this indoctrination masquerading as education.  Teaching people to hate themselves and everyone else is pure idiocy.  Rather than throwing one more good dollar after bad, we need to show these failures the door.  That is what would've happened in business.  It's also why you never find such people in business, unless the business only exists to perpetuate an ideology, no different than any other religious organization.  Maybe they can learn to code.

These people are homewreckers who have been wrecking their own home.  Of course they don't see it that way, but nobody in a cult knows that they're in a cult until after they leave the cult.  It's impossible to have any perspective on what a prison is or isn't, when you've been trapped inside a prison for your entire life.


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#2 2022-07-09 07:56:15

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Why Colleges Are Becoming Cults by Dr. Lyell Asher

Nobody calls out their nonsense or they are to afriad to take them on in this political climate?

They are doing a fanatsic job at divide and destroy, the radical politics no longer comes from Moscow or Eastern Europe it comes from within, even China spits at these disgusting neo-left type, it has a new name for the regression "Baizuo" ithe literal translation is "white left" a type of White leftwing who can only be satisfied by self-hatred when their own White Caucasian Self becomes the Loser...nobody is sure where the radical politics comes from these days, maybe it is simply a lack of morals or nihilism? It used to be crazies shouting from a street corner but it would keep growing, now we have lunatics running an asylum?

Before 'The Crazy' it used to be on the fringes, one wacko school or a radical political group that nobody takes notice of, people ignored the crazy or hoped they would go away. The asylums were almost full and criminals were not on the street, the shouting was left to the lunatic asylum streets. If things in the West continue I think far worse than McCarthyism is coming or Obama's Common Core and Radical All Peoples and All Cultures Politik. Even now in 'Secular' France a teacher who said something about islam had his little mohammedan naughty students making jihadi warcry complains to their parents, the islamo mobs can appear outside schools and a teacher beheaded by parents in the streets who out right refused to 'social distance' during Corona Lockdowns, less concerned about punishment for breaking rules to contain the spread of the virus the islamcis of France they were more concerned about insults to the terrorist pedophile prophet mahomet and a demonic Moongod from Arabia called al-Lah. The Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan rather than call out islamists instead called for a boycott of French goods … d-cartoons . Paty was a middle-school teacher of history, geography, and civics who taught for five years at the Collège Bois-d'Aulne, in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, France, a suburb 30 kilometres (19 mi) north-west of central Paris. So what path is the West on, is another Charles ‘the Hammer’ Martel going to be born maybe his 5 year old Son will grow up to become an Avenger, an EU Space Force Marine take Revenge for the vengeance of his father and turn Mecca entire into a smoking crater? In the USA Dearbon you can be stoned or have bottles thrown at you for insulting their Arabic god, while Brandeis University goes as far to Cancel Ayaan Hirsi Ali in a strange way the Neo-Feminist and Regressive Left do the true Liberals No Favors. The EU becomes a perverted monstroity, the former Communist and now Tradionalist Family regions of Eastern Europe are now Told To Repeal Laws Banning LGBT  and Sexual Sickness Promotion to Children "Or Else Leave EU". So what truly is the Social Justice Warrior and could the Left Turn on itself so bad it would destroy its own mathematics, erase its own history for some environmentalist identity politics political points? 

Inisde the USA under Dept of neo-Maffs Nu-Socialisms spend more per capita on teaching our children vs. any other nation, yet can rank 37th in results, performance, how is that possible....Yet government pushes its important issues, the Transexuals are now allowed enter womens games and defeat females in womens sports while the government is now  noticing the results of couch potato kids. The Biden Admin can't help but promote enough Furry types and Cross-dressers into the Federal Government, while you get to see a Transgender Student Named Homecoming Queen at Iowa University. Scholars now spend $500K in taxpayer funds to deconstruct whiteness in physics...while the Nu-Democrats demand examples of CRT, Common Core, SEL in rejected math books, send the Police and FBI out to harass the parents who sound the Alarms of Bolsevik rule, Perverted Identity Politic and Cultural Marxism? Some  know that in order to adequately brainwash the masses, hit the puppy or kitten and start training early for the madness circus, they need to start with the youngest, most vulnerable minds, and start indoctrinating them and early as possible.

So let's say you have read enough Clown Headlines, You don't want to see Anymore Waste... You've had enough of the system, you're going prepper and getting off the grid, well it seems the tax bill in your State for last year was 42% for "education". Sometimes the political atmosphere and comedian provoking can eat away at their SJW brains, some have no no sense of humor, and without comedy, being without humor, she , going crazy in street protests to some article by weekly world news or 'theOnion' or BabylonBee news were both unintentionally very, very funny!

How clownish will things get?
Watch Leftist Students Say Science Is Racist and Should Be Abolished. University of Cape Town movement says witchcraft is no less valid than Isaac Newton's theory of gravity.
Weeping for the Future? Everything is Racialist or Problematic?
"Decolonising the science would mean doing away with it entirely and starting all over again to deal with how we respond to the environment and how we understand it," the student continued.
Down with science: coming to an American university near you? It wouldn't surprise me. … nce-is-ra/

Shortened version:
Isaac Newton was Caucasian White, fictional Wakanda must be real therefore his Isaac Newton theories are racism, and real science was voodoo hoodoo magic and stolen from a lost Tribe of Africa?

Dumb dystopia idiocracy memes becoming a reality

Given that the last time a Falls movement began in South Africa, it shortly made its way to Oxford -- with students including Ntokozo Qwabe calling for a ‘racist’ statue of Cecil Rhodes to be removed from Oriel College -- don't be too surprised if a similar debate will soon be had over the Oxbridge curriculum. … se-science

University students say science should be ‘scratched’ — because ‘colonization and racism’ … on-racism/

“For instance, I have a question for all the science people: There’s a place in KZN called Umhlab-uyalingana, and they believe that through the magic — the black magic, they call it black magic, they call it witchcraft — that you are able to send a lightening to attack someone,” the woman explained. Then she challenged the scientifically minded in the room: “Can you explain that scientifically, because it’s something that happens!”
A naive man in the audience could not restrain himself, and burst out saying, “It’s not true!” Apparently he was still laboring under the notion that such “decolonizers” are aiming for truth, as opposed to power and control over the narrative. … ft-n165012

The woman’s question was rhetorical — she didn’t actually want to be challenged by a “scientific” person, you see — and the man got a very long (and rather unnecessary) earful from a moderator. In true social justice warrior fashion, this moderator felt it necessary to explain that the interruptor was “disrespecting the sacredness of this space,” that his comments were trying to “collapse this space and make it antagonizing.” She forced him to apologize (which he did three times) and agree to “abide by the rules of this space.”

After this not-so-brief interlude, the anti-science woman explained why she found western methods of thought so oppressive. “It is saying that it was Newton and only Newton who knew or saw of an apple falling and then out of nowhere decided that gravity existed and created an equation, and that is it!” She complained that “whether people knew Newton or not, or whether whatever happens in western Africa, northern Africa, the thing is the only way to explain gravity is through Newton.”

She emphatically rejected science because “Western knowledge is totalizing.” In other words, when a European discovered a natural law that applies throughout the Earth, that itself was an act of colonization, because it assumed that natural laws operate the same everywhere, not just in Europe.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-09 08:54:26)


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#3 2022-07-09 16:24:11

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,026

Re: Why Colleges Are Becoming Cults by Dr. Lyell Asher


People are starting to call out their nonsense, but when nonsense is the only thing that one side of the polity knows or pretends exists, it's almost impossible to do more than convince people who haven't already been indoctrinated that they're being led into a trap.  That was intentional, of course, but now we need to reverse their anti-science / pro-racism / new-age doomsday religious zealotry before they destroy themselves and everyone else.

A firefighter who fights fire with gasoline is what the rest of us call "an arsonist".  That's what these Education Schools are- a bunch of low-intelligence / low-morals arsonists attempting to destroy human civilization.  They claim that they're trying to "save humanity" or "save the planet", but all of their actions prove otherwise.  These people also teach that intentions don't matter, so by their own method for evaluating results, they're failures.

The reason Americans spend the most money on education, yet don't crack the Top 10 as far as test scores or IQ are concerned, has nothing to do with the relative money devoted to teaching each student.  The students are not dumb, their skin color is irrelevant, and unless their parents are repetitively verbally and physically abusive, their living situation is merely another obstacle to overcome in life.  There is not one teacher I ever had who said so much as a word about anyone's skin color, except when we were learning about the history of slavery and racial segregation.  I attended both Catholic and public schools (the regular variety and so-called "magnet" schools).  Strangely enough, you also never hear leftists complaining about America not being more like European countries when it comes to the amount of money we spend on education.  They always insist that no matter how much money is spent to achieve a given result, we need to spend more.

The reason American primary school students do so poorly is that they're not being taught basic skills by people who were dedicated to teaching and competent to do so.  This is not "every teacher", obviously, but more than enough of them to affect the national average.  Over time and with enough students, these Ed School graduates created a serious problem.  They will not be the ones who solve it, either, because there's no incentive for them to do so.

I saw this idiocy first-hand with my own step-son.  He was being taught weird nonsense for solving math problems, instead of the correct formulas to apply.  I showed him that his textbook has formulas in it, the same ones I told him to use oddly enough, not whatever crap his teacher was peddling.  When I applied the correct formula to the problem, I always received the correct answer.  He still argued with me that that wasn't what his teacher wanted him to do.  I told him that the difference between what you're being told to do and what I'm teaching you, is that what I'm teaching you works every single time and involves doing less work with less opportunities for errors than whatever nonsense your teacher is teaching.  He struggled with math until he finally started applying the formulas from his textbook.  After that he was a straight-A student, same as I was.  Basic math formulas that worked since they were derived, didn't need to be reinvented merely because leftists had another identity crisis.

As Dr. Asher points out, a large portion of the money spent on American education goes to paying the salaries of uneducated / racist / doomsday cult Education School graduates who don't directly teach children at all.  Their indoctrination agenda is disseminated to second-tier teaching staff.  Their non-scientific "whole word reading" malarkey, versus the science-backed phonetics method, only proves how incapable and incompetent these people are at recognizing their own failures.  This is part of their incessant, "I need to reinvent the wheel" insanity.  I'm sure all of them want more money and think they should be paid more, because who doesn't, but all compensation and continued employment should be tied to test results.  If you fail to perform, you're history.  If that means we have to fire nearly all of them and replace them with mature adults from American business and industry, then the end result can't be any worse than what we're already getting.

We have lots of people who identify as ideologically "left", whatever that actually means these days, here on this forum.  I've never seen any of them do more than recite dogma back to me whenever questioned, as if the dogma itself was a form of argumentation.  They've been fed a steady diet of this ideological drivel since early childhood, so the lack of introspection is unsurprising.  I know why they believe what they do, even if most of them don't.  Few to none of them were ever taught why it is that they were taught to believe as they do.  They don't pull you aside to explain why you should believe in "almighty god" in Catholic school, merely that you should and if you don't then you're not a Christian and you're going to hell.  I told some of them that being stuck in school with them was exactly what I imagined "hell" to be, but for some reason they didn't "get it".  It's pure magical thinking, so they can't explain the beliefs, obviously (except that it's not obvious at all to our "true believers").  That doesn't mean any of them are unintelligent, nor even fundamentally "bad people".  It does mean that whenever a basic math or logic error runs afoul their religious dogma, then they either ignore it because it doesn't comport with their dogma or they regurgitate the dogma, as if that changes reality.  These people point and laugh at our "Flat Earthers" without recognizing the part of themselves that is precisely the same as the people they mock and deride.  It might be somewhat humorous to stand back and watch, if the results weren't so abhorrent.

Leftists are also continuously trying to "reinvent themselves" and "the wheel" because of the identity issues created by their ideology.  I think this is partly because they've been taught that stagnating societies eventually die, which is true only when morality or ethics or an outside force intervenes.  Unfortunately, they don't accept that continuing to use round wheels, versus some other shape, is not a bellwether of a stagnating society.  The right doesn't have that problem.  Whenever we find something that works well, even if only by chance or because someone on the left invented it, we use the hell out of it and don't feel the need to re-invent it to make ourselves appear more useful or intelligent to otherwise equally ignorant onlookers.  What those of us on the right intrinsically "know" that the left somehow does not, despite all of their boundless creativity that we generally don't have, is that there are only so many different ways of doing something that work at all, much less works well.

What do these "I believe in science" types have to say about "black magic"?

Do they see batteries and solar panels and nuclear reactors as "black magic" invented by those "evil white people"?

Is "black magic" scientific in nature?

Is there an underlying racial component to gravity or matter or energy density or any of the other fundamental underpinnings of the universe?

I don't know what to say about this stuff anymore.  We need to "stop their progress into oblivion", because they're not intelligent enough to understand that gravity is real, regardless of race or religion or believing that it's real.


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#4 2022-08-17 03:20:00

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Why Colleges Are Becoming Cults by Dr. Lyell Asher

Minneapolis largest city in Minnesota and the county seat of Hennepin County. Thirteen lakes, the Mississippi River, wetland, farming, transport and waterfalls. Tiber production and milling, banks of the Mississippi River and adjoins Saint Paul, the Twin cities joining the state capital of Minnesota, ore went by rail to Duluth and Two Harbors for ship transport east the Great Lakes of North America  its where George Floyd protests began, Antifa and BLM murdering fellow Blacks, a mob goes on a rampage of Burning across multiple US cities, and Looting and Murdering across America? the tv p[ropaganda was broadcast across Western tv statiosn 24/7 for over two weeks across the Western world, sending people into a frenzy during Covid Lockdowns resulting global protests. They played the knee on the head thing again and again and again, tv broadcasting sound and image into peoples brains like watching an occult human sacrifice ritual, people wanted to go out and get anrgy over the death of a criminal drug dealer, they were on the streets taking a knee, attacking shoppers, smashing store windows, spreading the virus more in Canada, in New Zealand they all wanted to protest, fueling unrest across the West, tv watching zombies and social media idiots and news radio followers hearing about this crime wanting to smash stuff, helping more riots and more virus spread not just in Minneapolis but across the entire world.

so where is it now

Laying off people for the racial make up
or will the FBI weirdos investigate these 'Hate Crimes'?

IQ and Leadership, the state of  US Colleges and School Education

Common Core Maffs Edu-ma-cationz

and a Dept spending more per capita, millions upon millions on 'teaching' vs. any other nation, yet will rank behind or Last in results, in performance vs so many other schools and college from Latin America, Asia and Europe?

Blame Racialism!??

You just need to replace the Caucasian White Teachers or Place Christians with Kenya Iranian islamics or Black Afro Congoid and Arabs and Haiti people who can teach hip-hop and 'raps' and other stuff?

White teachers to be laid off first under Minnesota teachers’ agreement … -agreement

Minneapolis Teachers Outraged after Union Contract Suggests Race-Based Layoff Agreement … 09410.html

District and union leaders said the agreement makes Minneapolis one of the only school districts in the nation with a “seniority-disrupting” policy that can consider race over merit, according to The Star Tribune.

'In order to see this outcome and account for past discriminatory practices, yes, Black and brown teachers must be prioritized.'

So how 'Brown' or 'Black' do you have to be for example Obama is 50% White, would he be Black or Brown enough? Is Charles Barkley not Black enough to teach sports, does he need to look more Black like people coming directly from Kenya, Rwanada, Niger or the Congo, if a Latino person went to Mexico and worked on their tan would they be 'brown' enough?

How do the Yellow Mongoloid Asian race type or Native American school workers fit in all these identity diversity politics points or were they all forgotten?

New Contract Says White Teachers Get Laid Off Before Minority Teachers … -teachers/

White teachers would be laid off first under Minnesota teachers contract … -contract/

Minneapolis school district defends deal to lay off White teachers ahead of minority teachers … lay-white/

Teachers union agreement stipulates White teachers be laid off first, regardless of seniority … -seniority

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-17 03:38:52)


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#5 2022-09-23 10:30:39

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Why Colleges Are Becoming Cults by Dr. Lyell Asher

Blackmail Sisterhood Fraternity Robes and Greek letter drink and drug Brotherhood rituals?

'Attorney Says There Are Two Things That May Prevent Fraternity Hazing Deaths' … 01446.html

Taxing Mechanical Engineers and Subsidizing Drama Majors … ajors.html

San Diego DA Charges Antifa Members for Violence During Election Protests … -protests/

U of New Mexico investigating ‘who violated the law’ after violent protestors interrupted Tomi Lahren speech … ren-speech

Oregon State University to Force All Students to Take ‘Social Justice Training’ … ming-soon/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-23 10:34:42)


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#6 2022-10-18 10:06:25

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Why Colleges Are Becoming Cults by Dr. Lyell Asher

Reverse brain drain? Nasa data scientist takes job in China … -job-china

Biden’s Future Plans for Higher Education Will Be Even More Radical … e-radical/

Biden Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Blames Abysmal U.S. Student National Test Scores on Trump … -on-trump/

“We must repair the damage done by Donald Trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic – and we will,” Cardona stated.

“Today’s data confirm the significant impact the prior Administration’s mismanagement of the pandemic has had on our children’s progress and academic well-being,” said Biden Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Thursday, following the report that U.S. students showed their steepest decline in decades in math and reading scores during the COVID school shutdowns.

Florida releases 2 examples claiming critical race theory in math textbooks … -textbooks

Education Department changes guidelines on student loan relief … oan-relief

Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Site Launches; Here's How To Apply … ly-3625339


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#7 2023-07-07 08:31:03

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Why Colleges Are Becoming Cults by Dr. Lyell Asher

Former school teacher, now actress and singer Jill Scott performed her version of the national anthem at the Essence Festival in New Orleans.

another anthem that is only meant for a certain segment of society? … ge-1811390

Jill Scott trends after performing her rewrite of "The Star-Spangled Banner" at the 2023 ESSENCE Festival … 58100.html


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