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#1 2018-11-03 17:17:21

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Kavanaugh Supreme court attended ruling

Lets use the topic as a tracker of rullings that are made by the current sitting judges.

Supreme Court refuses Trump administration request to delay trial on 2020 census citizenship question

The Supreme Court is allowing a trial over the decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census to go forward over the Trump administration's objection.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross' decision to add a citizenship question to the census for the first time since 1950.

Supreme Court weighs whether to hear its first abortion-related case since Kavanaugh joined the bench

The case involves whether conservative states may exclude Planned Parenthood clinics from the Medicaid program that provides healthcare for low-income women. Access to abortion is not directly at issue, but some states object to providing funds to any organization that performs them.

The justices met Friday to consider for a third time appeals in two Planned Parenthood cases and several others that may divide the court along ideological lines. In addition to the Medicaid cases, the justices are considering two cases that involve religion


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#2 2018-11-05 18:11:07

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: Kavanaugh Supreme court attended ruling

Supreme Court allows trial on census citizenship question to go forward

Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Neil M. Gorsuch said they would have granted the Trump administration’s request to delay the trial. It is unclear how the other six voted — including new Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh — because justices are not required to publish their votes in such procedures. But at least five of the six were unwilling to block the trial.

Not to surprising...

There are six legal challenges to the inclusion of a question about a census respondent’s citizenship.

The states and organizations that brought the lawsuits say probing the intentions of officials is crucial. Ross has “offered shifting and inaccurate explanations in his decisional memo and in testimony before Congress” as well as in new documents filed in the case, said a brief filed by the New York Immigration Coalition, the American Civil Liberties Union and others.

Ross first said he added the citizenship question at the behest of the Justice Department, which said it was needed to help enforce voting rights.

But emails showed that he had been pushing for the inclusion of the citizenship question earlier than that, and the groups and states contend that the Justice Department request was a pretext.

The reasoning for the question, purpose for the data and what is the definition used for how this is answered....


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#3 2018-11-06 03:52:34

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,963

Re: Kavanaugh Supreme court attended ruling

Congressional districts should be based on the population eligible to vote. Isn't redistricting one of the main purposes of the census?

Well, we could always count non-citizens as being 3/5 of citizens for the purpose of congressional representation, so immigrant-heavy states would get more representation but not *too* much. I don't see how that compromise could go wrong.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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#4 2022-06-24 16:36:49

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: Kavanaugh Supreme court attended ruling

This is my first post using edge...

The GOP that question Roe vs Wade have been handed the values of a court that does not care about church versus state in making the decision today. Of course, this ruling is the start of many more rights to be removed as if they did not exist since the civil war.

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that established the constitutional right to an abortion.

This was when under Nixon that the GOP passed this it's time for them to take it away


The Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade calls abortion “a profound moral issue on which Americans hold sharply conflicting views.” … li=BBnb7Kz

Justice Clarence Thomas argued in a concurring opinion released on Friday that the Supreme Court “should reconsider” its past rulings codifying rights to contraception access, same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage. … li=BBnb7Kz

So moving between states might be a way around those that have banned abortion but the states are looking to get medical information to prosecute those that did have an abortion which goes against the hippa laws of medical information that your right to privacy are vulnerable.

Get ready for more laws to be removed....


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#5 2022-06-30 08:53:00

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Kavanaugh Supreme court attended ruling

Another hot summer coming? Will there be more Broken Windows, Firebombs and Spray Paint? They like or support that imbecile who cant define what a woman is and legally supported jihad terrorists, but hate Clarence Thomas? What ever happened that Christine Blasey Ford tax payer funded circus freak show, she remembers something somewhere in sometime but she was probably drugged out of her mind, she could have been raped on the Moon was it a gossip idea someone put into her mind or did reality blur after she smoked and drank some strange stuff or it was all a dream?  Imagine for a moment this woman is supposed to be in a job where logic is required, she specializes in designing statistical models.

Impeaching Clarence Thomas: How Democrats could remove conservative justices … 48242.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-06-30 08:53:10)


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#6 2022-06-30 11:26:50

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,026

Re: Kavanaugh Supreme court attended ruling


Everything they do these days is a tax payer funded circus.  At first I simply waited to see how this would play out.  I thought for sure that all the supposedly "smart" people up there would bend over backwards to make President Biden look good and not allow him to do anything that might screw up the country because they hate President Trump so much.  Well, boy was I wrong!  Every idiotic idea imaginable seems to be "the way of the future".

Between Christine Blasey Ford and whomever that latest nutter was, who just testified in the Democrat's Spanish Inquisition that President Trump tried to choke out his Secret Service limo driver on January 6th, every Democrat "witness" should be treated by the Republicans as a paid actor intended to defame other people for partisan political purposes.

Now I take no issue with telling them how dumb their so-called "leaders" are being for running our country into the ground, because everything they claim they want to do to "save the planet" and other similar meaningless nonsense, has been totally sidelined by their astounding incompetence and subservience to dogmatic ideology.

They go berserk over the Christian far-right, who basically have zero say in the Republican Party these days, because the radical left sees them as competitors in their quest to become the biggest and nuttiest rage mob on planet Earth.  I worry about radical Christians "overrunning our government" in about the same way that I worry about the Libertarian Party overrunning government.

Far-right Christian extremism:

Don't kill your own babies, because without them you have no future.  Don't sleep with people you have zero interest in ever having children with- it may be fun for ten to twenty minutes, but then there are consequences ever after.  Don't destroy the economy and thus the nation.  Don't burden future generations with debt they cannot possibly repay.  Don't try to appease your worse enemies, because they'll never be appeased until you're destroyed.  Don't glorify or excuse or appease or defend or ignore criminality, because that doesn't make crime go away.  Men are not women, nor vice versa, in the same way that motorcycles aren't cars.  Try to work hard and build a life for yourself and your family through repeated and deliberate ethical decision making.  Do not be overly jealous of whatever your neighbor has that you do not, because everything they have has a price tag attached to it.

"Normal people", according to far-left communist / nihilist radicals:

Kill your children  early and often, because then you can make more money, and are also "doing your bit" to "save the planet".  Sleep with anyone and everyone, who cares, because you can always kill the child if you get pregnant.  It's okay to ruin the economy "save the planet".  Even if you potentially starve billions of people in the process, there's far too many of us, and since you killed your kids, nobody will remember you anyway.  Spend as much money as you like, "give me free", "give me free", "give me free", and you can take my personal freedom and do whatever you like.  Those Russians and Chinese are pretty scary, but I bet we can spend enough money to buy them off, and throw our allies under the bus, if necessary.  Crime is just another excuse we will use to take your freedoms and leave you destitute.  Who needs freedom anyway when you have all that free stuff?  Won't someone please think of the children?  Oh, right, we already killed them in the womb.  Live your truth.  If you identify as a furry or an attack helicopter, who are we to judge?  There is no objective truth.  Why should we have to work hard and go through all of these difficult times when we can demand free stuff from our government?  Someone else will pay for it.  If my neighbor has the latest mePhone, then I should have one, too, and so should all the people living on the street who refuse to work.  They're not working because they don't have instaDumb to SnapStupid of themselves living on Skid Row, which they can't do without the latest mePhone, and that's not right.

I don't like ANY form of organized religion, but somehow the "radical Christian far-right" is infinitely more appealing than the alternative I'm presented with from the radical communist / nihilist far-left.  If both factions have taken over the polity of their respective "sides of the argument", then so be it, because that's not something I can change.  One set of ideas at least appears, broadly speaking, how you maintain a cohesive civilized nation of people who come from all walks of life and even other nations, and achieve great success.  The other set of ideas seems to be the forward to a fictional account of a dystopian hellscape I wouldn't wish on anyone.

I'm not really onboard with the dogmatic parts of the ideology of either party, I just want the America I grew up in to continue to grow and thrive after I'm gone, if only for the sake of my children, or to merely exist at some level at the rate we're going, and that can't happen when one side is constantly trying to "burn it all down" any time they don't like some part of it that hasn't met their standard of "ideological perfection" or don't get their way on some specific issue.  Over the past few years, living with the left is like living with kamikaze insurgents.  They won't tell you why they believe what they believe, merely what they believe- over and over and over again, so there's no way to understand or reason with most of them before they charge off to go do something self-destructive.

In this time and place, I don't have to worry about the Christians burning down an entire neighborhood because a Police Officer shot someone or didn't shoot someone.  I don't see many actual practicing Christians vandalizing, looting, and burning down buildings across the country, in every major city.  The left makes every attempt to associate leftist activities with the far-right, but most of us know it's malarkey.  Do I seriously worry about Christians doing things like that if they gain power in government?  Not the overwhelming majority of them.  There are certainly some I'd never want in government.  However, most of the Christians have a code of morality that they at least attempt to follow.  If all or most of them actually followed the beatitudes, then it would be very difficult to fault them on much of anything.

As near as I can tell, the radical left doesn't have any code of morality that they actually abide by.  Anything goes, so long as the mob supports it.  That's a terrible way to conduct yourself in your interactions with others, and intolerable in any form of government of, by, and for "The People".

Do I want the Christian right to be less preachy when trying to foist their version of morality onto others, and the left to be less violent when they don't get their way?

Yes and yes.

I can be polite and tolerate someone giving a sermon to me, even though I disagree with the premise and their version of morality.

I can't politely stand by and watch someone randomly attacking people and destroying things that they did not create.


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#7 2022-07-02 15:07:32

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: Kavanaugh Supreme court attended ruling

There will be more of these cases coming out of these supposed bible states as An Ohio 10-year-old crossed state lines for abortion care in Indiana. She isn't alone six weeks and three days pregnant.

I hope they get the bastard that did this...

First they needed security and now they want you to go away and not protest the rullings they have made.

U.S. Supreme Court asks Maryland to bar protests at justices' homes


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#8 2024-01-06 10:10:55

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: Kavanaugh Supreme court attended ruling

Trumps appointment of nonpolitical appointee's will be soon tested to remain impartial 2 key points on Trump’s lawyer suggesting Justice Kavanaugh owes Trump

Of course this would also be issues for those appointed by Biden as well as laws are not to be politically swayed by quid pro quo...

Here Are the 16 States Where Efforts to Remove Trump from the Ballot Are Underway
Some would view this as a means to save the Gop's future.

A number of states have already decided that Trump should not be on the ballot only to see this happen at the next level down.
Trump Draws a Line in the Sand, Pens Op-Ed Vowing to Invoke 225-Year-Old Law

Republican secretary of state threatens to kick Biden off the ballot as Trump payback


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